What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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And oh the irony, upon watching the video again, her shirt seems to have ruffled sleeves. Is Cindy giving TH fashion tips now? Ruffles are in this season, you know.

Sorry, that was OT, but I couldn't help it. I'm still amazed at how emotionless she was.
Seems these legal questions would be better suited for the legal questions thread. As far as we know, the reporter in question hasn't been arrested.

And I do not know why we are even debating about it to begin with.

Terri was there, the reporter was there, and the reporter was trying to do what reporters do. LOL!

Is it remotely possible that she is on some kind of prescribed medication? She's going through the ringer, it's not totally out of the realm that she's somewhat sedated.
There is a Starbucks in the Lobby of the PacWest building.

I think that rules out trespassing.

Sorry....not going to debate anymore....I obtained my own little professional legal opinion on the matter and that is enough for me. I do not feel compelled to try to convince those who don't want to be convinced. FWIW....I saw no evidence that the reporter was carrying a latte. :crazy:
Was there a moment that TH looked at the reporter before heading to the elevator or did she keep her eyes downward? The video is kind of hard to see on my laptop.

Not sure if she looked at reporter or not, but she sure did a nose snarl thing right before elevator door open. right about the -34 mark.
Is it remotely possible that she is on some kind of prescribed medication? She's going through the ringer, it's not totally out of the realm that she's somewhat sedated.

She didn't seem sedated though. She didn't seem out of it at all. She deliberately hid behind that blonde lady and then kept walking. I'm seen videos of Cindy Anthony on lots meds, and she looked worn down and out of it. TH seemed very composed and under control. I doubt she was on sedatives or any medication.
Looks like she's giving a quick sidelong glance at the reporter here.

wow...she looks like a totally different person here than at the first pc.
Sorry....not going to debate anymore....I obtained my own little professional legal opinion on the matter and that is enough for me. I do not feel compelled to try to convince those who don't want to be convinced. FWIW....I saw no evidence that the reporter was carrying a latte. :crazy:

Ahhhh, but you never saw what they did after the interview or what the cameraman was carrying, and remember they could have just planned on going in and getting a coffee and while parking then low and behold there was TH.

There is no case for trespassing.
To me, when the reporter first approached her and she appeared to be almost hiding in fear behind blondie, I personally thought that was a little comical, given the circumstances. Then it looked like there was a moment when TH looked at the reporter just before she and blondie walked away, and my initial reaction was that she looked like she was firing MAD and was about to go off on him but then blondie ushered her away. JMO! The rest of the time all I was was blank emotionless staring as if she was tuning everything out. I have never been in her situation and never will be, but I really can't see how I would be silent if I were innocent. I would be talking to the cops, to the family, to the press, to anyone who would listen....explaining where I was, what I was doing, etc. to prove my innocence. For me this case is bringing back alot of my old feelings regarding Casey Anthony. I couldn't understand for the LIFE of me how ANYONE could defend her or say "oh but she's innocent, there's no proof, blah blah". It was as plain as day, IMO, that she had done something with her child and the same can be said in this case. It's painfully obvious to me, and to her family - even her husband who probably knows her better than anyone.
I seriously think anyone on the fence needs to see this video. Yes, the reporter was getting into her face. But I would think if she was innocent, those questions would have hurt her and gotten some kind of response out of her. I'm more convinced than ever that she did this, and isn't saying anything out of pure spite.

Or maybe not saying anything because anything that she might have to say would get her convicted of murder. Sad to say I think that the CSI fan found a very good hiding place for poor Kyron. I fervently wish that I didn't think that, but I do. If she had a co-conspirator of some kind that person would have been under the bus weeks ago.

Naturally, my posts are only my thoughts and opinions.
I see no names listed as to who might be the registered owners of Pacwest, LLC. so I could not speculate on whether he is a primary shareholder or not. That link does, however, make it clear that this was not public property.

It is owned by Pacwest Center, LLC:


It is a 500,000+ sq ft building. Are you really trying to tell me that every person who steps foot on that property needs express permission from the owner? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying. For the purposes of this situation, I firmly believe that this building, while owned by an LLC, would fall under the "public place" category, and the KATU reporter would not need to ask permission to attempt an interview with Terri Horman in the parking garaage. To suggest otherwise would be ludicrous.
Sorry....not going to debate anymore....I obtained my own little professional legal opinion on the matter and that is enough for me. I do not feel compelled to try to convince those who don't want to be convinced. FWIW....I saw no evidence that the reporter was carrying a latte. :crazy:

My legal counsel concurs. And for the sedatives, all drugs affect people differently. And for that matter, she may look that way because she's resigned to the fact that the proverbial hammer is about to drop.
There is a Starbucks in the Lobby of the PacWest building.

I think that rules out trespassing.

ya' think? its probably a parking garage that allows public to park for an hourly rate.
the woman was just shooting off her mouth to try and get the reporter to go away, because i see nothing that indicates that is a private parking garage, and frankly it's like beating a dead horse at this point.
And oh the irony, upon watching the video again, her shirt seems to have ruffled sleeves. Is Cindy giving TH fashion tips now? Ruffles are in this season, you know.

Sorry, that was OT, but I couldn't help it. I'm still amazed at how emotionless she was.

Stone cold.
My legal counsel concurs. And for the sedatives, all drugs affect people differently. And for that matter, she may look that way because she's resigned to the fact that the proverbial hammer is about to drop.

Does anyone here have evidence that he was NOT carrying a latte? Just askin'....

Bang, bang Maxwell's silver hammer....
My legal counsel concurs. And for the sedatives, all drugs affect people differently. And for that matter, she may look that way because she's resigned to the fact that the proverbial hammer is about to drop.

Now did the reporter work for one of these stations?

Appears to me the building might just be full of reporters everyday.

Maybe her lawyer better move. LOL

Trespassing, right.

ALPHA BROADCASTING will co-locate its six radio properties in the PACWEST CENTER, 1211 SW Fifth Avenue in downtown PORTLAND. With a target move-in date of MAY 1, 2010, radio stations KUFO, KINK, KUPL, KXL, KXTG and KCMD will each broadcast from the 6th floor, with the corporate offices on the 7th floor of the building.

Ahhhh, but you never saw what they did after the interview or what the cameraman was carrying, and remember they could have just planned on going in and getting a coffee and while parking then low and behold there was TH.

There is no case for trespassing.

LOL....I don't believe any of the businesses are located in the parking garage, so I am sure they were just dropping in 'cause accessing a Starbucks through a parking garage on an extremely hot day seemed like a great idea at the time. How lucky that TH just happened to be there when they were hiking their cameras inside to stand in line for their cold frappacinos!!! I am also sure that everyone involved has better things to do with their time than file a trespassing case. It was just a more interesting concept to discuss with this thread than to contribute to one more (out of several hundred) discussions of how evil TH is and what she wore and how she moved her eyelids, etc.

BTW.....now I would like to make a run to Starbucks.....can I borrow $5????? It is YOUR fault I feel compelled to go now, you know.
To me, when the reporter first approached her and she appeared to be almost hiding in fear behind blondie, I personally thought that was a little comical, given the circumstances. Then it looked like there was a moment when TH looked at the reporter just before she and blondie walked away, and my initial reaction was that she looked like she was firing MAD and was about to go off on him but then blondie ushered her away. JMO! ......

I thought I saw the same thing as you did.
Try as I might, I am not good at body language...so personally I don't use that when forming an opinion. But, many people from the start have been right-on in the lst family presser and Desiree's response as she had now confirmed. LE uses it all the time, that is one reason why they try to get the family pleading to get them on camera & get the experts to evaluate. I will say even for me, this woman did not show any emotion that I could tell...good or bad...just indifferent. Strange and another red flag IMO...even though I very much try to keep an open mind, they just keep piling up.
What was the blonde lady carrying her in hand...at first I thought a camera but in the area by the elevator it looked more like a stand of some sort that would collapse....court reporter stuff maybe? Dunno.
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