WFTV - Some kind of protester tussle just happened?

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Absolutely right - but common sense would dictate to most people that it's not a good idea to go outside when there's an angry mob at your house that is going to shout rotten things to you.

They seem to be severely lacking in common sense, in my opinion. In more than one area.

IMO, common sense dictates leaving young children at home when you're going to protest outside somebody's home and use cuss words.
The right to protest shouldn't outweigh anybody's right to walk outside of their own home.
Like someone said above about the protesters -- just because you have the right to do/say something doesn't mean you necessarily should, and that holds true for Cindy right now even more than for the protesters because she has far more to lose. Regardless their "rights," if the Anthonys had totally ignored the protesters from the beginning, it is my belief they wouldn't be there now. They are obviously there to try to bait and get a reaction. If the protesters never got any response, they'd become bored and move on.

I've been very concerned about the children being brought into this by the protesters since the night Casey was rearrested, when there was a guy who held a little girl up on his shoulders for a better look as Casey was taken away by LE -- like it was Santa at a parade or something. Sickening!

Children aside, though, the protesters are making it miserable for the Anthonys, and as distasteful as I find most of them, they may actually increase the pressure inside that house to the point that the GPs decide they can't support Casey any longer ("Look at what our lives have become, Casey -- this is gonna end NOW. You tell the truth or you're going back to jail!)....or...(really dreaming now) Casey decides to stop putting them through this torment.

I think if Cindy had taken a "no comment" or just a "we love our granddaughter and our daughter, and this is very difficult for us, please respect our privacy" stance from the outset instead of trying to convince the world with utterly ridiculous statements and "mistruths" that her daughter is innocent, people would feel nothing but pity and compassion and love for the GPs.

Instead, people are extremely frustrated because most (IMO, anyway) feel that the GPs are not only loving and giving general support to their daughter, but are actually attempting to cover for and excuse whatever she's done. Because this case is so high-profile, there are bound to be some not-so-stable people who are gonna respond to that kind of nonsense with their own inappropriate behavior.

Cindy owns some responsibility for what is now happening as far as reaction of the public to her family. And every time she engages the protesters, she gives them exactly what they want -- so the next night, people who have seen that realize there's a chance they'll get to tell her off (and maybe be on TV :rolleyes:), too. This is not a which came first, chicken <---> egg scenario. One wrong doesn't justify another, and that goes for the family and the protesters. Cindy set this all in motion with her own mouth. She can end it, too, by refusing to give these people what they want.

Cindy knows damned well that those folks "win" when she comes out and engages them or even just shows her face. She's not "losing" by refusing to play that game. She needs to understand that she wins if she doesn't feed the rabid wolves when they come around, even if she has a "right" to do so. It only ends up making things worse for her and her family and encourages more of them to come out.

Cindy Anthony is not blameless in all this.
I think the protestors should keep at it! Good for them! The Anthony's deserve it. Casey should be in jail, where she belongs!
These idiot "protesters" are achieving exactly the opposite of what they claim they're trying to do. They're forcing George and Cindy to become more, not less, protective of Casey and they're making the Anthonys look more deserving of sympathy and support. I have compassion for G and C, even though I don't agree with everything they do. After seeing what people who are against them behave like, I'm glad I'm on the other side.
I also think CA chose to fix the signs and tape at night thinking things would be quieter. Maybe she felt safer fixing them later on thinking everyone would be at home or out on the town.

In the past I have seen her not be able to keep her mouth shut but she did 'ignore' the protesters for a bit before it got to be too much for her.
Just watched the video from last night'ts scuffle. I believe CinA said ""how much is Kathy Belich payng you? (ORLANDO veteran reporter covering the case) NOT Yuri Melich (detective)
The protesting woman has a potty mouth. I thought she was way out of line and the children had no business there, Saturday night close to midnight those kids should have been at home in their beds!
What is wrong with people?
The venom coming from the boy's mouth was obnoxious. Gee, wonder where he learned to talk like that? After he fell he may have really gotten hurt, but no one paid any attention to him. Maybe he over reacted or maybe he was just tired from being dragged to a stranger's house listening to adults curse and carry on.

CinA doesnt need to check her property as often as she does. Seems she enjoys the confrontations a bit too much.

I still think ignoring these folks the A's) for a few days is a good idea.
I can say this for sure.. Since Florida passed the NO RETREAT Law..
The Florida "Castle Doctrine" law basically does three things:

One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.

Two: It removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others. [This is an American right repeatedly recognized in Supreme Court gun cases.]

Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.

It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.
I wouldn't be forcing myself into anyone's car the way Cindy did..

The video I seen has this women, the teenage girl holding a child about 4 AND the boy that gets hurt... all yelling and cussing at Cindy. As Cindy is in her own front yard putting the signs and yellow tape back up. That women along with the little boy comes right up to Cindy in her own yard to yell at her. That women lets the little boy that gets hurt yell and cuss at Cindy. GA comes out of the garage with the phone, calling LE. That women and the teen girls started it all. If anything I would think this law would be on Cindy's side more then that womens.
The women and her family yelled a good long time and got right in Cindy's face with it.
Cindy did not rush the car till this went on a for a long time... jimo
The little boy (after the arm/door incident) was yelling out the window, "I hope you die." Who in God's name allows this kind of language out of such a young child? Ok, nevermind I see who allows this. People that drag their kids out to protest at 11PM at night and scream profanities. I do not support the A's and honestly I think CA was out there looking for an arguement but the behaviour of these protestors is just ridiculous! I mean why on earth is it necessary for her to go out there and fix the caution tape at this hour? Is she just trying to find a way to get out of the house and away from the ticking time bomb that is inside?
If I were the Anthonys, I'd make Casey responsible for watching the security camera and calling for LE if protesters got out of hand. That's the LEAST she can do for them, and she should be subjected to every nasty little bit of it. And if she didn't wanna do it, I'd tell her there's always someplace else she could stay! :behindbar
If I were the Anthonys, I'd make Casey responsible for watching the security camera and calling for LE if protesters got out of hand. That's the LEAST she can do for them, and she should be subjected to every nasty little bit of it. And if she didn't wanna do it, I'd tell her there's always someplace else she could stay! :behindbar

I don't think the Anthonys have ever made Casey responsible for anything...
Children aside, though, the protesters are making it miserable for the Anthonys, and as distasteful as I find most of them, they may actually increase the pressure inside that house to the point that the GPs decide they can't support Casey any longer ("Look at what our lives have become, Casey -- this is gonna end NOW. You tell the truth or you're going back to jail!)....or...(really dreaming now) Casey decides to stop putting them through this torment.

Sherbie, extremely well said, I completely agree with you - and I hope the above is what happens. It really needs to, for the benefit of all involved.
Cindy is compulsive, the tape needed fixed and she is going to fix it.
She thinks she can handle the insults. She can't. George/Lee/Cindy seem to take turns getting into an argument weather it's LE the Press or antagonizes.
I think it's George's turn now.
If I were the Anthonys, I'd make Casey responsible for watching the security camera and calling for LE if protesters got out of hand. That's the LEAST she can do for them, and she should be subjected to every nasty little bit of it. And if she didn't wanna do it, I'd tell her there's always someplace else she could stay! :behindbar

Couldn't SHE (KC) go out and assume lawn duty? She'd still be at her house right, so she wouldn't be messing up the house arrest thing? Or, perhaps she could pound signs and string tape to and fro Baez's office. If Team Anthony ABSOLUTELY will not stop this silly lawn patrol of theirs, they should at least send out the person who has made it necessary! :soldier:
Please don't throw stinky tomatoes at
I just finished watching the extended video, and can say that I am much more appalled at what I seen this morning.

The only thing I honestly disagree with Cindy on with this altercation is her leaving her yard and going into the street to further provoke this woman..I certainly do not agree with that.

I do say however, that Cindy, George, and Lee all in their own right, have every right as I do to walk outside my door no matter who is outside screaming. I don't judge them for being outside at all.., because I would also not be able to be held up in my home..Do I think they could do something more productive? Of course I do, just as I could be doing something more productive now than sitting at my my grass could use a cutting right now...The time of the day they come out doesn't matter. Protesters are their all the time. I don't think they come out to argue with the protesters, instead the protesters take them coming out of the house as their chance. I don't agree with that..Protesting in Silence will do just as much good.

Now, I am not Cindy, nor George, and most certainly do not have the problems they have, but I can honestly tell you that if someone was in my face in my own yard, or even in the street in front of my home screaming at me, I would not tolerate it, and I would do whatever I had to do to make sure it is Known that I am not going to tolerate it. I would have certainly went to jail a long time ago. In my mind, Cindy and George are very calm, because I am telling you, I would have kicked off on someone's a$$ by now! I am in no way saying that is the right way to handle things, I just know what I would do..
The protesters are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. You can certainly tell which ones are trouble and which ones are not.. You can protest and not act as if you are the biggest and baddest thing on the earth.. Regardless of anything these people need to understand the meaning of "you are going to step up on the wrong person someday"
I agree 100% with the right to protest, however, I don't agree with anything being made a mockery of, and that is all I am seeing there. Some of the protesters are there for the wrong reasons. Casey has not broke yet, and by them screaming at her mother, it isn't helping her talk anymore than the officers calling her a liar to her face.

Then there is the issue with this young child screaming at Cindy along with his mother, and what looked to be a teenager holding a very small child..:furious:What in the world is this woman teaching her son? First, that child was not taught all of this due to Casey's actions, this child has learned these things in his home. My mother and father would have slapped the crap out of me the first time I disrespected an adult in that way, no matter the circumstance. Bringing Children to that home is no better than what they are there to preach about. IMO those people need to practice what they preach and if they can't then the Anthony's home is not a place for them. I honestly hope someone did call Child Services on this woman. And I pray to god that this child's arm isn't broken.

Nothing that the angry screaming protesters are doing is going to break Casey. Now, if one of them had the balls to run into that garage and snatch her a$$ up and beat the truth out of her, and I am sure enough of them are there to hold back the family if they try to help her, I personally think this would do more good then what happened in that video.(I am not saying this should happen, and I don't condone this behavior, just saying that personally either way, nothing is going to shake her so why bother?) Bottom line, Casey is the one who needs to be subjected to this anger, and Casey alone, be she alone is the only one who knows what happened to Caylee. IMHO.
Freedom came with a price, and some of these protesters are putting shame on the very people who fault for their freedom to protest..I assure you, you will never see a veteran of war sitting in that yard screaming at these people in that way...
Sorry for the long post...I am so angry at what I have seen!

edited to add, I am not getting into the thoughts on Casey right now, this was truly only about the protesters..Casey is a whole other long post..
Ch13 just ran the tape and I was able to view more than I had earlier. And if you watch the left side of the screen, Cindy is being dragged away kicking and screaming by GA and several others. Clearly she wanted to go back and fight some more. This was as the woman was driving away saying she was going to the hospital and CA would pay for it. I think---not positive--that she also yelled that she'd be back to finish this, that it wasn't over---did y'all catch that? I'll have to watch it again next time they rerun it.

I'm worried about the vigil tonight. Just because of this one woman and CA--they seem to want to fight eachother.
Please don't throw stinky tomatoes at
I just finished watching the extended video, and can say that I am much more appalled at what I seen this morning.

The only thing I honestly disagree with Cindy on with this altercation is her leaving her yard and going into the street to further provoke this woman..I certainly do not agree with that.

I do say however, that Cindy, George, and Lee all in their own right, have every right as I do to walk outside my door no matter who is outside screaming. I don't judge them for being outside at all.., because I would also not be able to be held up in my home..Do I think they could do something more productive? Of course I do, just as I could be doing something more productive now than sitting at my my grass could use a cutting right now...The time of the day they come out doesn't matter. Protesters are their all the time. I don't think they come out to argue with the protesters, instead the protesters take them coming out of the house as their chance. I don't agree with that..Protesting in Silence will do just as much good.

Now, I am not Cindy, nor George, and most certainly do not have the problems they have, but I can honestly tell you that if someone was in my face in my own yard, or even in the street in front of my home screaming at me, I would not tolerate it, and I would do whatever I had to do to make sure it is Known that I am not going to tolerate it. I would have certainly went to jail a long time ago. In my mind, Cindy and George are very calm, because I am telling you, I would have kicked off on someone's a$$ by now! I am in no way saying that is the right way to handle things, I just know what I would do..
The protesters are looking for their 15 minutes of fame. You can certainly tell which ones are trouble and which ones are not.. You can protest and not act as if you are the biggest and baddest thing on the earth.. Regardless of anything these people need to understand the meaning of "you are going to step up on the wrong person someday"
I agree 100% with the right to protest, however, I don't agree with anything being made a mockery of, and that is all I am seeing there. Some of the protesters are there for the wrong reasons. Casey has not broke yet, and by them screaming at her mother, it isn't helping her talk anymore than the officers calling her a liar to her face.

Then there is the issue with this young child screaming at Cindy along with his mother, and what looked to be a teenager holding a very small child..:furious:What in the world is this woman teaching her son? First, that child was not taught all of this due to Casey's actions, this child has learned these things in his home. My mother and father would have slapped the crap out of me the first time I disrespected an adult in that way, no matter the circumstance. Bringing Children to that home is no better than what they are there to preach about. IMO those people need to practice what they preach and if they can't then the Anthony's home is not a place for them. I honestly hope someone did call Child Services on this woman. And I pray to god that this child's arm isn't broken.

Nothing that the angry screaming protesters are doing is going to break Casey. Now, if one of them had the balls to run into that garage and snatch her a$$ up and beat the truth out of her, and I am sure enough of them are there to hold back the family if they try to help her, I personally think this would do more good then what happened in that video. Bottom line, Casey is the one who needs to be subjected to this anger, and Casey alone, be she alone is the only one who knows what happened to Caylee. IMHO.
Freedom came with a price, and some of these protesters are putting shame on the very people who fault for their freedom to protest..I assure you, you will never see a veteran of war sitting in that yard screaming at these people in that way...Sorry for the long post...I am so angry at what I have seen!

I did the bold........Thank you for this post. I agree 10000%


*proud daughter of a disabled veteren*

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