What do you think Casey's life would be like if she is found not guilty?

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If she was even half way normal, I wouldn't worry so much about whether she's in or out, because she'd have the punishment of knowing the horrific thing she did to her own child, and have to live with the guilt of it for the rest of her life. But because she's the way she is, it's no punishment to her to know what she did, so the only thing that's going to punish her is to be behind bars where she can't get l**d, eat chips, cash bad checks, puke in a bar toilet, send herself fake emails, lie, lie, lie and/or drive others around her to complete and idiotic insanity. SHE MUST SERVE!!!!
The only way she'll be found not guilty if it is by reason of insanity, so she'll be institutionalized for a loooooong time. Like John Hinckley Jr.

Yeah, too bad she isn't insane. :rolleyes:
She will be found guilty so it's just fantasy to think she'd be found non-guilty. Still, it's fun to fantasize about what might happen. The structure of jail now and prison later will do her good, and she can keep corresponding with people like Scott Petersen, with whom she seems to have a lot in common. ;)
Let's see, almost every friend, ex-boyfriend, and extended family member is disgusted by her and wants nothing to do with her. She will probably never be able to find a job and wherever she goes she will get dirty looks. Plus, the entire world thinks she is guilty and if she was released about 99% of people would be outraged and her safety would be in serious question. Looks like she'd almost be better off with life in prison..

With the violence erupting in the Anthony's front yard, no doubt she would never be safe.
With the violence erupting in the Anthony's front yard, no doubt she would never be safe.
kc appeared to be sliding down a slippery slope into quetionable behavior(Sgt. Berrys statement to the public that Kc was not a stranger to the law or something to that effect) pathological lying, flagrant steeling. She will be left to depend on her parents once again and we can see how that worked for her, causing to be in & out of psych. stays, reoffend for the jazz she gets out of her attention getting manipulative ways. The cycle continues and hopefully she will have not given birth to another child to wrte her wrongs!
She would become a very rich, infamous murderess. If she got away with murder once, who knows if it might happen again. They say the second time is easier. There would be unending drama. Her parents would be very rich and infamous as well. If they get on her last nerve, maybe she'll murder them as well and call it self-defense or make it look like an accident. No doubt if she is fairly bright, she will hone her psychopathic skills.

And/or, she may end up dead in a gutter somewhere.
Considering that there are women... and probably men... who seek out prisoners to have a relationship with, and some end up marrying them... Casey will have no trouble finding friends, even if she has to travel a long way to find them. She will always have her parents and her brother to stand by her as well. As for a job.. she had managed to get by for several years without one, she will probably make out okay until her book deal is signed and who knows? maybe a movie.
People like Casey always find a way.
if she is innocent and is acquitted, she will likely continue to live in a mental and social "prison" for her entire life. I would not be surprised at a suicide. She would probably suffer from ptsd, both due to the horrific loss of Caylee and the surrounding circumstances, the fact that the perpetrator was never caught, and also as a result of the defamation for such a long period of time in the press, the alienation of all her friends, the damage to her family, etc. . I've heard this kind of post traumatic stress is being understood more now, that people experience after having been wrongly accused of a crime, shunned, vilified, etc, or mistreated by an institution you would normally trust, whether that's the public, the media, the legal system, or whatever the institution might be. Now this is all theoretical i.e. if she is innocent and if she is acquitted -- I'm not saying I necessarily think she is innocent, I am still not sure who committed this murder. Nor am I saying that I think there was any wrongdoing on the part of LE. Again, I don't know if she is the murderer, or if she is not. I think she will probably be convicted regardless because of her failure to report Caylee missing and her inability or refusal to help LE.

I just hope at trial enough information will come out so that we're absolutely sure if she was the perpetrator of this murder or not. I hope the real murderer doesn't go free. I don't think the defense can catch the real perpetrator or come up with additional evidence, that was LE's job, the defense can only address the charges against KC and whether they are substantiated or not. I hope LE's investigation did not end at the Grand Jury but is ongoing, to be honest, because I think we need to know more. If KC committed this murder she obviously should spend life in prison or a mental hospital, depending on her degree of mental illness. I think it's possible that she is insane, whether she committed the murder or not. When you read or hear her interviews, her words only, in their entirety, they actually sound insane. The latest released interview with detective EE is a good example of this. Her sentences barely make any sense.
I think she would be like OJ...everyone would recognize her face and/or her name. She would eventually get in trouble again.
I think that Casey would just move along in life, the same way she already has. She may put a little distance between her and Orlando, and after a year maybe,when things quiet down, she will be much the same as she has always been. She will, believe it or not, have people who adore her and think she got screwed by the system. Her friends may change, but she will not.
I was actually watching a documentary on Lizzie Borden last night (totally different time, I know) but they made a good point. They said that there were many woman in her town who supported her and stood behind her during her trial; however, when she actually did get acquitted those same woman and people who supported her still didn't want to socialize with her..and she basically became an outcast. Meaning, altho she may have supporters, that doesn't necessarily mean she will have "friends" or people who want to get involved with her. Just like her family. I think they are standing behind her now, like she's the same daughter they've always known, but if the day ever came where she actually did move home, I don't think they could ever look at her the same. She may think she's gaining notoriety and fans, and therefore friends, but I wouldn't be surprised if she became a social outcast with no friends and no one to turn to.
Let's see, almost every friend, ex-boyfriend, and extended family member is disgusted by her and wants nothing to do with her. She will probably never be able to find a job and wherever she goes she will get dirty looks. Plus, the entire world thinks she is guilty and if she was released about 99% of people would be outraged and her safety would be in serious question. Looks like she'd almost be better off with life in prison..

she would do just fine if found NG. There are plenty of people who would travel two steps behind her, wishing to bask in her spotlight. These are the type of people that are now sending her money. Never underestimate the wide variety of human beings we have inhabiting this planet of ours. And KC is a the consummate survivor and adapter. She will do just fine. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
True but OJ Simpson was a successful football star with tons of money and unfortunately some women would be able to look past the whole crime for those reasons. Casey was a nobody before the trial and has no money whatsoever. Even if she is cleared of the murder conviction, that doesn't get rid of the fact that she was a proven pathological liar, stole money from numerous people, and once considered checking herself into an institution for mental problems. If a guy is going to be able to look past what she was convicted of, he's still going to have to be able to deal with teh fact that this is an EXTREMELY troubled and sociopathic girl. I don't think most guys would want to put up with that.

If KC is voted not guilty the books and movie deals will bring in millions.
If KC is voted not guilty the books and movie deals will bring in millions.

I'd love to see any books or movies that she agrees to if the story is told the way she says it happened with all the lies and non-existant people. Do you think publishers/producers would really pay her millions to put out these books or films knowing it's such BS?
If she is found "Not Guilty" (which I can not even fathom) then she will most definitely be assassinated before a week's time of being out. I can't imagine out of all the people out there who have become so emotionally invested and completely taken with this case that there isn't one that would snap. Murder is NEVER okay, but I feel like KC would definitely be better off in jail.
I'd love to see any books or movies that she agrees to if the story is told the way she says it happened with all the lies and non-existant people. Do you think publishers/producers would really pay her millions to put out these books or films knowing it's such BS?

But in the event she is found not guilty it wouldn't be B.S. would it. A jury of her peers would have said, she is not guilty. If a jury bought it I think it would sell for millions. Don't get your pop corn ready KC is going to get convicted of murdering Caylee. I still think a movie about her life will be made, and yes watched by many sadly.
Unfortunately, there are people who would attach themselves to her because of her notoriety. She'll find plenty of men willing to father her future babies.

ITA. Sad but true...

Hopefully, she'll never have a chance to get close to any men or to any persons...
She snuffed the life out of her her 2 1/2 year old child. She deserves no mercy. May GOD have mercy upon her soul.
I'd love to see any books or movies that she agrees to if the story is told the way she says it happened with all the lies and non-existant people. Do you think publishers/producers would really pay her millions to put out these books or films knowing it's such BS?

"IF I DID IT Volume 2" - The Casey Anthony Story.

Are you really fearful that she will get away with this murder? Maybe a new thread with a poll is due. I for one, refuse to believe she will get away with this. And furthermore, I pray that LE has obtained info supporting mine (and MANY others) belief that GA & CA were her "premeditated" intended victims.
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