What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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As far as her looking better and wearing makeup...DY seems to spend plenty of time on her appearnace, getting her hair blown straight, pulling curls down the sides, make-up earrings etc....

I do think TH is somehow involved....but if we are going to comment on her taking time for her appearance I think we also need to question why DY seems to be in good enough spirits to take such good care of hers.

I don't blame DY for that, she is in the spotlight and is the non custodial mom, which is not common, it is more common these days but people still look at it and frown. I posted on another thread that I have yet to see anything indicating that she should not have had custody.

She is probably very concerned about her appearance being in her situation and at the first PC she looked nothing like she does now. She has probably taken the time to pull herself together and show the world she is a classy woman that deserves her child.:twocents:
I think it's easy for any of us to sit in our comfortable homes, typing on our computers, saying what we'd do if we were Terri and we were innocent. If we were innocent, we would martyr ourselves for the sake of this child.

I can say, with no equivocation whatsoever, that I would "martyr" myself for my child. I would do whatever was necessary and spend the rest of my life in prison if that's what saved my baby, or even got to the bottom of what happened to my baby. Absolutely, no question.
I think that she expected an huge uproar with outrage against the school and their "negligence" and tons of sympathy and support for herself. I think in her mind it's an insult that the police have even dared to ask her questions (think of the coal-fired nerve required to walk out on an LE lie-detector test). This whole thing is so not going how she thought it would, indeed.

This post is just my opinion.

Exactly my thoughts as well, Annazed!
Not necessarily, he may have been trying to bring forth an "excited utterance". It would not be the first time that a highly watched person ( you can read that as POI or not) has let the pressure get the better of themselves.

PS While he might have been a tad rude, I would still buy him a beer.

Oh PLEEZE!!! We saw enough of that with the Anthony Case!!! :crazy:
I know she has a great lawyer, and I'm sure he's told her not to speak to the press, but boy, it seems like something, ANYTHING, would be better than that. If it were me, and I were innocent, I'd be wanting to at least politely say something like about finding Kyron, and also that I'd love the opportunity to speak to them, but have been advised by my attorney that I can't due to the investigation. Or at least have the woman with her be prepared to say something to that effect.

Would a criminal defense attorney always counsel against saying even that much? Anyone know?

She talked to investigators (and apparently the other parents) for three weeks. Hasn't done any good for her or the investigation. So I doubt talking to some random reporter would help either.

I don't know what most criminal defence lawyers would advise but I do know that suspects (unofficial or official) rarely do themselves any good at all by speaking to the media.
I can say, with no equivocation whatsoever, that I would "martyr" myself for my child. I would do whatever was necessary and spend the rest of my life in prison if that's what saved my baby, or even got to the bottom of what happened to my baby. Absolutely, no question.

Agreed. This case also brings to mind of Baby Gabriel and how his mother is still acting even though in jail. The lack of emotion. No remorse, and not cooperating with LE.
all a matter of perspective, to be sure. I've been trying to be dispassionate and it hasn't been that hard for me to give TH the benefit of the doubt till now. But I see pissed off and annoyed and superior here, and just a generally bad attitude t/o the rest of the video. I can understand that reaction from an unrelated innocent person being vilified, but not from a *parent.* Parents aren't aloof, detached, reticent, unemotional -- they can't hide it no matter how many times someone tells them they need to. Regardless of whether they are being sympathized with or accused. imo, jmo

that's it in a nutshell isn't it
perfectly said

and brings a bit of clarification to why many people are looking for some kind of reaction

maybe we want to know that this parent could not be capable of hurting a child
maybe we want that comfort b/c it makes us feel safer

are we trying to make sense out of the nonsensical though?
are we looking for something that doesn't exist? (a soul/a conscience)

kinda rhetorical questions & too philosophical for this thread I guess ... just trying to reconcile it in my own mind
A reporter did the same thing with Misty Croslin at an airport and Misty actually talked to the reporter.

I didn't follow that case.

Clearly I missed some, ah, rather interesting moments.

I am boggled.
There's playing devil's advocate, and there's an accusation. Either way, I'm not offended, more disappointed that a dissenting opinion would garner such a response.

Sorry again. My desire to see Kyron returned home caused me to react unfairly to your pro-Terri post.

To keep this post on topic: I will say, after watching that clip, I experienced anger, frustration, and amazement at the same time. However, I realize that these feelings are silly due to the fact that Terri, if guilty, is drugged up like a *advertiser censored* and just a stone cold ice queen psycho. If innocent, she's just drugged up like a *advertiser censored*. Either way, she's on some heavy pharma. So don't read into her appearance/actions too much.
I don't blame DY for that, she is in the spotlight and is the non custodial mom, which is not common, it is more common these days but people still look at it and frown. I posted on another thread that I have yet to see anything indicating that she should not have had custody.

She is probably very concerned about her appearance being in her situation and at the first PC she looked nothing like she does now. She has probably taken the time to pull herself together and show the world she is a classy woman that deserves her child.:twocents:

My opinion is that the only reason she did not have custody (maybe not full but at least a lot more than she had) is because she did not want it. Either that or there is more to her story that we do not know.

Looking put together is not going to help her get her child back. If anything it may make TH hate her even more (assuming TH is in fact involved).
that's it in a nutshell isn't it
perfectly said

and brings a bit of clarification to why many people are looking for some kind of reaction

maybe we want to know that this parent could not be capable of hurting a child
maybe we want that comfort b/c it makes us feel safer

are we trying to make sense out of the nonsensical though?
are we looking for something that doesn't exist? (a soul/a conscience)

kinda rhetorical questions & too philosophical for this thread I guess ... just trying to reconcile it in my own mind

Most parents try to bond with their children or do so naturally. When I see TH, I think she in no way bonded with her stepson Kyron. That's what I see.
As far as her looking better and wearing makeup...DY seems to spend plenty of time on her appearnace, getting her hair blown straight, pulling curls down the sides, make-up earrings etc....

I do think TH is somehow involved....but if we are going to comment on her taking time for her appearance I think we also need to question why DY seems to be in good enough spirits to take such good care of hers.
WHY would we compare Desiree to Terri?

Desiree is not an un-named person of interest in the disappearance of a child and a woman who has attempted to have her husband murdered. Desiree is up front, real, INNOCENT. She is a mother pleading with the woman who disappeared her child and the woman is not responding.

Tit for tat is childish. There is nothing to compare with these two women.

My opinion.
I don't blame DY for that, she is in the spotlight and is the non custodial mom, which is not common, it is more common these days but people still look at it and frown. I posted on another thread that I have yet to see anything indicating that she should not have had custody.

She is probably very concerned about her appearance being in her situation and at the first PC she looked nothing like she does now. She has probably taken the time to pull herself together and show the world she is a classy woman that deserves her child.:twocents:

And when Kyron comes home, I hope she gets primary custody. He can live in Medford for awhile.
WHY would we compare Desiree to Terri?

Desiree is not an un-named person of interest in the disappearance of a child and a woman who has attempted to have her husband murdered. Desiree is up front, real, INNOCENT. She is a mother pleading with the woman who disappeared her child and the woman is not responding.

Tit for tat is childish. There is nothing to compare with these two women.

My opinion.

I know, it is hard getting past the putting out the hit on your husband.
Some observations after watching that video:

1. Wow, she was LITERALLY hiding behind that blonde haired lady like an extremely shy kid. It was as if she was letting the blonde lady protect her, like the reporter was going to physically assault her or something.


Something about the other woman's posture and voice said paralegal or lawyer to me. I suspect that TMH's lawyer is providing her with an escort to help protect her.

Could be an bodyguard but I think she would have been more assertive or more directive if that were the case.

This woman carried herself like someone who is used to having some status, professional status. She was assertive but in a fairly understated manner. She clearly wasn't surprised by the situation and she clearly had a plan in mind for what to do if accosted that way.

Maybe someone who hasn't made partner yet?
Agreed. This case also brings to mind of Baby Gabriel and how his mother is still acting even though in jail. The lack of emotion. No remorse, and not cooperating with LE.

Yes I agree. Makes me think of a few other women too. No remorse. Downs, Anthony, Croslin....just the tip of my tongue, and only the tip of the iceberg.

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