weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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It's the rep from the Cancun for PPL that I wanna hear.

So, would,this be someone from the company PPL, or say, a travel agent who routinely handles this large group reservation for the company? Either way it's gonna be GOOD!
IMo she changed the Cancun ticket back to her name and charged the "fee"
to his bank acct.

Sky and Chris were going to Cancun were Leslie and the Freeman's?
She knew that Sky and Chris hated her. She also knew they would not associate with him if he took her. He would be ALL hers.
You may be right but if she did this, wouldn't evidence of it have come out sooner and wouldn't she have built it into her lies? Wouldn't she have already pre-emptively have concocted a reason for why it all transpired?

That's it! I a taking Astro, Rosey and Elroy and we are going to Mr. Spacely's to live! :dramaqueen:

You are giving me a HISGRAINE!

Because we all know I would never have a MY-graine

eta: I will be good now... just needed some comic relief

I'm taking Astro's ticket. You can't go without me. Let me stop at the Wahhl-mahht for some sunscreen and a gas can, first. Be right there!
These are all good ideas, imo, and she could have done any of them - or a combo platter!

I only think Travis put up with JA's shenanigans for as long as he did because she was a very sexually aggressive. And he didn't do more to protect himself because, as a man, he would feel like he could take care of the situation without asking for help (hope that doesn't sound sexist - I don't mean it to be).

LOL I l know....in trying to decide what kind of crazy she is its like picking from a menu in a Chinese Restaraunt!
You may be right but if she did this, wouldn't evidence of it have come out sooner and wouldn't she have built it into her lies? Wouldn't she have already pre-emptively have concocted a reason for why it all transpired?


Yes, you are right. But, if their rebuttal is "JA didn't do that, Travis did it" then that may be why they didn't bring it up. Who knows?
Thankfully next to Texas in the "Knock the Crap outta them" category.

We moved to Georgia from Texas - my son is 20 and went to Texas schools - and he needed beat, and got it. When he got home, I'd beat him too just to make sure it stuck.

Nuh uh!
Y son is 20 too!!!
DAN mmmmmmmm:banghead:
no. really he is.
So if this is the gun and it's NOT grandpa's but matches, what does this really mean, if anything? Does anyone know if TA registered purchasing a gun?? I thought there was no way to tell...is that right?
I was just on the Arizona Department of Corrections website looking at conditions for Death Row inmates >snip<
strangely they have a list up of executed people and their last meals .. I don't know about you guys but if I was having a last meal it would be a lot more extravagant than these guys chose....

http://www.azcorrections.gov/inmate...=Executed&SearchDescLabel=Executed Since 1992

I don't care if it's their last night on earth. That's the consequence they face for murder. I would provide them a hot stinking pile of cow manure if I had my way but that would somehow violate their Constitutional rights. No "cruel and unusual" punishment yet they meted out the ultimate in "cruel and unusual" to their victims. The victims had no last wishes or last meals or any opportunity to say goodbye. F 'em, I hate them. Let them die starving, cold and worried.

The section I was most interested in was how long it took to execute and you're all right: at least 10 years. Maybe on some level that's good because the agony is prolonged for them. Will it be this year? Will I get another reprieve? Will they commute the sentence? The best would be on the day of execution, they can sit in that cell and count down the minutes until they hear the footsteps coming for them. And THEN, maybe THEN, they'll have an iota of a clue what their victims felt during their last seconds.

I guess I'm not conflicted on the DP anymore.

ITA-The guards have heard the 3 statement Travis called her,She is going to use her sexuality like no tomorrow in their to get her *favors*

It will be the only way Jodi will be able to fend off the other inmates. That or she lets herself become Big Bald Bertha's B&tch.

There's no way Jodi had a perfect or stable childhood, yet turned out like this. Before the murder she had a life of meaningless jobs, dabbling in dumb things, relationships that didn't pan out, she dropped out of school (her mom had to sign for that). She kicked her mom in anger. She kicked the dog in anger. She's a product of divorce. I just feel there's something that happened which caused her not to trust people and to have a fiery resent towards her mother. None of it is a excuse of course, but everyone owning up to the reality of things would give the psych community more insight to the "nature vrs nurture" argument.
>snip< BBM

There are more people out there right now who've had a string of meaningless jobs, done incredibly stupid things, had relationships & FRIENDSHIPS that failed, were even grade school dropouts and they manage quite nicely to avoid kicking their parents, abusing animals and using human beings as outlets for their unresolved issues.

No one has a "perfect" childhood but many have happy/warm/safe-secure-stable childhoods that are uneventful outside of the usual teen angst or getting into trouble with friends or roaring battles with their parents over the usual things we think are major deals when we're young. And those from stable backgrounds, even privileged backgrounds turn out just like Jodi.

I don't believe her childhood had much to do with the choices she made as an adult. I think she suffered from Entitlement Syndrome and that's pretty much it.

Kristi Koslow, the Menendez brothers, Robin, Kurt & Bill Rouse, Robert Durst, George Huguely, Jean Harris, Elliot Turner, Robert Chambers and on and on and on. These people probably had a more privileged background than most and yet they committed murder and immediately blamed someone else for "making them do it." Louise Woodward had no trauma in her childhood yet she thought it was perfectly ok to shake poor helpless Matthew Eappen to death, then have her DT blame Matthew's working mother but I digress. Most notably and recently, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev & Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Dzhokhar attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, one of the most prestigious high schools here. No idea what their childhoods were really like but they had advantages like Jodi did. Her family owned several restaurants when she was growing up and she certainly had no problems enjoying that lifestyle while it lasted.

Lots have "idyllic" and "stable" childhoods, commit horrible crimes and then blame it on <fill in the blank>.

I'm NOT a fan but I have to bring in Oprah. If anyone had a perfect "excuse" to act out and be generally obnoxious and victimized, she did. Can't begin to imagine that kind of abuse and well, no need to overstate the obvious regarding overcoming childhood traumas without turning into a murderess and blaming it on anyone/thing other than herself.

P.S. I do not believe Jodi's parents are divorced.

I really land firmly on the DP for JA as I know it's what the family wants. She'll not be executed for decades if ever. She will get the best of the best legal help along the way and other amenities only reserved for death row celebrities. But it's the quality of life while she's there that will truly be punishment for her.

Personally knowing what the DP appeals process drags families thru and the taxpayer $ wasted on these demons, I wish there was a LWOP that included the death row lifestyle for lack of a better word.

Urgh. I know. Going through the countless appeals process vs driving to parole hearings over and over to prevent the monster's release. One of our neighbors is going through this right now. There is nothing to bring solace when every "T" must be crossed and every "I" dotted to protect the monster's rights.

People think apprehension and conviction = closure. Nice little word that makes people think you can put it behind you because the monster's been caught and will pay, finally. There is no closure. Ever. You just find better bandages every few years.
Wow they should show this pic. Look how freakin' happy she looks!!!

She looks happy enough to grind Ryan Burns.

And then to get the next potential victim's phone number on the flight back from Travis's Memorial Service.
So, would,this be someone from the company PPL, or say, a travel agent who routinely handles this large group reservation for the company? Either way it's gonna be GOOD!

You may be right but if she did this, wouldn't evidence of it have come out sooner and wouldn't she have built it into her lies? Wouldn't she have already pre-emptively have concocted a reason for why it all transpired?


Mimi did it. She was't even into him and didn't want to go.
Seriously Travis can't take a hint..:banghead:

are you buying this?
So if this is the gun and it's NOT grandpa's but matches, what does this really mean, if anything? Does anyone know if TA registered purchasing a gun?? I thought there was no way to tell...is that right?

I know the article says that the gun was found over a year ago......but exactly when did this turning it in transpire? Was it just this week or last.....

Was there not some hearing on Friday that no one seemed to know anything about? and something else scheduled for Monday? I know we don't have trail till Tuesday.....
I know the article says that the gun was found over a year ago......but exactly when did this turning it in transpire? Was it just this week or last.....

Was there not some hearing on Friday that no one seemed to know anything about? and something else scheduled for Monday? I know we don't have trail till Tuesday.....

It would be great , and I've thought the same thing - about the special hearing.

At this juncture, I believe nothing until I hear it officially. Finding the gun, no matter where, would seal her DP fate. Easy to show premeditation - but I would not believe a word of it until I saw proof. There are a lot of people in this world that crave attention.
Astro, I strongly beg to differ. As someone who has BPD and have been in treatment for 20+ (I'm 51) I don't think you strongly stated opinion is the majority of either the psychiatric/therapeutic community or research.
To kind of bounce off you, Arabian Girl.

It tends to be a high correlation though, to my knowledge, with most research ranging about 40-70% of those diagnosed with BPD having a childhood history of physical and/or sexual abuse. But saying all people with PD were abused is akin to stating all perpetrators and victims of domestic violence were childhood victims too. (The numbers are higher than norm but 'all' is a severe overstatement.)

I don't believe Jodi is 'pure' BPD. I tend to err that she's likely comorbid with other disorders - some of which are highly manipulative. Personally, if she truly were victimized as a child, I think all of us would know because her disorder(s) could dictate she utilize and possibly even inflate whatever slights, real or imagined, to incur sympathy and encourage trust. What better time to do that then when one's life is at stake?

I've no doubt Mama swatted her with a spoon...but I believe for many disordereds who were actually abused as children, their level of abuse couldn't even begin to be misinterpreted as discipline or spanking. They've lived literally in the bowels of seeing humanity at its very worst - with unspeakable horrors and cruelty bestowed on them. I don't see that in Jodi's profile at all.

For those not abused who have shared their accounts - they talk about growing up feeling different, being socially ostracized by their peers, low-level familial dysfunction, etc. So the great Nature vs. Nurture debate continues...
Good morning peeps!
We all know that Jodi lies but I am fascinated by the lies that are told for no reason. I was struck by the lie she told Flores during the interrogation: my family will never come to Arizona to see me......she went on to say they never came to see her when she had a nice house and pool. Now look at her mother's statement....Jodi asked where we would stay if we came to visit her because the parents could not stay at Jodi's. Mother went on to explain that Jodi was afraid they would "snoop". Why did she bring this up while she's being questioned about a murder?
Love to hear your views.
It would be great , and I've thought the same thing - about the special hearing.

At this juncture, I believe nothing until I hear it officially. Finding the gun, no matter where, would seal her DP fate. Easy to show premeditation - but I would not believe a word of it until I saw proof. There are a lot of people in this world that crave attention.

the hearing on friday as far as i am aware,was a progress hearing. i think it was to discuss the progress of the trial and where it is going,how long it is going to carry on for things like that.
To kind of bounce off you, Arabian Girl.

It tends to be a high correlation though, to my knowledge, with most research ranging about 40-70% of those diagnosed with BPD having a childhood history of physical and/or sexual abuse. But saying all people with PD were abused is akin to stating all perpetrators and victims of domestic violence were childhood victims too. (The numbers are higher than norm but 'all' is a severe overstatement.)

I don't believe Jodi is 'pure' BPD. I tend to err that she's likely comorbid with other disorders - some of which are highly manipulative. Personally, if she truly were victimized as a child, I think all of us would know because her disorder(s) could dictate she utilize and possibly even inflate whatever slights, real or imagined, to incur sympathy and encourage trust. What better time to do that then when one's life is at stake?

I've no doubt Mama swatted her with a spoon...but I believe for many disordereds who were actually abused as children, their level of abuse couldn't even begin to be misinterpreted as discipline or spanking. They've lived literally in the bowels of seeing humanity at its very worst - with unspeakable horrors and cruelty bestowed on them. I don't see that in Jodi's profile at all.

For those not abused who have shared their accounts - they talk about growing up feeling different, being socially ostracized by their peers, low-level familial dysfunction, etc. So the great Nature vs. Nurture debate continues...

Absolutely, wonderful observations. I've become very keen in not seeing life in absolutes and black and white and I seem to pick them up immediately in others comments as well! Perhaps someday I'll find better balance...not holding my breathe on this one!

Thanks for your feedback.
Where is Georgia? :waitasec:

The same place TN, SC, NC, AL, and MS, i.e. the deep south, are. My dh recently retired as a school admin in NC and GA, and even though corporal punishment may remain on the books as allowed, it's rarely if ever administered in these "look for a reason to sue" days. In his long career he's never heard of anyone being paddled by a school employee. When he started teaching, I think there was an option of having a parent come in and deliver the whacks in lieu of suspension iirc.
Or when she HAS to. I want to reiterate - I have seen so many women like her in my role as an investigator - manipulation is always the game for them. They can be anything they need to be in order to win the game of manipulation. Church girl, wh**re, stepmother, murderer, quasi-investigator, quiet court observer, winning prison idol, snarky, or a poet. Their personality and abilities are fluid because everything in their life is role play.

To be themselves is alien to them. They always need to pick your brain to know what you need, and that's what they become.

Exactly! Also known as "sociopaths." I still don't get why they can't introduce that in court, probably because I came so late to the game and missed the reasoning.
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