weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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From the person that was holding the camera, maybe idk
But I do agree that there is something amiss in what I see in the male figure in the photo.

Amiss? How so?

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It does! This was obviously taken BEFORE the "$300.00" boob job. Jodi had to have been jealous, because Bobby is much prettier than than she is :giggle:

Do you guys think Bobby supplied these pictures to HLN? How else would they have gotten them? Notice the braids and superman shirt.

I really wish someone would show the jury that old picture of her with braids and superman shirt!
Yes! And when the mom's interrogation video came out and she was talking about how Jodi wouldn't even let her mom come to where she and DB lived (sorry, I can't remember the city, you need to be a geography teacher to keep it all together) because she was afraid her mom would snoop thru her stuff....can you say PARANOID.

Just makes me more sure that she projects herself onto others. I dont think the password sharing even occured between TA/JA. She was a snooper. And she was paranoid. What a great combo...(sarcasm)


IMO that's not why she wouldn't let her mom come over. She was lying to both of them and needed to keep them apart. Would love to know her tale of woe she feed Travis.... His comment about her being like her mother was very telling.

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Along these lines, since the beginning I have been convinced that part of Jodi's master plan in killing Travis was to link them together for eternity. He wouldn't marry her or acknowledge her as his girlfriend, but now no one will ever be able to mention her name or his without including the other. THAT is how sick she is.

Yep, I agree (posted upstream on that). She is "just that sick," IMO.

After seeing her do that right handed grip of a pretend knife, I wouldn't rule out her having two knives to slash and stab. Wasn't she busted with two hidden knives in books? It would explain how she could at least hold a gun and knife on him at the same time.
And I think this drinking out of cups using both hands in court or writing using both...is the narcissistic sociopath's way of flaunting the jury and Juan of how 'talented and clever' she is.

ITA. She thinks she's demonstrating her ambidextrous nature to the jury, as though that little detail will be important in their deliberation. I think Einstein is several moves behind in the current chess game.

She tweets. [Ref. to ALV]

(I just read a tweet of hers and it isn't on a twitter page with her name :what:)

I'm certain she roosts as well, though I do not have proof.

Yes, I cannot think past the fact that JA had a gun with her, even though my brain wants to think that she killed him in a fit of rage! :banghead:

Yes, but that rage probably started on May 26th, not June 4th.

Don't know if anyone has ever pontificated this, but I'm wondering about something. What if... Jodi was going to make it look like Travis committed suicide?

She knew he wanted her out of his life, and he wanted to get back on the straight and narrow in his life. But the sex was his downfall.

She taped the phone sex, egged him on so much in conversations to make him say over the top emotional stuff, went there all shaved and ready for sex... they have sex and take all sorts of naughty pics... now she has what she needs. She could take those pics back home with her and have them ready to go.

Travis was shot near the temple... usually when people kill themselves with a gun it's either in the mouth or on the temple. In the mouth may have been too difficult, but maybe she tried the temple thinking that would kill him immediately. Then she could perhaps stage the scene, put the gun in his hand, whatever else people do to stage that type of stuff.

When the cops would start digging in to his life, they would find all the kinky sex stuff and perhaps she would plant other things, to lead everybody to the assumption that he just couldn't live as a "fraud" anymore. (for the record, I don't think he was a fraud... just using JA thought process).

Abandoning the ME testimony for just a second here... the shot came first, tried to make it look like a suicide shot to temple... he didn't die and fought back, hence the defensive wounds. Turned in to a blood bath with a knife. Now there is no way she can make it look like suicide, that's why she erases the pics. Doesn't need them anymore and certainly doesn't want there to be evidence.

IDK... this thought literally just occured to me tonight. What do you guys think?

For the gun-firsters, this would certainly be a reasonable hypothesis. I know I wouldn't put anything past her in terms of weird planning. I have given up thinking that I will ever understand how her thinking works, but it is endlessly fascinating to consider the possibilities.
Did ALV really put down Republicans? In addition to rendering opinions on Travis without any basis she also deems herself so important that she shares her political opinions in a death penalty trial?

Yesterday I posted that ALV referred to Travis as a Republican - twice! I thought it was interesting because not only is she a man-hater, it appears she hates Republicans, too! This wisecrack definitely belongs in the .."What did she say???? column, lol!
Yes, I am thinking they would have taken precautions. Anything could have happened with laptop so with that type of important and personal information I am hoping that she has it backed up.

I just can't imagine that she doesn't. If she doesn't, I won't feel really good about Dr. Demarte...it would seem like a rookie mistake if that makes sense.


I bet she has backup- I doubt everything was on that laptop. She must have had to rewrite them all though. But makes me think hmmm How long has jodi's bff donovan been out?
I wonder who is on probation in Mesa or around that JA knew inside. I think it is pretty easy for "these people" ( convicts) to network something like this. unfortunately.

Also, about the DT's last witness, maybe they are trying to get some more evidence in there first because JuanTheMon has got something very damning coming for JA in his rebuttal case. Not to mention the possible impeachment of one AlV
IMO that's not why she wouldn't let her mom come over. She was lying to both of them and needed to keep them apart. Would love to know her tale of woe she feed Travis.... His comment about her being like her mother was very telling.

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I totally agree she was telling people whole lot of stories about her parents and her childhood. So you could be right there.

I do believe she had stuff to hide. And I agree with the comment.

Trust me, I don't discount that she told her mother one thing and others a whole other story.

I found it hilarious that one of the jurors asked ALV if the messages in the magazines she gave Arias were intended to reach her? Hinting of dishonest conduct much??

Remember Juan made jodi read the mssgs out loud. She read them as if she...had....never...seen....them...be...fore. LOL!

I hope this comes out in rebuttal - the jury wants to know too!

Another great summary and great points. I thought maybe she got the camera mixed up in the clothes and threw it in the wash by accident and then couldnt find the camera. But your points make more sense because she did take steps to delete the pictures. So she probably never thought they could be recovered. Most of us have heard how LE can recover deleted files and stuff off a computer, but I for one never knew that same technique could be done with camera photos. Your points about how she just didnt think of those pics the same way as other pics make much more sense to me.

Digital file = Digital file

Digital cameras write digital files which usually contain embedded metadata that provide the camera's 'signature', for lack of a better term.

Metadata include, but are not limited to date, time, camera model & settings.
I totally agree she was telling people whole lot of stories about her parents and her childhood. So you could be right there.

I do believe she had stuff to hide. And I agree with the comment.

Trust me, I don't discount that she told her mother one thing and others a whole other story.


IMO probably, in my opinion went something like... They beat me all the time, stole my stuff and threw me out of the house when I was only 15 years old.

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Remember Juan made jodi read the mssgs out loud. She read them as if she...had....never...seen....them...be...fore. LOL!

I hope this comes out in rebuttal - the jury wants to know too!


But IIRC correctly she was insinuating that she knew nothing about them. We even got a L O N G D R A W N out description of how mail works in the jail. Again, implying that she would be too smart to try and beat the system.

Thats what I got out of that whole magazine testimony....Wasn't JA.


IMO probably, in my opinion went something like... They beat me all the time, stole my stuff and threw me out of the house when I was only 15 years old.

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And they loved my siblings more
They wouldn't let me drive the car
They made me work in the resturaunt instead of having fun...

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

IMO that's not why she wouldn't let her mom come over. She was lying to both of them and needed to keep them apart. Would love to know her tale of woe she feed Travis.... His comment about her being like her mother was very telling.

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And Ironically, that comment was "supposed" to make TA look bad. But Travis had never even met JA's mom, all the bad stuff had come straight from Hodi's mouth.
Yeah, when I heareople say that I wonder how much of this trial they've actually watched. She spent how many days on the stand? I can't think of one observable redeeming or like able quality displayed in all that time. If anything, the more she talked the clearer it was that the defects in her personality are immutable.

IF she does skate on the DP, it won't be because the jury feels a bond with Jodi.

Originally Posted by Little Mel in ATL View Post
thefragile! Good point! Geraldo & Geragos are taking the position that the jury won't send JA to death row, and may not even convict her of Murder 1 because they've spent all these months getting to know her... she is "Jodi" to them now. (How sweet )

But isn't it also possible that the more the jurors get to know her, the more they realize what a danger to society she is, and that her personality disorder is too severe to be treatable? Do they seriously think the jury will so readily let JA back out on the streets, like EVER? I was yelling at the TV when I heard Geraldo call what Jodi did to Travis "a run-of-the-mill DV homicide". Un-freakin'-believable!!!

Yeah, when I heareople say that I wonder how much of this trial they've actually watched. She spent how many days on the stand? I can't think of one observable redeeming or like able quality displayed in all that time. If anything, the more she talked the clearer it was that the defects in her personality are immutable.

IF she does skate on the DP, it won't be because the jury feels a bond with Jodi.
Skepticism is the frank admission that at a certain point we must run out of knowledge.
-David Christensen

Geraldo is an idiot in anyone's eyes. He says and does the stupidest things that only a moron would do.
I guess that's why he works for Fox News.
He's a legend in his own mind but not anyone's mind with more than two brain cells that still work.
It does! This was obviously taken BEFORE the "$300.00" boob job. Jodi had to have been jealous, because Bobby is much prettier than than she is :giggle:

Do you guys think Bobby supplied these pictures to HLN? How else would they have gotten them? Notice the braids and superman shirt.

Yeah, but Travis was the one who liked them. :rolleyes:
And they loved my siblings more
They wouldn't let me drive the car
They made me work in the resturaunt instead of having fun...

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.


Yep I think she used the abused childhood to create rapport with Travis. Gee... Travis I had a horrid childhood too. Psychologically ... In the beginning... He wanted to save her. He wanted to be the grandmother in his history to rescue her. All IMO

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