What Do You Think the SA Should Have Asked, But Didn't

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I don't recall Casey ever being questioned at a hearing - other than being asked what she wished to plead "guilty or not guilty". But she never has appeared as a witness at any hearing that I remember.

I'll try to find it- hold on...
Today, I'd ask Lee Anthony to take a drug test. Sorry, but he is drugged up or I'm not in TX!!
Where are the texts between Casey and Cindy after June 30th?????
I would like to know why they didn't call the police when they knew that KC was returning home and picking up items for herself, yet never took anything of Caylee's, no clothing, no diapers, nothing. The biggest red flag of all to me, and I know if I were in their shoes, I would have filed a missing persons report or SOMETHING!
I wish they would ask Cindy and George about how verbal Caylee was.

I think it goes to motive bc Caylee was becoming more verbal and able to "tell" on Casey about where she'd spent her day and w/whom.

Also, how about asking Cindy about the money Casey stole from her grandparents? Didn't Cindy find out from her mother on Father's day that Casey had stolen money?
Where are the texts between Casey and Cindy after June 30th?????

I hadn't thought of that, but now that you brought it up I don't recall there being any communication between them during the 31 days. Didn't CA state on the stand that she regularly communicated with KC at least 1-2 times daily, even during the 31 days? Or am I mistaken....
Tony L - why they did not get him to explain what he told Casey about Caylee not being allowed to stay the night.
did they

GA - I wish they would have ask him to expound on the family dynamics between CA and ICA - to express more how he was "kept out of the loop" as so not to upset ICA by playing detective. they touched on it but did not fully get across the dynamic.

GA - the state on cross should have asked if GA has "access" to the pontiac from June 16-July 15. He may have had keys but we know the car was with ICA except when in was at Amscot and tow yard. we know Amy was texted about the smell before the Amscot. ( I wish they would have taken GA's phone pings as well to clear up if his pings match any location of the car such as by TL apt. )

GA - how often ICA let him babysit ICA alone

The smell - I hope the get forensics to mention the smell would slowly get worse so that friends may not have noticed anything horrific right away.

CA - why they did not get her to admit that she stated to others that ICA was unfit.

RM - if he and ICA ever had sexual contact while Caylee was in the bed. Knowing ICA was a liar was he concerned with being accused of doing anything "wrong" with Caylee

AH or RM- did they have knowledge of Caylee being at parties where alcohol was served.

Any LE - did Casey ask for their help in finding her daughter
also to CA - why did ICA choose to reside in their home

GA - why did ICA choose to reside in their home
When Cindy was asked when she stopped looking for Zani, she stated she stopped looking for her 6 weeks ago, I believe she was asked by LDB. LDB never asked her why she stopped looking for Zani 6 weeks ago, for some reason. I guess maybe LDB knew the answer. But I would have liked to hear the answer to this.
I would have liked the State to ask AH about the checks that KC stole from her and used. I think they must have decided it was considered a prior bad act....prior to what I'm still dying to know!
The SA needs to establish a motive for a first-degree murder. IMO, testimony should be elicited from the appropriate witnesses about ICA not wanting to keep the baby, and how CA told her that was not an option, etc. Testimony of this nature, combined with what LA said about CA telling ICA she was an unfit mother, ICA saying she (ICA) may be a spiteful b--- tch, etc will help to establish the resentment ICA felt toward CA. The SA needs to build up through testimony how this resentment become the underlying motive for ICA to murder her toddler, Caylee. JMO, but think this type of testimony to establish motive would go a long way for the prosecution.
Not so much asked but I think the phone pings during the 31 days would have been interesting and given a hint to who put the ladder where.
The State needs to kick the imaginary friends in the ... before it goes too far. These were not imaginary at all. These characters were invented for the soul purpose to decieve. Big difference between Imaginary and Deceptive Tools.
on true tv someone made a great point. the defense never has used dimished capacity or insanity as a defense so calling these people 'imaginary friends" is wrong. it is just plain deceit. The state needs to address that i believe and kick a hole right thru the DT's case of casey living in an imaginary world.
I want to someone to ask Cindy Anthony why she did not "actively" try to find Caylee who she was used to seeing everyday. I know Casey made excuses. But Cindy never threatened to call the cops or actively tried to find them. Why did it take weeks?

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