What charges do you think Casey Anthony will face?

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What charges do you think Casey Anthony will face?

  • murder 1

    Votes: 272 62.0%
  • murder 2

    Votes: 68 15.5%
  • voluntary manslaughter

    Votes: 34 7.7%
  • involuntary manslaughter

    Votes: 46 10.5%
  • other charges

    Votes: 19 4.3%

  • Total voters
I think the only thing the Feds could charge her with is Obstruction. I could be wrong maybe someone can clear this up for us.
Obviously there was abuse of a corpse.

And improper handling and burial of a corpse.
There are charges related to that somehow but do you need a body to charge somebody with it?
If found guilty she will plea down by giving the place where Caylee is... that is why they are holding that out hoping the LE don't find her.
Could someone give a legal definition of each? I don't see any proof right now that KC killed Caylee, as opposed to an accident. I couldn't go with murder 1 unless something else more compelling comes up.
Earlier posts state that in order to present a case to the GJ in Florida, it has to be a capital case. Murder 1.
I think she is facing murder one. It wouldn't have to go to the GJ for a manslaughter case. This is a capital offense and why it is going to the GJ. Besides that, I believe LE has all sorts of evidence that she plotted and planned this murder and that would be murder 1.
Although, I'd take great pleasure in seeing Murder 1, I believe Casey will eventually get Manslaugther.
Although, I'd take great pleasure in seeing Murder 1, I believe Casey will eventually get Manslaugther.

I don't know...there is apparently a ton more information/evidence that hasn't been released to the public yet. I think they've already got enough to charge for murder, now add in all the other evidence they have that we aren't privy to yet, I think it's a slam dunk.
I think she is facing murder one. It wouldn't have to go to the GJ for a manslaughter case. This is a capital offense and why it is going to the GJ. Besides that, I believe LE has all sorts of evidence that she plotted and planned this murder and that would be murder 1.

I agree with all of Kathyn2's post.

I think what KC searched for will do her in.
I want it to be murder 1 but voted murder 2 because at this time I don't think they could prove premeditation.
I wish there could be additional charges for what she's done to this entire nation, telling her parents Caylee would be back home for her birthday etc, that was so intentionally cruel and evil for her to do!!


It must be some kind of corny romanticism that plagues this nation to have fallen for that lie. Even nancy Grrace believed she might miraclulously appear on her birthday.

Why should she appear on her birthday? Would a kidnapper know her birthday ? Would a kidnapper all of a sudden repent and set her free without any compensense? And same if she sold her to some rich woman. Why do people believe these things? I just got the answer...because their moma's told them so.

Actually it may seem to society a demonic lie to fool them in their fsairy tale dreams,,,but in actuality Casey was protecting her self mand her mother. Although she may have been relievfed to get rid of her child ...she wasn't thinking about her mother but when she got caught she heard and saw and felt her mother's reaction. Once arrested she realized how much she needs her mama and she cannot bear the guilt of what her response to knowing Caylee is dead will be.

So I wouldn't call it demonic. I will say people need to re-invest in reality.
I voted murder 2, but I think she will be tried for murder 1. However, I hope the state leaves it wide open for the jury to consider a lesser charge if they can't convict her of M1.
murder one; some premeditation facts that I can think of are:

:rolleyes: Talks about moving with Amy with no plan for Caylee in the picture - Example on June 4th 7:33AM: KC wrote to Amy on Facebook: "oh, the times we will have! i can’t wait for us to become roomies in another week! seriously… by the end of next week, it will be just us girls. i can’t believe it"

:eek: Researches "how to use" chloroform months prior

:waitasec: Researches missing kids websites months prior

:bang: Refers to herself as a "spiteful beotch" by definition: showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite; Malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate
May I add some more smilies? :clap::clap::clap: I totally agree and maybe there's more that LE has we don't know about. Thanks also for mentioning the post to Amy from 6/4. That is important, imo.
I hope she will get Murder 1. In the beginning I thought it had to be an accident and she just lost it, but from what I now know I believe it was a intentional act.:mad:
I hope the Grand Jury goes for Murder #1. Then when it comes to trial they can have lessor included charges and the jury can decide.

Imo they can convict her on compelling and overwhelming circumstantial evidence. The behavior evidence of this defendant before, during and after the homicide tells a mighty griping story of murder.

Juries are filled with those who have commonsense and they will use it in this case imo. No way, no how, would this woman act this way if it had been an accidental death or one arising from negligence.
I vote Murder 1. I am thinking that LE has A LOT more information than we have been privy to or even given hints about. I don't believe for a second that it was an accident (by now she would have cooperated to save her own butt). I want to see her with LWOP and put in general population. A nice little shot in an IV is too kind and easy for her.
I hope the Grand Jury goes for Murder #1. Then when it comes to trial they can have lessor included charges and the jury can decide.

Imo they can convict her on compelling and overwhelming circumstantial evidence. The behavior evidence of this defendant before, during and after the homicide tells a mighty griping story of murder.

Juries are filled with those who have commonsense and they will use it in this case imo. No way, no how, would this woman act this way if it had been an accidental death or one arising from negligence.
Hi ocean! :) I totally agree ~ start at the top with 1st degree murder (or at the least, 2nd degree) and let a trial jury decide if it's a lesser included charge. I think it would be sad if the GJ only indicted for manslaughter and in the mean time Caylee's body was found, or more evidence was uncovered.
There is nothing KC did in the aftermath of any imaginable accident scenario that is appropriate, reasonable or how any RESPONSIBLE, CARING ADULT would act. But the "rain falls on the just and the unjust" (including narcissists, fools, liars and thieves) and negligence, poor supervision, carelessness and selfish priorities do in some instances result in DEATH. If chloroform websearches postdate the day Caylee's presumed to have been deceased (6/16), then 71 years worth of fraud, stolen/forged check charges YES Felony child endangering YES! Lying to investigators YES!! Obstruction of justice!!! YES Criminal negligence YES!!! Abuse of a corpse YES!!!! Premeditated or murder I? We shall see--as soon as we know ALL the cards LE is working with. JMHO
I think she is facing murder one. It wouldn't have to go to the GJ for a manslaughter case. This is a capital offense and why it is going to the GJ. Besides that, I believe LE has all sorts of evidence that she plotted and planned this murder and that would be murder 1.

Exactly! Chloroform searches+ Chloroform in trunk+searches months prior of missing children's websites, and prior searches for Zenaida F-G=premeditation!

If it was an accidental pool drowning, you call 911, if someone kidnapped your daughter you call 911. Casey never called, it was her mother who called after 31 days!
Quote: Exactly! Chloroform searches+ Chloroform in trunk+searches months prior of missing children's websites, and prior searches for Zenaida F-G=premeditation! If it was an accidental pool drowning, you call 911, if someone kidnapped your daughter you call 911. Casey never called, it was her mother who called after 31 days!

LE hasn't released date of chloroform searches, so we really don't know yet whether it may have been used to kill Caylee--or inside the trunk in attempt to destroy decomp odor/dna from having placed her in trunk afterward. ZG searches definitely post-date--July 16--a full month after Caylee is presumed dead after she is finally reported missing so I'm speculating these may have been performed by CA when she was given the name ZG for The Nanny (aka accused "kidnapper"). To prove premeditated murder w/out a body LE will need to prove a theory that KC herself not only searched for, but had access to, chloroform PRIOR to Caylee's death. We'll know more as FL's case unfolds. JMHO
Quote: Exactly! Chloroform searches+ Chloroform in trunk+searches months prior of missing children's websites, and prior searches for Zenaida F-G=premeditation! If it was an accidental pool drowning, you call 911, if someone kidnapped your daughter you call 911. Casey never called, it was her mother who called after 31 days!

LE hasn't released date of chloroform searches, so we really don't know yet whether it may have been used to kill Caylee--or inside the trunk in attempt to destroy decomp odor/dna from having placed her in trunk afterward. ZG searches definitely post-date--July 16--a full month after Caylee is presumed dead after she is finally reported missing so it is speculated these may have been performed by CA when she was given the name ZG for "The Nanny" (aka accused "kidnapper"). To prove premeditated murder w/out a body LE will need to prove a theory that KC herself not only searched for, but had access to, chloroform PRIOR to Caylee's death.

No, I don't have a link handy, but I know I read that Casey had searched for ZF-G prior to July 16, like months prior. I think the July 16th searches were Cindy looking her up.

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