WFTV - Some kind of protester tussle just happened?

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Why in the world was she fixing the tape and signs at 11:00 at night? Sorry but Cindy was looking for trouble, that house will be exploding soon.

You got that right! BOOM Cindy needs the attention just like KC! She had no business going out there that late at night to put up her friggen tape..:furious:
She had to be the attention of the show.
I saw this last night on the news--the reporter stated that CA chased a protester down the street. Then, the video shows CA marching over to the car to scream at the woman, the woman gets out of her car and suddenly a young guy restrains the woman and GA blocks and moves CA away.

I saw the boy on the ground--that was another shot but the camera I watched didn't show anything else, just him in the street so I didn't know why he was doing that until I came here. Shame on the woman for bringing her child! It's possible the child hopped out of the car to protect his mom? I dunno.

Still, CA pushed this to the limits when she came outside to fix the tape and signs after the bodyguards left. I mean, there was no car outside, so I assumed they had left. She seemed to be deliberately provoking the people outside and I personally think she did so in order to confront them and make news. Certainly she didn't have to get into any type of altercation with the demonstrators--she deliberately chose to verbally confront that woman, then deliberately chased her to the car, then stood there screaming insults back and forth. Wow.

If that child got hurt badly, it was both the mother's fault and CA's fault. CA knows there's a risk of someone getting hurt every time she or another member of her family deliberately confronts (and assaults) the demonstrators. But the mother of the child shares blame--that child should have been home in bed! What are these people (including the A's) thinking???

What the heck?
I can not believe NO ONE helped the little boy! It appears someone drug him and then just left him on the ground. I wonder what happened to him?
This psycho is screaming at CA about her daughter while her son is laying on the ground!
3 people looking for Caylee - 1 in Florida, 1 in Texas and 1 in Puerto Rico ..... this is going to take a very, very long time
Late catching up here.....if I read correctly, Cindy was outside after midnight??? !!!
I gotta agree, that woman if looking for trouble.
Was the webcam down when this happened?
This is so sad that the news issues have become about the protester altercations and not about finding CAYLEE!!:furious:
What the heck?
I can not believe NO ONE helped the little boy! It appears someone drug him and then just left him on the ground. I wonder what happened to him?
This psycho is screaming at CA about her daughter while her son is laying on the ground!

Yes, how sad is that.
You know this is funny because, I think this is exactly what she is doing, else she would be out at 3-4 am working on those signs and tape. As long as she is in the privacy of her own yard, yell, scream whatever you wish , as she has that do the protesters if they are where they should be, however, last night, Cindy did cross the line. She provoked it further going into the street..
She didn't check on that little boy either, and she is a nurse..neither did George, neither did any of the rest of them..makes me sick...;

In all fairness, if any one of the A's had gone to the assistance of that little boy, they would have been attacked. In this case, it's the mother of that poor boy, no one else.
I'd add my own comment about that poor little boy.. but seems I'd just be repeating what everyone else has already said... though this just can't be said enough:: people need to leave these poor kids at home!!

SO Cindy claims 3 people are looking for Caylee... that's sad.. if she would just shut her stinkin traphole and stop defaming others.. she'd have thousands.
Late catching up here.....if I read correctly, Cindy was outside after midnight??? !!!
I gotta agree, that woman if looking for trouble.
Was the webcam down when this happened?

No, it was before 11pm because on the 11pm news a reporter had a short story about it and said the video would be up on this morning's news. That was Channel 9, WFTV.

I shut down last night at about 10:40pm because not much was happening, then I saw that on the news at 11. The reporter said it had just happened a few mins before.

Oh, and yes, Cindy had come out to fix her tape and signs, knowing there were lots of people out there. Video showed no black car in driveway so I think the guards might have left, not sure.
I saw this last night on the news--the reporter stated that CA chased a protester down the street. Then, the video shows CA marching over to the car to scream at the woman, the woman gets out of her car and suddenly a young guy restrains the woman and GA blocks and moves CA away.

I saw the boy on the ground--that was another shot but the camera I watched didn't show anything else, just him in the street so I didn't know why he was doing that until I came here. Shame on the woman for bringing her child! It's possible the child hopped out of the car to protect his mom? I dunno.

Still, CA pushed this to the limits when she came outside to fix the tape and signs after the bodyguards left. I mean, there was no car outside, so I assumed they had left. She seemed to be deliberately provoking the people outside and I personally think she did so in order to confront them and make news. Certainly she didn't have to get into any type of altercation with the demonstrators--she deliberately chose to verbally confront that woman, then deliberately chased her to the car, then stood there screaming insults back and forth. Wow.

If that child got hurt badly, it was both the mother's fault and CA's fault. CA knows there's a risk of someone getting hurt every time she or another member of her family deliberately confronts (and assaults) the demonstrators. But the mother of the child shares blame--that child should have been home in bed! What are these people (including the A's) thinking???

On the first link here on this thread to what happened, if you look at the first of Cindy coming to the car, the child was standing in the car leaning on the back door which was partially open. When the guy pushed the woman back, they went back against that door, and as they came forward you could see the child and his arm in the door..
Late catching up here.....if I read correctly, Cindy was outside after midnight??? !!!
I gotta agree, that woman if looking for trouble.
Was the webcam down when this happened?

The web cam wasn't working at that time. :)
On the first link here on this thread to what happened, if you look at the first of Cindy coming to the car, the child was standing in the car leaning on the back door which was partially open. When the guy pushed the woman back, they went back against that door, and as they came forward you could see the child and his arm in the door..

And that was a whole lot of weight being pushed on to that little arm.
In all fairness, if any one of the A's had gone to the assistance of that little boy, they would have been attacked. In this case, it's the mother of that poor boy, no one else.

I agree with you on this.., but as a society you would think, or hope, that when a child is hurt, everyone would come together and help this child..further makes me sick..
What kind of world are we living in when a child can lay on the street crying in pain and all the adults are wrapped up in themselves?
On the first link here on this thread to what happened, if you look at the first of Cindy coming to the car, the child was standing in the car leaning on the back door which was partially open. When the guy pushed the woman back, they went back against that door, and as they came forward you could see the child and his arm in the door..

Okay, thanks. The video on Ch 9 this morning, I only saw the woman in her car and CA going over to confront her, then the woman getting out of the car. I didn't notice the boy until they showed a clip of him on the ground.
I agree with you on this.., but as a society you would think, or hope, that when a child is hurt, everyone would come together and help this child..further makes me sick..
What kind of world are we living in when a child can lay on the street crying in pain and all the adults are wrapped up in themselves?

Who knows, maybe people did help but the newscaster didn't show that part. We will probably never know unless the woman confronted talks to the media.
Who knows, maybe people did help but the newscaster didn't show that part. We will probably never know unless the woman confronted talks to the media.

Now that would be very good to know... How is the boy.. did he get medical attention?? Did they just let him lay there?? I don't suppose we will ever hear.. one way or the other..
I am sure this will not be a popular opinion but, IMO Cindy and George have every RIGHT to be anywhere they want to be. Why should they be holed up in their house because people with nothing better to do hang outside and yell and taunt them. You know, I probably would have done EXACTLY what Cindy did. Honestly, we didn't SEE what happened before Cindy followed her to her car. We have no idea what this woman was saying that pushed CA over the edge. These people are not peacefully protesting, they are there waiting to bait the A's. They yell and taunt them. Sure, the A's could ignore them, but, can you imagine how HARD that would be? I know I would have "lost it" a long time ago with these protesters.

What we DID see was a little boy rolling around on the ground in obvious PAIN from his MOTHER slamming the car door on his arm. That to me is the most disgusting part of that video.

/rant off
I agree with you on this.., but as a society you would think, or hope, that when a child is hurt, everyone would come together and help this child..further makes me sick..
What kind of world are we living in when a child can lay on the street crying in pain and all the adults are wrapped up in themselves?

A very sad, mixed up world. That's for sure. People need to rethink their priorities. I'm so boiling mad over this.

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