West Wind Farm and Spicher's whereabouts on June 4

DNA Solves
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Dede is a volunteer garden apprentice/intern who had been working at the property for only one month before Kyron disappeared.

On April 27, she met the owner of the property.

On May 5, she was working at the property.

Whether she is an intern, apprentice, or employee isn't the major point. The major point is that, like with any other job, she would have been given specific tasks and she would be expected to be working at those tasks. The owner didn't say, "There's 40 acres! Have at it!"

The owner expected to know where Dede was on the property. When Dede couldn't be located at the location/task that she had been assigned, then the property owner phoned her. No answer. So her co-worker looked for her. No Dede.

If Dede will cooperate with investigators, since she claims that she "never left the property," all she has to tell them is where she was on the property, and they can verify that. But my understanding is that she won't tell them this.

Why won't she tell them where she was on the property? Because Terri's whole plan is based on plausible deniability and confusion. Look at her emails about the teacher. The doctor's appointment confusion. Planning this on a day when a science fair would be going on and the school would be chaotic. And...

Dede working on a farm near to the abduction site, ready to walk off the job to assist, while all the while claiming, "but I never left the property." After all, it's 40 acres, so the owner and other worker just didn't search hard enough for her. Riiight.

Plausible deniability and confusion.

Dede is a volunteer garden apprentice/intern who had been working at the property for only one month before Kyron disappeared.

On April 27, she met the owner of the property.

On May 5, she was working at the property.

Whether she is an intern, apprentice, or employee isn't the major point. The major point is that, like with any other job, she would have been given specific tasks and she would be expected to be working at those tasks. The owner didn't say, "There's 40 acres! Have at it!"

The owner expected to know where Dede was on the property. When Dede couldn't be located at the location/task that she had been assigned, then the property owner phoned her. No answer. So her co-worker looked for her. No Dede.

If Dede will cooperate with investigators, since she claims that she "never left the property," all she has to tell them is where she was on the property, and they can verify that. But my understanding is that she won't tell them this.

Why won't she tell them where she was on the property? Because Terri's whole plan is based on plausible deniability and confusion. Look at her emails about the teacher. The doctor's appointment confusion. Planning this on a day when a science fair would be going on and the school would be chaotic. And...

Dede working on a farm near to the abduction site, ready to walk off the job to assist, while all the while claiming, "but I never left the property." After all, it's 40 acres, so the owner and other worker just didn't search hard enough for her. Riiight.

Plausible deniability and confusion.


That's what I thought. If this is true, then the property owner would have had reason to try and call her, maybe it was because DeDe was no where to be found.

Apparently, the property owners have a lawyer:

Calls to her attorney and to an attorney representing the nursery where Spicher says she was working on June 4 were not returned.

That's what I thought. If this is true, then the property owner would have had reason to try and call her, maybe it was because DeDe was no where to be found.

Apparently, the property owners have a lawyer:

Calls to her attorney and to an attorney representing the nursery where Spicher says she was working on June 4 were not returned.


One of the owners of WWFS is a lawyer. :)
Does anyone know if searchers searched this entire property, or just searched around the property?

What business would Dede have in other parts of the property besides the part she was supposed to be working in? It's just as hinky to me if she was off in a remote part of the property she wasn't supposed to be in than if she wasn't on the property at all. I'm curious about what she has to say she was doing there.
What business would Dede have in other parts of the property besides the part she was supposed to be working in? It's just as hinky to me if she was off in a remote part of the property she wasn't supposed to be in than if she wasn't on the property at all. I'm curious about what she has to say she was doing there.

Since she didn't have her cell phone with her, she certainly wasn't hunting for a place to get better reception.... so we can cross that one off the list of possibilities. Went for a dip in the pool? It will be interesting, won't it, to hear the explanation?
Dede is a volunteer garden apprentice/intern who had been working at the property for only one month before Kyron disappeared.

On April 27, she met the owner of the property.

On May 5, she was working at the property.

Whether she is an intern, apprentice, or employee isn't the major point. The major point is that, like with any other job, she would have been given specific tasks and she would be expected to be working at those tasks. The owner didn't say, "There's 40 acres! Have at it!"

The owner expected to know where Dede was on the property. When Dede couldn't be located at the location/task that she had been assigned, then the property owner phoned her. No answer. So her co-worker looked for her. No Dede.

If Dede will cooperate with investigators, since she claims that she "never left the property," all she has to tell them is where she was on the property, and they can verify that. But my understanding is that she won't tell them this.

Why won't she tell them where she was on the property? Because Terri's whole plan is based on plausible deniability and confusion. Look at her emails about the teacher. The doctor's appointment confusion. Planning this on a day when a science fair would be going on and the school would be chaotic. And...

Dede working on a farm near to the abduction site, ready to walk off the job to assist, while all the while claiming, "but I never left the property." After all, it's 40 acres, so the owner and other worker just didn't search hard enough for her. Riiight.

Plausible deniability and confusion.


Is there a link to this information? I have not read this but I am a bit behind. TYIA
Looking at the county assessors website and google earth, I believe the pic I am attaching to be the entire property of WWF. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

I am interested in knowing where people would enter the property and where DDS would have parked. If my theory that DDS disappeared from where she was working to meet TMH on a remote part of the property is true, I am interested in how DDS would walk there (leaving her car parked where it was at WWF) to meet TMH close to NW Old Germantown RD without being noticed by the other workers. It would also have to be somewhere where TMH could pull off the road and not cause suspicion or be seen by anyone traveling on NW OGT RD.

Any thoughts?


  • 13000 NW OGT RD.jpg
    13000 NW OGT RD.jpg
    204.9 KB · Views: 62
Dede is a volunteer garden apprentice/intern who had been working at the property for only one month before Kyron disappeared.

On April 27, she met the owner of the property.

On May 5, she was working at the property.

Whether she is an intern, apprentice, or employee isn't the major point. The major point is that, like with any other job, she would have been given specific tasks and she would be expected to be working at those tasks. The owner didn't say, "There's 40 acres! Have at it!"

The owner expected to know where Dede was on the property. When Dede couldn't be located at the location/task that she had been assigned, then the property owner phoned her. No answer. So her co-worker looked for her. No Dede.

If Dede will cooperate with investigators, since she claims that she "never left the property," all she has to tell them is where she was on the property, and they can verify that. But my understanding is that she won't tell them this.

Why won't she tell them where she was on the property? Because Terri's whole plan is based on plausible deniability and confusion. Look at her emails about the teacher. The doctor's appointment confusion. Planning this on a day when a science fair would be going on and the school would be chaotic. And...

Dede working on a farm near to the abduction site, ready to walk off the job to assist, while all the while claiming, "but I never left the property." After all, it's 40 acres, so the owner and other worker just didn't search hard enough for her. Riiight.

Plausible deniability and confusion.



Link ?
I am bothered that people are driving onto what is essentially private property and is not open to the public.

From their website: "Our nursery is open for viewing very few days each year. For dates, join the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon and find us in their open garden publication. This year, we are part of the Garden Conservancy tour, June 5, 2010."

In other words, it is not a nursery in the usual sense of the word. It is not a farm in the usual sense of the word and does not have barnyard animals for viewing. It does not maintain business hours, and it is not open to the public except on a few select days a year as part of a garden tour. It is a private residence, with a variety of activities on-going, which does not invite people to just drop in.
Any dirt roads or trails leading into the property?

I want the house, pool and flowers....
I am bothered that people are driving onto what is essentially private property and is not open to the public.

From their website: "Our nursery is open for viewing very few days each year. For dates, join the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon and find us in their open garden publication. This year, we are part of the Garden Conservancy tour, June 5, 2010."

In other words, it is not a nursery in the usual sense of the word. It is not a farm in the usual sense of the word and does not have barnyard animals for viewing. It does not maintain business hours, and it is not open to the public except on a few select days a year as part of a garden tour. It is a private residence, with a variety of activities on-going, which does not invite people to just drop in.

Who is dropping in?
Any dirt roads or trails leading into the property?

I want the house, pool and flowers....

Someone said here the property isn't fenced. On the roads/drives leading up to the home and main buildings, are there any security cameras/intercoms, locks/gates, etc.?

I asked in another thread but this one is more appropriate.
LOL I am a bit confused here. But hey what's new with this case I spend 99% of the time confused. Does this mean there is a link or there is not a link. :confused:

Sorry... my mistake. I meant I'd like to see links too :)
I really don't think DeDe had the run of the property, I think the point is, she was NOT where she was supposed to be that day.....hmmm , where was she and what was she up to??
More photos (there is a slide show) and info about the property:


Thanks, Not at all what I was expecting from the name.

Here is a pic from that slideshow..

I'd be interested in knowing whether Terri was familiar with at least the location of the property before that day. If she did visit DeDe there did she...

...just show up and look for DeDe because she knew where to find her? Maybe she sneaked to the area DeDe was working.

...call DeDe from Fred Meyer's and have DeDe direct her to a remote (probably wooded) area of the property along/off Old Germantown Road?

...plan with DeDe to meet on the property at a certain point and time?
The owner expected to know where Dede was on the property. When Dede couldn't be located at the location/task that she had been assigned, then the property owner phoned her. No answer. So her co-worker looked for her. No Dede.

If Dede will cooperate with investigators, since she claims that she "never left the property," all she has to tell them is where she was on the property, and they can verify that. But my understanding is that she won't tell them this.



Sorry, just to be clear, has somebody stated these to be facts or is it "JMO"?
If actually true, what you've said completely changes the picture. A coworker looking for her and finding her absent from an assigned place is much different than calling her and not getting an answer. Knowing she told LE that she was on the property all day but refused to answer more specific questions is much different than just knowing she told LE that she was on the property all day.

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