What did we learn today 6-28-2011

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What did we learn today 6-28-2011 - Multiple Choice

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I learned I could watch the first 10 minutes of CM's direct examination, take a 2 1/2 hour nap (very sleep deprived here), wake up to catch the last 5 minutes of the same exam and see I didn't miss a thing! :great:

Oh yeah, and that Jeff Ashton agreed to come to my house for some 4th of July "fireworks" :happy4th:, at least he did in my dream. :innocent: (And I don't want to hear any "objections".)

Lol, the same thing happened to me. I woke up and didn't even realize I'd been sleeping until I looked at the clock.
Trap, I'm old enough to know this is true. In addition, they will relieve themselves anywhere - a dirty Texaco gas station bathroom with a dirt floor, a broken mirror, half of a cracked toilet seat and walls that look as though they have been attacked by an angry elephant with bowel problems and with a smell so bad it makes you want to call 911 is considered a "comfortable" alternative from the woods for the male world.

Eh with the dirty bathroom it is better to go behind the building! :floorlaugh:

When I lived in NC and visited my parents in SC along 250 miles of interstate 77 with only one exit I found myself in the woods a few times. Several times I passed a few ladies pulled over struggling to pull up their pants seeing the odd car on that long stretch of road.
Eh with the dirty bathroom it is better to go behind the building! :floorlaugh:

When I lived in NC and visited my parents in SC along 250 miles of interstate 77 with only one exit I found myself in the woods a few times. Several times I passed a few ladies pulled over struggling to pull up their pants seeing the odd car on that long stretch of road.

Yes, I believe a man's ability to pull that off so easily is the true basis for the Freudian term "penis envy". :crazy:
I learned that I can leave the computer to walk my dog, make a phone call, feed my rabbit, write a grocery list, pet my cat, check the mail, eat lunch, and complete the newspaper crossword puzzle, and in all likelihood, Cheney Mason will be asking the witness a different variation of the same question he was asking when I first stepped away from my computer.

I learned I am so addicted to this case that even though my cable was pixilating and sound was warped (during a storm) I watched and listened to it all day
And to think more Roy tomorrow. We have to listen to the same crap again and again. JP needs to start cracking down more with the ask and answered motto. lol
I saw sadness on iCA's face for the first time today without tears- when JG testified. Could be because he didn't seem to notice her. Or because he believed her.

Or perhaps the realization that all of her lies have been exposed and she wasn't the person that he thought she was. Perhaps she's coming to the realization that a woman faced with charges of killing her daughter and living behind bars isn't very attractive. Or further still that she'll never experience freedom and a relationship with someone again.

I suppose it's anyone's guess. She seems to express some kind of sadness whenever one of her boyfriends testifies.
What I learned today is that while the A's claim they are UNITED, Lee basically impeached his mother. The more I sit & think... I don't think that was his intention. I may be thinking too much (geez, at this point aren't we all???), but I believe Lee's hostility towards his parents about not being involved in ICA's pregnancy, and his hostility towards his parents looking for a deceased Caylee--- is an act. I just voted on a poll that LA was telling the truth, but since my mind changes every two seconds- I've also been considering another theory. ATM I truly believe that CA & LA had this planned all along. CA will take the fall/purger herself/flat out lie for Casey, with the possibility of being impeached - or at least make the jurors believe she's 'unreliable'. By doing this, Lee can keep *his promise* to his sister, and CA can be the mom that will lay down for ICA. CA is 'appearing' to take the fall for ICA [knowing her testimony may become discredited]. None of this family wants her to get the DP- understandably. But this is a sneaky way of CA & LA to prove to ICA that they will do whatever it takes to save her. Even if it takes LA deliberately trying to go against CA's testimony. "This family is united"- LA...I hope I'm making sense- if not- maybe I can explain it better tomorrow when I haven't spent the evening drinking a few lol. :blushing:

Maybe..could be their way of supporting her without going along with the DT's strategey. I'm beginning to think that the DT came up with this outrageous theory of the drowning, sexual abuse..etc and wanted the family to go along with it (maybe behind the scenes saying "we know it's not true but desperate times call for desperate measures)..the DT underestimated the family's "go to any length to save ICA." The A family not willing to destroy their own lives in the process (I'm sure ICA thought her life was worth it to them). Possibly this whole impeach CA..LA's lack of fury (or seeming outwardly furious that he would be accused of sexually pursuing his own sister) is the alternative "support" they are willing to provide. The family's reaction to ICA's accusations are too calm and almost indifferent. Either they are true (which I really don't think is the case) or they all know that this is just a strategy that DT is using and while they won't co-sign it they aren't taking it personally. This is like a bad reality t.v. show. Nothing seems real or unscripted.
What I learned today was that I am so happy to not in anyway be related to this group.
That gene pool needs more chlorine.

Seriously, and I may post this in the sidebar thread, but besides KC's high school yearbook picture, are there any pictures of her and Lee as kids? Are there any pictures of KC with Kio Marie? When Death Row Inmate Scott Peterson was on trial we saw tons of pics of the golden boy. I just find it odd that we're only being shown the 1 pick of pregnant KC at the wedding, but none of her and Lee doing stuff like trick or treating, Xmas time, visiting the grandparents, or just
hanging out at the beach. If anyone can direct me to some of those pictures I'd appreciate it.

We actually have--they had some in the start when tl was preparing paperwork for the dp. He had submitted lots. IIRC those elusive Christmas pics as well
I learned that I can leave the computer to walk my dog, make a phone call, feed my rabbit, write a grocery list, pet my cat, check the mail, eat lunch, and complete the newspaper crossword puzzle, and in all likelihood, Cheney Mason will be asking the witness a different variation of the same question he was asking when I first stepped away from my computer.


My poor sisters family. They now have way to much info of this and my obsession. My sister was watching cm and asked why is he questioning. She wasnt impressed
I've learned RK did not help the defense at all. He seemed to confuse CM more by asking him (CM) to clarify his questions.

I've learned at LA is still on the outskirts with his family, such as in the way he contradicted his mother as far as her sending detectives, based on a tip from a psychic. And the way he was walking out of court by himself, while his parents were walking together with their attorney.

And I am also learning that GA deserves more sympathy than CA. CA is a prime example of why her daughter is such a liar! Not that GA is innocent of this either, but when you lie outright, that is a big deal.

I hope the jury looks at the facts and maybe if they are familiar with Judge Judy's words, they can come to the right decision. I know if my child drowned, I would not have buried them and put duct tape around their head. :banghead:
I think GA was a little to adamant about his relationship with KH/RC. When he said she had a checkered past, or something like that, it seemed like he was trying to discredit her himself which seemed like "Thou dost protest too much" to me.

Yeah, I didn't believe him. He really needs to just answer their questions with firm, calm, confident "yes" or "no"s -- However, I don't think he can help it. It is just his personality and who he is. I think he was lying BUT I don't' think it has anything to do with anything. Just another distraction.
I learned that doing the right thing may lead to unscrupulous defense attorneys projecting their own potential character flaws (i.e., moral bankruptcy) upon the person who does the right thing.

I learned that it's possible that LA may be the most normal of all the Anthonys. Not necessarily normal, but the most normal. I don't think anyone could survive that family dynamic and escape totally unscathed.

I learned that city folk also pee in the woods. I'm from a very rural area and peeing in the woods is a common thing around here. I myself, in spite of being female and being ill-equipped to perform this particular feat with ease, have peed in the woods on the side of the road on many occasions in my younger, more limber days.
I learned that no matter how many times I pushed the incline button and the speed button on my treadmill, that CM still got under my skin with the way he addresses the witness on the stand.
I also think with Lee's testimony that the Anthony's are only playing a game and I feel Lee is playing this game (I bet something JB cooked up for them just to show they are a very dysfunctional family). Look how he went back and sat with his family (he's telling the jury "see we are dysfunctional"
I hope the DT strategy to make the A's look like the most dysfunctional family that ever lived doesn't work with the jury. IMHO the DT believes that putting the A's (that includes GA) on the stand to lie just cements their argument as to why ICA didn't tell anyone about Caylee's death. Now any questioning by the PT justs helps further that theory along. And the 2 witnesses in the rebuttal that will further show CA's lie about being home and doing the chloroform searches also furthers their objective about ICA growing up in this house of lies and liars. I just hope the jury sees through all this smoke and mirrors and that I am making sense here.
I learned that at least SOMEONE in the family has the b*lls to contradict CA. I guess that's why he wasn't kept in the loop.
I also think with Lee's testimony that the Anthony's are only playing a game and I feel Lee is playing this game (I bet something JB cooked up for them just to show they are a very dysfunctional family). Look how he went back and sat with his family (he's telling the jury "see we are dysfunctional"

kitkit I took so long to write my post I didn't even see your post. I think we are both onto something
I learned that at least SOMEONE in the family has the b*lls to contradict CA. I guess that's why he wasn't kept in the loop.

Respectfully, disagree. LA has no b*lls! He went along with the program perfectly!It is obvious from JB's questioning that he got the answers they all had agreed to give before hand.
I learnt while trying to explain to my hubbie the DT Defence that his jaw can really reach the ground. We live in Ireland and although I have been following the case on the Internet since it first broke there hasn't been any news about the trail over here so last night when I was telling my hubbie about RK on the stand he looked at me puzzled and said but if he found the body shouldn't he be testifying for the otherside???? that led to me explaining the DT opening statement and his jaw kept dropping it was so funny.........

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