weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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Originally Posted by seguek9
Some of you are looking at this crime through "normal" eyes....you're assuming JA would react as you would (or a movie/tv show) at a murder scene.

I'm fairly sure that after inflicting the gruesome carnage that she did, she was not thinking clearly. "Delete pictures!" Panic "clean body" panic..."I gotta get out of here!" ...panic..."gather laundry"....panic...she was not running thru a CSI/Dexter/Nancy Grace episode in her head. She actually committed the unimaginable ...in real life.

She killed him. In an extremely heinous way. Over thinking this is only going to drive everyone nuts and give the DT more ideas for mistrial motions.

Peace for the Victims. Punishment-not fame-for the guilty.

I don't think Jodi Arias ever panicked in her life. And remember she planned this for (IMO) weeks before she did it. Definitely time to plan all that CSI/Dexter stuff.
I Love love love how your Heart and mind think and work. I do believe you got an extra measure of compassion, love, understanding, selflessness (all things good) that JA chose to ignore or not accept/recognize as part of her being. JA chose self-righteousness, narcissism and a superiority complex to fill her empty or lacking spots. I'm in no way minimizing her borderline personality disorder. I realize that those that are afflicted with this disorder have more to overcome than those of us who don't face that challenge. What keeps coming to my mind is that she knew the difference between right and wrong. OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhh POOR Travis.

When I see JA's hands, I see murderer, and I see ugly. Seeing as how you haven't killed anyone that we know of - I think your hand (AND what I saw of them) are very beautiful.

I'm a hands kind of gal, and when I see arthritic, gnarled, liver spotted and veiny hands - I see a life that is well lived. Beauty is in what you've done, not how you look!

Rock on with your experiences hands, that have rocked babies, paid bills, cooked food and cared for others. I'll take that over Arias' hands ANY day!!!!!
Agree 100% ain't nothing pretty about man junk.

I just wish they understood it when walking around all proud...

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Blech. It's ALL gross. That's why I'm a furry.
I concur that the picture that Travis ALLEGEDLY sent to Arias of his UNIT was a complete LIE. Go figure. Would it be possible for Arias to have hacked into Travis's phone, email and sent that pic like it was coming from Travis to her phone? Would that be possible? I know she has told just SO SO many lies, that trying to prove each and every one of them would be a daunting task as well as there would really be NO way to prove that was DB's which we all pretty much agree was his and NOT Travis's unit.

I am trying to figure out why Mr. Martinez is having the Computer Expert coming back on rebuttal, if it doesn't have something to do with Arias hacking into Travis's stuff and fraudulently sending herself incriminating things like Travis sent them.

I agree, and as far as the e-mails go, I have trouble believing any of them because since we know Jodi hacked into his e-mail, she could have made up any of them! I hope the jury remembers this! She could have written any of those "supposed" e-mails from Travis to Jodi, just written it from Travis' e-mail account and sent it to hers. So the only stuff the defense has left is the texts and the stupid sex tape. I wish Travis had not sent here those "rants" in text form...I wish he had just said all that stuff over the phone, then this manipulative, lying, scheming b**** would have NOTHING for her case, absolutely nothing. Notice how Jodi never showed any "anger" to him in text form..only verbal which there is no record of...'cause she was already plotting and scheming his murder!
Ack! Sorry boys! Too much discussion of junk--but .... to be fair we all had to see those other photos (which were not a good representation of us girlie ...um...stuff... :-/

Which look like Willie Nelson's neck. None of that anatomy is picturesque, IMO.
Just had to share this video again for those who missed it. Kudos to the person who put this excellent video together.

Jodi Arias Trial: Justice for Travis - YouTube

These are the words to 'Sail', the song accompanying the video. And very fitting to JA.

This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
Blame it on my A-D-D baby

This is how an angel dies
Blame it on my own sick pride
Blame it on my A-D-D baby

Sail, sail, sail, sail, sail

Maybe I should cry for help
Maybe I should kill myself (myself)
Blame it on my A-D-D baby

Maybe I'm a different breed
Maybe I'm not listening
So blame it on my A-D-D baby

Sail, sail, sail, sail, sail

RIP Travis. Justice will be served. Thank you Juan.
this has probably already been discussed but in Demarte's redirect she stated that in addition to Arias's restaurant jobs that Arias had told her in the assessment interview that Arias was a caretaker of a young boy from Nov 2007- Jan 2008. Who was this child I wonder?? Brewer's son perhaps?

OMH I think we just found Zanny!!!!!
Premeditation … No matter WHAT is true or not true … isn’t that the crux of all this testimony?

I’m sure this has been addressed, ‘cuz YOU ARE ALL BRILLIANT (truly … ) I just can’t keep up with the threads.

Is there a discussion about her quick (and reasonably thorough) cleanup? ‘Cuz it is, IMO, further evidence of premeditation. Think about it.

There is no way she got rid of the most incriminating evidence + no bloody foot prints throughout the home … Stair railing wiped? TWO loads of wash, pix deleted … This all supposedly happened within (roughly) 30 to 45 minutes?

Now … Imagine. You just acted “in fear of your life.” You did this “in the spur of the moment.” How in the heck do you go through the necessary cover up in short order without thinking it through FIRST!! (Heck, she did more house cleaning in 30 minutes than I accomplish during a 2-day weekend.)

IMO … (in addition to the knife) she had gloves handy; she had a change of clothes/foot ware handy … and, yes, IMO, she showered with TA’s body. Ugh. Sorry.

The efficiency, the timeline of her clean up leads me to believe that this, too, is evidence of premeditation.

Again, I apologize if this has been discussed in depth elsewhere
Blech. It's ALL gross. That's why I'm a furry.

You've seen them too!!! Lol...when I lurked here years ago I learned about the Furries....
(Please sexually squeamish people-dont Google this)
I saw an evidence photo (somewhere) of a piece of ...not really rope, but some sort of cord with braiding. Around that time, some were saying it looked like decorative trim that went around a pillow on Travis' bed. I tried to find that picture again, but with no luck. Does anybody remember it? And, I think there was testimony that fine pieces of what appeared to be rope were found in the bedroom. I guess it was more like the shedding of rope when it's been cut. Have we ever heard what that was thought to be?

There are collected fibers in evidence, but I haven't heard any convincing testimony regarding their origin.
Lol…agree -<pre-modsnip> because <pre-modsnip> and they are so <pre-modsnip> but sometimes they can <pre-modsnip> if you're lucky-<pre-modsnip->

True story!!

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