Weleetka Case Prayer Thread

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My prayers for the Whitaker and Placker families.

I pray everyday that justice will come. I pray that you all remain strong and filled with God's love and His guidance. I pray that the memories you will have in your hearts and minds one day will be only be the wonderful memories Taylor and Skyla have left behind for you to forever treasure.

Remember that they are always there with you in spirit and await your coming home one day. The signs will be there. A beautiful butterfly may lite upon your shoulder or you feel that a gentle hand has touched your face. Skyla and Taylor will never leave you they are all around you and you will always have them with you in your heart in that special place meant only for them that no one can take away from you.

I pray that peace comes to each one of you. I pray that you find out who did this to your precious children.

God Bless You All.

That was beautiful, Ocean. Bless you :) .

Obviously, a large part of my life is music, and often times, people connect songs to certain events... Today was no exception for me. The lyrics below are from a song called Through Her Eyes by Dream Theater, and I can't help thinking of the girls when I listen to it. It's a beautiful song, IMO...

Through Her Eyes
Dream Theater

She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance

Now that I’ve become aware
And I’ve exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair

I’m learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

Just beyond the churchyard gates
Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate

In loving memory of our child
So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died

I’m learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

And as her image
Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed

And I know what its like
To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same

She wasn’t given any choice
Desperation stole her voice
I’ve been given so much more in life
I’ve got a son, I’ve got a wife

I had to suffer one last time
To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last

The door has opened wide
Im turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes

Cheers, and God's blessings to every one of you... :)
Wow, that was bigger than I thought it would be... Sorry to take up so much space! :)
Wow, that was bigger than I thought it would be... Sorry to take up so much space! :)

No apology needed about the space. I could hardly get through the words in it's entirety. That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Wow, KP. That was so beautiful! The words are so meaningful. I feel I can relate to them so completely, concerning Skyla and Taylor. I'm sure many of us can.
Thank you so much for posting that. I would like to add a link to accopmany this beautiful song. It's a link toa video of this song, on YouTube.
Thanks again so much for sharing! My eyes are full of tears. Bless you!
You have such a beautiful spirit! I love you!
Thanks to you both for the beautiful song...Just lovely!! Very meaningful to me, personally, and maybe one day I can explain why. Thanks again!
Oh, Frog... That's the first time I had seen that particular video (I think someone made it on the computer and put that song to it). How incredibly awesome; it's very easy to relate the video to the girls. I lost it at the end when the girl is walking through the door, towards the light... :cry:

Thank you so much for posting that! As emotional as it is for me to just listen to the song, watching that at the same time is just surreal... It increased the emotional experience for me by at least an order of magnitude. You are TRULY a blessing. :blowkiss:
Keyboard, thank you so much for sharing that song with us. Oh my it is so beautiful and appropriate.

I actually felt better after struggling through trying to read it and crying at the same time but after I finished I felt some release from the pain I feel for these two young girls who should be living among us all. But I draw comfort in knowing they headed toward the light to find their way to their eternal home where peace and love will be with them forevermore.

Bless you.
Keyboard, thank you so much for sharing that song with us. Oh my it is so beautiful and appropriate.

I actually felt better after struggling through trying to read it and crying at the same time but after I finished I felt some release from the pain I feel for these two young girls who should be living among us all. But I draw comfort in knowing they headed toward the light to find their way to their eternal home where peace and love will be with them forevermore.

Bless you.

Ocean you hit that just right. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Gerti our God is so powerful ..what a gift these baby girls have given to us. I am so grateful for each & everyone on our forum.

Frog & Kp what a moving song. I have to agree with Ocean again it is a comfort to know they are in peace & in sunshine to be untouched by this wicked world & to be BFF's 4-EVER
I pray today that whoever knows something about this hideous crime, has a grawing agony inside of them, to the point that they can find no peace! I pray that you speak to their consceince, and tell them how that if they tell what they know, peace will find them, but until they do, there will be none. I pray that you ease the restlessness of all of us, who ache for justice to be served. Lord please show us how to be patiend, and help strenghten us in faith, that you are in charge of all of these things. Father, I pray that justice will be served!
In Jesus beautiful, holy name I pray,
Lord, I would like to second Frog's prayer to you. As the days go by, lack of new developments in the case remains the status quo, and posts & new ideas become more and more sparse on our forum. I pray that this case does not become cold, and that the guilt of one or more who may know what happened eats at them until they are physically unable to live their daily lives without telling someone, thus ending this incredibly tragic and painful ordeal for not only the girls' friends and families, but also the citizens of Weleetka, all of us here, and anyone else affected by this most horrific act of all, the loss of two innocent young lives. Taylor and Skyla deserve justice, and I pray for all of us to have the patience and faith that it will be served.

In Jesus' name, Amen.
I pray, my Lord. for Your divine intervention. We are all so troubled and filled with sadness by the senseless loss of life of two of Your children, Skyla and Taylor. May You touch the hearts of those who seem to be made of stone and soften them. I pray, they speak of what they know.

We need a miracle and with You, dear Lord, we know miracles do happen everyday and all things are possible if we believe.

I also pray that you give strength and courage to those who need Your loving guidance. Help us to keep the faith that justice will be done for Taylor and Skyla and their heartbroken families.

As always, thank you for listening.

In Jesus' name.

Holy Triune God, please surround the Placker and Whitacker families with Your grace, peace, mercy, and protection of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, and the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

Please bring the girls into Your unutterably holy joyous divine presence from the moment of their deaths.

We entrust to Your mercy and justice the murder(s) of these girls -- neutralize any and all evil profit and occult protections they may have thought to gain by these murders, bring them to their knees in sobbing repentance and let them turn themselves in or be turned in for the sake of all concerned. Give peace to all in the area who are still living with the nightly terrors and nightmares this kind of stress gives. Lord Jesus, please show Yourself the Victor and Ruler of the Universe here. And Lord, we pray that You bring to repentance and capture or turning himself in the killer of the Camp Scott girls as well.
Today Lord, I offer a prayer of thanksgiving. Thank-you Lord that all who travelled to Weleetka had a safe journey. Thank-you for delivering us safely to Oklahoma and returning us all safely to our homes and our loved ones. I also thank you for the many, many blessings that were bestowed upon us as we visiting Oklahoma. Thank-you for using our trip to bring the murders of Skyla and Taylor to the publics attention again. We thank-you Lord, for all the above and for so many things that remain unsaid. Amen~
Dear Heavenly Father,

At this wonderful time of the year I ask that you bring to the family and friends of these beautiful girls a season of peace. May they be reminded of the special moments they shared with these precious little ones. Renew their strength and give them new hope for tomorrow.

As we gather our families and friends around us, help us to remember that each person is a special gift from you - to be nurtured, loved and appreciated.

Thank you, Dear God, for your many blessings.
Dear Lord, as we approach the six month anniversary of the deaths of these two little angels, please remain with the families and friends and give them strength. We know Taylor and Skyla are BFFH now (best friends forever in heaven), and I pray they know how much they are loved and missed on a daily basis. I would also like to pray for a happy and safe Thanksgiving to everyone on this forum, as we gather for a common cause and seek justice for our girls.

Always in our hearts! :blowkiss:

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Dear God, as we draw closer to Thanksgiving, I have a thank you and a request. I thank you for the blessings of our trip and these wonderful friends. I ask that you help OSBI to find the killer/s and give the girls' families a reason to be thankful. Thank you!
Dear God, it has been six months to the day that our sweet little angels made their passage safely into your arms in Heaven. As we reflect on this day, we ask that you help ease our minds and assure us that they are safe and happy and know how much we all love them and pray for justice. I pray they understand the gift they left us here on Earth. It is something we will always cherish. We will not allow them to be forgotten.
Lauren, they swim everyday in that beautiful sea of endless golden light! They are at peace! They feel the love! It's those left behind who suffer.

I pray for the families of these girls, that they feel the peace that passes all understanding! Help them in the coming days of Christmas, their first Christmas without Taylor and Skyla.

Help those of us who miss them, who didn't even know them, the children of our hearts!
Our Father in Heaven,

Please hear our prayers. We have all been praying to you, to reveal who the killers are of Taylor and Skyla. Please give each and everyone of us the faith to continue with our prayers until your plan is revealed.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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