weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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We do know what ticked him off if you're referring to the texts I think you are. Beyond those it is hard to argue emotional abuse.

I've been wondering for the past couple of days what precipitated the "rant" text/IM from Travis? Was it JA threatening to share the phone-sex message? I don't think it was a threat to expose his pedophilia as I truly believe this was made up to bolster the defense. IMHO.

Please do tell and TIA
Every day the same routine on the stand with the water. And don't forget the Vontrapping!

LOl. She's still Vontrapping. (She did it today in the Snow White outfit). A little less stiffly...Like maybe, she's lost her "audience"? You were there yesterday? On live feed, every time the jury came in or went out, it was like she was judging them! She lost control yesterday and showed some astoundingly arrogant expressions of grandeur. It was all under control today. She really creeps me out.

As far as I know, it wasn't admitted as evidence. As an "expert" witness LAV could have referred to it but she didn't. Which was JM's point. Why wouldn't she?

Err...Do you happen to have a link to the ten minutes when JW went all warp speed today? Just asking...

: )

I'm sorry I don't know how to post the video link so it opens at the point you're looking for, but start around 41:00 on this video. JW is pretty hyper coming out of the gate. Jodi Arias Trial - Day 46 - Part 1 - YouTube
That's simply not true. In fact, Jodi's journal was not much help to her.

The majority of the evidence is Jodi and Travis talking back and forth, all day, every day, for months.

Plus interviews with friends, family, former boyfriends, former girlfriends, Travis journals, Travis blogs.

Like she kept saying, she did not need one word from Jodi Arias herself to arrive at her conclusions.

I think because you have never seen what she has seen you might think it doesn't exist. For some reason, the court is not allowing us to see it. But, it exists. That was made clear.


Where would she had gotten the physical abuse, if not from JA? Also, do you think she would have thought TA a pedophile without JA's input? Off color jokes, alone, doesn't a pedophile make.

Also, don't you find it weird that there are only about 4 instances that she can point to in the text/email/instant messages, and that phone call to call "abusive?"

The "rant," where he was upset that she left something behind - he thought she was doing stuff intentionally.

The "rant" about her lying about someone coming to the restaurant and telling her that he was cheating - I think she was spying on him and that's how she knew about Lisa and used the restaurant story as a cover to confront TA with it.

The "rant" where he calls her a sociopath - he was clearly responding to something she had done.

Him telling her to empty the voicemail - I added that one as a joke.

If there are some other ones, please refresh my memory. The point is, it seems she would have a lot more examples. She looks at the length of the rants, but not really the frequency.

She also used emails from other people, but those emails aren't really in context, which is why it would have been beneficial, for instance, for her to talk to Chris and Sky H. It could be that they confirmed what she thought, but it also could be that they would not have. Either way, it would have been ideal to have context.

Finally, she is using Travis's past to say that he probably grew up to be physically and psychologically abusive, and she is using JA's childhood to say she likely grew up to be a victim - or "survivor." That in and of itself is a gender bias because she doesn't think it's possible for it to have been the other way around and anything to suggest that JA had violent tendencies and a propensity for manipulation, she disregards. IMO, ALV worked backwards and looked for things to fit a domestic abuse scenario. She picked out everything that TA had ever done wrong and said, "I can make a case out of this." She ignored anything that contradicted it. I think that's called tunnel vision...

So, yea, I do think her evaluation is different without JA. I, personally, don't know how you can say that physical violence PLUS psychological abuse isn't worst than psychological abuse, alone. Of course psychological abuse is incredibly detrimental, but I can't imagine women who suffer from psychological abuse alone would say that the added element of having the tar beaten out of them would not have made an insufferable situation even worse.

I think it was almost empty. KCL - I have spent hours watching her and my hinky meter went up with that whole gesture but I really don't think there was anything underhanded happening. I DO think she knows, we (and the cameras) watch everything and she loves it. She has no restraints on trying to get attention. Today LAV got a lot of attention. She will be acting up again soon...


I think I found it for u Pink Panther! Phew! lol


I can't take my eyes off her either.

She amazes me with how long she can go without blinking. I have actually refreshed the screen thinking it froze! She's so reptilian with some of her mannerisms it's spooky.

She has no ones emotions or actions to mimic now and it shows. She sits there like the empty shell that she is. All IMO

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OMG, I know what you're talking about. Sometimes when the camera is on her during a sidebar, she's so still that I too have refreshed the screen thinking I lost the feed.

She creeps me out completely.

If she touched me, even by accident, I might cry. lol
Did you notice how she finally started giving "yes or no" answers towards the end of session, when he was questioning her? Also, today was the first time I actually heard her stammer... I almost felt sorry for her.

When JM questioned her about her CV and the man she testified for, she sounded like a schoolchild who was caught cheating.

It's laughable she could possibly think that JM wouldn't check to see if what she was saying about testifying for that man happened or not. Pathetic.
LOl. She's still Vontrapping. (She did it today in the Snow White outfit). A little less stiffly...Like maybe, she's lost her "audience"? You were there yesterday? On live feed, every time the jury came in or went out, it was like she was judging them! She lost control yesterday and showed some astoundingly arrogant expressions of grandeur. It was all under control today. She really creeps me out.


yes I was there...wow I wasn't watching her much during the jury entrances/exits...you see SO much re: her on the feed than we do in court. Team effort! She creeps me out too. She's a creature and that's putting it nicely.
Oh well, I was too slow in finding it..now u got it twice Pink Panther =P
I've been wondering for the past couple of days what precipitated the "rant" text/IM from Travis? Was it JA threatening to share the phone-sex message? I don't think it was a threat to expose his pedophilia as I truly believe this was made up to bolster the defense. IMHO.

Please do tell and TIA

We don't know. We've speculated that she might have threatened to expose him via the "sex tape". Whatever it was it really must have been a heinous affront to TA for him to react so harshly. LAV seems to have completely ignored the fact that she completely demo'd his BMW and he didn't get angry...

I think she blackmailed him.

Unlike LAV, I will admit that I do not have certainty of such a possibility but I will say, that having reviewed the CONTEXT and PATTERNS in evidence, that she threatened to do something so vile that he gave up, and was willing to affront her threat to the point of "calling" her out!

I've been wondering for the past couple of days what precipitated the "rant" text/IM from Travis? Was it JA threatening to share the phone-sex message? I don't think it was a threat to expose his pedophilia as I truly believe this was made up to bolster the defense. IMHO.

Please do tell and TIA

She had confronted him about dating another woman, and who knows what else, (Jodi and Travis weren't a couple at this point) and claimed that she had found out about it when some stranger approached her at work. Travis didn't believe her and thought she'd gotten her information by breaking into his email account. He demanded she produce the mystery informant or admit she had broken into his private accounts.
Without question, she has OCD thrown on top of everything else. She lines chit up. She positions things "just so". She thinks she can control what happens if she does things a particular way. She's exhibited these traits throughout trial.


I think she's channeling Anthony - right down to the hair. I bet she thinks she'll cut it in an all cutsie style when she is acquitted. Even the outfits are similar, as is the lower chair, and the OCD habits.

Scary chit right there!


So I worked today and strangely ended my day in Phoenix. Now at the hotel. Why does it seem so weird to actually be in THE Mericopa county. So close, yet so far.....
As far as I know, it wasn't admitted as evidence. As an "expert" witness LAV could have referred to it but she didn't. Which was JM's point. Why wouldn't she?

Err...Do you happen to have a link to the ten minutes when JW went all warp speed today? Just asking...

: )

If you're looking for JW's little melt down before the morning break, then FF to about 53:30. Jodi Arias Trial - Day 46 - Part 1 - YouTube
Just watching tonight thanks to croakerqueen123 so this was probably noticed pages ago, but for us late-niters - this shows a sneaky psychopath at work doing something with water and kleenex?? - starts at 30:00 and keep watching - about 31:50 is really strange - shaking out the last of the water?...


wtf!?!?!?!?! She is one strange individual....She's held it together in court, for the most part, up until now. I think she's starting to unravel. Thank you chgokim for pointing this out.
OMG, I know what you're talking about. Sometimes when the camera is on her during a sidebar, she's so still that I too have refreshed the screen thinking I lost the feed.

She creeps me out completely.

If she touched me, even by accident, I might cry. lol

Well it's the courts fault. They really should give her a garbage can to go through during all these sidebars so she wouldn't have to just sit there.
OMG, I know what you're talking about. Sometimes when the camera is on her during a sidebar, she's so still that I too have refreshed the screen thinking I lost the feed.

She creeps me out completely.

If she touched me, even by accident, I might cry. lol

Me too. LOL. I refresh and refresh and refresh...I think something's wrong with the feed...Now, I've learned to watch the time at the bottom left. She's reptilian with the no blinking non-moving thing. VERY weird.

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