What are the Anthony's doing?

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Sep 3, 2008
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Every time I turn around I here Cindy, George, or Lee state that Caylee is still alive. They are always telling US to get off our @$$es and find their alive Granddaughter.

Wouldn't it help if they were actually searching for a living Caylee? How about instead of trying to find a way to bail Casey out of jail/protect Casey they get off their @$$es and find a living Caylee?

Now.......that tell me that they don't care, they don't want her found, they are only worried about Casey, or they really don't think she is dead.

Let's face it so far they haven't done a dang thang

So now, I am telling them to get off their @$$es and do something besides sit at home/fight protesters/help casey.......sad
Monoxide: They are too busy putting up yellow tape around the perimeter of their property and chasing off protestors with hammers. Serioulsy do you think these people have time to search for their Grand Daughter?
Now that there is an anouncement of the KCA Defense Fund I think you can see where their interests are. I thought it was wierd that CA was so beside herself with Tim searching for a body. They only want the baby found if she is alive. If the baby is found dead KC is cooked.
Why don't they take some of that $ they get doing interviews and hire private investigators to search for Caylee? Poor darling, has certainly been forgotten in all this mess.
I wonder the same thing. On the thread about what you would tell the Anthony's if you had the chance one of the things I would ask them is why arent they in Texas or Puerto Rico where they know Caylee is or could be? I'm sure plenty of people could keep KC company. And even if they dont think Caylee is dead they may as well get the word out by searching parks and handing out fliers! Looking is looking regardless of the outcome and just like you I have yet to see them do ANYTHING but stick to the confines of their own home. Prayer vigils arent search parties dead or alive!
they OBVIOUSLY need to go meet with their own atty again and go over the first ammendment right to protest and stop by walmart and get some large zip ties to chain GA to a chair with!
I've been thinking about this. First, Cindy seemed to be the one accusing Casey. Then Casey questions Cindy "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?" And at that point Cindy does a complete backpedal and even denies that Caylee could be dead, let alone at her daughters hands.

Cindy had previously called Casey a sociopath. And she has to be looking at Casey now and comparing how calm she is compared to how she (Cindy) is feeling. I am beginning to wonder if perhaps Cindy doesn't really think that Caylee is alive, if perhaps Cindy does believe that Caylee is dead at her daughters hands. But that she thinks that Casey is mentally ill. And if mentally ill, that perhaps she is not responsible for her own actions.

That would make Cindy defensive, perhaps drive Cindy into agreeing with the whole kidnap scenario. After all, you don't confront psychotic people with their delusions, you leave that to the professionals. And this would make her fight any suggestion that Casey should be in jail. Because sick people don't belong in jail.

If this is what she is thinking, then the best thing she could do for Casey would be to place her in a mental hospital for evaluation and treatment. However, the attorney might tell the family not to do this, because it would be against Casey's best interest in the long run because of the criminal case. Anything that Casey said in the hospital could end up in court.
they don't have to search remember Georgie has the kidnappers under surveillance
The truth is the family spent more time searching for the webcam than they ever spent searching for Caylee
I think the main reason they have received such a negative reply from the public is that the family and their lawyers have continued to act like they know something everyone else doesn't. That there are very good reasons for the way Casey has acted, that they know Caylee is alive etc etc
Like everyone else is crazy or stupid except them.
I think the Anthonys are getting their stories synchronized. Just because there are Web cams outside, bugs in the house and possible wiretaps of phones, they can still write notes.

In the movies, the perps usually turn on each other, one by one. Hmmmm . . .
I think the main reason they have received such a negative reply from the public is that the family and their lawyers have continued to act like they know something everyone else doesn't. That there are very good reasons for the way Casey has acted, that they know Caylee is alive etc etc
Like everyone else is crazy or stupid except them.

Bingo!!! Not to mention that everyone is dying to know the wherabouts of Caylee and they claim to have all of this specific information about where she is and her well-being. Thats interesting and all but the reality is if that information existed Caylee would be home alive or laid to rest and we all KNOW that! Besides everyone says KC is calm because she Knows Caylee is "ok" well I hate to break it to you KC but even if my child was in good kidnappers hands id be clawing my way to get to her!!! Nothing could stop me until I had my baby back, and you better believe that there would be tears, anger, and emotion visible to anyone who cared to look!
I've been thinking about this. First, Cindy seemed to be the one accusing Casey. Then Casey questions Cindy "What do you mean you don't know what my involvement is?" And at that point Cindy does a complete backpedal and even denies that Caylee could be dead, let alone at her daughters hands.

Cindy had previously called Casey a sociopath. And she has to be looking at Casey now and comparing how calm she is compared to how she (Cindy) is feeling. I am beginning to wonder if perhaps Cindy doesn't really think that Caylee is alive, if perhaps Cindy does believe that Caylee is dead at her daughters hands. But that she thinks that Casey is mentally ill. And if mentally ill, that perhaps she is not responsible for her own actions.

That would make Cindy defensive, perhaps drive Cindy into agreeing with the whole kidnap scenario. After all, you don't confront psychotic people with their delusions, you leave that to the professionals. And this would make her fight any suggestion that Casey should be in jail. Because sick people don't belong in jail.

If this is what she is thinking, then the best thing she could do for Casey would be to place her in a mental hospital for evaluation and treatment. However, the attorney might tell the family not to do this, because it would be against Casey's best interest in the long run because of the criminal case. Anything that Casey said in the hospital could end up in court.

She could at least be out searching with TES. Casey doesn't have to know what her mother is doing every second of the day....
She could at least be out searching with TES. Casey doesn't have to know what her mother is doing every second of the day....

LE always tells family not to get involved in the actual search. If they are present when anything is found, they could contaminate the evidence.

They could go to the search center, but media would immediately have that on TV and Casey would learn about it. The only thing they could do that would tell Casey that they were suppportive and not against her, would be to pass out flyers because they do that when they believe there is a live child to find. But you notice they aren't doing that? I believe it is because they know there isn't a live child to find.
They are floating their boat down the river named De-Nile.
She could at least be out searching with TES. Casey doesn't have to know what her mother is doing every second of the day....

could have been, not anymore since TES has suspended the search as of yesterday

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