weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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I remember that. Is that the only one she had? She was so concerned about it.

I wonder what else they found in her little storage unit? I wonder what she needed a storage unit for anyway? She was like a flea jumping from dog to dog. She didn't have anything of her own.

That is exactly why she would need a storage unit, as she didn't have a permanent address. Obviously from the photos of her room at her grandparents' house it was very overcrowded already. I did understand she had a lot of books, artwork, etc.

I actually tried to put some relevant info on a spreadsheet (no, I don't have a life). There was sooooo much information, from sooooo many sources, and so many contradictory stories, it was just hopeless. I gave up after a couple of hours.

I have tried to do the same and gave up for the same reason. Welcome to the IHaveNoLife Club. :iamashamed:
Thanks for the heads up on the movie "Stalkers".

Attending a music festival the easy way online. There's also a youtube link.

YIKES. My DD is there for three days with her friends, celebrating her 21st Birthday. I am afraid to even click that link. I don't want to know...anything...:blindfold:
I know how everyone feels when they add to their post "sorry if this has been posted or discussed' LOL
I wish I could create a Cliffs Notes that have to be read by all of us before we allowed entrance to any of the threads and then post. It would save me tons of time.
You know, something simple, for all of us, like:

This Is The Deal

JM is great.
DT is so so.
JA looks better without bangs.
Auntie has not been at the trial for three weeks as of today (update daily)
Dr. Horn is hot and is professional.
DT experts are not.
Bobby Juarez is alive and well and lucky.
JA is not as short as she appears on TV.
Her hands are as big as they appear on TV.
Yes, all of our dogs now think their names are "May we approach!" and they should get a bone for coming to you so quickly. 500 times every day.
Sitting on your hands is recommended.
Especially if you're out of duct tape.
DonB is a female friend of JA.
DB is a former BF of JA and lucky.
Artwork is not all it's cracked up to be.
Blackout sunglasses are required for viewing certain exhibits.
Eye doctor appointments are not the responsibility of the site if you ignore the above admonition.
Urban dictionaries are not your friend. Ever.

That's it for today :)


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IKWYM! My head spins trying to figure out her lies! Now that about the video I don't remember, just the interrogation tape. Should we both rewatch the pertinent video to find out the answers? :what::floorlaugh:

On a Saturday night?! I like to pretend I have a life!!!! It's part of my grand plan of deception.
That is exactly why she would need a storage unit, as she didn't have a permanent address. Obviously from the photos of her room at her grandparents' house it was very overcrowded already. I did understand she had a lot of books, artwork, etc.


She probably slept in that storage unit at times as well. Remember her mother telling the Detective JA didn't want her visiting her because she said the mother would snoop through her things? It was more than likely because JA was sleeping in that storage locker at the time!
That is exactly why she would need a storage unit, as she didn't have a permanent address. Obviously from the photos of her room at her grandparents' house it was very overcrowded already. I did understand she had a lot of books, artwork, etc.


ITA and for awhile there, Travis' garage was her storage unit until he made her leave and she rented a U-Haul.

Wait, where did JA get the money for the U-Haul? Or for that matter, her own storage unit? Everything JA did, I always wonder where the money came from since she was only a part time worker or unemployed.
That was actually posted on this board a few days ago, and the Mods removed it (just like they probably will your post and my response). I agree. Who cares?

I care. I care about the laws being obeyed. By everyone.
So whatever happened with the camera in her storage locker? She talked about it during interrogation, haven't heard anything since then.

I wonder too, and if it's the one she claimed she took video with.

I am wayyy too tired now to try and find where I heard this, but I remember JA saying that because she didn't know how to work Travis' camera, they used hers.

Of course, that's assuming she telling the truth about that. If, IRC, this had to do with photos on June 4, and I don't believe they had any consensual photo shoot or any consensual anything.

Still, I'd love to know what happened to her cameras.
The articles I've read said she got a lot of phone calls at her office, and angry emails, which I presume someone else told her about. In fact, I would assume a lot of what she learned she heard from someone else. That talk that she cancelled on April 6, I think she actually cancelled that herself. So she must have been hearing it from somewhere.

I'm convinced she never thought it would turn out like this. Why she thought that, I have no idea. But I will say this, I'm going to look at my circle of friends pretty carefully and make sure they understand that if I were about to get myself into this situation, they should tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts.

I don't think Ms. Laviolette is used to being challenged like this. She is used to being the unquestioned authority by anyone who matters. Those who don't matter are poor-misguided fools brainwashed by the patriarchy or abusive creeps, much like the men she counsels. There is an arrogant stubbornness in her failure to realize that her defense of a ruthless killer of an unarmed, naked man in a shower stall, would engender criticism, disbelief and anger.

There is an arrogant stubbornness in her continued, steadfast adherence to an obviously untenable position and in her shock at the public and professional backlash against it.
Different standards are used in several states. FL used Frye (if you saw any of the Casey Anthony hearings) and AZ has as of Jan 2012 changed to Daubert. They may be in process of changing again though, as I understand it. Here is the statute covering it:
Thank you so much.. just what I was looking for. Be interesting to see if this case crops up in any future discussions about changes. The DT "experts" in this case appear to have been scraped off the bottom of the barrel.. MOO, of course.
There's another remark that's going to haunt her forever. I wonder if her family and/or friends encouraged her. It sounds like something you'd joke about at the end of day over a drink, and here she just came out with it in court on live TV.

Maybe she was showing off for her "fan club" in the gallery-Didn't she say her dad was there watching her?
It has been reported that the defense team had been turned down by other experts. ALV was not their first choice.

MOO since I do not have a link.

And don't you just know those folks are happy campers!
I don't think Ms. Laviolette is used to being challenged like this. She is used to being the unquestioned authority by anyone who matters. Those who don't matter are poor-misguided fools brainwashed by the patriarchy or abusive creeps, much like the men she counsels. There is an arrogant stubbornness in her failure to realize that her defense of a ruthless killer of an unarmed, naked man in a shower stall, would engender criticism, disbelief and anger.

There is an arrogant stubbornness in her continued, steadfast adherence to an obviously untenable position and in her shock at the public and professional backlash against it.

I thought that was a really interesting trait that she shared with Samuels. Confronted with the fact that they got taken in by a liar, they both dug in their heels and refused to believe it. I know it's hard, but don't most adults know this can happen to anybody? (That sounds like a great title for a book.)
its not even the same person, that person was born in 1982 - JW was born earlier than that - and graduated around 1982 (and i don't think she was 10) - it bothers me they are suppose to be a pro site and they post so much erroneous that might hurt the case, i am glad things are so verified here !!

It immediately looked suspect when it said the person in question needed a public defender.. Now would she really get a public defender :) I think not... Although it did make her look "hip" for a moment..
Stalkers (TV 2013)

Revolves around a criminal prosecutor who penned the law on stalking in California and is based on the true story of a hot-head cop and polished district attorney who team to bring a stalker obsessed with her former lover to justice.

Kind of O/T but I was reading this book The Anatomy of Motive: The FBI's Legendary Mindhunter Explores the Key to Understanding and Catching Violent Criminals by John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker and the two ex-profilers were discussing stalkers and mass murderers, serial killers and the danger signs, etc, explaining the difference between MM and SK.

The authors described how a serial killer works and it's alarmingly like stalkers in that they fixate on their target and find out everything there is to know about the target. They get the target's schedule down within the first few days because we're all creatures of habit. They know everything there is to know about you.

The stalker is relentless unless s/he becomes fixated with someone else (Jodi ...) and that's about the only way you're going to get rid of a stalker.

Just about the time I got the chills and was feeling freaked, the next paragraph was something like, "Your chances of being targeted by a serial killer are almost infinitesimal. You shouldn't worry about it or spend a lot of time obsessing about it. The chances of you being targeted are just so small."

Relieved, I turned the page. Then this: "But if by some chance you are targeted by a serial killer, you're dead. They've followed you, they've been in your house, they've touched your things, they've spent countless hours watching you. Once you're targeted, there isn't much that can be done to stop him."

The book went flying across the room and sat in a corner for days. DAYS. I finally creeped over to it, picked it up with my fingertips and dumped the book into the trash bin. Outside.

Totally irrational response but that was the closest I hope I'll ever get to even sort of understanding how a stalking victim feels.
Maybe she was showing off for her "fan club" in the gallery-Didn't she say her dad was there watching her?

When Samuels came out with that "I BEG your pardon, Sir!" I had the same reaction as ALV's time out thing -- both were rehearsed.

I know her dad was there one day. She had friends there every day, I think. Yeah, I think she was showing off for them.
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