What did we learn today 6-30-2011

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What did we learn today 6-30-2011 - Multiple Choice Poll

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Steely Dan

Former Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Today is an interesting day for me personally and for the trial. (All quotes approx.)

As for the trial this is what we learned today;

JA: (To River Cruz) You thought the NE was the one publication that would tell your story without sensationalizing it?! (Her family got $4,000 for the story and she changed her story from telling the cops she never slept with GA to the NE article telling them she did sleep with him.)

It appears George never took a River Cruise.

HHJBP is extremely nice. He referred to JB as a trained lawyer. (Did he mean potty trained?) He also gave JB some excellent tutoring, AGAIN.

Evidently the A's have had a lot of pets die over the years and they always bury them with blankets in plastic bags with packing tape wrapped around the bag.

JA: Mr. Anthony did you ever take a dead pet and throw it in a swamp?

LDB: (to CA on the same subject) Did you or GA ever put duct tape over the mouths of your animals? Did you ever put them down with chloroform?

Burying pets with duct tape, blankets and bags is the A way of burying pets.

On the subject of the state presenting evidence that CA was actually at work when she says she was searching "chloryphill" JB said; "This is a stigma we don't want attached to the defense...presenting false evidence."

He also argued that it was too late in the trial to bring this up.

HHJBP ruled that the evidence is admissible and gave the DT this evening to depose those witness'.

My opinion of the defense argument against admitting the proof of CA's hours is this;

We didn't know that it would be possible for the prosecution to get CA's computer records three years later. Because we didn't know that was possible we don't want them to be able to use those records. JMO

The jury will not get to smell the air from the Sunfire's trunk.

As for my day I witnessed two accidents. A fender bender and a serious accident involving a motorcycle and a car. Both occurred within 20 minutes of each other. I'm still not calm enough to write the whole thing out but you can find it in the Random Thoughts thread later and I may copy and paste it here later too, but I'm a little shaken up still and this happened almost three hours ago.
I learned today that, a smell in a can is worth more closed than open.
I learned that the reason they keep putting Cindy and George on the stand is because they just want to see them cry. How much more can these people take,before they break.:sick:
I learned today that the Anthony family home is a bad place to be a pet.
Under oath with the LE vs $4K in with NE, I learned that the NE is a reputable media choice to tell your truthful story to and they won't "edit" your words. What is she thinking, besides paying the rent and getting "famous"?
I learned that His Honor REALLY doesn't like it when people make gestures in his court.
I learned that His Honor REALLY doesn't like it when people make gestures in his court.

Yes, flipping off an attorney really isn't a good idea. Maybe the spectator was having a magical moment!!!
I learned that I would not want to be a defendant in the courtroom with Judge Perry presiding. :nono: He is no kidding around.
No write in votes allowed? :snooty:

I learned that flipping the bird in court with the jury present will ruin one's 4th of July plans!
We also learned what gestures not to make in HHJP's court room unless you want to go to jail and pay a fine.
I learned, sadly, there are young male Casey Anthony groupies & they're not very intelligent.

This little farce stoked her ego big, BIG time. Very sad.

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