What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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Well, he certainly did a good job of making her feel uncomfortable. And quite frankly, I wish no comfort for Terri until she tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

100% agree. Somewhere out there is poor Kyron. If TH feels discomfort with people asking her to tell the truth, so be it. We can only try to imagine what Kyron was/is/has been put through!~
If we allow one person's rights to be violated, and advocate for them to be intimidated, harassed and restricted from freely moving about their city as they choose.....then we are in essence giving approval for ALL of our rights to be violated whenever someone chooses to act out against us. The law of this country says unequivocally that she is INNOCENT at this point in time. Until it is proven differently in a court of law, she has the same exact rights that everyone else does. That includes being able to come and go from private property without feeling the threat of someone like this preventing her from her freedom. Technically, the owner of the building can use this film footage to press trespassing charges if they choose to do so. I am sure that it is clearly marked as private property, AND he was clearly verbally informed of that and asked to leave, which he refused to do.
I loathe these kind of attempts by the press to interview people...and I say this as someone who works in a media/communications related field.

That said, the reporter is not restricting TH from "freely moving about", he merely followed her and asked her a question.

Also the right of innocence until guilt is proven is a right inferred in court cases, it is NOT something that binds citizens OR the press from questioning/reporting on/having opinions about an ongoing criminal investigation and the people involved with it. OF course she has the same rights as everyone else, but I didn't see the reporter violating any rights. The press have their own constitutional amendment, and they have a right to report on news...including reporting on ongoing criminal investigations. Were they not to at least attempt to get an interview/feedback from someone who is, by all accounts, a subject of a criminal investigation, they wouldn't be doing their job, IMO. TH has a right not to speak to them, but the press has a right to report on the story...and asking her questions isn't preventing her from her 'freedom', IMO.

Lastly, the building may be private property, but it looked to me to be a standard office building, one that her lawyer probably rents in (not owns). I've worked in a ton of such buildings, and none were marked as private property...i.e., they didn't have 'no trespassing' signs, etc. They were open to the public because the tenants inside very often were open to the public. The landlord could try to press trespassing charges, but they'd have a hard time if 1) there weren't any 'no trespassing' signs, and 2) the person who told him to leave the property weren't owner or manager of said property. I say this as someone who worked in a downtown office building owned by a notorious businessman/trial lawyer who currently owns a major league sports team...the lobby and plaza outside of our building was occasionally filled with camera crews who weren't always, um...kind in their reporting. From what I was told, it wasn't worth the owner's time to pursue them for trespassing...because our lobby was 'open' because of multiple other 'public' tenants (including state gov't offices) and because it would be hard in those circumstances to pursue the press. Edited to add: our security guards usually asked the reporters to leave the lobby, and they usually complied. But sometimes they timed their entry just right so that Mr. ajdalfja;lk was leaving and they could similarly pursue him with questions.

The reporter was a jerk, IMO. But he was well within his rights. That's one thing about our country, people have the right to act like assholes some of the time.
I wouldn't answer him with the tone of voice he was doing either.He was kind of rude keep going in her face.The other lady kept trying to lead her away.Well,What can I say.I wouldn't talk now either.Why would she talk?so people can slander her some more?Smear her some more?I thought LE said she was cooperating.This guy made me mad.

How about she talk so that MAYBE Kyron can be found. Its about Kyron not Terri as much as she would like it to be about her. Kyron is missing. In all honesty probably dead :( Terri was the last person who saw him according to LE. She is the one whose story isnt adding up and has failed lie detector tests. IF she loves Kyron and was any decent step mother she WOULD be cooperating with LE and telling the truth so that the whereabouts of Kyron could be found.

Seriously looking at her on that video made me feel sick. I honestly dont believe she cares about Kyron at all. :furious:
But wouldn't you expect some kind of reaction? Like flushed cheeks, or maybe some tears? She was like a brick wall, absolutely no reaction. I am just floored that there was nothing there. I would think if she was innocent, she would react in some way, even a small way, to those questions. I know I wouldn't be able to hear questions like that and not get upset. I would not be able to be a composed, unemotional, brick wall of silence. Respectfully, IMO.

I don't know what to expect as I don't know anything about her, except for the very rare footage we have seen. And she may be dosed on Xanax, which can make one kind of stone-faced. I have taken it and it tended to make me look expressionless. She was probably also warned by lawyer that she was likely to approached by the media whenever she went anywhere. So even if it was a surprise, it wasn't really a surprise. I'm just not taking it to mean that much. After what D&K said about her, she would either have to let loose a rant, or keep it zipped.
I seriously think anyone on the fence needs to see this video. Yes, the reporter was getting into her face. But I would think if she was innocent, those questions would have hurt her and gotten some kind of response out of her. I'm more convinced than ever that she did this, and isn't saying anything out of pure spite.

Thanks were not enough. ITA! I think spite is a HUGE factor.
I saw no rights being violated. And she has already had her "freedom of movement" about the city restricted via the restraining order.

I am sure the reporter left as soon as Terri stepped on the elevator. No trespass. And somehow, I doubt the owner of the building wants to go to court and press charges against a reporter--freedom of the press and all that. Probably has better things to do with his time and $$.

According to two attorneys and a judge (husband's golf group) sitting right here at my patio table......the reporter was technically trespassing the minute he stepped off of the street and into the parking garage, unless he had an appointment or business relationship with a tenant in that building. There are very specific places that TH is restricted from, along with very specific people. Other than that, she is free to go anywhere that she wants to. The press has no more right to enter that building than they do to enter any ones yard or home....refer back to the beginning of the case where LE repeatedly told media to STAY OFF OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Freedom of the press does not allow media to enter your home uninvited just because your kid left the door open. Same goes for entering an enclosed parking garage and refusing to leave when clearly told that it was private property.
Meh! I thought the reporter was doing his job and wasn't rude in the least. In fact, he had a calm soothing voice. I think the blond lady smiled because she thought "ah, they found us." I think Terri's reaction seemed more irritated than anything else.
Well,I'm tired of all this.It's not helpng to find little Kyron at all.I will find something to sleuth.I pray they find this sweet little boy soon.It's very sad.
According to two attorneys and a judge (husband's golf group) sitting right here at my patio table......the reporter was technically trespassing the minute he stepped off of the street and into the parking garage, unless he had an appointment or business relationship with a tenant in that building. There are very specific places that TH is restricted from, along with very specific people. Other than that, she is free to go anywhere that she wants to. The press has no more right to enter that building than they do to enter any ones yard or home....refer back to the beginning of the case where LE repeatedly told media to STAY OFF OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Freedom of the press does not allow media to enter your home uninvited just because your kid left the door open. Same goes for entering an enclosed parking garage and refusing to leave when clearly told that it was private property.

Is that true if the parking garage isn't owned by a specific entity?
Whoo hoo good for KATU. :dance::dance: More media need to track her down. TH is hiding out...I just read the WW article on the LDT walkout. Very interesting. She has had to officially take the LDT three times. Fails and walks out....

There is no doubt she knows something...she is too quiet. Not even somekind of release to the media via email...nothing.
I loathe these kind of attempts by the press to interview people...and I say this as someone who works in a media/communications related field.

That said, the reporter is not restricting TH from "freely moving about", he merely followed her and asked her a question.

Also the right of innocence until guilt is proven is a right inferred in court cases, it is NOT something that binds citizens OR the press from questioning/reporting on/having opinions about an ongoing criminal investigation and the people involved with it. OF course she has the same rights as everyone else, but I didn't see the reporter violating any rights. The press have their own constitutional amendment, and they have a right to report on news...including reporting on ongoing criminal investigations. Were they not to at least attempt to get an interview/feedback from someone who is, by all accounts, a subject of a criminal investigation, they wouldn't be doing their job, IMO. TH has a right not to speak to them, but the press has a right to report on the story...and asking her questions isn't preventing her from her 'freedom', IMO.

Lastly, the building may be private property, but it looked to me to be a standard office building, one that her lawyer probably rents in (not owns). I've worked in a ton of such buildings, and none were marked as private property...i.e., they didn't have 'no trespassing' signs, etc. They were open to the public because the tenants inside very often were open to the public. The landlord could try to press trespassing charges, but they'd have a hard time if 1) there weren't any 'no trespassing' signs, and 2) the person who told him to leave the property weren't owner or manager of said property. I say this as someone who worked in a downtown office building owned by a notorious businessman/trial lawyer who currently owns a major league sports team...the lobby and plaza outside of our building was occasionally filled with camera crews who weren't always, um...kind in their reporting. From what I was told, it wasn't worth the owner's time to pursue them for trespassing...because our lobby was 'open' because of multiple other 'public' tenants (including state gov't offices) and because it would be hard in those circumstances to pursue the press. Edited to add: our security guards usually asked the reporters to leave the lobby, and they usually complied. But sometimes they timed their entry just right so that Mr. ajdalfja;lk was leaving and they could similarly pursue him with questions.

The reporter was a jerk, IMO. But he was well within his rights. That's one thing about our country, people have the right to act like assholes some of the time.

THANK YOU! You said it so much better than I did.
Well,I'm tired of all this.It's not helpng to find little Kyron at all.I will find something to sleuth.I pray they find this sweet little boy soon.It's very sad.

I agree. Not much to sleuth since Kyron went missing. LE has remained tight lipped since the beginning. I'm confident they are on the right path, but it does lead to nothing to sleuth IMO.
According to two attorneys and a judge (husband's golf group) sitting right here at my patio table......the reporter was technically trespassing the minute he stepped off of the street and into the parking garage, unless he had an appointment or business relationship with a tenant in that building. There are very specific places that TH is restricted from, along with very specific people. Other than that, she is free to go anywhere that she wants to. The press has no more right to enter that building than they do to enter any ones yard or home....refer back to the beginning of the case where LE repeatedly told media to STAY OFF OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Freedom of the press does not allow media to enter your home uninvited just because your kid left the door open. Same goes for entering an enclosed parking garage and refusing to leave when clearly told that it was private property.

Maybe, but the only person's rights being techinically violated are the landlord's, not TH's, and I doubt he/she/it really cares.
As I watch the video again, all I can think is, "I sure would hate to cross this woman!". She exudes such a cold, hard demeanor....it's almost scary....I know I'm looking for it at this point but it's a feeling that I just cannot shake.

Wow, this woman really gives me the creeps. (It seems like everyday I come on the forum and end up typing "wow" due to that day's events. What's next?)
According to two attorneys and a judge (husband's golf group) sitting right here at my patio table......the reporter was technically trespassing the minute he stepped off of the street and into the parking garage, unless he had an appointment or business relationship with a tenant in that building. There are very specific places that TH is restricted from, along with very specific people. Other than that, she is free to go anywhere that she wants to. The press has no more right to enter that building than they do to enter any ones yard or home....refer back to the beginning of the case where LE repeatedly told media to STAY OFF OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Freedom of the press does not allow media to enter your home uninvited just because your kid left the door open. Same goes for entering an enclosed parking garage and refusing to leave when clearly told that it was private property.

In my opinion...trespassing still isnt as bad making a young child disappear.

Gosh, I thought her face looked very relaxed, which made the whole scene seem even more disturbing. She also looked younger to me than she had in press conference/still photos at beginning. You'd think if anything, she would have looked ragged/more aged due to stress/anxiety. . . .Either a great skin creme regimen or more likely just plain ODD.
I didn't think he was rude AT ALL! If anything, his tone was very calm. Calmer than I would've been if that were me interviewing her.

ETA.. Gibby posted the calmness thing before me! Sorry Gibby!!
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