weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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And Jodi's real good at that as we saw in the interrogation tape. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
People think fixing the brain is like fixing a broken bone or an infected tooth.
It is very hard to find someone who understands the human brain and it's potential disorders. Doctors love giving tests so they can try to get you in a category, so they can try and fit you with this group of people but it solves nothing.
The only cure that saved my Mother's life was shock therapy. Very scary at first, thought her Doc was crazy but is changed her life for the good 10 years ago. Look into it. Truley amazing results and please do not give up! There is somebody out there that will help you. Good Luck!

Electro-convulsive therapy is used for depression and certain psychoses, not PTSD and your Mother would have been diagnosed the same way JA was before any 'cure' was attempted. At least I understand where you're coming from now though. <modsnip> I'm sorry you're so frustrated but please don't take it out on a licensed professional who was following protocol. <modsnip>
Yes. Even her father thought she was going to marry Travis, as per the Flores interview tapes.

She had everyone convinced, even her own family! Isn't odd that not one of them ever met him?
Then they might learn the truth..
Originally Posted by TXProfessional
For anyone interested in JA MMPI-2 "elevated" scores on the 10 Clinical scales. She was elevated on 7 of the 10 clinical scales.

I was most interested in the one she was the most elevated on and thought you might be too. Her T-score on the Psychopathic Deviate scale was a 105 (highest of all of her elevated scores) with 65 being the threshold for clinically significant. If you want to research the scales the developer of the test is Pearson.

Psychopathic Deviate (PD)- Hathaway & McKinley (1944). (50 items). High: Poor impulse control, disidentification with societal standards, authority conflicts, marital and family conflicts, inconsiderate, narcissistic, poor judgment, extroverted, self-confident, hostile, parasitic and externalizes blame. Low: Overly conventional and conforming, passive, trusting and non-competitive. Pd is a great characterlogical scale of narcissism, externalization of blame, exploitiveness, and hostility. The subscales for Pd are very important in understanding elevations in Pd. Elevations in Pd can be due to a hostile, exploitive and truly psychopathic mentality, or moderate elevations can be an extroverted normal going through a divorce, or a normal teenager. If Pd-O is greater than Pd, then the more pathological interpretations should be used. If Pd-S is higher than Pd, then the more benign interpretations should be used. It is helpful to also look at the content scales of anger, authority problems, family problems etc. to help understand elevations in Pd.

I know scales need to be seen globally as well as individually, yet I do not understand why this scale was not discussed in detail/ad naseum IMHO.


Saw this on the last thread. How was this information discovered and is there a link? TIA :seeya:

Why wasn't this presented?

IMO the biggest problem with presenting the PD scale in this case would be that the PD scale is typically elevated when the person being tested is fighting criminal charges (because it measures, inter alia, conflict with authority), with the elevation being higher for more serious charges. So if you're on trial for your life, this scale will probably be quite high even if you would not have tested high on the scale in your pre-arrest condition.

I happen to think she would have tested pretty high anyway, but there's no way to know that.
hi, can someone explain the phone w/the sex tape ja lost and found by aunt in the car ..what is the timeline . and is the phone gus gave her to replace this phone trying to fiqure out something but im confused.
Just viewed utube videos of jury questions to Dr D and ALV. First, the difference of the demeanor of the judge is remarkable. Second, I noted a huge difference in the quality of answers. No question who did the better job. I think Dr D has a future in the forensic, testify business. IMO
Do you think you could do any better?
The defense is stuck with a fantasy story made up by an ill person. What do you expect them to do? They are doing the best they can with what they got. On the other hand the prosecution has it on easy street. Do you think it is JM is the only person that can crack this case open? Think about it.

I do not believe there are many who could have dragged the admissions he got from Alyce LaViolette and Jodi Arias. Jodi was calm, stoic, seemingly unconcerned; smug and arrogant in her ability to block any question she didn't want to answer.

Many would have kept pestering her with the same questions over and over and over hoping she'd crack and they would have been polite and firm with her. And she would have successfully evaded almost every question.

JM was hip to her game from the beginning. He lulled her into a false sense of superiority over his questioning ability, zipping around seemingly aimless from one subject to the next, from a serious question to an innocuous question until you could see her relax and give a few smirks. Then he lowered the boom on her a$$ and she didn't know where to look. She was trapped in her own web. And JM, triumphant, asks: "Ma'am, do you remember what you told us just 30 seconds ago? Do you remember that?" And suddenly his questions had the speed and force of a freight train. She made critical errors on the stand with Juan.

Juan would not let go of Alyce LaViolette and was relentless in bringing her to her knees, too. He was completely unfazed by her snotty time out recommendations and her wanting to take him on a trip around the world when she answered every question. He would throw it back at her fast and furious until she too sat in stunned silence.

Despite media criticisms and TH Monday morning quarterbacking him, he never lost his footing nor did he give up his style. His style offends some but it works for him and we saw him work magic.

So no, I don't believe it was easy street and I don't believe just anyone could have gotten the admissions that he got.
After some thought I think Jodi never waivered in her mission to murder Travis. Right after the May 25th marathon IM/text/call she decided to kill him. From then on it was plan...plan...plan until June. We all know the pre murder measures to not be detected she divised and carried out. Whether she called Travis to make sure he was going to be home or actually told him she was on her way really doesnt matter, in order for her plan to work he needed to be home.

Ive read where some do not understand why Travis would have sex with her or why she would have sex with Travis if her intention was to murder him or that she may have been trying to get him to change his mind about Cancun. I dont think there was ever a maybe if he changes his mind about Cancun she wont kill him plan. Plain and simple their whole relationship was based on sex. Travis wanted her for sex and had a hard time saying no (not unusual for men his age) and she knew how to control him by using sex. She needed this control for her plan to work. Does anyone really believe she was embarrassed by those photos - heck no and that is why having sex with him before the murder was of no significance to her it was just a means to an end. It put her in control. The nude photos before were just a way to get him to have those photos taken in the shower where she planned on the murder. A set up if you will.

Once in the shower her plan was always to kill by knife AND gun (she had both in the getaway car too)...a two person look alike murder to deflect away from her. The stabbings had to come first as why would they need to stab if the gun shot killed him first. (I also believe her final story of gunshot first, stabbing second was because she was led to believe thats what the coronor concluded and she needed to make a story based on the coronors report). I believe her plan was to stab Travis to death in the shower was to minimize the blood and minimize his ability to fight back and then shoot him in the head to make it look like 2 people killed him. Of course she didnt count on him being able to get up and out of the shower so thats where the over kill came in. It wasnt in her plan and so she panicked. She dragged him back to the shower and shot him in the head even tho he was dead to get back to her original plan.

The camera she had planned on all along and on deleting the photos. Her major flaw is that she really didnt know that photos could be recovered if you delete them. She bled on the camera and she knew she had to get the DNA off so she intentionally threw it in the bleach water along with the other stuff that had her DNA on it. She couldnt take the camera and nothing else, as that would seem very odd and since she considers herself to be a photographer the police may look at her if the camera was taken. She didnt think to take the memory card because she honestly didnt think she needed to since the photos were deleted.
People think fixing the brain is like fixing a broken bone or an infected tooth.
It is very hard to find someone who understands the human brain and it's potential disorders. Doctors love giving tests so they can try to get you in a category, so they can try and fit you with this group of people but it solves nothing.
The only cure that saved my Mother's life was shock therapy. Very scary at first, thought her Doc was crazy but is changed her life for the good 10 years ago. Look into it. Truley amazing results and please do not give up! There is somebody out there that will help you. Good Luck!

You do sound a bit angry and I have always believed that the true curse of harboring anger is that it eats you up from the inside out. Anger is a destroyer.
I hope that perhaps I'm sensing something that isn't there.......

Anyway, doctors try to test/interview so they can get a diagnosis and then they can treat the patient. "It solves nothing" if the patient or family doesn't want to hear the diagnosis or treatment, imho.

I think the thingthat bothers me most about this trial is the judge. She doesnt seem to respect the jurors' time. They are the invited guests and all should be done to keep them on a schedule, to stop the witnesses from 20 minute nonanswers disguised as testimony and to take their comfort into account more than the defendant.
Until she is executed, she is at risk to kill again, which she is certainly clever enough to do.

Society doesn't need another victim of this lying torture murderess.

She said that she would beg for the death penalty.

Perhaps the jury will be sympathetic and 'give at the office'.

The undisputed fact that, in her second rental car, after she was arrested on July 15th (?) they found knives and later on.....a hidden gun that was discovered very well hidden in the engine compartment.
So she is with no doubt, a risk to society and could've very well had her next victim planned out. Mimi? Ryan? Who knows...............
Chris Highes testified in a hearing without the jury that Nurmi called Sky and told her he had original letters from Travis to Jodi about his pedophilia. He LIED to her. Nurmi knew already that those letters were forged. Sky was so horrified because she did not think Nurmi would lie, him being an attorney, and she emailed a friend about it. Then when Nurmi realized he might have the Hughes on Jodi's side, he subpoenaed them as witnesses. Chris Hughes called Nurmi a liar in court. He sure did. :)

Then Nurmi thought he would bully and "shame" him by asking something like, "Is that when you called me a snake?"

Chris, unfazed, answered: "I don't believe I used that word but it was something like that, yes."

Chris and Sky Hughes honeymooned at a Cancun resort, I think but could be wrong, prior to his rise at PPL. The article below has info about Hughes - his upbringing similar to TA's, his departure from PPL, and his new venture. It could be that in 2008 "Cancun PPL" was synonymous with Hughes, being an annual event he and Sky hosted/attended as a family and as a reward for certain others close to them. If so, no way Jodi was on the invite list by 2008.


Well, I am pretty sure that this Cancun trip is company wide. Many of the PPL recruitment materials discuss this trip to Cancun as a reward for thier most consistent salespeople and they emphasize the trip is fully paid for and is not that hard to achieve. I don't think that the company wide trip originated with the Hughes, I just think they made a really big deal out of it as recruiters. I could be wrong but if you look around at other Teams in PPL, the Cancun trip is a big deal with all of them.
Too true, and leave us not forget her "morbid curiosity" about seeing the crime scene photos. You know, the ones that included the picture of how she had slit his throat from ear to ear down to the spine. Hmmm. Seems inconsistent with PTSD to me.


jumping off your post........

Ya know, it's weird. Before the trial, when the only Jodi I had "seen" was the 48 hours Jodi, I thought she seemed a little vapid and kinda peculiar. But I really felt like this was a rage killing and she was just a jealous beeotch who dropped her basket and went psycho on Travis. Nothing more.

But her demeanor in the interrogation room tapes and in the courtroom just skeeves me out. Even were she not a killer, I think being in a room with her would set off all kinds of alarms in me. Not "danger" stuff, just "ewwy icky please don't touch me" stuff. Her weird cup holding, inappropriate posture at the table, forced laughter, dead pan staring, etc. I think if I'd met her at a party, I'd spend the evening trying to avoid having to be near her. :gasp:

She is, personality wise, just unsettling to watch. And then asking about those pictures. Jeebus!

This is not just being mean or nasty. I know next to nothing about BPD/ASPD and the like. I wouldn't even venture a guess as to what her damage is. I just can attest to Jodi's own affect as being alarming to me, even if I did not know she ghoulishly murdered Travis. :(

Also, her shocking change in physical appearance freaks me out a little. I am one of the few that thought JA was an attractive girl in the photos and in the 48 hours show. But there is NO WAY just lack of cosmetics and hairdye and her acquired prison pallor could make her practically unrecognizable from that girl in the photos. I honestly wouldn't recognize her as the same person. I have read sone peeps saying that her "true inside ugliness" has made it's way to the surface, and I used to think that was just silly! Lots of ugly people have very pretty packaging.

But in JA's case, I now think those peeps were right. There is no other explanation.

All of this just MOO.
Well, I am pretty sure that this Cancun trip is company wide. Many of the PPL recruitment materials discuss this trip to Cancun as a reward for thier most consistent salespeople and they emphasize the trip is fully paid for and is not that hard to achieve. I don't think that the company wide trip originated with the Hughes, I just think they made a really big deal out of it as recruiters. I could be wrong but if you look around at other Teams in PPL, the Cancun trip is a big deal with all of them.

I've always found this bit a tad bit disturbing if not, confusing.

According to Gus Searcy, Jodi phoned him hours after murdering Travis on June 4th. He testified that she told him 'Travis is dead'. Now.....why didn't he mention it to anyone in Cancun? Wouldn't people have missed and conversed about Travis expected yet missing presence that weekend? Or is Gus just bull----ing? And if so then, why?
if JA took anything from TA as she murdered him, wouldn't there be an additional charge for armed robbery, or a captial charge of robbery and a murder involved?
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