weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Did anyone else think it was odd that she didn't submit any kind of written report?? Nothing, after months and months? She just had everything (or nothing!) in her head?

I suppose that's one way no one can challenge your findings.

Pretty sure I've seen this in other trials I've watched. I don't think it's unusual. That way, they can tweak their testimony and their 'opinions' as needed without having something in writing the state can hold them to.
Thanks guys, he's going brilliantly now :)

Doesn't it just boil your blood? And all the while the women perpetrators use the stereotype to their own advantage and it WORKS! People are so quick to believe a woman when she says she's been abused, and equally quick to mock a man for the same thing. That's why men don't report, they are embarrassed and think everyone will think they're idiots, and they're lying .. or that they're weak and able to be assaulted by a woman in the first place, when the truth is they don't defend themselves because they don't want to hit a woman, or they know if they do it'll be them on charges no matter what happened leading up to it.

I asked my SO if he was ever afraid for his life, he said no, he always had the firm belief that he would be able to physically dominate her if necessary. I just know Travis would have thought the same thing. It's all so very sad.

What angers me is those women and men who are truly and brutally abused are not believed treated badly by LE and other agencies sent away to be vulnerable to being killed. Of course, as we know, some do like Travis. This angers me than anything.

Men have the "men thinking" I can handle it (male muscles) or they can "fix it" something that is pretty important to men or some or a large majority of men.

I am disgusted, but strangely, GRATEFUL. What do we know now, because of ALV?

--- The Manifesto. New territory, but very fertile ground, I bet.

---The knife was on the bed stand. I think Juan will build on this.

---Jodi never complained about sexual degradation. There goes Nurmi's contribution.

---Jodi said she thought the gun was unloaded, confirmed by ALV..

---Jodi remembers pulling that trigger, confirmed by ALV...

---Jodi might have said that the *advertiser censored* was on the computer, which is a lie...

---Just because Jodi lied, it does not mean she is a liar...

---Psych tests, like Samuels uses, are unreliable...

So What else did ALV teach us ?

Alyce said that Jodi SHOT Travis IN the CLOSET !

Oh -- then Alyce :back: and said she had that detail wrong !

Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiight !

I know she was not allowed to contact TA's family however, I don't know that anything prevented her from contacting JA's family, friends, former boyfriends, employers, etc. and interviewing them. So why didn't she? Afraid of what they might say or what she might learn? If she could have and didn't, I'd like to know why.

I asked Minor4th (who's an attorney) this same question.

Minor said ALV could not interview those people, but that the DT had interviewed a lot of people and ALV could have seen those transcripts. Either they refused to give them to her (red flag), or they hid them from her somehow (red flag), or she didn't ask for them (red flag).
Did anyone else think it was odd that she didn't submit any kind of written report?? Nothing, after months and months? She just had everything (or nothing!) in her head?

I suppose that's one way no one can challenge your findings.

Probably wouldn't have mattered. Even if something is right there in black and white (the continuum she developed), she would have denied that what was written was actually written.

ie Written: Miss X told me Jodi lied to her on several occasions.

Question: Did Miss X tell you Jodi lied to her on several occasions?

Answer: You're taking that out of context.

Question: Yes or no.

Answer: No, I did not see a pattern. Blah blah blah
Thanks. I only wish HLN and JC could be court ordered to shut up, at least until this trial is over.

I don't mind the trial coverage, in fact I like it for the most part. I work a lot and I can catch up or hear what the TH's' are saying while reading what really happened here :).

When they interject themselves into the trial as Jean (whom I do not like) did, then I have a problem with it. Just cover the trial, discuss the days happenings, even the silly After Dark is fine but please do not try to cause a mistrial or stir the pot for ratings. This is a Death Penalty case, they are not involved, so stay out.

Just report and do what you do. We have a man murdered and a (don't have a word for her, yes I do but won't say it) on trial facing the death penalty. This is not ratings week!
she hasn't admitted to murder. she's saying she only killed him to defend herself. she thinks she should walk out a free woman and if they believe it was self defense, she will.

so no, she didn't admit to murder.

oh, and let me add she ONLY admitted to killing him because the evidence that she did it was insurmountable. but she's doing the exact same thing she's been trying to do since june 4, 2008-----get away with murder.

weeellllllllllll she did try to plea to second degree murder.:jail:
I kept getting a lot of stuff about Peter LaViolette, the hockey player/coach. Can you narrow down the search term for me? TIA!

Well..just ask it a question " how many DV experts turned down the DT case for Arias" the answer is 6....
I mean, but we already knew this through WS WEEKS ago...:floorlaugh:
If I was on this jury I would have to discount the testimony of the so-called expert ALV. WHY?

Two major issues in her testimony that she recanted with "I mis-spoke."

I have an issue with her changing her tune regarding the pictures on the computer .... she spoke to that in a pre-trial hearing .... where did she get that info from? ... the murderer. Now in the trial she states to Mr. Martinez that she mis-spoke.

Second, in her interview with Mr. Martinez prior to trial on tape states that the murderer told her she "shot him in the closet." She also stated this on cross, yet yesterday after the jury questions she states she "mis-spoke."

These are two heavy issues for me from this witness, everything else she stated was like watching water run uphill.

Either, the murderer told her these statements or ALV LIED just to answer the questions. I know the murderer LIED, but why would ALV not simply just answer with that is what I was told instead of stating "I mis-spoke."

Yep, I would throw this so-called expert testimony out as she twisted two of the major issues for me. As far as DV, there is no proof and she brought NO Proof to the table .... ALL JMHO!

I almost forgot .... this so-called expert stated that the Knife was on the nitestand!
Well..just ask it a question " how many DV experts turned down the DT case for Arias" the answer is 6....
I mean, but we already knew this through WS WEEKS ago...:floorlaugh:

A thread or two ago, people were talking about this and nobody seemed to know if it was true or not, and nobody had a link. So I've been wondering.

The Peter LaViolette reference was meant to be humorous.

ETA: I googled what you suggested. I'm on page 5 of the search and I got nothing. There's just too much info about LaViolette's testimony. That's why I'm trying to narrow down the search.
It's for this reason that self-defense has never been the entire defense of this case. Self-defense is only valid when only enough force is applied to stop an attack and only when there is no other means of escape from an attack. The Castle Doctrine gives more leeway in that there is no duty to escape if one is attacked in their own home as it is their right to protect themselves, their loved ones and property in their home as well as the home itself.

The defense of course knows that this is not JUST a self-defense case because it is clear that Jodi did not attempt to escape further attack and went WAY WAY beyond "protecting herself" by all that she did to Travis, so in actuality they are pleading not just self-defense but temporary insanity to explain all the overkill that makes the case not just self-defense. That is the whole point to the "fognesia" story... to make it appear that Jodi was in a state during the time period covering everything else that she did to him that was not just something she couldn't remember but something that occurred because at that time she wasn't in her right mind - temporarily insane. This bit they can't really try to claim outright but have obviously been trying to implant into the minds of the jurors as a plausable and reasonable explaination for the overkill. This is what the fognisia story was for and the reason for Dr. Samuel's testimony.

I'm pretty sure they absolutely are NOT claiming insanity. They would have to have a psychiatrist deem she was insane at the time, not happening. Plus insanity means she didn't know right from wrong and she obviously knew she did something wrong by trying to clean up the scene.

I think Samuel's "fog" theory IS trying to get her past the excessive force clause in a Self-Defense. Here's the DP for cruel/inhumane. If she can't remember doing it it couldn't be inhumane to stab29 X's and slit TA's throat.

There's no insanity plea made...unless I missed something HUGE.
Bolded in red to address these two issues.

These two statements are contradictory. Who aims an unloaded gun and pulls the trigger? Isn't the purpose of pulling the trigger to fire the weapon?



And, especially pointing an unloaded weapon at somebody who knows it is unloaded, and then pulling the trigger. :pinocchio:
Mikee something..... I am trying to remember too! LOL

Mickee Daniels is the person that does great great great youtube posts on this trial! do a search and you will find him. intelligent, knows this trial backwards and forwards and must be a member here!

my favorite was the one that he did statistics on how this could not happen as she said.

I am on my phone so I cannot remember it right now, but if you look at his YouTube videos, it is the one that he started out talking about the trip. and the Queue to get into the video has a photograph of a map of California if you scroll his channel.


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lol. She did throw that in there. I felt like she was criticizing him for a lot of random things. She kept mentioning his lack of money. Didn't go over well with me. It was like she was saying it was part of his deception.

His lack of money was due to Jodi's constant leeching, I'm sure of it. He was trying to help her and gave her the BMW which she promptly destroyed and he could have made a pretty penny selling it.

She had no money and no prospects apparently so he hired her to clean his house for $200/month. She took the job solely to have access to him.

I read someplace that Travis was up and coming with PPL (she criticized him for trying to get people to join ... duh that was his job ...:facepalm: ) and that he was making at or near $100k plus he'd purchased that new Prius, a new camera, probably clothing for his trip so I find it hard to believe he had any financial issues other than Jodi. Not to say he didn't. I just don't believe that he did because she didn't bother to look into his life. She took Jodi's word and presented it to the jury as gospel.

I've always thought that. I think capturing part of the murder on the camera freaked her out enough to delete everything though.

I think she had her own camera. By all accounts, she always had it with her and she constantly took photographs only of Travis. I think she had her own camera with her and I think she took photographs of that horrific scene and of Travis. She was really only concerned about her camera once she deleted the photos.

I don't think she intended to wash the camera; it was just entangled in the bedding. Since she was so focused on getting her own photos and cleaning up, once the photos were deleted, she put his camera down and lost track of it.

I think she knows exactly where the gun is and she has it and that camera buried somewhere. She's arrogant enough to think she'll be a free woman at some point and she'll want to enjoy her handiwork anytime she wants for as long as she wants.

Odd that her camera wasn't in her trunk when they searched it and found the 9mm. She never mentioned it either. It was never mentioned and I know that if it was there, the police would have taken it when they went through her room and her car.


Nice idea but there would be time stamps on the text messages that would correlate to the photographic time stamps when TA was alive and in the shower, negating the possibility that TA had sent them. I'm sure the Detective Flores or JM would have noticed this. Oh, perhaps this is true and they are saving it maybe for rebuttal?

I interpreted the poster to mean in the past whenever he was in the shower or when she was alone with the phone, she got to work.

Trying to understand her complete inability to remain even remotely objective. Some I think was pure power struggle with JM, she had decided before she got on the plane he was going to push her around.

I don't get why she personalized and internalized everything almost from the beginning.

And what kind of therapist gets all worked up when someone is aggressive? Isn’t she supposed to be an expert at crisis intervention and conflict resolution? Nice job of DE-escalating. She's the one who needed a Time-Out.

I have a question? Why is ALV upset about internet backlash?

She really doesn't get when and where she went oh so wrong. She doesn't even get she was wrong. She feels victimized.
I concur...
Pith, prose and pontification are often lost in a plume of political correctness ....

(Lol...I had my alliteration vitamin today :floorlaugh:

Pleased that Poppers Penguins perhaps will be on HBO at 7:30 CST tonight
Alyce had her own definitions for so many words!! Let's see:
character assassination
confrontation (different meaning for Travis than Jodi
and on and on

Disaster for the defense. Jodi's going to have alot of time for her journalling once this trial is over. Let's see, what shall I do today? shower or go to the exercise yard? And after that, well, guess I'll write in my journal...
Did anyone else think it was odd that she didn't submit any kind of written report?? Nothing, after months and months? She just had everything (or nothing!) in her head?

I suppose that's one way no one can challenge your findings.

Yes, I thought it was weird. Why interview someone for 44 hours and not write a report? The "not challenge" thing didn't work: she told JM that the gunshot occurred in the closet but obviously got that wrong...
Good afternoon!

That in itself speaks volumes as to the false nature of these claims of abuse. First of all, what true victim of abuse is going to allow LE to arrest her and charge her with murder without first trying to explain what happened and why it was self-defense? Of course this was all an afterthought, after sitting in jail for over two years.


Exactly. Reminds me of FCA not saying a peep about CA drowning until her attorney gave an opening statement that included it. I thought my jaw was going to fall off my face. Hopefully the juror in this case won's fall for the lie. (doesn't appear that they will)
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