weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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My understanding is that they had noticed an odor but blamed it on the dog (poor Napoleon!)

That's what I remember as well. The roommates must have followed a rule that I always abide to in my house and that is when someone smells a little funky in my house the safe bet is on the dog/the dog did it. lol
My vote is we won't see him at all.

I just don't think he's reliable...for either side, but especially JM. You don't want to find out he's willing to perjure himself on the stand.

Although it was interesting one juror ask ALV if she was the intended recipient of the jail mag msg, which I think is MM.

BBM: Did she actually write what I bolded in her journal? I didn't know that. Just another incident of Jodi lying to her journal and proof that the journal was indeed intended for others to read.

Thanks for posting that!

She sure did. Here's her journal entry: "Travis is dead. What happened?!? Travis, what is this?"....

I think that she planned to kill him in the shower all along so as to make the least mess. I think that she knew that TA would probably take a shower after their all day sex-romp (as I'm sure he had done in the past & she betted on him taking a shower on 6/4) -then- all she had to do was make up an excuse to be in the bathroom with him during his shower and this was done with JA's ridiculous idea to take that stupid "shower photo shoot of TA". I think that her plan was to get him into a place that he couldn't escape or call for help easily and a place that would help keep the bloody mess that she would cause by killing TA to a minimum. I believe that JA (foolishly) thought that one stab direct to TA's heart would have been enough to kill him instantly & drop him on spot (ae: in the running shower) -or- if you are of those who believe she shot him first then JA would have foolishly believed that one shot to TA's head would kill him instantly, on spot (this most likely would have been when she was having TA sit down in the shower to pose for the pics of her staged photo shoot). What JA did NOT plan to happen (nor do I think it ever occurred to her) was the fact of how hard it can be to kill a human being; the bloody struggle that can sometimes happen in murder... JA never intended TA to leave that shower IMO, thus we have all of the crazed wounds all over TA and overkill because she had not planned on him surviving her first (and what she thought would be only fatal) blow. TA's wounds, to me, show a killer who was not only full of rage but also they show a killer who was in a frenzy and extremely panicked. TA already survived what JA thought for sure would be a fatal blow/attack (with that first injury that JA inflicted upon him) so I'm sure that JA panicked as this was not how she planned it (and we all know what a great planner/calculator she is). And when TA not only survived that first attack but he also made it OUT of that shower, JA was going to do everything in her power to make sure that TA was not able to take the next step of getting/calling for help, and she did just that; whatever the painful & tortuous cost to TA as well as however much more of a mess that doing so would make. I also think that JA did doubt her ability (as well as the ability of the weapons that she was able to gather/bring with her [ae: a small caliber gun and/or knife]) to deliver a single fatal blow to TA because she brought two weapons with her into that bathroom (if the one that she chose to be her initial deadly weapon of choice did not do the job right away then the other was backup). Dragging TA back into the shower further makes me believe that this is where she wanted him to lay dead all along (plus getting him back to the shower would help wash her blood/DNA off his body that TA would have surely had on him at the time of his death). The best thing is the irony & karma in it all where the very camera that JA used to help perpetrate her murder was the same camera that miraculously kept snapping unintentional -yet crucial- photos that have shown the world both WHO was responsible for TA's grisly murder as well as what a monster that JA really is...
But this is JMO, of course, but I strongly believe most -if not all of what I typed- is the closest to what the reality/truth really was on 6/4/08... Just sharing so as to put out there another perspective/possibility.

*Another reason that I believe that JA's little shower photo op was entirely staged for the purpose of giving her the best advantage of murdering TA w/o being caught is that she immediately deleted ALL of the photos off that camera and then carelessly/foolishly threw it in the washer. C'mon now guys & gals, we all know JA keeps EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that she ever had that dealt with TA. She kept miticulous photographic & written records of everything that he ever gave her and every single thing that they EVER did together. JA NEVER missed a beat! If a "heat of the moment" type killing happened like JA claims, then she would have taken that camera -and the pictures contained inside of it- with her as her sick little trophies, a last momento of TA, so to speak. We're talking about a woman who took photos of underwear that she probably had made up herself - just because it had TA's name on it/them, a woman who kept daily journal entries detailing every single instance that she spoke to TA (and her delusional interpretations to what those conversations entailed), and a woman who -up until that point- took and KEPT photos of every single thing that they did together.... So why would she get rid of the camera that had images contained in it of her last memories with TA? Being as conniving as JA is and considering how well she was able to hide both murder weapons so that no one has been able to find them, she could have took the camera and hid it until years down the road when she had gotten away with TA's murder long enough that she felt comfortable going and retrieving the camera from it's hiding place in order to have/view/look at her sick momento pics and relieve the power she felt on the day of those pics. I think that she never viewed those pics -the pics on 6/4- as she did all the other pics that she took of her and TA. All she viewed the pics that were taken on 6/4 (that were on TA's camera) as were that they were nothing more than a tool to help aid her in doing what she did (murder TA) and she promptly discarded the evidence that was created in doing so (w/o a thought at all) and just for good measure threw it in the wash machine/cycle -with a bunch of bleach- and went on her merry sick way. Again, JMO.

Another great summary and great points. I thought maybe she got the camera mixed up in the clothes and threw it in the wash by accident and then couldnt find the camera. But your points make more sense because she did take steps to delete the pictures. So she probably never thought they could be recovered. Most of us have heard how LE can recover deleted files and stuff off a computer, but I for one never knew that same technique could be done with camera photos. Your points about how she just didnt think of those pics the same way as other pics make much more sense to me.
She sure did. Here's her journal entry: "Travis is dead. What happened?!? Travis, what is this?"....


When is JM going to crack this fake journal? Perhaps the teenie bopper version of it was written a journal that wasn't sold at that time.... or, maybe the ink on all of pages is the same.... or the handwriting doesn't changes significantly from teenie bopper days to adulthood....

I'm still waiting....

NG got another 600 pages of it and read some of it on her show. it sounds a little toooo 'past tense' for me. As in ' After Death'

Until tomorrow my lovelies.

Every sleep is one day closer for Justice for Travis. :rocker:
HI Dani, I was wrong. A couple of people explained it to me if you want to scroll up. Basically, Travis' body was in the shower decomposing while the roommates were living in the house. they didn't know that he was there. sad.

Duh!:banghead: I totally forgot about that time period when I posted. That's what I get for butting in.

(I've been doing taxes for my "kids" and grandkids all day so my brain is fried.)
My understanding is that they had noticed an odor but blamed it on the dog (poor Napoleon!)

Enrique said Monday evening was the first time he smelled anything. That was the same night the body was discovered.

"Travis’ Roommates on June 4-9:

"Zachary Billing lived with Travis since Jan 2008 (Girlfriend Amanda) -Spent most of his time at Amanda’s, house-sitting her parents house while they were away. They would go home to Travis house late, watch movies and fall asleep until next morning. The rest of the time they would run errands and was not around much. He knew Travis was planning a trip and assumed he was already gone. Him and Travis did not hang out much as he spent most of his time while living there hanging out with his girlfriend Amanda

"Enrique Cortez only lived there for 2 weeks (Girlfriend Kim) – Was at work most of the time, usually gets home at 6-6:30. Girlfriend was feeding Napoleon thinking Travis was gone to Cancun already but thought it was unusual that the dog was gated from going upstairs as he had full access to the house. When Enrique was home spent most of his time playing video games and watching movies. Travis bedroom and office doors were locked. He first noticed unusual smell on Monday night when he got home from a Church activity but never asked about it. Later that night Travis was discovered by Zach"

You know this jury has had more names thrown at them of people who could supposedly "verify" parts of JA's stories.

Matt - who allegedly saw the bruises and knew of the alleged abuse.

Rachel - who recommended JA go to the bishop about her "sins" with TA and who allegedly had to drive her to TA's as they arrived at the ballgame because TA wanted her at his house on his birthday.

The Hughes - who ALV alleged lectured TA via email about his "treatment" of JA

Deanna - another gf ALV seemingly believed was abused by TA

and probably more I can't remember.

What are they going to think when the defense rests without calling any of them?
You know this jury has had more names thrown at them of people who could supposedly "verify" parts of JA's stories.

Matt - who allegedly saw the bruises and knew of the alleged abuse.

Rachel - who recommended JA go to the bishop about her "sins" with TA and who allegedly had to drive her to TA's as they arrived at the ballgame because TA wanted her at his house on his birthday.

The Hughes - who ALV alleged lectured TA via email about his "treatment" of JA

Deanna - another gf ALV seemingly believed was abused by TA

and probably more I can't remember.

What are they going to think when the defense rests without calling any of them?

Yeah, it is amazing isnt it.

Was just thinking of a move I saw recently called "The Tower Heist" and in that movie the expert criminal says that you have to be prepared for things to change during the crime because things always come up and force you to do things differently than what you planned.

That is probably why Jodi's actions that day are so bizarre to some extent. She had to change some of the things she planned because the situation did not go exactly as she had hoped it would.
She sure did. Here's her journal entry: "Travis is dead. What happened?!? Travis, what is this?"....


Wow! Thanks for that!

Do you know if ALV had access to that entry? 'Cuz if that ain't MANIPULATION…for whomever (L.E.?) she figured would read it then I'm a 2 two headed emu. (Hi Steely Dan:seeya:)
Wow! Thanks for that!

Do you know if ALV had access to that entry? 'Cuz if that ain't MANIPULATION…for whomever (L.E.?) she figured would read it then I'm a 2 two headed emu. (Hi Steely Dan:seeya:)

IMO this is why they didn't have ALV go into the murder itself (much) or anything after...she was clear to say her assessment of Jodi lying was only before the murder...nonsense.
I just don't think he's reliable...for either side, but especially JM. You don't want to find out he's willing to perjure himself on the stand.

Although it was interesting one juror ask ALV if she was the intended recipient of the jail mag msg, which I think is MM.


that question was priceless indeed!

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is it Monday yet.
is it Monday yet
is it Monday yet


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When is JM going to crack this fake journal? Perhaps the teenie bopper version of it was written a journal that wasn't sold at that time.... or, maybe the ink on all of pages is the same.... or the handwriting doesn't changes significantly from teenie bopper days to adulthood....

I'm still waiting....

NG got another 600 pages of it and read some of it on her show. it sounds a little toooo 'past tense' for me. As in ' After Death'

I totally agree. Just from the few pages I have read, this screams "after the fact". This woman was making up her defense in these journals between the time she murdered TA and her arrest. It is very obvious to me.
One thing about the camera in the washing machine that still makes me think she may have just threw it in there by accident is that everyone knew she was the shutter bug. So, you would think she would have just taken it and thrown it away with the gun and knife.

The camera in the washing machine is one of those strange Jodi things I suppose. Really crazy.
Also, the smuggled magazine messages...I think it was established (here anyway) that they were intended for MM because he had given his statement or deposition, and that statement was in direct conflict with the story JA had been spewing.
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