What does the jury think happened today?

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What does the jury think happened?

  • ICA plans to plead

    Votes: 21 10.6%
  • ICA (or someone) is sick

    Votes: 117 58.8%
  • Judge or Lawyer had a personal emergency

    Votes: 24 12.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 37 18.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have a vestibular disorder, which means there's damage to my middle ears and it affects my balance. I get motion sickness just driving myself to work sometimes, particularly when it's raining and my windshield wipers are on (note my location). I can't ride buses or be a passenger in a car without planning ahead and wearing an Rx patch behind my ear.

So let's just say I'm kind of an expert on nausea.

While I saw one dry heave-type movement from ICA today, my expert opinion:

wait for it...

yep, WASTE, Huge waste!

I don't have any opinion really as to whether it was pre-planned or spontaneous--I don't really care which...fakery is fakery is fakery, I say.

I did find her body language....interesting for sure...the hand(s) over the mouth/nose...she's Lady Macbeth even when trying to be Julia Roberts. :cow:

ICA had about 3 or 4 water bottles in front of her today. I think she was actually trying to get herself to throw up to go along with her plan that she was ill!! I saw no dry heaves only gagging movements..I have a sensitive gag reflex too so when she gagged, I gagged. But then again, ICA has been making me gag since Day 31!
Panic attacks are products of the anxious nerve signals your brain produces.Not everyone experiences the same symptoms;we are all biologically different and therefore react differently to each other as a response to the same or similar stimuli.
~~Jenny Saunders
I've gotten the hand clench thing before as well. IMO, this person is malingering. Remember, she is really, really, really good at fooling most people, for long periods of time, including those very close to her. She's faking. :twocents:


I agree on that for sure.

And the hand cramping is horribly painful, isn't it!
I believe she faked it and was role playing, with help from the DT. At one point JB even scooted the back of the computer screen that was blocking her fake tears from the jury. She was struggling to cry imo, and did a little better when DS would place her arm around her shoulder. strategy....

I think if her sniveling was actual sobbing, she would have more than dabbed her eyes....and unless that tissue was a shamwow, she would have needed more than one for the length of detail and time of those photos.

I also think if all six tears were really there, they were due to today focusing on Caylee and the attention was taken from casey.



shamwow :floorlaugh:
Or maybe he didn't want her falling in the floor on his watch?
If she was faking ya never know

I wouldn't trust her!

True. I was just surprised, I thought it might be frowned upon and looked at as disrespectful on her part not to stand as the jury was leaving.
ICA had about 3 or 4 water bottles in front of her today. I think she was actually trying to get herself to throw up to go along with her plan that she was ill!! I saw no dry heaves only gagging movements..I have a sensitive gag reflex too so when she gagged, I gagged. But then again, ICA has been making me gag since Day 31!

You are totally right! That wasn't a dry heave at all, but a gag! There is a difference, and I didn't even catch it at first, but you are totally spot on! Like, with a gag, it's mostly just a throat movement, but a dry heave gets the whole diaphragm going! (Gross!)

(btw, DollyPardonMe, your name is hilarious and clever :rocker: )
When I am nervous I get what is refered to as cotton mouth.This could be the reason ICA drank so much today.IMO
Something tells me she has enough experience throwing up that it should come easily enough.IMO
You are totally right! That wasn't a dry heave at all, but a gag! There is a difference, and I didn't even catch it at first, but you are totally spot on! Like, with a gag, it's mostly just a throateeth movement, but a dry heave gets the whole diaphragm going! (Gross!)

(btw, DollyPardonMe, your name is hilarious and clever :rocker: )

I agree it was a gag. I have a bad gag reflex. I gag if seaweed touches me in the ocean LOL. I also gag if someone scraps their teeth on popcicle sticks/
Hmmm, wondering if there were any computer searches for Panic Attack symptoms :)
My opinion - It doesn't make sense, to me, for the defense to want THIS part of the trial to drag on for another day. They probably want to move away from those pictures faster than the speed of light and onto something far less graphic.

CAYLEE testified today. It was Caylee's day to say "look what was done to me - look where I was found - look at me - this is about me - I need justice!" ... IMO, Casey couldn't take the heat. She kept drinking her water, trying not to look at the screens, but Caylee was right there in her head saying "look, mommy!! - listen, mommy! - they're going to figure it out" - Finally, Casey's anxiety did her in. While I was watching her, I was hoping the words "I DID IT" would come out of her mouth, but the only thing she could muster were a few dry heaves.

Once again, JMO - In short, I do believe Casey was legitimately ill... but only because she was flashing back to how Caylee got there and how worried she is that everyone seeing those pictures now knows what happened. She was having a PCM (Poor Casey Moment) :boohoo:
Deliberate but kind of feel was on ICA part, not sure JB had heads up on it but maybe?!?! Looking for sympathy from jury, not going to work IMO
I think she was but not because she has a heart and feels bad of Caylee. She feels sorry for herself as usual. In a way, I think she knows she is toast and that is making her sick.
Today's photo's 12 20 24 is no act.The panic is true IMO because it is her finially seeing all the evidense.She knows finially that she will never know freedom again.She was still faking it in the am tho. IMO
Okay, i just watched the video and I recognize what she's doing. She looks like a kid in the nurse's office trying to go home from school early! The whole thing is so long and drawn out, she's over-reacting with her movements, but her face is perfectly alert. And if you watch closely, when her head is down, she'll dart her eyes to see who on either side is paying attention to her ;)

I'll say this: as a parent, I've learned when to tell when a kid is "I want to lay down and have you fawn over me" sick and when a kid is "I don't feel good make it stop sick". Casey's face CLEARLY is the former.

Additionally, it appears that in all of her movements to cover her mouth she never tried to find a trash can or other place to vomit. Instead she faced the jury the whole time.

ETA: Ha! And she is quick to move her entire arm and gesture to the bailiffs that she wants to leave. Worst. Actress. Ever.
Is there video link for today? Have tried locating previous ones, cant seem to find Sorry & TIA :)
I had to pick "other" as I'm sure not everyone on the Jury is thinking the same thing. One could think Casey is sick, another could think that they had to recess for something completely unrelated to what we know... like a technical problem, etc.
IMO it was gastrointestinal. Panic in my personal and professional experience, causes shortness of breath and the very last thing one does is cover their mouth.
A truly panicked person will even fight an oxygen mask. They would grab their chest before covering their mouth.
I'm. not even sure she was nauseous ... I didn't see the typical hard swallowing.
Maybe I'm too critical
If the jury suspects it had anything to do with Casey you can bet they'll be scrutinizing her more closely tomorrow.
Ladybug, pretty much same impression I got from the brief parts I saw! (Though hope she mentally felt sick watching it all)

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