weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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I think psychopathy turns up much earlier than that. Jodi has always been a psychopath.

I agree with you, although psychopathic or sociopathic behavior is never labeled upon a person before they are an adult. In fact it's very frowned upon unless it's in mental health court (even then it's not exactly welcomed as a diagnosis) but I digress; a budding psychopath can be treated and reformed. It's a flaw in personality and a combination of personality disorders. It's the inability to bond or feel a regard for human life among other things. Living in a structured environment with relearning how to bond and relate will change a lost cause into a viable human being. The problem is the impulse trait. I as a person living with Borderline personality disorder have to live my life being very astute to my surroundings. I also have to want it. IT was a dark time in my life when I was correctly diagnosed. I cried for a year straight and lashed out (towards myself). I dove off the deep end and no one cared. I then decided I wanted to be "normal" (whatever the heck that is) and left a long term relationship, and I shut myself off from the world. I'm still living that way in a sense. I have a lot of people that love me and often they get frustrated because I won't leave my house for weeks at a time if I can help it. I believe I can be a healthy partner now but I still worry about making proper choices. I tend to live life in the fast lane and I know that if I don't slap my own hands - I will get hurt.

I can't tell you how hard that is.
I call BS on the toilet paper. Weather would have caused it to disintegrate very quickly.
How could the kiddie *advertiser censored*, grandma bloomers, Valentine's gift and the rest of the stuff come in?

If there is a gun, I think the DT is going to try for a mistrial...avoid the inevitable. They have been gunning for this for a longgggg time. JMO

But if the gun doesn't match, then it is definitively just a gun without any relation to the trial. The only way it could come is if ballistics match. If it doesn't then it can't. It would do nothing because it is an unrelated gun. Totally apples and oranges.
Some states limit the cost of a last meal to a few dollars.

The found gun belongs to jimmy hoffa :) couldnt resist
I think it's more likely a 1/99 chance. I think that's the odds of someone finding something wrapped in 'unknown' toilet paper curious enough to touch said unknown toilet paper and unwrap it-- and then instead of reporting finding a gun to authorities----they take it home. Who does that?:floorlaugh:

What in the H E double chopsticks is this chick's obsession with TOILET PAPER???
So, you night timers don't know me and I'm sorry to intrude but... I'm having a BAD night. Anything new going on in the case that I've missed?
Yes, this is true.

Last post before bed. :giggle:

Anyways, i'm quite sure gun, knife and ring were all disposed of together.

I think it's more likely a 1/99 chance. I think that's the odds of someone finding something wrapped in 'unknown' toilet paper curious enough to touch said unknown toilet paper and unwrap it-- and then instead of reporting finding a gun to authorities----they take it home. Who does that?:floorlaugh:
Respectfully snipped by me

JA wouldn't have planted *advertiser censored* on TA's computer since that thought hadn't occurred to her until years in jail and a good defense was made. Remember, her first defense was I wasn't there, her second was ninjas THEN the self defense claim.

Sorry to quote myself but....

Did I just write 'GOOD DEFENSE'?

I must be tired - g'nite all! :)
I don't know, if I believe it either. But, IF a gun was found, someone is very desperate! I think that fits with just about any scenario. :moo:

That Topix "news" was announced in late March. If anyone believed it at all, we'd have heard about it ad naseum on NG, JVM, etc, etc, for the past month. The story obviously didn't pass even their very low threshold for "news" or the sme ll test.
Chris Hughes tweets:

Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes https://twitter.com/cshughes

cshughes: FYI the DT/PT have NEVER contacted me to tell me I am on a witness list, nor have I ever been deposed by either side. #JodiArias


BuckeyesGirl33 : @cshughes please help me understand why you write the stuff in the emails about abuse and womanizing? The pain in his family breaks my heart

Chris Hughes: @BuckeyesGirl33 It was taken out of context. Long story short, Travis was in love with Deanna and always

Gracieann: @cshughes Hello Chris, Can you clear up story behind TA's stolen ring? Was it engagement ring? Who for? #justicefortravis

Chris Hughes: @Gracieann0010 Yes. His girlfriend Linda from back in 2000/2001ish. He was going to use it to go towards buying Lisa a ring.
Gypsy Dejavu : @cshughes Curious what was the final straw for you with #jodiarias?

Chris Hughes: @DejavuGypsy The psychotic look on her face when we caught her eaves dropping outside our bedroom door in middle of night... TWICE!

SchreeRusevlyan: was this when you were talking to Travis about her?

Chris Hughes: Yes

Bella Tweeter: @cshughes @SchreeRusevlyan How did Travis react when you found Jodi eavesdropping outside the bedroom door?

Chris Hughes: @bellaTweeter @SchreeRusevlyan He was rattled but would not see/feel what we saw/felt


Nicole Coulter: @cshughes I wish Travis would have kicked Jodi out of HIS house. Didn't he suspect she was dangerous? He called her a sociopath!

Chris Hughes: @niteowlmom3 That didn't happen until about a week or so before the murder. He figured her out, just way too late. :-(


Chris Hughes: @amyspaulding He was more tempted than conflicted. He had strong faith, but Jodi was a drug for him. Toxic all the way around.


dina drown ‏: @cshughes have u seen jas interrogation interviews where she did headstand?

Chris Hughes: @dinamarie78 Yes. Wild! Typical Jodi. Her request to make up was denied, so did headstand to get some color in her face before mug shot.

Chris Hughes: 4 the rcrd we were close friends w/ TA til the day he was murdered. We kicked #JodiArias out of our house 4 good n 2007. JA was the abuser.

There's some from Chris that may not be so TOS friendly so I'll leave those :)
I agree with you, although psychopathic or sociopathic behavior is never labeled upon a person before they are an adult. In fact it's very frowned upon unless it's in mental health court (even then it's not exactly welcomed as a diagnosis) but I digress; a budding psychopath can be treated and reformed. .

There is no cure for psychopathy, no matter how soon intervention occurs. There is no medical expert anywhere able to implant empathy and compassion into a human being devoid of same.
So, you night timers don't know me and I'm sorry to intrude but... I'm having a BAD night. Anything new going on in the case that I've missed?

Just some twitter stuff about a possible 25 auto gun found near the Hoover Dam but it's questionable. Sorry you're having a bad night. I had a rough day. Wish I had a juicy distraction for ya.

I'll give ya a :hug: though. xo
What in the H E double chopsticks is this chick's obsession with TOILET PAPER???

OMG Thank you for this! I laughed so hard and so suddenly that I farted and that scared my dog who woke up in a barking frenzy, making my laughter uncontrollable and now I guess i'm going to have to explain all this to my grouchy hubby who just wants me to hit the hay. (Not a chance...) Still laughing.... :razz:
Astro that sounds very hard I cant even begin imagine. I hope you find the quality of life you're looking for. You're really pretty. :) What kind of treatment is available for BPDs?

I know the ME said TA would be instantly out of commission after the gunshot, but I know of several examples of people with headshots who did not collapse and go out of commission. Forgive me if this has been brought up, but for a verifiable example, Google "Daniel Von Bargen."

He is an actor who was suffering terrible complications from diabetes and tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the temple with a .38 caliber handgun. You can listen to his 911 call where he has to admit to the dispatcher that "it didn't work." He called 911 himself and says the gun is is lying next to him on the bed and that he can't open his eyes.

If that wound had been inflicted by a crazed ex- girlfriend, I believe this man might've run away...struggled to the sink...crawled down the hallway...or something like that. He did survive (how horrible) so I just can't quite get over the thought that JA shot TA right in that shower and then stabbed and tortured him until the real coup d'grace of the neck wound.

WOW now that's a story! I will have to look and see if I can find out where it entered and where the bullet went. TA's bullet was lodged - which is why I think it was done last although it would explain the throat laceration. Either way I think the back wounds were happening because he was walking away from her or on all fours collapsing. The neck could have happened if he was on all four (and he flipped over putting his hands up to fight her - hence the cuts to the hand). Did they ever state what type of knife was used? Only the back looked like it was done in a frenzy with him actively trying to get away (she dragged the knife. So stab and then pull it out and drag it). I didn't watch the trial in totality, so I missed a lot.

IF anyone has a link to a transcript of the autopsy, please let me know. From a medical standpoint I'm curious on a few things. I have to tell you guys that it's a struggle to finish my degree (I'm too close to stop now) because I fear seeing this in person.

* I just realized i made no sense. But I think he was cut on the neck after he was already rather motionless.. she did a cut with time. That spoke volumes to me. It's just crazy to me that SHE did that, given how big he is. Obviously she did this alone but my god.
So, you night timers don't know me and I'm sorry to intrude but... I'm having a BAD night. Anything new going on in the case that I've missed?

sorry you're having a bad night. :( No new news, at least that I've seen.
That talk on twitter about a .25 being found near the Hoover Dam recently has to be just that - all talk. If it were true, that story would be all over the local media and it isn't.

(sigh) It's just the internet rumor mill.
I think psychopathy turns up much earlier than that. Jodi has always been a psychopath.

I believe you are correct, at least if you follow the research of Dr. Robert Hare. I remember a case he wrote about involving twin girls who were very young. One was a psychopath. That was mentioned in "Without Conscience."
How could the kiddie *advertiser censored*, grandma bloomers, Valentine's gift and the rest of the stuff come in?

If there is a gun, I think the DT is going to try for a mistrial...avoid the inevitable. They have been gunning for this for a longgggg time. JMO

Mistrial based on what, though?

IF there is a gun, it's either the gun used to shoot Travis or not. In either one of the scenarios, I don't see how that could lead to a mistrial. I admit I don't know a lot about how that works though.
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