What happened to Isabel Celis?

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DNA Solves

What happened to Isa?

  • Isabel was abducted from home by a RSO or stranger but is safe and being held somewhere unknown

    Votes: 3 0.9%
  • Isabel was abducted from her home by a RSO or stranger who murdered her and hid the body.

    Votes: 47 14.2%
  • Isabel was taken by members of a drug cartel in retaliation for an unpaid drug debt and she is aliv

    Votes: 5 1.5%
  • Isabel was taken by members of a drug cartel and murdered in retaliation for an unpaid drug debt.

    Votes: 7 2.1%
  • Isabel was taken from her home by an extended family member or friend and is in a known location to

    Votes: 13 3.9%
  • Isabel was taken from home by extended family or friend and is in a location unknown to parents.

    Votes: 45 13.6%
  • Isabel was accidentally killed by one of her parents, and they are both involved in a cover-up.

    Votes: 54 16.4%
  • Isabel was accidentally killed by one of her brothers, and the parents are involved in a cover-up.

    Votes: 17 5.2%
  • One of Isabel's parents murdered the little girl, and both parents are involved in a cover-up.

    Votes: 67 20.3%
  • One of Isabel's brothers murdered the little girl, and the parents are involved in a cover-up.

    Votes: 6 1.8%
  • Isabel's parents arranged to have her abducted from their home as part of a money-making scheme.

    Votes: 12 3.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 54 16.4%

  • Total voters
IMO, the father was doing a bad acting job each time he went public, then CPS separated him from the children, and he agreed to it. Most people, at a time like that, would not have agreed.
The mother is also off in her behavior. Hard to peg her, but I think it is a cover-up by her.
My hope is that one day, one of the boys will come forward, and tell what was going on in that house.
One last thing, if also seemed odd to me that extended family did not speak out. An hispanic friend, told me 'no way, they would be screaming from the rooftops', it's the hispanic way, in her opinion. That sealed the case for her, that something the whole family knows or are involved in, drug-trafficing, something illegal sexually, etc....
If I was to choose "Isabel was accidentally killed by one of her brothers, and the parents are involved in a cover-up." is that going to get me into trouble? The boys are/were minors and have never been suggested by LE as POI...

I thought WS rules prohibited us from pointing fingers at minors, and non-POIs? Is it different if it is a poll?
I voted for one parent did it and both parents are covering up. I dont think the brothers knew anything although may know by now. I found it very strange that the father was chuckling during the 911 call as if she was just playing hide and seek. He was just a little too relaxed under the circumstances. The mother is also rather odd.

Their reluctance to do any media appearances especially at the beginning didn't make any sense to me considering how many parents run to the media and beg for their child to be returned. I felt like they took forever to do that. And when they did their mannerisms and body language was all off. I hope to god Im wrong about all these wild assumptions... and the beautiful little girl is found well and happy. Although now that its taken so long Im loosing hope:-(
Which of the following best describes your current position on what happened to 6-year-old Isabel Celis who went missing from her home in Tuscon, AZ on April 20?

Submitted by BetteDavisEyes

I feel both parents r involved, and something happened in that shower which is why LE took shower curtain into evidence. Jmmho
1. I think the uncle and the dad was in a child ring making video type thing, and thats what would go on in the red car. And she didnt want to do it anymore and was becoming uncoprative. Started talking more. Mb said she was going to tell.
2. The uncle and dad were in the huge drug world, and she was "taken" and why he was acting funny cause he was guilty cause drug dealers warned them.

These are the 2 I think the neighbor heard early that morning. I am meaning the STEP uncle the one that made them call him uncle.
If they had the phones tapped and cell records I bet you would be able to figure this one out hopefully they did and we just don't know about it...
Parents are innocent.

Someone close to them though.

I am still convinced the parents are innocent.

However the cousin or uncle that stayed with them for months is suspect for me and I believe this is the family member that has hired a lawyer which I find highly suspicious.

In 18 months the Celis family has never hire an attorney but they have hired a PI to look for Isa.

I just hope she wasn't offered up to settle a drug debt that this family member may have had.:(

I am so glad though that the Celis' still try to keep Isa's case in the media.
I feel both parents r involved, and something happened in that shower which is why LE took shower curtain into evidence. Jmmho

They took it out of the abandoned car because it had a reddish stain on it. If it had been Isa's blood there would have been an arrest. Lots of people throw shower curtains in the trunk to lay plants on so the trunk doesn't get dirty or use them to spread out on the ground when sitting in a park or it could have been old paint if it was used as a drop cloth, etc.

I don't think they found one thing pointing to the Celis family. They did find an unidentified fingerprint on the open window though.

Hopefully one day they will be able to find the suspect so they can match that fingerprint up.

I voted for one parent did it and both parents are covering up. I dont think the brothers knew anything although may know by now. I found it very strange that the father was chuckling during the 911 call as if she was just playing hide and seek. He was just a little too relaxed under the circumstances. The mother is also rather odd.

Their reluctance to do any media appearances especially at the beginning didn't make any sense to me considering how many parents run to the media and beg for their child to be returned. I felt like they took forever to do that. And when they did their mannerisms and body language was all off. I hope to god Im wrong about all these wild assumptions... and the beautiful little girl is found well and happy. Although now that its taken so long Im loosing hope:-(

If you think his nervous chuckle is odd then you haven't heard odd unless you have already seen this.

Listen to this 911 call by a mother who found her son dead and his head decapitated.

She had absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the man who murdered him has been convicted and sent to prison for life. Oh but everyone in Ohio was just sure this mother had something to do with her son's death because she doesn't chuckle but laughs out loud. When in truthfulness she just couldn't grasp what was happening.

There is no correct way for people to act on 911 calls. I think Sergio really felt the police would come and find Isa somewhere in the neighborhood.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTzMj4Q4mhM"]Mom Finds Beheaded Son, Calmly Calls 911 - YouTube[/ame]
On HLN last night parents are speaking out about a relative they think "knows something".
I think that if I had a relative that might "know something" about my missing daughter, that relative would either be talking or not able to talk because of the beating that I would put on them...just sayin'
Has there been any news about Isabel?
I think that if I had a relative that might "know something" about my missing daughter, that relative would either be talking or not able to talk because of the beating that I would put on them...just sayin'
I agree with that. And that is why I think dad is lying. I think its a ploy to again get the focus on anyone else but them. That has always been their only focus. Kinda like the Mccanns.

Becky sold me on her death when she finally spoke after weeks hiding out at home rather than search for her child... When....she said the reason they did not speak out was that they were "greiving". You greive when your child is dead. Missing children can be found. She told us the truth in that moment.

And.. they were in the news again his past week since cops have camped out again in the area to try to get new leads by going door to door....

Below what the mom and dad said to the news. Note how the main concern is about getting the focus off of them and not about finding their child. No talk of how grateful they are that the cops are looking again.

and yes... this is what they said. as jumbled and rambling as it looks. Becky especially sounded like she was stressed.... but not stressed about her child missing, but that the cops were back....

so what I have below is what they said word for word as odd as it is.

So, imagine your child is missing, the horror of what they may be going thru (im pretending for a moment she is missing as they claim but I believe she is dead)

This was what they had to say.

BECKY: It’s a good thing.. It’s a thing that you know and you see them and you know that there are gonna.. they are trying um im hoping that what.. yah know that’s the thought that they are trying and trying to get what they need out of this and so it’s a positive but has a negative effect too, it does bring back the memories of the whole thing.

SERGIO: "We have a lot of questions that aren't answered, a lot of things that we wish we could just close the book on. But until then, there's so many things that are left so wide open. You know, they did so much digging right here right here, in our house, right here between me and Becky, into our family, you know, we have already been stripped away from our little daughter and we were violated all over again. And we're hoping that this time around maybe someone else can get the attention. And maybe that, you know, all that strength, and all that force, can go somewhere else and we can really get down to a lot of answers,"
1. Dad laughed on the 911 call. Reminds me of how the McCanns laughed and smiled 4 days after Madeline was “kidnapped” on what would have been her birthday. Yes, their website that is all about discrediting and/or explaining the evidence or their behavior stated it was because balloons flew in their face. Sorry, balloons in my face will not crack me up and leave me smiling for some time if my child has been taken. NOTHING IS FUNNY! I would be horrified at what could be happening to him.
2. The parents did not search. Instead hid out for 2 weeks. Mom later claims they were “grieving”. If you lose your child in the store, would you and go home and grieve? OR… would you fanatically search and not give up?
a. Again, grieving…… this is done when the child is deceased. Not when you just discovered her missing. You do not grieve at this point. You search!
3. Parents stated Isabel ALWAYS slept with her brothers. Yet dad states he first went to her room to wake her up… then when she was not there, he then checked her brothers room.
a. If she always slept with them, he would have checked their rooms first.
4. Mom stated she left for work at about 6:47 which would mean that at 6:30am when the neighbor heard both her dogs and the Celis’s dogs “going crazy barking and men’s voices talking” (the time was confirmed because she said it was so early, she right away looked at her clock curious what time it was as it was the weekend) she would have been awake as she would be about ready to leave for work. The whole family claims they heard “nothing”. If your dogs are barking at that hour, with the rest of the house asleep, you would know. Plus the neighbor said it was not a usual bark but seemed more like a frantic one.
a. Also, her brothers rooms also have windows on the same wall of the house near Isabel’s. If their 3 dogs were frantically barking, they would have woken up.
i. For those that want to argue that teen boys can sleep through anything… I have a teenage step son. He can sleep through my son running around the house making loud noises, blaring tv and music… but our neighbors dog is always on the side of the house by the bedroom window of the room he sleeps in when he is at our house. The distance is about the same as the one from the neighbors to the Celiss home…..and if that dog is barking over something as simple as someone parked out front, it wakes him up every time. And that is the dog next door not right under the window and I think the Celis family had 3 dogs and the neighbor 2. So we have about 5 dogs barking? I think not.
5. They also stated that their dogs were kept inside. But the neighbor said the dogs were usually outside and it was obvious by how loud the dogs were, that they were in fact outside right by Isabel’s bedroom window which is just feet from the neighbors own bedroom window. If the dogs had been inside, it is likely the neighbor would not have heard them at all.
6. Blood was found in Isabel’s room and the parents have since re-painted it. This is alarming 2 levels. First, if she was kidnapped, there may be some evidence still in that room. Changing anything would remove any chance of finding anything additional. Second, innocent parents refuse to change their kids rooms, instead it becomes more of a shrine until they return.
7. Becky’s facebook page looks more like a normal happy family than one dealing with the kidnapping of one of their precious kids. She does post things about Isabel (I think more for show) but most of it is about fun times with the family. They have clearly moved on. This is not what normal families do. Check it out for yourself (she is under Rebecca Celis).
8. There has been a lot of rumor about something being written on Isabels door frame. Others have said there was nothing. But from what I read, the police took that piece of the door frame as evidence. If there was nothing there, they would not have cut it off and taken it as evidence.
9. And last but not least, the father was asked to leave the home. I don’t recall any other abduction case where this occurred.
If you think his nervous chuckle is odd then you haven't heard odd unless you have already seen this.

Listen to this 911 call by a mother who found her son dead and his head decapitated.

She had absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the man who murdered him has been convicted and sent to prison for life. Oh but everyone in Ohio was just sure this mother had something to do with her son's death because she doesn't chuckle but laughs out loud. When in truthfulness she just couldn't grasp what was happening.

There is no correct way for people to act on 911 calls. I think Sergio really felt the police would come and find Isa somewhere in the neighborhood.

Mom Finds Beheaded Son, Calmly Calls 911 - YouTube

I had not previously heard about this case and read up on it.
There is very little information out there…… And while does seem very clear that the mother did not do this…. I still am concerned by the laugh. Which I did not hear as only a small clip was left of the call that I could find.
But that even seemed more like she was calling in to report a kid spray painting a wall.

However, if that was the only odd behavior, there may be another factor.
But with Becky and Sergio, there was not just the laugh on the 911 call. There were many other factors that to me lead to their guilt.
And for parents that do not seem to show the level of concern as us normal parents do, I think there are 2 reason:
1. They were abusive parents or did not enjoy their child. There may be some relief to be rid of them even if they are not personally responsible.
2. They were responsible.
My husbands mother is very cold. 2 weeks after her oldest daughter was killed in a car bombing (she was helping women in Afghanstan) when someone said to her they were sorry for her loss. She replied “oh, I am fine. I have already come to terms with it”.
I remember being so completely shocked. Especially as a mother now myself, I am not sure I could go on if I lost my son. Must less would I be fine in 2 weeks.
As it was, my husband could barely get out of bed. I had to force him to eat. He just cried and slept. Even to this day (7 years later) her name, a song she liked or any memory brings him to tears. His mother never shed a tear. Even at the funeral. She never shed a tear.
Now, this mother….. if you can call her that gave birth to 11 kids with 6 different men. She was never loving to any of them. She was abusive and often left them with family and even strangers for months at a time. My son, her grandson sees her as a stranger still to this day and he is 6. She does not feel like a “grandmother”. When we see her, sometimes my husband will tell him to give her a hug and my son always looks at me and asks “do I have to”.

So my point is that in this case, while she was clearly not the car bomber that killed her daughter, she did not care for her kids or ensure their safety and I honestly believe based on all that I have learned about her over the years and the horrible things she did and allowed others to do was that she did not love her kids and losing them was not devestating as it would be for a normal parent.

But with Sergio, while he may not have personally been responsible, I think he does know what happened and I do think there was some abuse in that home. They do not act like parents that are trying to bring their little girl home.
So the laugh alone may not be enough, but it was the other factors in the case that convinced me of their guilt.
So I still stand by the fact that they were involved.
They never searched
They spoke of her in the past tense early on
They repainted her room

There was more to it, but those were some of the basics.
Too many concerning factors in this case.
I had not previously heard about this case and read up on it.
There is very little information out there…… And while does seem very clear that the mother did not do this…. I still am concerned by the laugh. Which I did not hear as only a small clip was left of the call that I could find.
But that even seemed more like she was calling in to report a kid spray painting a wall.

However, if that was the only odd behavior, there may be another factor.
But with Becky and Sergio, there was not just the laugh on the 911 call. There were many other factors that to me lead to their guilt.
And for parents that do not seem to show the level of concern as us normal parents do, I think there are 2 reason:
1. They were abusive parents or did not enjoy their child. There may be some relief to be rid of them even if they are not personally responsible.
2. They were responsible.
My husbands mother is very cold. 2 weeks after her oldest daughter was killed in a car bombing (she was helping women in Afghanstan) when someone said to her they were sorry for her loss. She replied “oh, I am fine. I have already come to terms with it”.
I remember being so completely shocked. Especially as a mother now myself, I am not sure I could go on if I lost my son. Must less would I be fine in 2 weeks.
As it was, my husband could barely get out of bed. I had to force him to eat. He just cried and slept. Even to this day (7 years later) her name, a song she liked or any memory brings him to tears. His mother never shed a tear. Even at the funeral. She never shed a tear.
Now, this mother….. if you can call her that gave birth to 11 kids with 6 different men. She was never loving to any of them. She was abusive and often left them with family and even strangers for months at a time. My son, her grandson sees her as a stranger still to this day and he is 6. She does not feel like a “grandmother”. When we see her, sometimes my husband will tell him to give her a hug and my son always looks at me and asks “do I have to”.

So my point is that in this case, while she was clearly not the car bomber that killed her daughter, she did not care for her kids or ensure their safety and I honestly believe based on all that I have learned about her over the years and the horrible things she did and allowed others to do was that she did not love her kids and losing them was not devestating as it would be for a normal parent.

But with Sergio, while he may not have personally been responsible, I think he does know what happened and I do think there was some abuse in that home. They do not act like parents that are trying to bring their little girl home.
So the laugh alone may not be enough, but it was the other factors in the case that convinced me of their guilt.
So I still stand by the fact that they were involved.
They never searched
They spoke of her in the past tense early on
They repainted her room

There was more to it, but those were some of the basics.
Too many concerning factors in this case.

There is absolutely no evidence that Isa's parents were abusive to her. Imo, they both doted on her because she was their youngest child and only daughter.
Everyone that worked closely with Sergio said he has always been an outstanding father.

It is not uncommon for parents not to search. Sierra Lamar never searched for her daughter either but was very involved in putting up and handing out fliers as the Celis parents have done.

I have found in the past 12 years of being on Crime Message boards it is best to not judge others by what "I' would do or how they act or how "I" think they must act to meet my approval. I cant remember one missing child case where the parents weren't seen as suspicious and did not meet the approval of the internet masses. Yet many of those parents who were unmercifully criticized too were not the ones who had harmed their children whatsoever and didn't know the person WHO DID.

It seems to have become commonplace with internet chatter for the majority to see suspicion in all parents....even innocent ones.

I gather from all I have read that the Celis parents were very loving to all of their children and their lives revolved around them.

There is no fact to your statement:"So I still stand by the fact that they were involved." Facts are supported by evidence .....not speculation.

Marlene Lamar also spoke in past tense very early on before they found Sierra's killer and so did Ed Smart and other innocent parents. They were both innocent so speaking in past tense is no evidence of guilt. Mental health doctors have spoken out before about this very subject and said it is because the child is not with the parents or parent where the parents know they should be when they speak. Nothing sinister about it.

They did not paint her room and give it to one of the boys. They painted ISA's bedroom into things she liked and colors she loves so it would be pretty for her when she returned. They didn't make her room into a den. It is still Isa's room and in girly colors she loved.

I do not believe the parents of Isa had one thing to do with her disappearance. They think a family member knows but imo they don't. They think this because they cling to hope she is alive.

I have always felt, like in a lot of other child abduction cases, it is someone that saw her and lived in the neighborhood or visited there. Maybe even pretending to befriend her parents in order to know the layout of her home.

The dogs barking mean nothing. When Joe Duncan came inside the Greone home and murdered three and kidnapped Shasta and Dylan he knew there were two large pit bulls INSIDE the home. He was ready to kill them too he told Shasta but all they did was whimper and get under the dining room table and hide the entire time.

When Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped from her grandparents home she had a dog sleeping in the bed with her. It never made a sound and John Couey was able to remove her from the home undetected.

I don't believe the dogs barking outside later on after Rebecca had put them out that morning had anything to do with Isa. I think she had been kidnapped when it was in the middle of the night and dark..like most abductors do.

On Nancy Grace show Cold Cases she featured Isabelle Celis case and Nancy stated that there was a eye witness that someone came forward and reported they saw a man chasing a young girl. This is the only time I have heard this stated and it was by Nancy Grace.
This child (and Lisa Irwin) have been on my mind today for some reason.......

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