What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?

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Mar 19, 2010
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I would like to be able to reasonably conclude that its highly unlikely Kaine was involved in Kyron's disappearance. So far, I can’t find many reported facts to reduce the possibility of Kaine’s involvement.

The media is clearly pointing the finger of suspicion at Terri Horman and not at Kaine. It seems this pattern started early when the media applied a double standard in its reporting of Terri and Kaine’s joint work out at the gym. The media used this as an indication of Terri’s indifference to Kyron’s disappearance, while seemingly giving Kaine a pass.

As a university graduate and software engineer, Kaine would likely have “branch-predicted” (his expression) that the finger of suspicion would quickly fall on the "step"- mother, especially as she was the person who “dropped Kyron off.”

What bugs me is why Kaine stated in his email to Intel colleagues on June 6 that Kyron was “dropped off at school at 8.45am”…when this is inconsistent with other people seeing him at school as early as 8.15 am.

Moreover in the same email, how did Kaine know the child “went missing between (8.45) and 9 to 9.30am?”

LE will have presumably verified Kaine’s arrival at Intel that Friday. I wonder if his arrival at Intel was early enough to rule out Kaine if the child went missing at 8.15, and not at 9am as they first thought based on the alleged sighting of Kyron’s desk-mate. (School to Intel campus is about 8 to 9 miles per Google Maps - see Kyron reference forum for maps)

I also wonder if LE have been able to verify that Kayne was present at Intel all morning. And how would Kaine be able to provide himself with an alibi for his drive home?

What facts am I missing that in your opinion make Kaine’s involvement highly unlikely?
I feel strongly he could possibly be involved.The presser today said no one is ruled out as a suspect.I will say Everything Terri the step mom had access too,Cars,computers,cell phones,house,school,Kyron ect.....( Everything )Kaine the father had access to too.Maybe they were together when and if something happened to little Kyron.IMHO

Hopefully everyone is being looked into to find little Kyron.
With all due respect, I thought that unless someone was named etc in the MSM or LE per TOS of WS, as being looked at like TH has been, the family is to be treated as the victims.:angel:

I pray with all my heart everday that Kyron will be reunited with his family soon.:praying::praying::praying::praying:

ETA: It is IMHO that the other family members whereabouts were looked into and verified early on.
I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to start this thread. It's normal sleuthing to systematically check up on all people associated with the missing person. So far in this case the only person we have forcused on , along with LE, is TH. BUT what do we have to go on with Kaine? Well we know he was working on that Friday but that he was also home early enough to accompany TH to the bus stop. As for the email he sent out, I'm assuming (yes I know) he was relaying information he got from TH? I'm concerned, at this point, with the control issue I feel Kaine has shown (media etc). Perhaps there is more to look into with him. Should we make a list of things we want to know and then start looking into it? Something to go on as an outline first might be easier then we can break it down to find information to back it up?

Great thread btw. :)
I would like to be able to reasonably conclude that its highly unlikely Kaine was involved in Kyron's disappearance. So far, I can’t find many reported facts to reduce the possibility of Kaine’s involvement.

The media is clearly pointing the finger of suspicion at Terri Horman and not at Kaine. It seems this pattern started early when the media applied a double standard in its reporting of Terri and Kaine’s joint work out at the gym. The media used this as an indication of Terri’s indifference to Kyron’s disappearance, while seemingly giving Kaine a pass.

As a university graduate and software engineer, Kaine would likely have “branch-predicted” (his expression) that the finger of suspicion would quickly fall on the "step"- mother, especially as she was the person who “dropped Kyron off.”

What bugs me is why Kaine stated in his email to Intel colleagues on June 6 that Kaine was “dropped off at school at 8.45am”…when this is inconsistent with other people seeing him at school as early as 8.15 am.

Moreover in the same email, how did Kaine know the child “went missing between (8.45) and 9 to 9.30am?”

LE will have presumably verified Kaine’s arrival at Intel that Friday. I wonder if his arrival at Intel was early enough to rule out Kaine if the child went missing at 8.15, and not at 9am as they first thought based on the alleged sighting of Kyron’s desk-mate. (School to Intel campus is about 8 to 9 miles per Google Maps - see Kyron reference forum for maps)

I also wonder if LE have been able to verify that Kayne was present at Intel all morning. And how would Kaine be able to provide himself with an alibi for his drive home?

What facts am I missing that in your opinion make Kaine’s involvement highly unlikely?

Thanks for this. First, I think you meant 'Kyron was dropped off . ., instead of Kaine. LOL

I would ask what car he was driving. There are many possibilities depending on what time he would have left for the office and what time TH returned home. But if he left soon after TH and she was driving the truck that means he was driving the Mustang.

Now I don't have a link so throw out some salt. But it has been said by several that TH was seen driving the Musting on SI that morning. We know that Kaine worked at home in the afternoon. What time he returned home is ???

That means TH would have had to return to the house to change cars in the morning. That puts me in limbo as this is something we don't know. We do know she was on the internet at 1pm on but that could have been from her cellie, right?

It is also very interesting about his email, saying Kyron went missing between 9 and 9:30. I don't know what LE has confirmed about that. The moment I read his email I thought it was going to come back to haunt him. IMO

Well, it's a start.
With all due respect, I thought that unless someone was named etc in the MSM or LE per TOS of WS, as being looked at like TH has been, the family is to be treated as the victims.:angel:

I pray with all my heart everday that Kyron will be reunited with his family soon.:praying::praying::praying::praying:

I defnitely feel the family should be treated with respect and treated as victims. But we also need to rule out anyone with a relationship/access to Kyron. Especially someone as close as his dad. I don't think we're doing anything disrespectful by simply backing up a few facts and issues. It's no different than what LE would do. And not much different from what TH is going through. She has possibly been involved in some misleading information w le etc...but nothing has really been stated as FACT by LE. And nothing has been stated as FACT by LE with Kaine either. I see it as just ruling someone out. This is a very tough and confusing case with many twists. While I don't condone TH possibly not being open with LE, it does take two (or more) in a marriage for problems/issues to erupt. Let's just take a look at both sides. :angel:
I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to start this thread. It's normal sleuthing to systematically check up on all people associated with the missing person. So far in this case the only person we have forcused on , along with LE, is TH. BUT what do we have to go on with Kaine? Well we know he was working on that Friday but that he was also home early enough to accompany TH to the bus stop. As for the email he sent out, I'm assuming (yes I know) he was relaying information he got from TH? I'm concerned, at this point, with the control issue I feel Kaine has shown (media etc). Perhaps there is more to look into with him. Should we make a list of things we want to know and then start looking into it? Something to go on as an outline first might be easier then we can break it down to find information to back it up?

Great thread btw. :)

Me too, although I thought we were told not to sleuth family members. We need to clarify that it is within TOS - especially since we are posting here. :eek:
This thread is closed for review.

We are not sleuthing family members. We can discuss information released by the main stream media regarding TH only at this time.

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Kaine is off limits for sleuthing but not for discussing his behavior.

We sleuth case players all the time. What we do differently is we do not allow sleuthing of just anyone and we do not allow personal info to be posted that is not in any sense related to the case.

Be sure that information you provide in your posts can be backed up with MSM links. We are not allowed to bash or make wild assumptions about this family. They deserve the benefit of the doubt that they are grieving about Kyron more than any one of us.
IMO Kaines behavious is just as ODD as Terris is.... please let's all remember Kaine also "hit the gym" with Terri.... not that I find that odd personally, but I do know alot of readers of this case have a problem with Terri "hitting the gym".

His email was very controlling.

His request of the media is very controlling.
I would like to be able to reasonably conclude that its highly unlikely Kaine was involved in Kyron's disappearance. So far, I can’t find many reported facts to reduce the possibility of Kaine’s involvement.

The media is clearly pointing the finger of suspicion at Terri Horman and not at Kaine. It seems this pattern started early when the media applied a double standard in its reporting of Terri and Kaine’s joint work out at the gym. The media used this as an indication of Terri’s indifference to Kyron’s disappearance, while seemingly giving Kaine a pass.

As a university graduate and software engineer, Kaine would likely have “branch-predicted” (his expression) that the finger of suspicion would quickly fall on the "step"- mother, especially as she was the person who “dropped Kyron off.”

What bugs me is why Kaine stated in his email to Intel colleagues on June 6 that Kaine was “dropped off at school at 8.45am”…when this is inconsistent with other people seeing him at school as early as 8.15 am.

Moreover in the same email, how did Kaine know the child “went missing between (8.45) and 9 to 9.30am?”

LE will have presumably verified Kaine’s arrival at Intel that Friday. I wonder if his arrival at Intel was early enough to rule out Kaine if the child went missing at 8.15, and not at 9am as they first thought based on the alleged sighting of Kyron’s desk-mate. (School to Intel campus is about 8 to 9 miles per Google Maps - see Kyron reference forum for maps)

I also wonder if LE have been able to verify that Kayne was present at Intel all morning. And how would Kaine be able to provide himself with an alibi for his drive home?

What facts am I missing that in your opinion make Kaine’s involvement highly unlikely?

Wow, I hadn't put it all together that way. I don't know of anything that refutes your points but that is mostly because LE has not released much info at all.

If they verified that KH was at Intel, I also wonder how they did so. Was it based just on his computer activity or was it based on witness reports?

I ask because I have a friend who is a tech guy. He had to once verify that another employee was actually on the premises working for an internal investigation (not a criminal investigation). At first, the other employee looked fine. His computer showed Web activity during the periods they were investigating. That was appropriate because his job entailed a lot of Web activity.

But my friend got a little itchy about it all. Something about it just didn't feel right. So he did some more looking and discovered that the employee had written a little program that pinged certain websites on a random schedule of minutes (chosen between something like 1 minute and 15 minutes). All this activity looked legit but once they examined what the employee's actual activity was, it all fell apart.

It turned out that the guy was logging onto his work computer, turning on his little program and then going to get a couple hours' extra sleep in his office closet.
I have no facts point that Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance...there are some questionable actions that point to his involvement though..IMO..
Thanks for this. First, I think you meant 'Kyron was dropped off . ., instead of Kaine. LOL

I would ask what car he was driving. There are many possibilities depending on what time he would have left for the office and what time TH returned home. But if he left soon after TH and she was driving the truck that means he was driving the Mustang.

Now I don't have a link so throw out some salt. But it has been said by several that TH was seen driving the Musting on SI that morning. We know that Kaine worked at home in the afternoon. What time he returned home is ???

That means TH would have had to return to the house to change cars in the morning. That puts me in limbo as this is something we don't know. We do know she was on the internet at 1pm on but that could have been from her cellie, right?

It is also very interesting about his email, saying Kyron went missing between 9 and 9:30. I don't know what LE has confirmed about that. The moment I read his email I thought it was going to come back to haunt him. IMO

Well, it's a start.

Was there ever an explanation given by the media as to why the two switched vehicles that morning? It has been speculated on here that Terri needed the truck to transport Kyron's project, I think. So, when were they supposed to switch vehicles again, if in fact they did. I think it is interesting that it was reported by media that a friend said Terri told her that she had done everything that Kaine had told her to do from the beginning of this case. I know that is hearsay, but so much we hear in the media is hearsay or totally erroneous information about this case. I agree with others that Kaine's behavior has been somewhat suspicious.
answering a part of Oxymoran's post:

I'm not particularly bothered by timeline issues in the June 6 e-mail on kaine's part. IMO, at that point, he's just writing what he's been told as of June 6th would be the likely timeline.

Kaine is told by Terri:
We arrived at school at 8:15. I spent about a 1/2 hour with him at the science fair and left him in the hallway of his classroom around 8:45. (Kaine, the engineer, equates this with "dropping off Kyron at 8:45".)

As for the 9-9:30 gone missing statement - these are probably the times initially worked out by the school and the parents and LE as their first take on putting a timeline together.

There was something about Kaine's behavior during the first family press conference that didn't sit right with me. TH was glancing "furtively" around with her eyes and rubbing her arms for self-assurance with "I can do this, I can do this" behavior. Kaine seemed to be freaked out - but in a "I have to control this situation" kind of way. He just seemed more focused on making the presentation than on the fact Kyron was missing. It just struck me as odd. I apologize in advance if neither are involved in any way, but I learned a long time ago to never ignore my first feelings - that I can't ignore them.
"What facts point to Kaine's lack of involvement in Kyron's disappearance?"

For me, the fact that he left TH when he felt she wasn't cooperating with LE. And he took his baby girl to protect her.
answering a part of Oxymoran's post:

I'm not particularly bothered by timeline issues in the June 6 e-mail on kaine's part. IMO, at that point, he's just writing what he's been told as of June 6th would be the likely timeline.

Kaine is told by Terri:
We arrived at school at 8:15. I spent about a 1/2 hour with him at the science fair and left him in the hallway of his classroom around 8:45. (Kaine, the engineer, equates this with "dropping off Kyron at 8:45".)

As for the 9-9:30 gone missing statement - these are probably the times initially worked out by the school and the parents and LE as their first take on putting a timeline together.

As for the 9-9:30 gone missing statement

He said Kyron was missing 9- 9:30?
As for the 9-9:30 gone missing statement

He said Kyron was missing 9- 9:30?

see Oxymoran's original post here. I was quoting her. I just assumed she was looking at Kaine's June 6 e-mail when she quoted him.
There have been some red flags in Kaine's press appearances for me that made me feel he wasn't being completely truthful, but I expect that some of them could be explained by him having doubts about his wife that he wasn't willing or able to disclose.

I suppose I just want to believe that LE has some kind of clue and so far it looks like they've focused on Terri, not Kaine. Maybe they could have planned something together but how long would she keep quiet about his role when she gets all the blame and the relationship turned sour?

I can more easily explain the divorce and the RO and the latest press conference on the basis of suspecting her but if he knew he did it all along and yet hopped on the blame Terri bandwagon that's pretty cold. If anybody plans to hurt his child and frame his spouse for it that is so diabolical I'm not willing to go there right now, not without evidence anyway.
I honestly don't feel LE has cleared him or anyone else on this case. As for this weeks festivities, I think they have been watching from the sidelines with close interest.

My own personal opinion: Kaines behavior this week does not give me the warm fuzzies.

The precious few facts that anyone outside of LE are aware of right now, make it very hard to really clear or suspect anyone.
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