What do you think the Ramsey's original plan was...

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The problem I have with the theory that the Ramseys hid JonBenet in the suitcase and planned to dispose of the body after the cops left is that it has been determined that JonBenet's body wasn't moved after death. It is likely she was in the wine cellar the entire time, in which case the Ramseys had to have thought she'd be discovered pretty soon after calling 911. I don't think they were obtuse enough to believe they'd be left to their own devices after reporting a kidnapping. LE would have been camped out in the neighborhood canvassing neighbors and monitoring to see if the kidnappers attempted to contact the Ramseys again.

The suitcase body removal sounds like a PR hair brained idea as in she thought JR could just walk out of the house with the blue suitcase to go to the bank alone during which time he could drop the body somewhere, collect the money and return home. I would think JR's eyes would spin in his head at the stupidity of such an idea, knowing LE would search any attache' he left with even if he COULD, with one hand, lift a suitcase with a body in it like it was empty. Ha.

I just do not personally believe that the blue suitcase was ever in the plans. It was just one more piece of junk in the basement.

JR would have left her in the basement but maybe not the WC and definitely not latch the door. Latching the door is PR's touch. In the WC, she is not just hiding the body, she is hiding the deed.

PR is written all over this scene. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that when French was down there, a Christmas decoration hung from the top of the door, hiding the latch. He thought it was painted shut. Why? Because when he looked at the top of the door jamb, it was covered in garland and he didn't seen the latch. Otherwise, he would have opened it. On his first trip to the basement, he removed it.

Do you think maybe their plan was to dispose of her but when it came time they just couldn't go through it? Maybe they had a little decency? Anyone?

Do I count as anyone?

Actually, let me be more specific: I think they MAY have considered disposing of her but just couldn't do it, as you say.
I think it's entirely likely French never thought to look up to see the makeshift latch at the top of the door. I mean, would you expect one to be there? I've never seen anything like that before. I imagine he tried the door, felt the knob turn, and was baffled when the door wouldn't budge. So he assumed it was stuck or painted shut, and figured no one could have gotten in or out that way and moved on. I've noticed in old tabloid articles that mentioned the door, none of them say there was a latch. They all say the door seemed to be painted shut or stuck. That must have come from somewhere.

Of course, my imagination might be tainted by how it was depicted in the movie version of PMPT where the officer goes through the dark basement with a flashlight instead of turning on the lights. If he was only using a flashlight I could definitely see him missing it. It would be harder (but not impossible) to miss if he was going through with the basement lights turned on.
In regards to the latch at the top of the door...How in the world could BR have reached that to unlock the door & then re-latch it to close it? IMO - It's PR.
In regards to the latch at the top of the door...How in the world could BR have reached that to unlock the door & then re-latch it to close it? IMO - It's PR.

Maybe from a chair placed in front of that door that JR insists was there.

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In my theory - which admittedly needs some work - I originally thought JBR's body had been stored in either John or patsy's car - then I changed this to her body being put into a basement cupboard or the crawl space in the train room.

Was there any physical evidence that her body had ever been moved? She died whilst lying on her front and was turned over because her body was found (I believe) lying on her back.

Another question. Presumably whilst people were in the basement having a look around for points of entry etc., they put the light(s) on? Possibly the basement lights were already on, which makes more sense in view of the night before.

When FW opened the cellar door surely he would have spotted a WHITE blanket in the gloom? Wouldn't he have had some light coming from behind him from the hallway? I believe he did not look for the light switch as he was just having a quick look around.

However, we are then supposed to believe that JR saw the white blanket IMMEDIATELY he opened the door (if not sooner!).

When questioned later he stated - in usual Ramsey fashion - that he "could not remember" whether or not he switched on the light beforehand. I would read that as a NO. He probably knew the police would be asking how come he saw the blanket straight away, and FW did not see it. (when he looked earlier). JR would have wanted the police to believe he switched the light on and that's the reason he spotted her body.

However, as FW stated (and I tend to believe he was telling to truth to the best of his memory) John "cried out" as soon as he opened the cellar door. The light switch, presumably, was on a wall within the room and was not outside it?
Maybe from a chair placed in front of that door that JR insists was there.

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I think John claimed that chair was blocking the door to the train room, not the wine cellar. I'm not sure how far apart those two doors are.

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Yeah, the door latch is another tell. It's in an unconventional location for an intruder to figure out. Also, why would an intruder bother latching the door?
Yeah, the door latch is another tell. It's in an unconventional location for an intruder to figure out. Also, why would an intruder bother latching the door?

And why the wine-cellar, why not the train room? JR never knew FW had already looked in the WC that morning, so if he moved JonBenet he was keeping the status quo, otherwise he might be called out by some searcher?

JR wanted to fly away and leave JonBenet behind in the basement, that was part of the initial plan, which was patently revised once he was told you are going nowhere!


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