weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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Wow, that really is strange. What was in that carafe she was shaking out of it? The whole thing is super sneaky.

Thanks Katie for noticing - as I said I'm noticing things late tonite, but wow - yes I think it's the carafe and it shows anger and force to get that water out to me! Yes, sneaky and SCARY!
I think it was covered in the line-in-the-sand moment when ALV said she considers Jodi the greater victim of DV.

That was truly a defining moment of this trial. Wherever this may go, that was one of those "I don't believe this" moments! She could have implied her beliefs a million other ways but to so distortedly lay claim on them as fact was reprehensible.

Just watching tonight thanks to croakerqueen123 so this was probably noticed pages ago, but for us late-niters - this shows a sneaky psychopath at work doing something with water and kleenex?? - starts at 30:00 and keep watching - about 31:50 is really strange - shaking out the last of the water?...


I have been watching her the last few days and it seems to me she is acting more and more like CA did at her trial. Remember how she would place the pencils a certain way, and stack her notebooks. Then clean off the desk and make sure everything was nice and tidy. I have seen JA doing the same things lately. jmo
Thanks Katie for noticing - as I said I'm noticing things late tonite, but wow - yes I think it's the carafe and it shows anger and force to get that water out to me! Yes, sneaky and SCARY!

Those carafes leak. That's why she took it off the table to pour. She picked up kleenex to wipe up what poured out. Trust me. I watch her like a hawk.

: )
For me, I could see that Travis could get worked up over things. I base that on him getting upset about Jodi leaving something at his house. He seemed really upset, and that seemed to be a small thing to get that upset over. Warranted, I don't know anything behind it but what I read. He'd catch attitudes with Jodi in the texts, but again, I don't know what the outside factors are.

Even though I can detect that he seemed short-tempered with Jodi (justified or not), what I have noticed is that we have no written texts where Travis rants and rants, yet says to her, "I need to pop you in the mouth again," or something similar to threaten violence or to hint that he might be violent to her.

He never says, "Somebody needs to sock you in that smart mouth of yours," or anything else that might even hint that he could potentially be physically violent to her or has been in the past.

I think that's important because people talk a lot of smack when they are mad, and with all this so-called "ranting" we hear about, it would seem that somewhere in all these "thousands" of pages, some HINT to physical violence would have to be present. Even something like, "Remember what happened last time you did x, y, z?"

Also, there seems not to be any apologies from Travis for any kind of violence. Isn't that part of an abusive pattern? Him apologizing and making it right for her to come back for more?

but I'm an orgasm expert, not a DV expert, so I don't know. But I'm assuming that the DT pored over those documents, looking for any hint that could link to DV, and the best they have is Travis running off at the mouth--or fingers--when he was mad.

Remember Jodi's "doodle of Snow White with the black eye that was being sold on eBay?

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Believe me when I tell you I have my best friend lying in a grave because of a ONE TIME incident with domestic violence.

No priors, no pattern, no intensity built up over time.

This is precisely why I have no respect for this expert witness, she uses generalizations.

I'm sorry. :(

I have one of those too. Just last Fall. No priors, just jealousy. She was leaving him. He shot her, then himself. Just heartbreaking. :(
You don't need physical abuse to be in a battering relationship. Alyce was very clear about that. It's also true.

That's what the whole character assassination discussion was about. Soul murder.

Battering in her continuum was one step above abuse and one step below terrorism.


I will respect your OPINION on here but simply cannot pass on replying to this post.

On the issue of Battery , This is totally and completely incorrect. The very definition of battery means that it's PHYSICAL and not the FEAR of it.

Very clear in both a clinical setting and a legal stand point.

Battering = PHYSICAL. It's as simple as that. ie: if your significant other is BATTERING you, then you are in a PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE relationship.
That was truly a defining moment of this trial. Wherever this may go, that was one of those "I don't believe this" moments! She could have implied her beliefs a million other ways but to so distortedly lay claim on them as fact was reprehensible.


It was written all over her too. She looked like she'd just gotten food poisoning.
I have been watching her the last few days and it seems to me she is acting more and more like CA did at her trial. Remember how she would place the pencils a certain way, and stack her notebooks. Then clean off the desk and make sure everything was nice and tidy. I have seen JA doing the same things lately. jmo

Casey was a way better liar and actress. Casey could act for the jury!

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Ironically I just got an email advertising a DVD (that I can watch for CEUs) on "Emotional Manipulators, Codependents, and the Human Magnet Syndrome." :magnet:
When Geraldo said tonite that he thinks the DP should only apply to those that are MASS Murderers, it reminded me - Both Dick Samuels and ALV probably agree and only testified to avoid the DP for someone that deserves it in my opinion. The jurors never asked either of these two witnesses if they agreed with the death penalty. This is the very reason why the DT used these last two witnesses, isn't it? To try to convince the jurors not to put her to death?

Just my opinion of course.

They had to put up some sort of defense. Lucky for us we got the bottom of the barrel so to speak. But, really, there is no Defense that would have worked since JA is the Devil and she murdered Travis in cold blood. I could care less about the DP. I just want this case to get to the Jury without a Mistrial occurring and once its in the jury's hands that no LONE wolf causes a hung jury. Then JA will be banished to some squalid cell to waste away day after day after awful day. Justice, ain't it sweet.
I have been watching her the last few days and it seems to me she is acting more and more like CA did at her trial. Remember how she would place the pencils a certain way, and stack her notebooks. Then clean off the desk and make sure everything was nice and tidy. I have seen JA doing the same things lately. jmo

Without question, she has OCD thrown on top of everything else. She lines chit up. She positions things "just so". She thinks she can control what happens if she does things a particular way. She's exhibited these traits throughout trial.

He wasn't THAT angry... He didn't drive 1000 miles to kill her!

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I'm sorry, I don't believe I was discussing any specific level of anger, just what I saw was the extent of what he did when angry. And you're right. He did not drive 1,000 miles to kill her.

4/6/13, ABIP Training - Los Angeles
"Batterers' Treatment Overview and Intake and the Art of Assessment"
Contact: Rick Kenworthy (626)316 4100

This is ALV schedule - Does anyone know if she did this gig on 4/6/13? If so, is there a video of it?

Was she a keynote breakout speaker? ;)

I fancy myself a keynote breakout poster now. Sometimes I exchange breakout for breakdown. :D
Remember Jodi's "doodle of Snow White with the black eye that was being sold on eBay?

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This c*ap??

I have been watching her the last few days and it seems to me she is acting more and more like CA did at her trial. Remember how she would place the pencils a certain way, and stack her notebooks. Then clean off the desk and make sure everything was nice and tidy. I have seen JA doing the same things lately. jmo

It is interesting how much she has in common with FCA, isn't it?
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