Weekend Discussion thread 04/21-24/2012

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I said nothing about TM other then my heart goes out to her and her loved ones...and no matter what she did or dint do she did not deserve what happen to her.

BUT someone allowed TLM to babysit, and lets face it addicts are not known for making the smartest of choices.

So now TLM is entirely up front and honest because she put down babysitting on her resume?

Well actually so far TLM has looked very up front and honest about pretty much everything, including the information that she put on her resume.

FWIW, TLM has other siblings. She has babysat for their children as per CM. And she was also very good with those children as per CM.

Their teeth rot out and they scratch all the time.

Even Christie Blatchford commented on MR's conventional good looks and MR certainly doesn't fit the profile of an oxycontin addict.

The first noticeable thing about addicts is their appearance.

As an addict, their life is consumed with the search for drugs or the money to buy drugs.

Their appearance no longer is a priority for them.

Their personal hygiene becomes noticeably lacking.appearance.

I think MR is either an addict of some other substance.........or he isn't an addict at all and his drug use has been blown out of proportions.
If he kidnapped and sexually assaulted VS........it wasn't drugs that made him do it.

TLM.............is a whole different story............JMO......

I disagree vigorously and I think what you're saying is false. There are plenty of lawyers, doctors, ACTORS, and what not that are addicts and don't look like the homeless kid on the streetcorner!!! I myself was addicted to crack cocaine for two years in the mid 90's and I had a job, an apartment in downtown Montreal, I had a social life, i had a pretty good life. I don't know what you're reading but your facts are completely wrong Ardy :)

In blue bold. All I can see is wow. Oh and weren't there two plainclothes officers in his jail cell when he was arrested and MR kept asking them for Oxies, saying he usually takes 5/40's a day? And many of his gf's testified he was taking percs.
I hope the Crown plays that candid MR / TLM date video again and again, for the jury, if the defense tries to claim that TLM had the upper hand in the relationship with MR and that he would stop and get money and then immediately proceed to Home Depot to buy bags and a hammer, then drive to a secluded area, then leave the car - all because TLM told him to do so, and then be surprised to return to see TS was dead.

Surely to god, at the very very least, the stop at the Home Depot would have been the clue as to TS's fate and it gave both TLM and MR the clear opportunity to stop things from progressing, right then and there, when TLM got out of the car.

I will NEVER believe that TLM directed or dupped MR, nor vice-versa. IMO - they are each as guilty as the other.
If you look at pictures of mtr in the past you can tell he isn't on drugs or at least a small amount. When you look at pictures closer to his arrest his face looks worn and it reminds me of the way my sisters face changed when addicted to sudafed. A face and eyes can say a lot about a drug addict IMO.
I was responsding to the below quite made by you:

I don't see anything in your quote that says what you are saying you said.

Originally Posted by SFB73
Nice post!!

Let's simplify it a little.... What parent in their right might would allow TLM to babysit their child??? If I were on the jury, and something like this was even raised or suggested I would immediately respond with the question "would you let your child go with either MR or TLM for an afternoon drive?"

If they present the theory that he thought the child was in TLM's care, it is almost akin to outright calling the jury morons to even think they would entertain that. If that's the defense, I think they are in big big trouble..

This was the post I responded with:

Originally Posted by Tahorn
TLM listed babysitting of a 8 year old and a 5 year old on her resume, so I don't think the jury will consider that to be impossible. Besides all the people in TLM life were addicts so I doubt they would think twice about TLM babysiting.

This is a good example of what can happen when conversations are taken out of content
If you look at pictures of mtr in the past you can tell he isn't on drugs or at least a small amount. When you look at pictures closer to his arrest his face looks worn and it reminds me of the way my sisters face changed when addicted to sudafed. A face and eyes can say a lot about a drug addict IMO.

The worn look could also be due to the fact he was worried and stressed that they were going to take him down any minute and knowing what kind of treatment he may be in for if convicted and sent away! Living life after the fact like nothing had happened could have been his method of trying to keep his mind off the intense guilt he must have been under. A good example of the toll stress takes is to look at any US president when elected and when they leave office....
The worn look could also be due to the fact he was worried and stressed that they were going to take him down any minute and knowing what kind of treatment he may be in for if convicted and sent away! Living life after the fact like nothing had happened could have been his method of trying to keep his mind off the intense guilt he must have been under. A good example of the toll stress takes is to look at any US president when elected and when they leave office....

Good point
I respectfully disagree ... CS did not testify that she was forced in to becoming an escort, nor did she testify that MR was abusive. I believe that CS was a women with life experiences and at the time 4 children. Still more to that story ...

And you could be right. I see a 26 year old woman with 5 children and no husband and it screams self-esteem issues and easily manipulated in to doing anything in exchange for a husband/partner to help her, care for her and act like a father to her children, to me.

But they did testify to sexual intimacy, and none of them said MR showed or expressed any deviant sexual interest.

They testified to why the relationships ended and none of the women said it was because of deviant sexual interests.
The opportunity was there.


They were not asked why they broke up! They weren't asked if he had a deviant sexual appetite. Had they been asked, we would all know that by now.
Oh and weren't there two plainclothes officers in his jail cell when he was arrested and MR kept asking them for Oxies, saying he usually takes 5/40's a day? And many of his gf's testified he was taking percs.
I wonder if the undercover cop(s) will testify, or is this too just about MR's character and not evidence of guilt?
If you look at pictures of mtr in the past you can tell he isn't on drugs or at least a small amount. When you look at pictures closer to his arrest his face looks worn and it reminds me of the way my sisters face changed when addicted to sudafed. A face and eyes can say a lot about a drug addict IMO.
Well, the weight gain would certainly be indicative of coming off drugs.
I wonder if the undercover cop(s) will testify, or is this too just about MR's character and not evidence of guilt?

I suspect that the undercover guys sharing a cell with MR would be looking for specific information about the murder - hoping that MR would spill the beans. If he didn't say anything about the abduction and murder, then the undercover guys would have no reason to testify.
When my child was 9 years old child I thought that he would never walk away with anyone either. I tested him with one of my mommy female friends he didn't know, and he totally bought her story that I was sick and he followed her to her house with no questions asked. He said he felt strange doing it but still went with her. My friend didn't even use my name she just called me mommy while talking to him. He went willingly.

Just because we think our children are "Stranger Smart" doesn't mean they actually are.

Thank you! Was just about to post about this.
Also, a child is more likely to trust a female, but run away from a male. The problem with this "stranger danger" thing is that kids are taught about 'strange men', but rarely about women. Kids tend to be taught that women are safer than men, and if you're ever in trouble, find a woman. But many women can be just as dangerous as, or more dangerous than, men.

Also, with all the speculation that Tori really did know TLM and TLM and TM are lying, etc. Perhaps they aren't lying about that. It is possible that Tori had seen TLM out and about in the neighbuorhood, walking her dog, and assumed that because she has seen her around and she is a girl, she would be safe. Children, even the smartest kids, are naive.
Also, it is possible that Tori knew TLM from talking to her while walking the dog. Kids often believe that dogs are safe, and wish to approach dogs (which is dangerous in itself). Unless a kid has been taught never to approach strange dogs because they might bite, they are likely to trust the dog. And if Tori had talked to TLM about her dog in the past, TM may not have known, and TLM may not have known that Tori was TM's daughter.

My point is that Tori didn't necessarily have to know TLM to walk off with her, and TLM didn't necessarily have to know Tori through her mother to pick her. There are many different ways this could have happened, and it is my opinion that Tori really did not *know* TLM.

Oxycontin would be poor choice of drugs to enhance sex.

Cocaine would be more relevant for sex.

MR shows the lifestyle of a drug dealer, more than a drug addict.

Street level at best........but it gave him cash.

He could pay $400 for percs and sell them for $800.


He already had his cash cow. Why would he deal.
I don't believe TLM is telling the truth either. IMO, there are a lot of holes in her account. One glaring one, for me, was after I had read that TLM claimed that MR got her attention during his backseat assault on TS, by sounding the car horn. IMO, you'd have to be pretty brazen to blast your car horn in that situation. This does not sound believable to me.

As always, this is just my opinion.

I don't think it was MR who hit the horn, I think it was Tori. He may have yelled at TLM to check to see if anyone was around who would have heard the horn. JMO
03-14-2012, 10:38 AM #178

During McClintic's testimony about cleaning the car, Rafferty mouthed the word "liar". Lots of reaction from him today.

found this....

This is interesting because the police never did find this car wash that TLM talked about.
To me, this seems so odd ... how close her name is to TM and that MR called her while TS was in the car ... such a weird coincidence. Too bad she couldn't recount the call.

QUOTE: Tara McLellan, 30, also testified Friday that she went on a date with Rafferty around that time after chatting with him on Plenty of Fish. They went on a coffee date to Tim Hortons on April 1 but didn't go out again after that, she testified. He did, however, call her at 4:28 p.m. on April 8, phone records show, though McLellan doesn't remember receiving the call. END QUOTE

From this article:

He seemed to be obsessed with Timmies, even in the movie theater he had a coffee. That's probably why he stopped at Timmies before the Home Depot, he wanted his coffee.
This is interesting because the police never did find this car wash that TLM talked about.

yes i find that strange, would love to hear LE take on that. However, MTR lawyer suggested he DID clean up crime scene, not a big leap to think car was cleaned too, as crown has shown some hinky stuff going on with car through the trial. JMO

if we could find out exactly what part he mouthed that at. moo
He seemed to be obsessed with Timmies, even in the movie theater he had a coffee. That's probably why he stopped at Timmies before the Home Depot, he wanted his coffee.

surprised he took chances on a "Timmies" usually a favourite hangout for cops...JMO
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