I thought he was masterful. In hindsight, it is easy to say that he might have left some things out, or gone on too long on certain points, but looking at the overall performance, it was fantastic.
He had to leave many things out because there were just too many lies to cover them all. And he had to go out into the weeds because she constantly tried to pull him off track. But he eventually learned how to control her, partly by just wearing her down.
I think it was great strategy that he didn't let her get away with any verbal gymnastics in the beginning. Lots of people said he was letting her control things by him engaging her in those silly exchanges. But I think it was the opposite. He let her know that he wasn't going to let her get away with that. He was going to stay with her, no matter what little games she tried to play to deflect or deny things. And even though it was annoying and confusing for everyone else, it was effective strategy in the end.
I loved his final mini-closing. It was great the way he gave the summary of his cross, and reminded the jury of the damage he had done to the defense. And the clip where she says the jury will never convict her- HA, CLASSIC. :giggle: