What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight370?

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What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight 370?

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I followed this story intensely from day one. I personally believe it was a tragic accident/mechanical failure, where they lost oxygen and that its resting place is in the southern indian ocean. May they rest in peace. I hope they did not suffer any pain and my sympathies to their family, sincerely.

My theory too.
Jihadists. That is what happened to the Malaysia Flight 370 imho. Based on the nationalities -and above all job titles- of some of the passengers and the erratic behaviour of one of the pilots days prior to this tragedy. It was planned and executed according to that plan.
Just managed to disappear in thin air! that's what it seems it could have just crashed into the ocean somewhere where it is very hard to search that the lightly outcome unless something else happened on that plane but there was no May Day or any distress signal maybe the plane reached to high and something was wrong with the oxygen on the plane
I know i'm late to this post but this is my theory (be prepared, lol). I think what happened is the pilot was really hurting for cash and some how made a deal with someone for human trafficking or in the black market. Once the plane was in the air and cruising the pilot turned off communication and GPS. Then landed the plane somewhere (could be middle east, somewhere in Asia, or even in europe). The passengers were sold off in the black market and the pilot was given the money and slipped away starting a new life somewhere. I know it seems outrageous but it explains why they haven't been able to find the plane or any pieces of it.
I don’t know what to think now i keep changing my opinion. I just hope all the victims died quickly and suffered as little as possible. I can’t imagine the strain the families must still be under wondering every day what happened and their loved ones being in the ocean.
Pilot suicide. He had just gone through a divorce, his simulator at home had routes that were eerily similar to the route the plane took before it disappeared, and he flew over his home town at one point, probably to look over it and to say goodbye.
The plane failed to pressurize, everybody went to sleep and died of hypoxia. The pilots were disoriented and probably made some adjustment on autopilot and the plane flew wildly off course until it ran out of fuel. The wreckage is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. It was not a terrorist act, those are publicized by the group that did it, that is the whole point of terrorism.
What would make a plane fail to pressurize? Either way it's still awful.
What would make a plane fail to pressurize? Either way it's still awful.

A whole host of mechanical failures can cause it, it is not that rare. I would imagine that if they ever did find the plane they would see that masks probably deployed late or not at all. Elevation can have a big impact on this as well. Obviously it was a tragic incident and I feel for all of the victims and their families.
Fire/smoke/mechanical issue on board and hypoxia of flight crew lead to crash in open water. I think it's northwest of the last military radar contact, not south as most believe.
Pilot suicide. Evidence:
1. Flight Simulator saved games on his computer showing a route very similar to the one he took (running out of fuel in South Indian Ocean).
2. Immarsat data puts the plane in the South Indian Ocean. The exact spot is not easy to determine. The area that was searched is just part of the area it could be.
3. Plane debris found in western Indian Ocean consistent with crash site in area suggested by Immarsat data
4. Co-pilot was a trainee who would have had to take orders from the captain. All the captain had to do was tell him to take a bathroom break and then lock him out of the cabin.
5. All the comms were turned off manually.

Can't explain why. Speculation I've heard that could be correct is that he was despondent over his family breakup. Suicide is supposedly taboo in moslem religion. He did the evasive maneuvers so it would look like an accident, not suicide. I also read that he was active in the political opposition and did it to create a political rejection of the corrupt and incompetent Malaysian government. The government was certainly incompetent in its investigation and the government was voted out a few years laters but the plane crash was reported as being an issue in the election.

Whatever, the pilot killed all the other passengers and crew without giving them a chance to get off. Evil.
I just read my message again and noticed I left out a word.The second to last line should have said "the plane crash was reported as NOT being an issue in the election."
Also, that is my memory of the impact of the MH370 disappearance based on the news stories I read. I am far from an expert on Malay politics. A more accurate correction would be that "the plane disappearance was not a central issue in election. "
I believe that he killed himself. There were no signs of sucidal intentions, however.
"Goodnight Malaysia Flight Three Seven Zero."
Now to me, that sounds like it was planned out beforehand.
There is a possibility that it was hijacked, the pilot could've just exepted that he was going to die.

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