weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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I may be in the minority here when it comes to Mama Arias.

First, let me preface by saying, I do not like the laughing, giggling, etc we see her doing in court. I don't like her trying to see stuff to the Enquirer. But part of me wants to believe she is doing that because now everyone knows how off Jodi is and part of her is happy, maybe not he right word, that Jodi is going to finally pay for what she did and all the pain she caused her parents.

I asked my Mom if she would support me if I had done this. She told me, first there would be no trial because I would take you out myself. Gotta love Mom :) But she also said, as a parent, no matter how horrific the situation, that is your child. Whether her support is for Jodi or for to see justice is served for what she did to Travis, who knows.

I just don't think any of us could honestly say what we would do in her situation. I don't see any shady behavior on Mama's part in the interrogation tapes. I think her feelings were honest. Many are asking why nobody got Jodi help. If Jodi got wind of anybody trying to control her and get her help, she would have bailed. Since she left home at 18 and she didn't play by the rules, I really cannot blame her parents. She is a grown adult.

Jodi is an evil, cold blooded killer and deserves, in my opinion, the DP for what she did. She alone carried out the murder. The only person who should be put on trial or blamed for anything is Jodi herself.

Just trying to maybe see Mama Arias' side of everything.

P.S. my opinion did go down when I found out Dr Phil has been footing the bill for Mama and Auntie

Count me among the minority

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Wait a minute. Now I'm confused. I thought "mule" was slang for prostituting.:facepalm: Appears this word means something else? :rocker:

Look guys, all three of my kids are out of the nest now :great: so I'm behind the times.:blushing:

I was referring to being a drug mule. JA lived in the Emerald Triangle which is where a lot of pot is grown. (I watched "Weed" on the Discovery Channel") The "mules" make a lot of money transporting the pot from the growers to buyers. I think they get the term from "pack mules". True or not, JA is still an a$$. :notgood:
Even the handsome medical examiner, Dr. Horn, who testified on day 3, seemed a tad bit bristly when being questioned by both Juan and Wilmott. I could almost mentally append "ya dingbat!" to many of his answers to JW regarding the gunshot wound.


Not once did I observe Dr. Horn respond anyway but professional and knowledgable. As for ALV, bristly isn't the word I would use to describe her behavior and personal biased opinions she was attempting to pass off as a professional opinion.
Having worked in the trenches, so to speak, she clearly hasn't worked with clients in some time. I am older and there came a point where I just threw in the towel on keeping up with technology and retired. I have friends who have the hefty educational credentials (instead I have nine kids). What they do is write a book, go on a book tour and then sign up as expert witnesses or they develop a seminar using the expertise they developed throughout their careers.

Even the incompetent can do this, if they are willing to risk losing their reputation. So you get expert witnesses with no reputation to lose (Dr. Samuels) or people stuck in the past who see themselves as a special snowflake and find no need for continuing education because they would be learning stuff from an inferior individual.

The cycle of domestic violence was simple and straight-forward, having enough information defining verbal abuse, for example, that high school drop-outs could understand it. I suspect that The Continuum has been expanded and exploded over the years to provide more material for more workshops. So today you have six variations of the Snow White catchy title to cover gender bias, domestic violence, child abuse, stalkers, etc. and its all slanted towards professionals BECAUSE THEY WORK FOR ORGANIZATIONS THAT CAN PAY SOME HEFTY FEES. Domestic violence victims are not a target market for anybody looking to make bank.

I believe there are no supporters chiming in because her target market was professionals and they were not that enthusiastic about her embroidered "tools" for telling what is domestic abuse.

Now that she has revealed that she is unwilling to call a dead body in the shower a victim, she has probably lost the support of her own siblings and made the entire movement suspect.

Now you should write a book.


And RE "The Continuum", I've given the physics of that--It continuously changes in the higher dimensional spacetime of the Meta-Continuum-- of which you have now provided the nature of its fabric.

im watching wilmott cross dr horn again.

i love her attitude when she is trying to get him to say the bullet didn't go through Travis's brain

Didn't Jodi say something about gangs? Did you all hear that childhood friend of Jodi on NG? Nancy asked about the pot on the roof, this friend didn't want to talk about that. Way before Nancy even asked the question, I was getting that "feeling", you know what I mean?

That part of California is notorious for gangs and drugs. Pot, meth labs, etc.
Either way, yuck! Even worse, I kind of think it's both. She is so in love with her own work that she thinks she can squish JA into the role. She has to see that the vicious murderer absolutely does not fit. She must not care.

I have to think that she must be at least questioning her assessment. Who knows.
Not once did I observe Dr. Horn respond anyway but professional and knowledgable. As for ALV, bristly isn't the word I would use to describe her behavior and personal biased opinions she was attempting to pass off as a professional opinion.

It was in the undertone. I could hear it...Wilmott acted like a giggly school girl meeting One Direction and asking the most insulting questions....insulting to the doc and juror's intelligence.
And just how many times did we sit and laugh while Lucy outsmarted the very dim-witted Desi?
Just like the example of the Honeymooners, you can't get hung up in the mannerisms, the relationships were balanced, if anything, the power in both of these shows was with the women who were portrayed as able to outsmart their husbands every time.

Why was June Cleaver so submissive? Was she a victim of dv? I'm sure avl would have an opinion about her being one wouldn't she? Maybe Ward wasn't hard just on the Beav?
It was in the undertone. I could hear it...Wilmott acted like a giggly school girl meeting One Direction and asking the most insulting questions....insulting to the doc and juror's intelligence.

I've heard others say it was quite the spectacle. I really should go back and watch.
Then he would explain how a finger fracture that healed crooked would always appear crooked and not only when JA flexes her hand in certain ways. He would then go on to explain the hematoma that would have developed, the swelling that would be anticipated and how painful it would have been to bartend for example. A radiologist could even date (approximate) the fracture.

I'd be interested to know what JA gave the prison Dr's in the way of medical history. As her arrest pre-dated her abuse excuse there's a really good chance that there's a checkmark in the NO box for fractures or even if there's a yes, the date and affected bone doesn't match.

After 5 years?

Even so, nobody could say it happened in June as opposed to January, 2008.
I'm rewatching Dr. Horn's testimony. Oh gosh, she sure can't keep herself from sneaking peeks at her butchery, can she? The hair curtain is hanging so that she can get a good glimpse with each picture.... at one point she even pulled her glasses to the end of her nose so she could see it better? This chick is crackers, and scares me more and more every day.....

That freaked me out more than anything else in the trial, even the pictures. The look in her eye as she did that was like nothing I'd ever seen before.
Why was June Cleaver so submissive? Was she a victim of dv? I'm sure avl would have an opinion about her being one wouldn't she? Maybe Ward wasn't hard just on the Beav?

Ward and June did something right, because I've never seen a better example of how brothers ought to love and support each other.
Does anyone recall why Darryl and JA moved to Palm Desert? I just looked at a map and that is at the other end of the state. California is HUGE!

I believe it was because that's where Darryl's ex went to live and he wanted to be close to his son.
ALV has to clown it up in order to draw attention away from the facts. If she were to simply answer Juan's questions in a professional and respectful manner, think how absurd her testimony on direct would sound on cross. It really is absurd to say that Travis was not the victim, even using ALV's own charts, definitions and dumb anecdotes.

Truthfully, I would have loved to smack her across her face for that (Are you angry with me Mr. Martinez.) Planned to TRY and make JM look foolish.

Wonder what kind of weekend ALV is having, knowing our Juan will cut through her BS like soft butter. :great: :great: :great:
im watching wilmott cross dr horn again.

i love her attitude when she is trying to get him to say the bullet didn't go through Travis's brain


I watched that again too not long ago. Love when she compares TA's gunshot wound to someone having an arrow stuck in their head and being perfectly fine.

She got a little schooling on the difference, didn't she?
dear god,willmott really is a terrible lawyer :banghead:
How could she not know the camera was in there when the camera was in the hall and the few items of clothing that were all that was part of that wash load were in the bedroom? She HAD to know that camera was part of the wash load just in gathering up the things to put in the washer. There were so few items in there with the camera she had to have seen it in the washer before dumping in the bleach and soap and starting the machine.

I don't think she was in a frenzy at all after the murder. She was meticulous and calculating in what she did... trying to clean the floor, washing off Travis's body she dragged back to the shower, washing herself either in the tub or one of the downstairs bathrooms, stripping the bed and washing all the linens, deleting all the photos from the camera one by one, gathering up the clothes he wore that day that could have her DNA on them and the camera that was in a separate place, putting them all in the wash and dumping in bleach with them (the wash load of linens hadn't been washed with bleach), gathering up the murder weapons and all her other stuff to leave the house, etc. And all that time she was playing Beat the Clock to get out of there before the roommate got home.

She put the camera in the washer on purpose... there was no other reason to delete the photos and wash it other than to make it look like an innocent camera that she would have meant to put back into its case but she ran out of time. She probably did end up leaving before that wash cycle with the camera was finished because of running out of time. But the camera was in a different place than the other items that were in that wash load, and there were so few items in that wash load she couldn't have missed seeing or feeling the camera.

There was no other reason to delete the photos one by one than the intent to leave the camera behind, and if she intended to leave it behind than it would need to be cleaned of blood and fingerprints and the memory card destroyed. She had less than half an hour to do everything she did to try to erase herself from the crime scene, clean up her own self and change clothes, and get out of the house before the roommate got home, and to use part of that time to delete all the photos means she didn't intend to bring it with her. His camera being the only thing missing from the house would have pointed the finger at her. Had she had a little more time she would have removed everything from that wash cycle, made up the bed with the clean bed linens and put the pristine camera back in its case.

In hindsight, it would have been smarter to take the camera and a few other items, trash up his room a bit and make it look like a break in, but she wasn't thinking along those lines. She was only trying to erase herself from the scene by getting rid of her fingerprints and DNA from the scene along with the incriminating evidence of her at the scene because of having taken the photos and clean up herself so she could leave and not be noticed as having blood on her or her clothes while driving out of the area. All that she did after killing Travis was meticulous and calculating but she ran out of time before she could get the camara out of the washer and back in its case. Had she had the time to do that it's doubtful that LE would have thought to examine the camera or even notice it at all as something significant.

This post is the best argument I've heard for an accomplice. Just add "ran the dishwasher, locked up the dog, wiped down the bannister, cleaned the floor with the new cleaner, etc.

And all with a severely injured finger...she's a big baby when it comes to her own pain, remember she couldn't kill herself because the little cut she made on her wrist "hurt too much."
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