What case really burns your butt?

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More recently the Harley Dilly case has broken my heart. It was his missing persons post on an autism help site that actually led me to WS. I have followed the case with a sinking feeling, knowing in my soul the outcome, but nothing prepared me for how much I would come to adore this wee man or how much the final result would take a piece of me with it.

It seems events conspired against poor Harley right from the late hours of the evening before, right up to the moment he was missing. You can't help feeling if just one thing had been differently in those 24 hrs leading up to his disappearance things might of been different.
This one is going to stay with me I feel.

I’m from Ohio. 20 minutes from where he lives. Broke my heart. My sons autistic and if he was gone for 20 minutes and I didn’t know where he was I’d be calling everyone
I do not believe that the death of 17 year old Damian Henning was a suicide. Damian went missing back in November 2019 and his body was found in Toledo, Ohio a couple of days later. My opinion is based on news accounts and some comments that his mother made with her interactions with LE agencies.

this one kills me too!! Im close to where he was from. My daughter and I went there with my 2 boys and husband. My husband and son went on the wave board thing he worked at. My daughter was young at the time but was flirting it up with him! He was so nice to her.

My sister lives very close to where both his car and body were found. It is so frustrating to me the amount of cases here in northwest Ohio that are listed as “suicide” but really their not.
The fact that they found his car 2 days after the body screams homicide. Especially since the vehicle according to police reports was found very close to where his body was found. His poor mom can’t even get kalahari to release his personal effects that was in his locker.
I do not believe that the death of 17 year old Damian Henning was a suicide. Damian went missing back in November 2019 and his body was found in Toledo, Ohio a couple of days later. My opinion is based on news accounts and some comments that his mother made with her interactions with LE agencies.

this one kills me too!! Im close to where he was from. My daughter and I went there with my 2 boys and husband. My husband and son went on the wave board thing he worked at. My daughter was young at the time but was flirting it up with him! He was so nice to her.

My sister lives very close to where both his car and body were found. It is so frustrating to me the amount of cases here in northwest Ohio that are listed as “suicide” but really their not.
The fact that they found his car 2 days after the body screams homicide. Especially since the vehicle according to police reports was found very close to where his body was found. His poor mom can’t even get kalahari to release his personal effects that was in his locker.
Brian Steven Smith in Alaska. He's the psycho who filmed the torture and death of KH and someone found the SD card and turned it in to police. When police searched his home they found a ton of equipment and many more SD cards. He's also charged with a 2nd murder and there are probably more IMO. This case gets very little publicity which drives me mad. (Sorry for the rant)

AK - Kathleen Henry, 30, video of murder victim found, Anchorage, 9 Oct 2019 *Arrest*
For me it's the Joe Clyde Daniels case I have followed this case from the beginning and the lies these people have told and the number of times they have changed their story is ridiculous. I know in my heart they hold the key to locating his remains so he can get the burial he deserves but they just won't tell the truth.
Where is the boys on the track case, based? I dunno if I have heard of that one and I'd like to read up on it.

Yes Gabriel Johnson. I just read about that case. Sounds to me like the mother DID dump that poor baby out like trash and they will never find the body. The mother was definitely guilty and should have served more time.
Amy Mihaljevic! Rest in peace angel. I have searched many times for the material of the drape found at the seen and nothing! I think the killer might be deceased!
Throwing my two cents in. I’ve always been fascinated by missing persons cases specifically when it comes to true crime. I feel they are largely either forgotten(unsolved ones) or LE tactics for preventing, acting quickly, solving are not where they need to be. I think with the advent of cell phones and “last pings” we are getting there. But daily improvement on a swift and all encompassing(many agencies working together) would help. Hopefully in my life time I’ll see improvement that area. I think we already are to an extent. For me personally Ive been told I use to ask parents to tell me “kidnapping stories” as a little kid. Which I’m sure for them was extremely awkward. I think it’s just being little and seeing shows such as “rescue 911” or being read too many creepy Grimm fairy tales. I’m a well balanced adult for the record. I did not go dark side lol.

Now for what cases? This isn’t just Missing persons but crime in general. I also like to put myself in the shoes/mind of the suspect(s). I want to feel, think etc as they did. Purely for the psychological understanding of the crime. To attempt to make sense of pure evil. The biggest cases that have stuck with me throughout the years are in no particular order....9/11(understanding the minds of 19 hijackers and mastermind KSM, not Osama as many believe), Columbine, Elizabeth Smart(although I don’t agree with how she/her family handed it...post tramua. Not that my view point specifically matters), Mollie Tibbets, Jayme Closs.....and the two biggest ones....Delphi(my white wale case) and Mackenzie Lueck. With Lueck....I’m only a few years older than her....she seemed like someone I would have been friends with(a lot in common from seeing her social media). Which brings a human element to it. Also talk about a tale of extremes. She was trying to find herself and empower herself....she though she had a hold of it....and the night she was killed she met up with a complete monster/predator and had no idea until it was too late. I personally find it interesting one of her favorite films was Breakfast at Tiffany’s....but it was a film that came out a year later that mirrors her tragic death...1960’s Psycho. A film where a predator attacks a girl...and the answer isn’t for money, power, fame etc...it’s his own troubled mind that was the source of the crime. I’m probably reading into all of that too much...just as a film fan I find that interesting.

So the cases that grab me are usually summed up to this. A victim whom was preyed on by a predator....hoping to see a better response in law enforcements tactics, response time and even being able to possibly spot these individuals before they can hurt others(warning signs). Also to see justice in these cases for the victims that not longer can speak their voice. Let our voices be theres and hopefully be a wall to stop/prevent this evil from rising/acting.
Diane Downs: She was found guilty of shooting her three children, killing one and greatly injuring two. After 30 some odd years, she still maintains her innocence and that a "bushy-haired" stranger shot them. It drives me crazy because there has been no sign of remorse whatsoever after all of these years. She still acts like she can fool someone and get out on parole. The parole board usually wants to see some remorse though, so her reputation is just as important to her as her freedom. I don't understand this psychopath. (She was diagnosed. I'm not just calling names.)
I felt the same about WM3 when I was first familiar with it, a number of years down the line and having read so much and spoken to so many people on both "sides" I feel very differently now than when I first started out with that case. I won't go into it here but there is a WM3 thread if you would like to read my thoughts on it. Regardless, I think everyone will agree that it was such a tragic loss of life. I've never been able to get those little boys out of my head.

The UK justice system is notoriously weak. The James case in particular was definitely evidence of that. Given their very young ages, I don't think the justice system really knew what to do with them. There have been a lot of excuses made for them including their ages and backgrounds but I was the same age as them and not only did I know it was wrong, I knew it was evil. I will never forget it, that was a day for a lot of us, that our innocence was stolen. My dad was a police officer for 35 years and saw some awful things that he would never speak about, but that was the only time I remember him being different when he came home.

Liverpool is a city not without it's problems, but the older Scousers in particular have a brilliant, self deprecating humour. And if you've never had a pan of proper Scouse made by a proper Scouser you have not lived!

I would also add the Travis Alexander case for me. I do volunteer work for a charity and one of the main projects we have is for men's mental health and male victims of domestic violence. There are more male victims than most people can imagine. I was concerned with a lot of the reporting surrounding that case as it seemed to come from a "he must have done something to deserve it" angle that I can't imagine would have been taken if the roles were reversed. The things she was allowed to say about him in court, it's like she took his memory and murdered him all over again.

I suppose we all have a case that stands out to us for one reason or another. Whether it concerns an issue that is important to us, or perhaps the victim reminds us of somebody.

This is a great thread by the way, I hope it gains more traction.

Yes! I get so angry every time I think about Travis Alexander's death and the trial of Jodi Arias!
The disappearance of Colleen Simpson. She has been missing since 1975 when she was 14 years old. There's a lot of confusion about which rural town she even went missing from. Her father was an officer at the time. It really angers me to see how the details are beyond murky in this case with friends saying she disappeared from a gathering while her family seems to say that she ran away in the middle of the night.
The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders.

My daughter is that age and I can't imagine what type of person would beat three little girls to death after molesting them. I have no words for all the horrible things that I wish would happen to the murderer.

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