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Will they ever catch LISK? I think it might make much of a difference if they find someone to charge because too much time has passed to make whatever they do believable. It is tough enough to believe anything they do if it only happened yesterday, let alone 10 years ago.

There have been more monkey wrenches thrown into this case that it can never be repaired. You might call this the Humpty Dumpty Syndrome: 'all the kings horses and all the king's men......"

I have seen them manipulate and lie knowing they would not be held accountable. To change that takes a little bit more than a new DA.
IMHO it is so bad in Suffolk is if they brought someone in that gave a detailed confession to the murders I would have a hard time believing it. If they had concrete evidence on a dead guy - ditto. I don't care if Boy Wonder Sini believes it to be true until such time he proves he is for real, not just another puppet of a political regime. I might add I have a degree of faith in him to at least make things better.
Hawkshaw--- did you ever hear of anything at all about The Oak Beach Inn ??? Years back in the mid 1980's thru perhaps 1995 my husband was told by a family member in Suffolk County LE to stay clear of it b/c there were a lot of speed traps and DUI check points. He always felt that there was something more than was not said. Your thoughts ???
I never went there but sure knew about it. You couldn't drive for more that 10 minutes without seeing a Save The Oak Beach Inn or Save OBI bumper sticker on a car.

If you want to know more you can buy or get a book in the library called "Save The Oak Beach Inn". written by the owner a fellow named Matherson. It is a kind of blueprint of corruption on LI.

Not only did OBI have Suffolk/Town of Babylon and the cops against him he had NYS Builder/Power Broker Robert Moses against him..

Read the book because it is worth reading. If you read Websleuths then OBI is a must read.
Has anyone explored the possibility that LISK is a teacher janitor etc involved in the school system? His hunting season begins in June. When schools let out for summer break. Just a thought. Idk if I should post this here or not. But I couldn’t find a better place to post.
Has anyone explored the possibility that LISK is a teacher janitor etc involved in the school system? His hunting season begins in June. When schools let out for summer break. Just a thought. Idk if I should post this here or not. But I couldn’t find a better place to post.
Most of the girls went missing on Thursdays and Sundays.
Calls made to a victims sister were made on those same two days.
I think those days are consistant with days off from work.
Most of the girls went missing on Thursdays and Sundays.
Calls made to a victims sister were made on those same two days.
I think those days are consistant with days off from work.

thank you Deedee.
Thank you !!! I will read it..... if he names names, I wonder how many I will recognize.
Now that you said if he names names you might recognize I think I will read it again. Names that didn't mean much to me then might mean more today.
If you folks really want to get a sense of what really goes on in the criminal justice system in Suffolk County I would suggest you check out the death of a Suffolk resident named Michael Divers.

Divers was a 52 year old lawyer who lived in Centerport, NY who availed himself of the nearby beach and the bathroom in a community clubhouse in that community. Videos will show you a fight between Divers and at least two other men with the two men sitting on Divers for about 15 minutes........too bad Mr.Divers didn't use the Eric Garner routine of "I can't breath." If he did we will never know it.

I think you folks will be shocked to see what happened to this man and a DA who was unable to secure an indictment for some version of what is covered under the homicide statutes.

This is what goes on in Suffolk County and no one cares a twit about it.

Rumor has it there was a prominent person from another police union at the scene and he may have participated in the beating.

On a side note* Rumor has it two prominent police union leaders in Suffolk will be arrested soon by the federalees. The usual obstruction of justice .

IT AIN'T OVER until the Fat Lady sings.
A little off topic but what forms of social media other than Facebook Twitter and Instagram are there that you would recommend for research on missing and unidentifiable remains?
A SERIOUS CRIMINAL ON THE LOOSE. CAN YOU GUESS WHO THIS IS? There is a guy who likes to abuse woman and always seems to get away with it. Has been said to strangle one hooker and the local DA recuses himself from the investigation. He doesn't seem to care who knows what he does. His tortures extend well beyond the sex aspect of his crimes. He seems to get his jollies off by hurting people. One sick puppy allowed to roam the streets at will and no one seems to care.
FELLOW SLEUTHERS. Your homework for this week. Please read it and maybe next week or later we can discuss it. The hope is you folks will begin to understand just how screwed up the system is.

GOOGLE: REGINALD GOUSSE. You should find on the top of the search page a column written by Jim Dwyer of the NY Times. As far as I am concerned that DA killed Gousse's victim.
Dum, dum, dum dee dum. The FBI is on the LISK case and it is only a matter of time before someone is in chains. They did a MARVELOUS job with the Parkland massacre case when they were tipped off by at least two persons that actually believed 'if you see something, say something'. And said something !

As many of you good folks know I have seen a lot and said a lot and the FEDS have done a LOT OF NOTHING.......until now. They allowed the likes of the Burkes and Spotas to destroy the criminal justice system.
Dum, dum, dum dee dum. The FBI is on the LISK case and it is only a matter of time before someone is in chains. They did a MARVELOUS job with the Parkland massacre case when they were tipped off by at least two persons that actually believed 'if you see something, say something'. And said something !

As many of you good folks know I have seen a lot and said a lot and the FEDS have done a LOT OF NOTHING.......until now. They allowed the likes of the Burkes and Spotas to destroy the criminal justice system.
I was optimistic until I got to the third sentence.
Do you know how many people I know told Bellone and others (e.g. Kevin Law) that Burke was a very bad guy and made some serious allegations. - IGNORED! And it isn't like it was a secret because everyone in the SCPD knew it. This guy was a clear and present danger.

I think most of you believe Burke is in jail for beating up Chris Loeb, If you believe that you would be wrong - that was just the excuse. He is there because he started messing with the fEDS when he dismantled The Joint Gang task force. Burke took the three best SCPD detectives( John O; Willie M; Rob T ) out of the team and that dope Steve Bellone actually applauded Burke at the State of theCounty address a couple of years ago. And, that my friends was the match that lit the fuse that blew up Burke and many others, some still yet to come.
I know a guy that was in the basement room of a well known Strip club when he saw a certain SCPD cop get angry and saw him wrap his tie around the neck of the gal that was servicing him. Strangled her until she fell to the floor. Who knows what he might of done if he wasn't known to the club operators. They all knew who he was because he was a frequent visitor of said club

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