What Happened to the Stines?

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Aug 14, 2003
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Where are the Stines?

Do they still live in Atlanta?

Did they move to Michigan?

Did the Ramseys abandon them after Susan's fallout with the law?

Does anyone think that they are never mentioned, as the political opponents may jump on them for their friendship with Susan, who has been caught impersonating a police officer?

Since I am of the belief that the political opponents of John Ramsey will try to dig up the dirt on the Ramseys, I suggest they read DOI and see what Patsy and Susan did as a "joke". I refer of course to the infamous phone call made to a reporter's wife, stating he was having an affair. I refer to the comments made that it was just a hilarious experience for the two "girls". Unfortunately, I don't think the poor reporter's wife was amused.

I suggest the citizens of Charlevoix read ALL the forums so that they may really see the dysfunction of the Ramseys and the myriad of lies and suspicious behaviors following the murder of their daughter.

Since it is obvious that Charlevoix residents will be looking at the internet for Ramsey related articles, etc., if you are reading here, please visit www.ACandyRose.com for the most informative information and background on the Ramseys.
Barbara said:
Where are the Stines?

Do they still live in Atlanta?

Did they move to Michigan?

Did the Ramseys abandon them after Susan's fallout with the law?

Does anyone think that they are never mentioned, as the political opponents may jump on them for their friendship with Susan, who has been caught impersonating a police officer?

Since I am of the belief that the political opponents of John Ramsey will try to dig up the dirt on the Ramseys, I suggest they read DOI and see what Patsy and Susan did as a "joke". I refer of course to the infamous phone call made to a reporter's wife, stating he was having an affair. I refer to the comments made that it was just a hilarious experience for the two "girls". Unfortunately, I don't think the poor reporter's wife was amused.

I suggest the citizens of Charlevoix read ALL the forums so that they may really see the dysfunction of the Ramseys and the myriad of lies and suspicious behaviors following the murder of their daughter.

Since it is obvious that Charlevoix residents will be looking at the internet for Ramsey related articles, etc., if you are reading here, please visit www.ACandyRose.com for the most informative information and background on the Ramseys.

I was surprised that Patsy put that infamous account in DOI--- at the time I read the book I was in denial about Patsy's writing the RN. Of course now I know the difference :eek:

Your correct about Candy Rose-- she has lots of goodies.

I have a large collection of JB and Family pic i need to get onlinebut, really don't have time yanno?
Was it Susan Stine who sprayed her garbage bags with salmon fish oil? I wonder if fish will fall from the sky during John's political rally. Maybe not. Patsy might think there is a religious significance to the falling walleye's. Anyhoo, we all know Susan Stine and Patsy are no :angel: :angel: 's.
Barbara said:
I suggest they read DOI and see what Patsy and Susan did as a "joke". I refer of course to the infamous phone call made to a reporter's wife, stating he was having an affair.

I suggest the citizens of Charlevoix read ALL the forums so that they may really see the dysfunction of the Ramseys and the myriad of lies and suspicious behaviors following the murder of their daughter.
People who throw mud for a living shouldn't be surprized when some occasionally comes back their direction. Reminds me of Jenny Jones. She was testifying at the trial regarding the death of a former guest of her's at the hands of another guest. When aggressively questioned by the prosecuting attorney she protested to the judge who indicated she had to answer what was put forth to her.
Yeah, Patsy Ramsey and Susan Stine really crack me up. I have always wondered about their friendship.
It was a really stupid thing for Susan to pretend she was Mark Beckner. In my opinion, Patsy had to pretty upset with her for that. I wonder if they are still friends.
I think the Stines are in a corner, in a fetal postion, looking out at the world through splayed fingers.

Or at least they should be.
I think that phoning a woman to tell her (falsely) that her husband is having an affair is sick. It cannot be justified on any basis. I understand that the husband in question was a tabloid editor and that the tabloid had printed anti-Ramsey stories.

So why cause anguish to his wife? Did she deserve to be "punished"? Had she personally done anything to upset Patsy Ramsey and Susan Stine?

I can't believe that two grown and supposedly Christian women did this for "fun" and that many months afterwards, one of the bragged about it in a book.

I hadn't given it much thought before, but having considered it, it does rather portray a side of Patsy Ramsey that makes one go "Hmmm". Obviously Susan Stine is a dangerous person - I think that was apparent from the Beckner e-mails.
I agree Jayelles! No matter what Tony Frost wrote about the Ramsey's...his wife was innocent. However Patsy and Susan thought the joke was soooooo funny, heck let's put it in a book!

One thing I did get out of DOI...was the Ramsey's thirst for revenge over and over, while proclaiming what wonderful Christians they are.

Remember the reporters, and John encouraging his workers to bombard the reporters with waterballoons?
On the irresponsibility of Patsy and Stine. They knew nothing about Tony Frost's wife. Supposing she was ill - maybe even terminally ill? Or supposing she had (wrongly) suspected that her husband was having an affair and that she was deeply unhappy about it. A prank phone call of this nature might be enough to send her over the edge.

I simply cannot imagine what the "girls" were hoping to achieve from such a prank - except to cause trouble and a lot of potential heartache to someone who hadn't personaly done them any wrong.

The more I think about this, the more I think it is a cruel and vicious act and it makes me wonder about the mentality of anyone who could 1) carry it out in the first instance let alone 2) brag about it in a book LONG after they had time to reflect about it.

My thoughts about Patsy just took a nose-dive.
Jayelles said:
On the irresponsibility of Patsy and Stine. They knew nothing about Tony Frost's wife. Supposing she was ill - maybe even terminally ill? Or supposing she had (wrongly) suspected that her husband was having an affair and that she was deeply unhappy about it. A prank phone call of this nature might be enough to send her over the edge.

I simply cannot imagine what the "girls" were hoping to achieve from such a prank - except to cause trouble and a lot of potential heartache to someone who hadn't personaly done them any wrong.

The more I think about this, the more I think it is a cruel and vicious act and it makes me wonder about the mentality of anyone who could 1) carry it out in the first instance let alone 2) brag about it in a book LONG after they had time to reflect about it.

My thoughts about Patsy just took a nose-dive.


When I first heard this story and really bitched and freaked about it, there were some who thought I was overreacting to the "prank". For those of us who have been in that situation, we can recognize the painful nature of this sort of thing immediately. For others, it takes a little longer.

I had an ex husband who had cheated (notice the ex) and there is nothing quite so painful as to hear that kind of news. For someone like Patsy, who was aware of the adultery of John and knew of John's mistress, not only should she have known better initially, but after reflection, continued to BRAG about it in a book is beyond my understanding.

This is one of the many reasons, guilty or not, that Patsy Ramsey is anything BUT a true Christian or even a nice human being. Susan Stine.....well, don't even go there pal :)
Later one of our friends, who shall remain nameless, decided to give the Globe a taste of its own medicine. She had Globe editor Tony Frost's home number, which had come from that man's laminated card. Why not give him a call? After all, the editor of such a publication ought to talk with one of his fans, shouldn't he?

That evening the friend called his home and in a sweet feminine voice asked "Is Tony there?"

"No, he's not .... he's at the office." replied the woman who answered the phone.

"At the office? He's supposed to be here at my apartment."


"He told me he was going to be here by now," our friend said. "Is this Tony's mother?"

"No, I'm not his mother. I'm his wife!"

"His wife! He told me he wasn't married. I can't believe that! ..." with that she hung up.

Our friend wished she could have been a fly on the wall of the Frost home the next morning. I'll bet it was very frosty, indeed.

As we began to push back at the tabloids just a little, John and I began to loosen up slightly. Laughing helped us deal with the pain and regains some of our faculties.

DOI hardback p 157.

This is one of the anecdotes related in a chapter called "Laughter is the best medicine".

I paid little attention to this when I read the book. I do think Tony Frost is an unbearable prat, but did his wife (and possibly kids) deserve this?

Maybe the atmosphere was frosty the following morning, but was there tears? heartache? shouting? upset for the children? lingering suspicion?

To Patsy and her "friend" it was just a laugh. Utterly sick.
Jayelles said:
DOI hardback p 157.

This is one of the anecdotes related in a chapter called "Laughter is the best medicine".

I paid little attention to this when I read the book. I do think Tony Frost is an unbearable prat, but did his wife (and possibly kids) deserve this?

Maybe the atmosphere was frosty the following morning, but was there tears? heartache? shouting? upset for the children? lingering suspicion?

To Patsy and her "friend" it was just a laugh. Utterly sick.

Gee, and it could have been so much funnier if Frost's wife packed up herself and possibly children and left him while he was in the office that night. Those things do happen, and I can only assume, after Patsy's attitude about it all so long after the fact, that she and Susan Stine would have been laughing till this day.

Actually, maybe they do still laugh about it.

Yeah, that Patsy, what a gal! Somehow I just don't think she's good first lady material, despite her fantasy about Jackie Kennedy. What an *advertiser censored*!
I can't muster much sympathy for Frost's wife. She lives very well because of the lies and truth twisting her husband's newspaper engages in. I wonder how much thought she gave to the printing of stolen autopsy photos or when they tried to blackmail ST about his mother. Do you think she wrings her hands and worries when they call in false tips so they can report the police are investigating X, Y or Z? When she shops for clothes does she think about how many lives had to be damaged so she could buy that dress? I think she got a little taste of what her husband orders doled out to others on a daily basis.
Tipper, do you know everything your spouse does at work? Do you and your spouse talk about your jobs and everything that you do for the entire time you're there?

I doubt it. How do you know that TF's wife even knew what the tabloid was going to publish? I wonder how you would feel if someone crank called you and told you something painful about your spouse, or child that you later found out wasn't true.

What Patsy and Sue Stine did was horrible. I can't muster much sympathy, correct that, any sympathy for Patsy in this instance.
tipper said:
I can't muster much sympathy for Frost's wife. She lives very well because of the lies and truth twisting her husband's newspaper engages in. I wonder how much thought she gave to the printing of stolen autopsy photos or when they tried to blackmail ST about his mother. Do you think she wrings her hands and worries when they call in false tips so they can report the police are investigating X, Y or Z? When she shops for clothes does she think about how many lives had to be damaged so she could buy that dress? I think she got a little taste of what her husband orders doled out to others on a daily basis.

I'm very surprised (and more than a little disappointed) at your stance here. I wouldn't have thought you would have tried to justify such a low-aimed prank. Seriously. Frost is a smarmy git - of that there is no doubt, but his family shouldn't be made to suffer because of that. I doubt his wife and children have much say in what he does for a living. If the phone call caused trouble in the marriage - that means the WHOLE family - i.e. miserable kids. There are plenty of ways to hurt Frost without destroying his family. Why didn't the Ramseys sue him? They could have broken his bank balance without breaking his wife and childrens' hearts.

Think about it - if JonBenet's killer had a justifiable grievance against John Ramsey - would that make it OK? If her killer turned out to be someone that John Ramsey did the dirty on, should we say we have no sympathy for Patsy's loss then?

Where do we draw the line? I say there is NO justification for taking revenge at the family of the person who wronged you.

EDITED TO SAY:- We also have no idea of the Frost's relationship. Maybe his wife DID voice disgust at his magazine's reporting on the Ramsey case. Maybe she is a really sweet person who sees good in everyone (even smarmy gits) and who believes the Ramseys to be innocent of involvement in their daughter's death?
I didn't say I thought it was justified. I said I couldn't muster up much sympathy for Mrs. Frost. I have sympathy for the victims of the tabs, not the beneficiaries.

It was an adolescent stunt. We know Susan Stine engages in this sort of thing and we know Patsy has made some poor decisions. She made another one when she talked about it in the book.

The world would be a better place if we all meticulously followed the Golden Rule. Certainly the tabs wouldn't exist. It's possible Mrs. Frost is a combination of Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, and Pollyanna. But I think it's more likely she's a typical, rich wife in Florida. She knows how her husband makes his money. If she doesn't then they must not be speaking and so she probably doesn't care if a hundred "mistresses" call - so long as they don't disturb her bridge game.
In this we shall have to disagree on the basis that we know nothing about Mrs Frost. They could have married many years before he became a taboid editor and she may see him only as her husband and father of their children.

I see her only as a person who PERSONALLY did no harm to Patsy Ramsey. She didn't derserve to be the victim of a cruel prank.
tipper said:
I didn't say I thought it was justified. I said I couldn't muster up much sympathy for Mrs. Frost. I have sympathy for the victims of the tabs, not the beneficiaries.

It was an adolescent stunt. We know Susan Stine engages in this sort of thing and we know Patsy has made some poor decisions. She made another one when she talked about it in the book.

The world would be a better place if we all meticulously followed the Golden Rule. Certainly the tabs wouldn't exist. It's possible Mrs. Frost is a combination of Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, and Pollyanna. But I think it's more likely she's a typical, rich wife in Florida. She knows how her husband makes his money. If she doesn't then they must not be speaking and so she probably doesn't care if a hundred "mistresses" call - so long as they don't disturb her bridge game.

Wow, I too, am more than a little disappointed in your stance on this issue. It doesn't matter for purposes of this discussion if Tony Frost and his wife are the biggest scum on earth. This relates to Patsy's character or lack thereof

This is not an ADOLESCENT PRANK! This is a cruel, vengeful and more to the point the most UNCHRISTIAN thing a CHRISTIAN woman could have done to hurt a FAMILY, (not just Mr. and Mrs. Frost), but children and peripheral family who are not involved in writing tabloid articles.

I am sorely disappointed that you would refer to this as an adolescent prank, justified by you based on the fact that Susan Stine does these sorts of things all the time, and that for Patsy, it's a POOR DECISION?????!!!!!

The target of the "prank" is not the issue. It is the act of the "prank" that is at issue here and I cannot understand why people will never stop rationalizing the bad acts of the Ramseys.

I can only guess that you are not married, don't know anyone who has been hurt by accusations of adultery, or are just finding a way to excuse all the disgraceful things the Ramseys do while they preach Christianity and all the while, being quite vengeful. Tsk, tsk
Jayelles, what is a "git"? ( I get the "gist" of it but I'm still just curious what word it represents.)

Can anyone fill me in on the Susan Stine posing as Mark Beckner thing? Who did she call and email and what was she saying? Were charges filed against her? Thanks.

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