What did we learn today 6-29-2011

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What did we learn today 6-29-2011 - Multiple Choice

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I have learned what a true pyschopath is today. Seeing Casey seething as her own father grieved for HER daughter confirmed for me her guilt. This was not an accident. She has no heart.


I mean I've watched her sit with a stone face and I've watched her fake cry and I've watched her genuinely cry when she was angry. And at times I was chilled by something she said on the tapes, or by a look on her face in an emotional moment.

However watching George Anthony - a man I don't like, a man I feel at the very least is a codependent enabler of epic proportions - break down and sob... I sat at my computer at work and cried with him. Not only cried with him because he was so clearly heartbroken, but also imagining my own family, my own father, my daughter, the love I feel for them, Caylee, the love I would have felt for her if I had ever known her - all of those things made me ache inside and I couldn't not cry.

Even if you've never lost a child, my guess is most parents imagine what they would feel if... and I have imagined after nightmares and close calls ... and I would want to die, too, as George wanted to. And yet I hope I would cling to life enough to call every single person in my cell phone - even Jose Baez were his number there - and tell them I wanted to die with my loved one so I could be saved to remain for the other loved ones I cherish.

While this was happening in court, I was watching KC glare, stare, shake her head in disgust, eventually smile and laugh and flirt with the man who just mocked her father's thoughts of grief and death, who laughed at her father for being so grief stricken to include JB on the list of people he called and texted and reached out to in his suicidal grief... she winked at JB for mocking him, she reached out her hand just to be closer to the man who mocked and derided her father for his grief over the murder of her daughter.

I was so horrified, even KNOWING she is a sociopath or psychopath or whatever. I KNOW this, and watching it still froze me so that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I still can't get it into my mind that this is a possible expression of humanity, what we see in ICA.

I've known one sociopath in my life and he was (as far as I know) non-violent. Just a chronic liar, manipulator and not even very good at hiding his mirroring of whoever he was interacting with. And so sometimes I fool myself that I "get" what it's about.

Watching ICA today? I don't know jack s*** about sociopaths. I don't want to know. I'm scared of her, scared of her existence on this earth, felt today that people who are like her create a mutual exclusion scenario in which we both can't inhabit the same planet at the same time. In a purely survival, animalistic sense I understand the impulse to impose death on these individuals when they show themselves for who they are.

I can't think of a single funny thing to write, even though IMO the last witness was a complete scream who has about a million funny quotes and moments... still, I was left thinking that the association with ICA's case will ruin this poor woman's life as well, in some way, given time. It's beyond real explanation to me.
I'm not sure if this is something I "learned" but I'll post anyway.

Today my heart broke into a million pieces for George Anthony. I wanted to cry with him on the stand. I was proud that he told the truth and stood up for his beloved Caylee Marie. I just hope things don't change like they did with Cindy.

Today nothing else mattered ... his inconsistencies, alleged affairs he may have had, his shortcomings etc. The George Anthony I saw was a pitiful, broken man. Nothing would make me happier (besides a guilty verdict) than to see George find closure, get his life together and try to move on from this. If I wasn't so far away, I would probably invite him to live with my family lol
I'd really like to see him do well in life and HEAL.

I felt the same way. FINALLY someone from the Anthony family caring most about justice for Caylee. I, too, am keeping my fingers crossed that Cindy doesn't get to him and convince him to follow her agenda.
I found out that my sister is as obsessed with this case as I am, and that neither one of us can watch much this week because we're both having "Grandma" week with our grandchildren.

We all spent today together, and she snuck a few minutes of trial-watching in while she made ice cream cones. She saw GA's testimony about the suicide attempt and cried and cried.
I learned that I'm still in exactly the same place I was when the prosecution rested.

Same here except for the fact that I am practically speechless at the incompetence of JB and many of his witnesses. That private investigator..................oh my!!...........the botanist...........it just goes on and on.
Same here except for the fact that I am practically speechless at the incompetence of JB and many of his witnesses. That private investigator..................oh my!!...........the botanist...........it just goes on and on.

Oh C'mon! The botanist was also an animal expert about dogs burying bones. She's a rennasaince woman.
I am the DT.
I didn't learn anything today.
I will learn tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a new day.
I have lots of tomorrows to learn...oh wait...is tomorrow my LAST tomorrow...or was that today?
I think I learned today that there is no depth to evil. Today I think we looked at the soul of darkness and we are all frightened of it. GodSpeed George. It's time for you to be free, of all of it.
I discovered that if I had known Caylee Marie was out there 4-6 years ago, I would have done pretty much anything in my power to adopt her; and of her entire immediate family, I would only have let her grandpa near her.
I learned that George finally got his "stuff" (to put it nicely) out of Cindy's possession and came thru for Caylee today. He finally figured out that it wasn't too late to do the right thing by his granddaughter and place the blame where he knew it belonged. (I do think he tried at first, but Cindy smacked him down - until today.)

I also learned there are some pretty darn kooky people out there that get paid lots of money for questionable theories/statements (speaking of the grief counselor, as that could apply to others in this case, lol). Well, I guess I already knew that but today reminded me...

PS- The one thing I did NOT learn today is what a bad lawyer Baez is...have seen it from day 1, as most of us here have, and if anything, he's gotten worse over these three years.
I learned that if I'm looking to explain a client's bizarre behavior to a jury I'm going to get an actual psychologist, not a therapist lady who does workshops/motivational speaking on the side.
I learned that I wouldn't hire Baez or anyone on ICA's legal team even if they *paid me*....

I have never seen a more slipshod defense of a murder defendant in my life.

The defense actually did more to prove the state's case than the state did..lol
That Dr. Phil has jumped on the bandwagon - on next with Anderson Cooper 360.
Commercial break right now ~
Good Lord....
""Oh C'mon! The botanist was also an animal expert about dogs burying bones. She's a rennasaince woman.""

Too, too funny!!
Today I learned that the REAL undercover agent of the state is JB on the DT, and that JA is loving it!
I think I learned today that there is no depth to evil. Today I think we looked at the soul of darkness and we are all frightened of it. GodSpeed George. It's time for you to be free, of all of it.

I did some digging and found the book the grief expert was talking about (children and terrorism etc.) and it wasn't published by the Parents magazine, it was published by the Child magazine. It makes no difference since neither of them are peer reviewed but it got me wondering if she has some memory issues and if yes, could she follow DS's long and complex hypothetical? (I had trouble following it anyway...)
Hi everyone, first time posting, long time reading. I think JB proved today that he is purposely trying to throw this trial so that when ICA gets convicted she will be able to get an appeal based on ineffective defense. My question is if she does win an appeal does she have to keep the same lawyers or can she start over with new ones?
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