What are the Anthony's doing?

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Here are my thoughts on what they are doing as we speak!!! First I must give you my thoughts that bring me to that point. I believe the MOST important issue in this case is the timeline and who the masterminds are, or lack there of. That being said, here is my theory, I am not convinced Casey killed her daughter, nor am i convinced it was an accident, however, I do BELEIVE beautiful little Caylee is deceased. Now, with that belief and George being retired law enforcement, Cindy being a Nurse, BOTH being unstable. It seems to me the delay in reporting is the KEY. Let's just say they (the THREE of them) were now dealing with a dead body, how it happened is unclear to possibly 2 of them, that brings me to these questions - -who would know firsthand how to get rid of a body and the amount of time is needed for decay/comsumption of animals etc., along with a location that woudl work other than a law enforcement officer. He would have known through his previous training what it all entailed, and how to insure the wild goose chase we are experiencing as we speak!! Now on to Cindy, SHE would know how to clean the "evidence" up, AKA chloraform, she would also know as we have all witnessed her unraveling that she could spin this whole thing out of control and take the heat off her daughter just by being herself, UNSTABLE. As for Lee, I am a firm beleiver that he has removed his presence from this case because he has experienced FIRSTHAND the dysfuntion since he was born. Now to Casey, I am at a loss with her, she has perplexed me to a point that is unexplainable. Her demeaner alone has challenged in me emotions that are soo raw and brought me to the point of questioning what ANY human life could possibly mean to her including her HER OWN!!! So to me, the whole delay in reporting was planned and is going according to THEIR plan . . . .that is why, CINDY is a NUT and playing it UP, George is sitting in the background outside of his occassional mishaps (possibly when someone is getting close to an answer on something does this happen)for the most part QUIETLY watching this play out and Casey is as smug as she can be!!! Lee is removed and distancing himself from what will prove to be his families final display of dysfunction!!!

I am telling you they want to fill us with CONFUSION to avoid the obvious. The 31 days!!! I mean EVERYONE is getting so caught up on the details, as there are MANY, BUT the fact remains, 31 days IS the key, and in my opinion what the focus should be on. We, myself included haven gotten so caught up on dates, times, people, parties, etc. and making the focus Casey, SHE is NOT that SMART, maybe cunning, smug, aloof but NOT SMART!!!! You can tell that just by her choices in life thus far!!! The parents, well they have been protecting Casey and controlling her life for the most part, she tries to break away aka move out, they FLIP OUT and take CONTROL once again. I am convinced they are laughing at us all and our DAILY dose of details. I really do not beleive there are ALOT of pertinent details to this case, a child is dead and the FAMILY has the only details needed. The angle being played must change its direction, in order to get results. Just look at the money, time and emotion being played out in "The Anthony Families DysFunction". I am by no means discounting ANYONES passion for this case, I am merely stating my opinion. I think we try so hard to understand something that the only way we think we will is by getting ALL the details. In this case, we must go back to the VERY beginning and acknowledge the FIRST plan of Action this Family took and that was to DELAY REPORTING!!!
With all this $$$ donated that they are now using for media laywers, security systems, etc why haven't they hired their very own kick butt bounty hunter to go after the kidnappers that GA claims were under surveillance? The only people the As have hired are lawyers & publicists basically. Am I right? There are some kick butt bounty hunters in this country that would be able to hunt them down & get that little girl back w/o her getting hurt (not that I believe the whole kidnapping scenario anyway) but I'm just saying. Come on, GA, prove everyone wrong & actually DO SOMETHING to try to get Caylee back. THe script? The only script I am seeing being played here is this family profiting off the baby. Sick.
I've been waiting a really long time for an update on that bit. Did GA tip them off by publicly saying that? Did the kidnappers beat feet in the middle of the night cause GA fell asleep? Is he still tracking them?

I don't know how any of them can stand to be in the same house together. What do they do? Go into their own war room and look at all their post it notes of lies, mistruths, halftruths, Cindy-speaks, rewatch cameo appearances, etc? Do they have their own lab? Doing their own experiments on decomp and chloro?

They sure in the heck aren't doing anything to find their 'live' Caylee.

They're sure not. I resent Cindy saying WE should get off our a@@es. Tim Miller and the thousands of searchers ARE doing something, what are the Anthony's doing? :mad:
Cindy is Casey's mother before she is Cayless's grandmother. It seems reasonable to me that her love for her daughter would make protecting Casey her number one priority. Cindy has had so many problems and frustrations with Casey, but the bottom line remains the same. She is her daughter, you never give up loving, supporting, protecting your children, no matter what they have done. Throw in the fact that she knows that Casey has psychological problems, it only reinforces her need to protect her child. I know that I would have to have 100% positive proof that one of my children had committed such a heinious crime before I would stop doing everything within my power to protect them. I would also have to have 100% positive proof that my grandchild were dead before I would give up hope.

The difference is that her "child" is an adult and her grandchild was only 3 yrs old and could not fend for herself.

No reason to defend someone who coldly murdered a child then partied afterwards like nothing was wrong.

You can still hold off hope while also searching for a body like sooooo many other families of missing people do things.
I don't think Cindy is capable of facing the truth. To do so would mean that she would lose hope, if she has no hope, she has nothing, not Caylee and not Casey. I don't think that Cindy is ready, nor does she have the kind of strength she will need to face what is coming down the road. I don't think any of us can imagine how horrible it would be to know that your granddaughters death was at the hands of the child that you raised and love with all of your heart. I just can't even wrap my mind around the horror of that and I don't think she can either. I think those that criticize their actions and reactions are fortunate to not have had to step in their shoes.

No reason for her to be so mean towards those who are trying to find Caylee dead or alive (TES and LE). Also no reason for that family to be misusing the donations people were giving for the search.

Nothing can convince me that Cindy is acting like anyone else would in the same situation.
I think the meaning of 31 days, is that was a time frame she was giving the body to decompose.
Caseys online, on Convict dates dot com.
Cindy is answering all the lead calls from every state in the USA so she can have another story when she goes outside.
George is laying down de-stressing while listening to Cindy blab.
Lee is holding Caseys hand.
Another words, theyre doing nothing like always.

Disclaimer; (I meant this to be semi funny since we are all upset by this case)
Caseys online, on Convict dates dot com.
Cindy is answering all the lead calls from every state in the USA so she can have another story when she goes outside.
George is laying down de-stressing while listening to Cindy blab.
Lee is holding Caseys hand.
Another words, theyre doing nothing like always.

Disclaimer; (I meant this to be semi funny since we are all upset by this case)


Speaking of Casey being online I was wondering this. Is there any way that LE can track her movement online through her IP addy? Maybe give them some insight on who she is talking to, what sites she is visiting. Maybe copies of her emails? Just curious, and if anyone knows the answers I would appreciate it.
They aren't even doing what most parents/grandparents of missing children do, at least that I have seen, and that is going on TV to BEG and PLEAD for the safe return of the child. HE** even Susan S. did that and she killed her children! I would be saying polygraph me, polygraph my family, search my house, my cars, my clothes whatever, get all that out of the way so you can focus on finding my child! They have only been on TV to rant/rave or to defend KC. Where are the press conferences pleading for the safe return of Caylee????? IF CA believes she is still alive and she doesn't want to get out to help search, at least PLEAD on TV, that would let us know that they are somewhat normal (although I know they are not). This family makes me SICK I tell ya sick sick sick!
Why don't they take some of that $ they get doing interviews and hire private investigators to search for Caylee? Poor darling, has certainly been forgotten in all this mess.

Exactly, if they truely believed she was alive, you would hire investigators.
Exactly, if they truely believed she was alive, you would hire investigators.

They can't afford to hire an investigator... they have to keep bailing Casey out of jail, that's whats really important!
Now that there is an anouncement of the KCA Defense Fund I think you can see where their interests are. I thought it was wierd that CA was so beside herself with Tim searching for a body. They only want the baby found if she is alive. If the baby is found dead KC is cooked.

You are right..............the Anthony family has no interest in finding Caylee dead.

From the beginning, George, Cindy, and to a lesser extend, Lee, have done everything in their power to obstruct the investigation into Caylee's disappearance, if the investigation was headed toward Caylee being dead, and especially if Casey was suspected of having anything to do with Caylee's death. They've fought that aspect of the investigation tooth and nail, insisting that Caylee was alive and had been abducted by her babysitter.

I believe that in the beginning, the Anthony family thought that if they focused attention on a kidnapping vs killing, it would garner public sympathy. Cindy and George did the media circuit of news programs to push this agenda.

Things took an ugly turn when the results of some of the forensic tests indicated that Caylee is dead and her body had been in the trunk of Casey's car. Cindy dismissed those results as hocus pocus and did a couple more media interviews, insisting that Caylee was alive and had been abducted.

Things took yet another ugly turn when Tim Miller and TES came to Orlando to search for Caylee, and Cindy at first welcomed him, and then a few days later turned on him viciously because he was searching for a body, instead of an alive and abducted Caylee as Cindy wanted him to do. Cindy quickly learned that things were slipping out of her control. Any public sympathy she still had at that point evaporated.

The Anthony family has now retreated into their home, shunning the public for the most part, and lashing out violently when they are confronted with reality.

That reality, the reality they refuse to accept, is that their granddaughter is more than likely dead and their daughter is responsible for their granddaughter's death. Further reality is that the entire Anthony family has lost any credibility they ever had, and any public support has vanished.

People are angry...........angry that the Anthony family has refused to cooperate with LE, and refuses to do anything to help find their granddaughter. And, very importantly, people are angry that the Anthony family continues to support their poor excuse for a human daughter, casting aside their innocent granddaughter as if she was nothing more than a fashion accessory.

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