WHAT A DISGRACE TO THE WHOLE WORLD! (Karr case thrown out)

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JBean said:
I do not fault her. i think she had a moral obligation to check this guy out. I don't think there was any other way to do it without tipping him off. If this had been any other case, they could have done the same thing and no one would have been the wiser. It's the media feeding the public frenzy that threw this thing so far out of control and over the top.
I don't think there was a way to pull this guy in quietly. After reading those emails, this has nothing to do with Mike Tracey. How could he NOT turn this info over?
The emails contained enough information to thoroughly check this guy. It is the public and the media that are to blame here, IMO.
Well said. I'm tired of all the Monday morning quarterbacking.
JBean said:
I do not fault her. i think she had a moral obligation to check this guy out. I don't think there was any other way to do it without tipping him off. If this had been any other case, they could have done the same thing and no one would have been the wiser. It's the media feeding the public frenzy that threw this thing so far out of control and over the top.
I don't think there was a way to pull this guy in quietly. After reading those emails, this has nothing to do with Mike Tracey. How could he NOT turn this info over?
The emails contained enough information to thoroughly check this guy. It is the public and the media that are to blame here, IMO.
I think that you're right. I haven't followed the case as closely as many of you here, so I can't comment meaningfully on the entire investigation, but I think that in this instance, the DA did as she had to do. I've known a few NYPD cops, including one retired detective, and I've always been struck by their comments about how many blind alleys most investigations lead into. In major media crimes, the false leads and fake confessions proliferate significantly. Somebody as disorganized and semi-delusional as Karr could have murdered a child. But in this case, he didn't.
Sherlockmom said:
I don't fault the DA for bringing him here and getting an answer about him once and for all.

This guy carried out this fantasy for years and seems to be a genuine pediophile. What was she supposed to do? Ignore it?

Perhaps LE had their doubts too as well as alot of us did but you have to follow through on these types of things. The media IMO is the one that blew this whole thing out of proportion and turned it into a circus. If I had been the DA I would have downplayed his arrest but that is the only thing I can fault them for.

They brought him back and can finally eliminate him. Maybe they can get him off the streets at least for awhile.

One point that has me curious is that they insisted that Karr knew details not known to the public. I read the paperwork today and did not see anything new there except this:

Karr said that he drank JB blood after causing her to bleed vaginally. They compared his DNA to the DNA found on the underpants. I believe that DNA was a mixture of JB's blood and another unknown DNA. Could that DNA have been from saliva and this is the information that was not known and that caused them to suspect Karr knew details of this murder? Just a thought.

If Karr wasn't the actual murder perhaps they were also interested in how he obtained this information. The answers to that could lead them to the real perpetrator.

Karr won't stay in the US> He is too well known now to carry out his fantasies with little girls. LE will most likely be on his heels and no school is going to hire him. I believe that is why he left the US in the first place. As soon as he is free he'll be on the first plane out of here to find some third world hell hole where he can molest little girls without fear of being prosecuted.

I do wonder though. Isn't is unusual for a transexual to also be a child molestor?

Yes, I believe they have determined the unknown male DNA as saliva. RDI??? Naw.....
angelwngs said:
I do wonder though. Isn't is unusual for a transexual to also be a child molestor?__________________

I don't think anyone, wherever cable TV and computers are, would disagree that he is definately "unusual".

What better way to get close to little girls than being a middle aged woman. He was fired from jobs for "being too affectionate with little girls".
sejay3911 said:
Yes, I believe they have determined the unknown male DNA as saliva. RDI??? Naw.....
Interesting, do you have a source for this??
After reading the emails, I've competely changed my mind, and I agree with everyone who says that the DA had no choice. I'm glad he's off the streets, at least for a little while. I dunno how to edit posts yet. :)
I don't think there was a way to pull this guy in quietly.

Of course there was. They didn't have to alert the media. It's really quite simple.

Hell, they didn't even have to tell the Thai authorities that the guy was suspected of being involved in the Ramsey case. He was wanted for crimes in California, and that's all the Thai police really needed to know.

Someone contacted the media and let them know what was happening. And it wasn't Lacy's fault (entirely) that the media acted as it did (the headlines screaming that the case was "solved" added to the appearance of DA incompetence IMO). However, as a columnist said today, "the media "couldn't have picked this guy out of a crowd, especially in Bangkok -- 'Hey, let's pin this 10-year-old murder on him!'"

I agree that Lacy did the right thing in investigating this guy, but she had choices in how to do it and she constantly made bad choices. She did not have to take the steps she did in the order she did. First, she could have read the case file and become familiar with the evidence (which would have made it apparant IMO that the emails were contradictory and most probably the work of a kook...a sick kook, but nonetheless one that probably wasn't involved in the Ramsey case). Second, she could have kept the guy under survelience in Thailand doing the preliminary investigative work, with the detectives in Thailand moving in to arrest the guy only if he showed signs of fleeing. Or she could have asked California to cooperate, have them contact Thai authorities to pick up the guy for extradition to California while the Boulder LE did their preliminary investigative work. Most of all, she should have told EVERYONE involved that if anyone leaked anything to media that there would be hell to pay, and who on earth made the decision to let Karr give interviews to the media or give the media access to him on the plane???

And THAT is the number one issue I have with how the "investigation" into Karr was handled. There was NO NEED to contact the media. And the fact that, IMO, she didn't realize that the first thing the Ramsey team would do was just that (and I'm guessing it was them) shows how little she understands about the issues surrounding this case.

If Boulder LE ever tries to bring substansive charges against someone, there is no doubt that they will use this episode to try to establish reasonable doubt in the mind of jurors. "Someone else confessed." Or, "Look at these keystone lawyers, rushing half-way around the world to arrest a kook, can you really believe they have the right person?" The whole episode has damanged what was left of this case. And to a great extent the fault rests with the Boulder DA's office.
Nikki 01 said:
Geoff Fieger (sp?) said it was a joke when he was on the day Karr was paraded in front of the media.

Thank you, Nikki. He is my new hero :)
Jolynna said:
"Doesn’t everyone feel better knowing that there is one least sicko perverted being exposed, making it more difficult for him to prey on children . . . no matter where they live?"

What would have been wrong with leaving the sicko pervert in Thailand to go ahead with his planned castration?

As it is, Karr will probably serve less than a year of actual time and be back on the streets with stronger cravings than ever.

JMK just got done convincing the state of Colorado that he had been with JonBenet when she died. Even though there were discreprencies between his description of what happened and the facts of the case, the DA and her forensic pathologist bought his words, citing the JMK's inflection as being appropriate and remorseful.

How hard would it be for him to change his appearance again and to steal a new identity?
Is it your belief that a sex change would of changed his perverted fantasies of little girls, Jolynna? I strongly disagree with you on this as this would give him easier access to them.

As to "convincing" Colo. DA that he was "the killer", at NO time did I hear the DA's office say this. As a matter of fact Lacey cautioned the media that Karr's investigation was at it's early stages and to give them the time they needed to do so, properly. After reading Karr's emails, and also noting that he claimed his guilt to more than one person, I would of done the same as Ms. Lacey . . . better to err on the side of caution. Also, this "being" is, in fact, a danger to children; no matter WHERE they live. Are you suggesting that's it's okay for Karr to satisfy his demented desires, as long as it's not done in our country?

When Karr is released from Sonoma County's custody, I find it highly unlikely that there won't be at least one law enforcement entity tracking his whereabouts, no matter where he goes, or what he does to change his appearance.

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