weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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What's driving me batty this weekend is what is going on with ALV. Her testimony supposedly was over. Jury questions were done. Follow up was done by both sides.
BUT! The Judge said she has to be there on Tuesday to continue her 'testimony'.
What is this all about? She isn't being recalled on her role as DT DV expert, right? So far nothing appears on the docket about other motions being entered or filed.... any wise sleuthers have a good idea of what's coming up with ALV? I can't wait for Tuesday....and I have to work that day too....darn it, oh crap, gosh, even :)

OTOH, I'm glad it's Tuesday. I have an eye doctors appointment Monday, to schedule my Cornea implants. Hopefully some one will drop by with more info? Ty BEE-BEE for doing this thread! :blowkiss:
I found the article ALV wrote for the Women's Studies Encyclopedia, it's titled "Battered Husband Syndrome (and Other Tall Tales)".

In it she says "a woman's violence does not create a battered husband syndrome."


I am disgusted with ALV. Absolutely disgusted.

Nhic, do you have a link? TIA.

ETA: Never mind, I see it's already in the works. Thanks, Nurse.
SunnyinMO, in the Flores interrogations, he does tell Arias that the bullets were hollow points. I wish I could point you to it.
So she generalizes, believing all males are physically strong and all women are weak as a kitten?

I viewed this video here a while ago and it really opened my eyes to the
bias in such a situation. It's an ABC news hidden camera report with actors pretending to be a couple in an altercation at a public park. One woman walks by and literally smiles and fist pumps as the man is being hit. Others just walk by, even an off duty cop. When asked, most say the assumed he did something to deserve it.

Thankfully after some time group of women confronted the woman hitting her perceived bf and even called the police.

Reaction To Women Abusing Men In Public - YouTube

Holy Moly....that was frightening....and the cop was a turd!!
SunnyinMO, in the Flores interrogations, he does tell Arias that the bullets were hollow points. I wish I could point you to it.

THANK YOU! I knew it but need to know it wasn't just in my head!!
I was jumping off that post with the clip of LaViolette, but I was more referring to the whole of the defense. Every witness they've had up there has testified in virtually the same manner.

Straight-forward, anecdotal answers on Direct.


Blank stares and Juan having to bleed a turnip to get them to answer even the simplest of questions on Cross.

I think that is a defense tactic is what I meant. Either that or they could only find evasive combatant experts on behalf of an evasive combatant defendant. I know they went through several, IIRC.

Just MHOO.

I compare experts. Take Dr. Horn. Of course he's a PT witness but he did nothing to skew his testimony to the detriment of the defendant. I remember JM asking him if he could tell the direction of the throat wound. Dr. Horn said no. Said he really couldn't tell. He didn't go on for five minutes about the myriad reasons he couldn't tell. He answered the question.
I've seen other experts. One of the standard questions is to how many trials they have testified in and for which side. Clearly they know this is coming and they give a concrete answer.
I've never seen an expert advocate from the stand this way. It's surreal.
She is supposed to objectively analyze. If her assessment comes down in the defendant's favor, so be it. But it has to be based on fact and clear professional analysis and assessment. She's made string art of all she had read and seen and all that she hasn't read or seen.
I said this before and I've not found the source, so if anyone here knows how to locate it, I would be grateful. Earlier on I read that ALV said she was brought on to the defense team to 'create JA's defense'. I know I read it as a quote. I didn't make it up and it wasn't someone's opinion. I wish I could find that source. If you do, please post.
Some days it's just really hard to post. I know I'll be deleted so I just read and click Thanks. ;)

Sometimes I get on the board and don't log in, just so I won't be able to post! Especially when I'm tired.
I saw that katiecoolady was talking with TA family and about the WS....as TA family was very Thankful to WS

So I have a suggestion. I believe you can get an on-line free large GROUP e-card for people to sign (in whatever fonts, etc) they want and to say what they want to the family.

Could the MOD's look into this and getting it to the family via email. So all the WS can sign a Group e-card for the family.

Families stick together. TA family is, and our family here in Support of them.

Is this possible? I know we did it once but I do not know what site was used for *mega* e-card that you signed just like signing a real card. You say what you wish, and put your signature where you can find the space, and picked your font.

Just a suggestion.....but I think it would be a nice gesture on part of everyone here at WS.


That is an idea, but I am more comfortable with sending checks.. my preference and what I have been doing for seven times so far... a short note directly to Samantha and the family every single week.

Every little bit helps.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
And thanks for not allowing any bashing! We are better than that, and it serves NO constructive information.
Travis was a lover not a fighter. Maybe if he was really the violent person he was portrayed as he may still be alive.
SunnyinMO, in the Flores interrogations, he does tell Arias that the bullets were hollow points. I wish I could point you to it.

Do we know if that was Flores using a technique or if it was an actual fact? I was wondering about that as well. I couldn't remember what type of bullets were in the gun Jodi used to shoot Travis, and I couldn't find it anywhere. So much to search through.
She did! In her article she lists 3 categories of battered woman syndrome. She then goes on to say that men have the ability to control or stop an aggressive act against them by a woman (rubbish). She then concludes that men don't fit the 3 categories of battered woman's syndrome because they can stop the aggression, they don't show fear, etc. She says fear is a requisite.


Unbiased my ***. :furious:

And even when a man, such as Travis Alexander, says he is extremely fearful, she does not believe it.

The other part of her testimony in terms of the DV which I threw right out the window was her understanding of the choking incident. Travis threw JA on the floor, straddled JA and began choking her. JA did not defend herself because she did not want to hurt him.


Believe me, when I was pinned down with half my face raked off and was staring at a fist that was ready to smash my cheekbone or jaw, it never ever occurred to me that I did not want to hurt my ex. My only thoughts were how to get away. For ALV to have related that was preposterous. IIRC, when JA was on the stand, she told a different version of this story and I believe she said that she fought back. I'd have to go back and review the testimony to be sure.

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Wow! I didn't realize she actually wrote about her bias. It was clear in her testimony, but to claim to practice as an unbiased therapist when she believes only women are victims?! Expert in DV, my @ss!!!

She only claims that men can be abused as an "aside." Someone in the jury picked up on it when they asked about her always referring to the perpetrator as "he" and if a perpetrator could be a "she." I think she says men can be abused to be "PC," but deep down I don't think she believes it. She has another article where she says:

"No one (to my knowledge) in the domestic violence movement would support battering behavior by either gender. Beliefs about the extent of women's violence differ. The resulting arguments can resemble a battering relationship between experts. We need to question our rhetoric, allow for respectfully dissenting opinions and provide services for ALL VICTIMS. I know that shelters provide hotel vouchers, counseling, hotline and referral services for men, and that there are shelters (very few) for battered men. Having said that, I will end by quoting Ola Barnett and myself: "There is no research that can say that the cost of women's violence — emotionally, physically, or in regard to property damage — in any way matches the violence perpetrated by men."

Link: http://alycelaviolette.com/Women-Who-Hit-Their-Male-Partners.htm

"Having said that," is just a drawn out way of saying "but" and we all know what people say you do with what comes before "but." Disregard it.
Do we know if that was Flores using a technique or if it was an actual fact? I was wondering about that as well. I couldn't remember what type of bullets were in the gun Jodi used to shoot Travis, and I couldn't find it anywhere. So much to search through.

I've been trying to find out something about the bullets also, did anyone ever see how many bullets the grandparents had for that gun?
That is an idea, but I am more comfortable with sending checks.. my preference and what I have been doing for seven times so far... a short note directly to Samantha and the family every single week.

Every little bit helps.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Here as well! Something personal and something that takes your time to send. There is nothing you can give another person that is more valuable than your time and attention. No offense to anyone or any idea, but I have never been a fan of e-cards. I never liked sending them and I sure never liked receiving them. Something about knowing someone took the time. Sam and the family are so gracious and appreciative. Sam writes back too. What a wonderful group of kids (grown I know but I think of them all as dear, sweet kids). JMO
Bringing this over from the sidebar after removing humorous song clip because this portion of my post was serious discussion and more fitting here. Thoughts?

regarding ALV and character assassination

I find her insistence that TA was committing "Character Assassination" in regards to JA ridiculous and very telling.

Character assassination is defined as the slandering of a person usually with the intention of destroying public confidence in that person. Even if TA called JA every name in the book to her face or via text or pony express, that is NOT what character assassination is. That would be considered verbal abuse maybe and for sure name calling.

I find it very ironic that a person who is actively engaged in assassinating Travis Alexander's character in a very major way during this trial accuses him of such a thing. I find it ironic that ALV is and can claim to be the victim of character assassination based on some of the very negative online activity in regards to her testimony and book.

Which leaves me left asking - Project much lady?

MOO she hates Travis. He is a man who must have abused JA to make such a sweet little helpless thing kill him and now she (ALV) is being bullied and everybody hates her and in her mind, its all that damned Travis's fault. Even dead this poor guy cannot get a break. I am sure in her mind, she is currently being abused as a direct result of TA. NOT JA mind you, but TA.

Then she went so far as to accuse him of "soul assassination" upon the defendant. Seriously? I have one question for this unusual person. I would like to show her a huge glossy blown up exhibit and ask her what variety of "assassination" she would call the one used by JA on that day. Cause I have an answer for her if she is unsure. It's called "ACTUAL ASSASSINATION"!

That is my take on it and it is really disturbing to me that this person is considered an expert in her field.
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