What are the Anthony's doing?

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Cindy was initially full of panic and shock in the 911 calls until the jailhouse call from KC where you can actually here Cindy taking on a more submissive role...KC being the dominator. I agree familly get off your tush and stop contacting attorneys. What have you got to HIDE???? Search for the little angel. I believe they all know the truth, hence, lawyering up and acting like celebrities. Remember "It smells like there has been a dead body in the damn car". your words cindy not mine :rolleyes::rolleyes: Please Caylee was your flesh and blood..help find her!!!!
I know we're all wondering this, but I must ask, where is Casey's sense of urgency? And if her family really does believe her story and that Caylee has been kidnapped and is alive, don't they wonder why Casey isn't distraught and beside herself with worry for Caylee's well being? It's all so strange.
Last week I specifically posted a message to Cindy here because we have reason to believe that she or people helping them are reading here. I suggested that since the police were not pursuing leads and tips she is receiving to go ahead and put them on the www.helpfindcaylee.com website. Afterall, if she REALLY BELIEVES that Caylee is alive, then it is imperative to get the information out to the public about where she is most likely to be and with whom. I suggested she put the following information about each sighting:

Date, Time, exact location seen including street address
other witnesses
Description of person or people with Caylee including race, sex, hair color, clothing, vehicle description, license plate number
Description of what Caylee was wearing
Ask the person giving the tip if they called the police and if they followed the people and if not, why not?

But if you go to the website, no tips have been posted. Which says volumes about how serious the Anthony's are about finding Caylee alive.

People really who want to find a missing person or even a missing pet do anything and everything they can to get word out about various tips to as many people as possible as fast as possible. Sure, the police might have told them to run everything through them, but if the Anthony's really believed ANY of the tips they have received, after realizing the police were not following up, it would only make sense to put the leads on the internet immediately. If really they believe Caylee is alive, this is likely to be their best chance to get her back because the more people who are aware of a lead, the more likely someone, somewhere may also have seen something and be able to help. That they have not done this speaks volumes. And they can't use the excuse that they are technically challenged and can't do this. Afterall, they got up websites asking for donations very fast.
I think the main reason they have received such a negative reply from the public is that the family and their lawyers have continued to act like they know something everyone else doesn't. That there are very good reasons for the way Casey has acted, that they know Caylee is alive etc etc
Like everyone else is crazy or stupid except them.

Isn't that one of the characteristics of sociopaths? Just sayin'. The eggs that hatched the bird came from the nest.
Last week I specifically posted a message to Cindy here because we have reason to believe that she or people helping them are reading here. I suggested that since the police were not pursuing leads and tips she is receiving to go ahead and put them on the www.helpfindcaylee.com website. Afterall, if she REALLY BELIEVES that Caylee is alive, then it is imperative to get the information out to the public about where she is most likely to be and with whom. I suggested she put the following information about each sighting:

Date, Time, exact location seen including street address
other witnesses
Description of person or people with Caylee including race, sex, hair color, clothing, vehicle description, license plate number
Description of what Caylee was wearing
Ask the person giving the tip if they called the police and if they followed the people and if not, why not?

But if you go to the website, no tips have been posted. Which says volumes about how serious the Anthony's are about finding Caylee alive.

Snipped with respect.

Cindy is the queen of vague. There is never anything that is verfiably specific. Ever. Like princess, like queen. (Edited to add, when I say 'princess,' I don't mean Princess Rose!)
Most people would be utterly DISTRAUGHT.
Does any one in this family seem to be the least bit distraught?
Maybe once- the call from CinA "it smells likes there's been a dead body in the damn car!"
they don't have to search remember Georgie has the kidnappers under surveillance

I've been waiting a really long time for an update on that bit. Did GA tip them off by publicly saying that? Did the kidnappers beat feet in the middle of the night cause GA fell asleep? Is he still tracking them?

I don't know how any of them can stand to be in the same house together. What do they do? Go into their own war room and look at all their post it notes of lies, mistruths, halftruths, Cindy-speaks, rewatch cameo appearances, etc? Do they have their own lab? Doing their own experiments on decomp and chloro?

They sure in the heck aren't doing anything to find their 'live' Caylee.
LE always tells family not to get involved in the actual search. If they are present when anything is found, they could contaminate the evidence.

They could go to the search center, but media would immediately have that on TV and Casey would learn about it. The only thing they could do that would tell Casey that they were suppportive and not against her, would be to pass out flyers because they do that when they believe there is a live child to find. But you notice they aren't doing that? I believe it is because they know there isn't a live child to find.

Yeah I totally understand. As you said even handing out flyers at the malls or local stores. I've seen family of missing persons busting their butts doing that very thing. Lots of things can be done besides physically being out in the woods searching.
they don't have to search remember Georgie has the kidnappers under surveillance

Coffee all over my computer screen.:crazy:
Ok I want to add my 2 cents, If Cindy had a credbile tip from Texas that Caylee was there seen alive, why hasn't she gotten on a plane to go find her?
Oh thats right , because she exspects everyone elese to find her.
Not that I think the tip is credible at all, but come on if it was one of my children that where missing , and I had a tip I would be on a plane, walk, whatever to get there to make sure either way.
I completely agree with the above poster , if they find Caylee's precious little body.
1) Casey is gonna rot in jail/ or if they can go for it I am sure she will get the DP
2) They would have to admit how much of a monster KC is.
3) If and when Caylee is found the whole family might go down(JMHO, I really think they are all involved , in some way)
What are the Anthonys doing?

One thing I can see they did is move that tape off of the easement and onto property they actually own.
Don't you guys get it they are following the script!!! And they have no calendar!!! We should tell them time is up????:eek::eek:
Most people would be utterly DISRAUGHT.
Does any one in this family seem to be the least bit disraught?
Maybe once- the call from CinA "it smells likes there's been a dead body in the damn car!"

i think Casey was distraught when she called home from her first day in jail and said "nobody in my own family is on my side. They just want Caylee back, that is all they're worried about right now is getting Caylee back"
It's just so CONVENIENT for them to say they believe Caylee is alive. It allows them to sit around, doing nothing, criticizing everyone else for doing ANYTHING else but follow the false clues they've sprinkled for the last 8 weeks.

It's the best strategy for a lazy family who must know by now that Caylee is not alive, is not coming home, and as long as they maintain this crazy facade they can continue to strike out and blame everyone else. Because let's face it: once they admit that Caylee is likely dead then that changes the whole game for them.
My question is how do the Anthonys see this ending?

They are not looking for Caylee, but just sitting around waiting - supposedly for LE or an "ordinary citizen" to find her. But they are not cooperating with LE or the public by giving the information that they supposedly know and can't share.

They are not cooperating with any searches that might turn up Caylee's body b/c they refuse to believe there is even the slightest possibility that Caylee might be dead or even out in the woods waiting to be rescued. No chance whatsoever, not worth even looking.

Their sole focus is on Casey's defense. Do they really think that if the searches in the woods stop and LE quits investigating Casey that this will just magically disappear? How do they envision going on with their lives without Caylee?

Do they think if the media stops talking about it the kidnappers will decide to bring Caylee home? What do they think is going to happen here? I guess this is where I wish one of the believers would tell me how they envision this, because I just can't make the leap.
Cindy is Casey's mother before she is Cayless's grandmother. It seems reasonable to me that her love for her daughter would make protecting Casey her number one priority. Cindy has had so many problems and frustrations with Casey, but the bottom line remains the same. She is her daughter, you never give up loving, supporting, protecting your children, no matter what they have done. Throw in the fact that she knows that Casey has psychological problems, it only reinforces her need to protect her child. I know that I would have to have 100% positive proof that one of my children had committed such a heinious crime before I would stop doing everything within my power to protect them. I would also have to have 100% positive proof that my grandchild were dead before I would give up hope.
Cindy is Casey's mother before she is Cayless's grandmother. It seems reasonable to me that her love for her daughter would make protecting Casey her number one priority. Cindy has had so many problems and frustrations with Casey, but the bottom line remains the same. She is her daughter, you never give up loving, supporting, protecting your children, no matter what they have done. Throw in the fact that she knows that Casey has psychological problems, it only reinforces her need to protect her child. I know that I would have to have 100% positive proof that one of my children had committed such a heinious crime before I would stop doing everything within my power to protect them. I would also have to have 100% positive proof that my grandchild were dead before I would give up hope.

I see this so differently. Tiny children who cannot care for themselves come first. Period.

KC is an adult. It's not her mother's job to "protect" her. It was both Cindy's and KC's job to protect the innocent Caylee.
Coffee all over my computer screen.:crazy:
Ok I want to add my 2 cents, If Cindy had a credbile tip from Texas that Caylee was there seen alive, why hasn't she gotten on a plane to go find her?
Oh thats right , because she exspects everyone elese to find her.
Not that I think the tip is credible at all, but come on if it was one of my children that where missing , and I had a tip I would be on a plane, walk, whatever to get there to make sure either way.
I completely agree with the above poster , if they find Caylee's precious little body.
1) Casey is gonna rot in jail/ or if they can go for it I am sure she will get the DP
2) They would have to admit how much of a monster KC is.
3) If and when Caylee is found the whole family might go down(JMHO, I really think they are all involved , in some way)

I don't think Cindy is capable of facing the truth. To do so would mean that she would lose hope, if she has no hope, she has nothing, not Caylee and not Casey. I don't think that Cindy is ready, nor does she have the kind of strength she will need to face what is coming down the road. I don't think any of us can imagine how horrible it would be to know that your granddaughters death was at the hands of the child that you raised and love with all of your heart. I just can't even wrap my mind around the horror of that and I don't think she can either. I think those that criticize their actions and reactions are fortunate to not have had to step in their shoes.
I don't think Cindy is capable of facing the truth. To do so would mean that she would lose hope, if she has no hope, she has nothing, not Caylee and not Casey. I don't think that Cindy is ready, nor does she have the kind of strength she will need to face what is coming down the road. I don't think any of us can imagine how horrible it would be to know that your granddaughters death was at the hands of the child that you raised and love with all of your heart. I just can't even wrap my mind around the horror of that and I don't think she can either. I think those that criticize their actions and reactions are fortunate to not have had to step in their shoes.


Denial is a very strong defense mechanism. I think it would be the worst thing to think that your only daughter is a monster. Cindy is probably clinging on to every little bit of hope that she can find...which is not much!

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