What did we learn today 6-30-2011

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What did we learn today 6-30-2011 - Multiple Choice Poll

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One thing they didnt try which sorta surprised me a little was the PPD (Post Partum Depression) defense.

And, Alien Abduction :floorlaugh:

Well, Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales WAS in this country illegally. She was living in Casey's magical thinking.
I learned Jose Baez suffers from multiple personality disorder and all but one of his personalities are State prosecutors.

I learned Jose Baez has a special safe in his home for his duct tape stash, and he doesn't share.

I learned at least one guy in Florida will stand in line for hours for a ticket to 6 days in jail and an approximately $700 fine.

I learned ICA may have turned out differently if she had been born to Chief Justice Belvin Perry.

BBM :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: What's the one that's left? Geraldo!? :floorlaugh:
I learned there appears to be no limit to the creativity and humor of WS folks! You guys crack me up...that's a great quality so many of you have! Making strangers on the web snicker, smile or actually LOL during the day.

Keep it going! We all need to lighten up sometimes when things can be so serious.

I bow to so many of you! :rocker:
BBM :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: What's the one that's left? Geraldo!? :floorlaugh:

Quick, I gotta find my TV remote, he's going to be on Fox in just a moment...gotta hit the mute button fast!
I'm just blown away by this video


The content paraphrased: Your honor, we knew that our witness was going to lie on stand but we thought we could get away with it, only the state could prove she was lying at the last minute by ordering these records so it's a discovery violation because they should have known she was gonna lie about it on the stand two years ago and got these records then so we could have come up with a better lie so it's really prejudiced and really unfair because it makes us look like liars, waah, and stupid because we didn't think of getting the records, and I think the court should stop this and let our witness get away with her lie because that's only right, ain't it?

I didn't know court could be like this :crazy:

What's the point of having a rebuttal phase again if you couldn't rebut?
Folk in cars flip others off a lot - So what? - Much a do about something that is common
practice. Anyway the guy is probably already out of jail. Will probably be on the Letterman Show.

I respectfully disagree. If they read here they may have been able to put together a coherent defense. JMO

Oh I don't mean they seriously read here and studied any theories - they just picked and chose what sounded good to them. That is why their defense sounds like a patchwork. There is no flow or logic, simply things they throw out there.
ITA - but it also looks like they stopped reading for a couple of years. Most of the stuff they used is so outdated and has been revised or corrected by vigilant WS'ers. Although I think they've been tuning in and reading comments during the trial to course-correct.

This may have nothing to do with it (couldn't watch much today so don't know if this has been covered), but JG was never called to the stand and I didn't hear why. I remember posting the other day about how I was rereading an early LE interview (the one where he calls her lying "diabolical" and the preceding statements were all about how careless and inattentive she was generally as a mom to Caylee - leaving her unattended while she was on the computer or phone, etc. I had not even remembered that part of the transcript. I've noticed several times that, after posters have discussed certain subjects here, or reiterated a general consensus reached recently or in the past, that certain witnesses weren't asked questions I might have otherwise expected. I can't drill it down to specifics, but I have been getting a general feeling that WS and perhaps other forums were being studied throughout the trial as a barometer of what either the jury might be thinking or what evidence in discovery that had been largely ignored by the DT might somehow raise its ugly head were they to venture in that direction (which JB seemed to do on his own at an alarming rate anyway). Just a thought.

This is what I meant to say, CBs. Thank you for saying it better than I could. Exactly as you say. And also I got the distinct feeling that rather than presenting a defense per se, Jose seemed to bringing back witnesses that he or Casey had a personal gripe with, more for vengeance and to insult the witness than any real testimony.

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