weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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Dear Diary,

Alyce made a mess of my case, so she can have all those books back. And she can have back those dumb "O" magazines she sent. What good are they now when that guard figured out my code. Dang. He's smarter than he looks.

I’m going to have to rethink my strategy quick because I don't know why Alyce is coming back next week but now all of a sudden the Judge is a meanie and Alyce is 2 steps from melting into a puddle if anybody looks at her cross eyed. Man, wtf. How did that hateful prosecutor de edify her like that and so fast?

I really am reaching the end of my rope here. It’s bad enough I have no body in my hair, no makeup, no cold sore cream and they're making me dress like a Quaker every day, which is embarrassing. But now things are seriously looking bleak. The jury doesn't think I'm harmless, after all. So what was the point of wearing these plastic glasses and teasing out 5 bangs every day? And eBay shut down my art selling. What is going on here? Why is everyone picking on ME?

What upsets me the most, Dear Diary, is I can’t leave this nice jail where I’m queen of the inmates. If they send me to a real prison with hardcore bad asses, I’m going to really know what a used piece of toilet paper feels like inside a week. :-( So I’m sending positive thoughts into the universe that domestic violence lady can pull my arse out of the fire SHE SET.
xoxoxo Jodi

Fantastic - I love this! Only one edit - paragraph three. I am at the end of my rope that TA tied me up with, and left the knife in such an easy, peasy spot for me to grab it and use it on him.
So, I'd like the opinion of those who were watching more closely than me today.

It sounds like ALV read that May 26th text and decided she really, really, really did not like Travis. And after that she just saw abuse, deception and generally bad behavior by Travis no matter what he did.

Does that sum it up?

That sums it up pretty well. I think she was given that text message to read first, and after that there was going to be no changing her mind.
I just watched the end of the tape from today. Who is Ms. Wong?
re: "heart palpitations"

Heart palpitations are technically just the sensation of your heart beating abnormally fast/hard. They're pretty common if someone is having a panic attack. Usually people go to the ER with their *first* panic attack, but I find it kind of hard to believe that ALV just suddenly developed panic disorder in her 60s and didn't know what was wrong with her.

If she was having actual arrhythmia I would have expected them to do more than just treat and release her. Presumably if they determined she was having a panic attack they gave her Xanax and let her go. Normally people with diagnosed panic attacks just take a Xanax or Ativan to deal with it.

I just find the whole "I have discovered that people are talking about me on the internet! Palpitations!" thing to be very odd and suspect. It's not that much of a reach to expect that if you are testifying in a televised trial and your office information is out there, that some cranks are going to call you. And "people saying bad things about you in forums" is no different than people saying bad things about you, in, say, a coffee shop. Maybe it has something to do with her age and not being internet savvy, but again I find the whole thing very odd.
I didn't hear JW crying, but she definitely sounded disheartened. I wonder what genius decided to put twice as many men as women in the jury pool of 18, especially given ALV's known biases.

My guess would be Jodi had much input

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Dear Diary,

Alyce made a mess of my case, so she can have all those books back. And she can have back those dumb "O" magazines she sent. What good are they now when that guard figured out my code. Dang. He's smarter than he looks.

I’m going to have to rethink my strategy quick because I don't know why Alyce is coming back next week but now all of a sudden the Judge is a meanie and Alyce is 2 steps from melting into a puddle if anybody looks at her cross eyed. Man, wtf. How did that hateful prosecutor de edify her like that and so fast?

I really am reaching the end of my rope here. It’s bad enough I have no body in my hair, no makeup, no cold sore cream and they're making me dress like a Quaker every day, which is embarrassing. But now things are seriously looking bleak. The jury doesn't think I'm harmless, after all. So what was the point of wearing these plastic glasses and teasing out 5 bangs every day? And eBay shut down my art selling. What is going on here? Why is everyone picking on ME?

What upsets me the most, Dear Diary, is I can’t leave this nice jail where I’m queen of the inmates. If they send me to a real prison with hardcore bad asses, I’m going to really know what a used piece of toilet paper feels like inside a week. :-( So I’m sending positive thoughts into the universe that domestic violence lady can pull my arse out of the fire SHE SET.
xoxoxo Jodi

LOVE IT!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I think it's easy to forget that real lives are at stake here, and that the defense attorneys are real people trying to do their job, fighting against the odds. How would you like to be Wilmott and be responsible for trying to save JA's life? And after years of hard work, see the handwriting on the wall?

It can't be easy.

I actually felt sorry for her today and posted that up thread somewhere.

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My feelings are bruised....I Never even got a "hi" when I joined :sad:

No they are not...as here are my

My WS Friend!!
Can someone please tell me how/when this happened-TIA
Would speaking of blackmail and being threatened, are you aware that Jodi threatened Travis by saying that she would let out that he was a pedophile? Does that mean anything to you?

I think the juror was asking if alyce was aware of whether that happened.

It sounded like someone who's thinking about the 5/26 text and wondering if that's what was going on. JMO.
Now that blew me away. To me that put the nail in the coffin of her professionalism. How does one forget to turn off your cell phone n court - especially when you're a key DT witness. :facepalm:

The bailiff admonishes everyone to do so several times before court is in session. Maybe she was back in judge's chambers complaining about the bailiff being abusive.
They were certainly the only thing from Travis, himself, that she could hang a hat on.
My guess is that she began her review of the evidence already convinced of his guilt, those texts were her smoking gun.

I did think this question:

Q: If you started out believing in an individual, doesn’t that by default set up prejudices toward their partner?

certainly shows that the jury agrees with you!
I was actually defending Juror 11 on how he was dressed from another post I read. I'm all about comfort!

I might have dressed nicely through January and part of February but by this time I would be showing up in whatever was clean and going HAHA THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO SHOW ME ON TV! :great:
I was just watching the Wilmott meltdown again ( several times, in fact) and yes she initially giggled, but then I think she was crying when she asked for a break

Do u have a link and time pretty please? Ty
That is what I believe is happening also. The jury questions speak volumes and I doubt it is only a couple of jurors submitting them. All the defense can really do now is TRY to come up with an excellent closing argument, and that most likely will not happen.


I don't think any case is won in closing argument. Yet, I do believe you can lose a case in closing argument. That is, the jury has, most likely, made up its mind before closing, and unless you really screw it up, the verdict has already been decided. If one of the litigants here is counting on closing argument to bring the verdict home, I think they are on the losing end of this case.

See the CA case. The prosecution arguments were powerful and persuasive...but...the jury had already made up its mind.

With that said, I have no concerns that this jury will come back with a first degree murder conviction. There is simply too much premeditation evidence.

I read the article and I agree that Ms. LaViolette shouldn't be "destroyed". But even a tsunami of negative social media attention will not destroy her. She is not entitled to positive reviews on Amazon and her first amendment rights do not extend to the right to be paid to voice her opinions in a professional setting.

She has chosen to put herself out there professionally and personally. She chooses not only to advocate for a vicious self-confessed killer but to stretch her advocacy to making an implausible case that the killer's victim was a pedophile on the flimsiest of evidence. When confronted with a relentlessly aggressive prosecutor she exacerbates a bad situation by refusing to answer questions directly, disregarding the Court's admonitions, escalating the conflict by getting personal with Martinez, and finally misrepresenting (some would say lying about) her professional experience.

She contributes to blurring the line between her personal and professional personae by refusing to commit to an objective standard by which to judge her conclusions. She bristles when Martinez characterizes her as a human lie-detector, but her evasiveness about particulars, her numbing mantra of "context" and her holistic approach to decision-making leave her open to this kind of reductive labeling. She gives anecdotal answers to hard questions. Her thinking is too often soft and fuzzy. She insists that she lives in a perpetual gray zone, but her final opinion on Travis Alexander as an abuser is unshakably black-and-white.

She offers all this as the cornerstone in defense of an essentially indefensible client. She may very well believe in her cause, but she professes her faith in the face of Travis Alexander's grieving family and a grim and mounting cost to the state of Arizona. She provokes the anger of real victims of domestic abuse who feel insulted by her presentation. And then she complains about the outrage that her professional opinions and her personal conduct have drawn.

I disagree with the article that "nearly anyone would fall apart at such collective aggression aimed at them". Many people would have gone into the trial prepared for what might be coming. They would delete their Twitter and Facebook accounts. They would go dine with good friends in places far away from the courtroom. An escape from on-line bullying is one tiny power button away; a single mouse-click can silence all those clamorous voices.

Of course, Ms. LaViolette should not be menaced or attacked physically. But an on-line expression of genuine rage may in fact be cathartic and healthful, and, in the end, be a valuable contribution to the context on which LaViolette draws to form and express her opinions.

My web-moniker notwithstanding, I'm far too lazy to pick up any pitchfork, virtual or otherwise, and, misguided as she is, I can see that Ms. LaViolette's hands are empty. But if she is scared by the on-line mob rushing at her with their virtual pitchforks, she should glance back over her shoulder. Squinting hard into the shades of gray that surround her, she might finally make out the flesh-and-blood devil that looms right behind her. And Jodi's holding the biggest pitchfork of all.
Originally Posted by wishinuall
May I just say, from your avatar to your comments to your signage, I find you a delightful addition to our newbies! Welcome a 'board'! :goodpost:::welcome3::

My feelings are bruised....I Never even got a "hi" when I joined :sad:

Hugs! Balloons... Flowers... So sorry... I didn't see you come in! Welcome!

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