What if another parent from Skyline abducted Kyron?

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I did have a child that disappeared from line as we were waiting out in the hall for the bus. I had turned my head for some reason and the child was gone.

I was quite sure that the parent had taken the child, but took no chances.

I called every person on the list, and told them why I was calling.

The mother did get a hold of me eventually. She had taken the child while my head was turned. Should I have called the police? Now I think I would.

If a child is absent, because now we have no busing due to budget cuts and the parents transport, I call a parent once and leave a message , or if there is no phone, I document that as we have computer absence recording.

What should a teacher do if a parent has no phone and the contacts don't answer as well?

I'm just asking.

I am no longer in a classroom, thank goodness.

Well I agree you did the right thing, calling everyone. How scary. But yeah, I would call 911 also.

Now thats a good question Human, I really don't know what the school does if a student doesn't have a phone.
Yes, it didn't at first hearing Kaine state this make complete sense to me and the only logical reason I could think of was that the bus route goes that way regardless of whether Kyron is being dropped off or not, and that the bus driver clearly saw Kaine, Terri, and baby K standing there at the stop. thus the driver of course stopped because I'm sure at that point she was quite puzzled why they would be standing there waiting for Kyron when she knew he was not the bus...
So, put that way it does make sense to me...
Thanks for the answers, you guys.

But here's the thing. If no one else got off on the stop, and it's a dead end road, I suppose my question is why would the driver go down the street (if she did)?

I completely agree that if the route was there whether or not Kyron is on the bus, that to just blow past the parents without stopping would be rude, of course.

Does anyone have any way of finding out what the stops immediately before and after Kyron were? And would it be reasonable to drive past Kyron's stop even without Kyron there?

Thanks in advance.

Herding Cats
Thanks for the answers, you guys.

But here's the thing. If no one else got off on the stop, and it's a dead end road, I suppose my question is why would the driver go down the street (if she did)?

I completely agree that if the route was there whether or not Kyron is on the bus, that to just blow past the parents without stopping would be rude, of course.

Does anyone have any way of finding out what the stops immediately before and after Kyron were? And would it be reasonable to drive past Kyron's stop even without Kyron there?

Thanks in advance.

Herding Cats

Someone did look that up already, and yes, there is another stop further up the road, probably for his seat mate who also lives on that street and rode the bus with Kyron. That's the part you were missing.
I would hazard a guess that it wasn't totally uncommon for a child to forget their backpack and coat at school. Seeing a backpack and coat at the end of the day would not cause me any alarm. Kids are fogetful. I can't tell you how many coats my children left at school, and a few backpacks, especially over the weekend.

I work in a middle school where there are hooks all along the hallway for jackets etc... the kids also have lockers.. I cannot tell you how many jackets and coats and backpacks are left and never picked up....they are left hanging and announcements are made to get their stuff and they don't...it is then taken to the office and placed in boxes and after sometime if it is not claimed it goes to Goodwill.....rare is the occasion anyone ever goes searching for items like these...sometimes but it is rare. It is amazing to me that children go home with no jacket and nobody notices? Coats cost money and nobody notices they came home in the cold with no coat? I will never understand it.
Not aimed at you DairyGirl as I always enjoy your posts...not aimed at anyone as I realize kids forget things but over and over no coat in the winter?
Someone did look that up already, and yes, there is another stop further up the road, probably for his seat mate who also lives on that street and rode the bus with Kyron. That's the part you were missing.

Yep, now that makes sense. Thanks!

Herding Cats
I was a bit puzzled when Desiree mentioned that the school secretary had contacted her regarding Kyron's disappearance with step-mom apparently standing in the office. Where was Kaine at the time? I also wondered why Desiree, who lives 4+ hours away from Skyline, was listed as the contact person? Yes, she's Kyron's mother, but in case of an emergency situation where the parent/guardian needed to be there immediately, this did not make sense to me.

Was Kaine the primary contact in case of emergency? Who among the four parental units was authorized to approve emergency transport and/or treatment? Most schools want the contact person to be available very quickly in case the child is injured or taken ill and requires immediate removal from the school to be taken home or to hospital. jmo

I'm an anchor parent in a blended family myself, so I don't find this odd. I'm remarried and so is my ex-husband, and we live about 8 hours drive from each other. Our child lives with me, full physical custody. My name and my ex-husband's name are listed as her emergency contacts. My current husband and my ex's current wife are Ok'd to pick her up from school, but are not listed as emergency contacts. Because of the way the contact sheet was written, it was meant to agree to emergency medical care *in our absence* should it be necessary, like for the school to call an ambulance, etc... therefore both bio-parents (we share legal custody) had to sign.

Were my daughter to go missing at school, they would call me (bio-mom) and ex-h (bio-dad) and then work their way from there. Even though he's 8 hours away, he would still be informed. That makes sense to me. I mean clearly it works less well when it's "oh no, where is the child? let's call the contacts and ask!" but then that isn't a common scenario.
Well I agree you did the right thing, calling everyone. How scary. But yeah, I would call 911 also.

Now thats a good question Human, I really don't know what the school does if a student doesn't have a phone.

My Grandkids' elementary school has a parent liason employee who will come to the house if the phone isn't answered. They'll knock, and if no answer, she'll leave a note. It's a good thing to have, but I wasn't too thrilled with them after they did that to me several times for things that weren't an emergency or illness at all.
My Grandkids' elementary school has a parent liason employee who will come to the house if the phone isn't answered. They'll knock, and if no answer, she'll leave a note. It's a good thing to have, but I wasn't too thrilled with them after they did that to me several times for things that weren't an emergency or illness at all.

What a good service! My daughter's school has what we call 'robocalls' that report an absence, only the recorded calls can come in anywhere from 10am to 6pm that evening. Making them useless if you genuinely thought your child was in school and are just now finding out they were not. Also we had a district-wide rash of having the school recording accidentally call people in the middle of the night, whether the child was present or absent, so not sure how seriously people take them.
My Grandkids' elementary school has a parent liason employee who will come to the house if the phone isn't answered. They'll knock, and if no answer, she'll leave a note. It's a good thing to have, but I wasn't too thrilled with them after they did that to me several times for things that weren't an emergency or illness at all.

I am amazed that other places get volunteers for schools.

Where I live, people are working, or if they aren't, they have no transportation.

Or they have younger children at home.

I don't know why, but getting a volunteer is very hard where I live.
Thanks for the answers, you guys.

But here's the thing. If no one else got off on the stop, and it's a dead end road, I suppose my question is why would the driver go down the street (if she did)?

Herding Cats

The way bus routes work in areas like this is as follows:

People generally live in a home set far back on the property with a very long private driveway, at the end of which it intersects with the main road. This is where they would wait to catch the bus and get dropped off, the bus would never go down the private driveway itself. If you watch some of the videos of the Horman house, and see the gate, this is my guess as to where the the bus stops. It would then keep traveling it's route on the main road.
The parent of K*****, the other boy that did the tree-frog project, is the woman who was interviewed stating she believed Terri was innocent and that she had allowed her son to go bowling with Terri and family 5 days before the disappearance(There's a thread that is solely about her interview in this forum)...

... She is also the woman who just recently lost her husband in a car accident and was left to raise 5 boys all alone :-(

This mother also was NOT at the Science Fair that morning. Terri took a picture of this child in front of his Science Fair project in addition to taking a picture of Kyron in front of his.
Here's an interesting experiment: time yourself doing something simple. You may be amazed--I've done this, and I was. For example, I often eat NutriSystem meals, which take 1.5 minutes. I'm amazed at how much cleaning I can get done in kitchen in that time.

Respectfully snipped - I agree. I time some of the household tasks I dread doing. You will be surprised how little time a lot of them take - 5 minutes to unload and load the dishwasher, 7 minutes to pull a load of laundry from the dryer, less than 1 minute to make the bed.

My point is - it just takes a small window of time for a child to vanish into thin air
Yes that was puzzling to me also. Where was Kaine? I know that the school has emergency contact numbers with both parents, when there is a divorce. Well that is what they do here in NY. Even when my grandson was having trouble in Math they also called his father....I know my daughter would have called her ex immediately while enroute to the school. Why didn't Kaine call Desiree on the way to the school, he did say they rushed there when the bus driver said Kyron wasn't in school. I just can't figure this whole thing. We are missing something...JMO...


Most parents would be thinking even while panicking..."There has to be a mistake..." Comprehending that your child has been missing for 7 hours is not exactly easy.

After they got TO the school and realized he actually was missing... the police were called. The police told them that one parent would have to go back to the house. I am guessing that is where Kaine was when Desiree was called. Since Terri saw him at the school last, logically she would stay there. I think Kaine would have called after he got home, but she had already been contacted. Or, as he was leaving the school he might have told Terri to call Desiree and that is why the secretary was told to do so. He is so logical he may have immediately gone into "need to go get pictures of Kyron to give to the police" mode.

I always found it heartless that the school secretary called Desiree. Terri communicated with her regularly and should have done so that day as well. The only reason I wouldn't in that situation is if I knew that she would see right through whatever lie I was going to feed her.

My Dad and his ex wife and a horrible relationship complete with him having to "kidnap" the kids for scheduled visitations. However, when the youngest needed heart surgery my Dad's new wife was on the phone calling his ex wife before the doctor finished his sentence. That was her mother and that was all that mattered at that moment.

It ALWAYS struck me as odd is that Terri didn't immediately call Desiree, even before the police were called to ask if SHE had Kyron.

Now, obviously they would never actually believe Desiree or Tony would come and pick up Kyron in the middle of the day, hours before she was supposed to. But when the alternative is that your child has been missing for 7 hours... you would be hoping and praying that his biological mother did something totally out of character, or that you missed it when she said she would come get him early.

You would be calling Desiree and asking her if she had Kyron. Then if she didn't, you tell her Kyron is missing and the police get called. It's 30 extra seconds but that was never even asked of Desiree.

Desiree was informed Kyron was missing, she was never asked if she knew where he was.

This is one of the things that leads me to believe it was not an unrelated parent at Skyline. It is one of those "guilty knowledge" type things... or just a completely heartless "I don't care about this kid" type things.
I wouldn't call my ex if one of my kids hadn't gotten off the school bus. The school has a legal obligation to go down the list and contact all contacts. If my son didn't get off the school bus I wouldn't immediately think he was abducted, I'd think he missed the bus or had stayed too long in the school yard or something. The last thing I'd think after dropping my kid off at school in the morning would be that he was abducted during the day.

I'd actually be more suspicious of TH if she HAD called DY saying he was missing, because why would that be the first place your mind would go?
I have a question and I'm not sure where to ask it, so I'll put it here because it mentions Skyline School. I would like to know if the parents whose childen attend school there are nervous to let their kids go back? I'm thinking I would be nervous simply because we know nothing at the moment as to where this little guy is.
I wouldn't call my ex if one of my kids hadn't gotten off the school bus. The school has a legal obligation to go down the list and contact all contacts. If my son didn't get off the school bus I wouldn't immediately think he was abducted, I'd think he missed the bus or had stayed too long in the school yard or something. The last thing I'd think after dropping my kid off at school in the morning would be that he was abducted during the day.

I'd actually be more suspicious of TH if she HAD called DY saying he was missing, because why would that be the first place your mind would go?

If you knew that your child had been at school all day and just failed to be on the bus you might think he just missed the bus but not IMO if you've just been told that he has been marked absent for the whole day and never was at school to begin with although you left him there going to his classroom. Noting that he's a bit young to be skipping school on his own, so I would think that he's missing and has been for several hours.

Most parents would be thinking even while panicking..."There has to be a mistake..." Comprehending that your child has been missing for 7 hours is not exactly easy.

After they got TO the school and realized he actually was missing... the police were called. The police told them that one parent would have to go back to the house. I am guessing that is where Kaine was when Desiree was called. Since Terri saw him at the school last, logically she would stay there. I think Kaine would have called after he got home, but she had already been contacted. Or, as he was leaving the school he might have told Terri to call Desiree and that is why the secretary was told to do so. He is so logical he may have immediately gone into "need to go get pictures of Kyron to give to the police" mode.

I always found it heartless that the school secretary called Desiree. Terri communicated with her regularly and should have done so that day as well. The only reason I wouldn't in that situation is if I knew that she would see right through whatever lie I was going to feed her.

My Dad and his ex wife and a horrible relationship complete with him having to "kidnap" the kids for scheduled visitations. However, when the youngest needed heart surgery my Dad's new wife was on the phone calling his ex wife before the doctor finished his sentence. That was her mother and that was all that mattered at that moment.

It ALWAYS struck me as odd is that Terri didn't immediately call Desiree, even before the police were called to ask if SHE had Kyron.

Now, obviously they would never actually believe Desiree or Tony would come and pick up Kyron in the middle of the day, hours before she was supposed to. But when the alternative is that your child has been missing for 7 hours... you would be hoping and praying that his biological mother did something totally out of character, or that you missed it when she said she would come get him early.

You would be calling Desiree and asking her if she had Kyron. Then if she didn't, you tell her Kyron is missing and the police get called. It's 30 extra seconds but that was never even asked of Desiree.

Desiree was informed Kyron was missing, she was never asked if she knew where he was.

This is one of the things that leads me to believe it was not an unrelated parent at Skyline. It is one of those "guilty knowledge" type things... or just a completely heartless "I don't care about this kid" type things.

It was never clear who asked the secretary to make that call, but it is clear that the police were present and talking to the parents. IMO, that is why neither Kaine nor Terri placed the call; they were busy with the police at the time.
If you knew that your child had been at school all day and just failed to be on the bus you might think he just missed the bus but not IMO if you've just been told that he has been marked absent for the whole day and never was at school to begin with although you left him there going to his classroom. Noting that he's a bit young to be skipping school on his own, so I would think that he's missing and has been for several hours.

I'm telling you it would not even occur to me. I'm sure most people if they stopped and thought about it would feel the same way in reality. In hind site it is different.

If I called the school and they said they had marked him absent, and I had dropped him off with his science project that day and had spoken to his teacher, it would not register at all what they were saying. I would think it was a secretarial error until I spoke with the teacher. If I knew I dropped him off what the hell kind of sense does it make that he was marked absent. I would obviously think they had made a mistake.

Because of this mistake I would think he hadn't been accounted for on the bus because of the same error. Additionally due to his interest in the Science Fair I might assume he was wandering around the gym looking at the exhibits.

I'd be trying to figure out what happened in paperwork and where he was. It would never in a million years occur to me that he had been abducted.
I'm telling you it would not even occur to me. I'm sure most people if they stopped and thought about it would feel the same way in reality. In hind site it is different.

If I called the school and they said they had marked him absent, and I had dropped him off with his science project that day and had spoken to his teacher, it would not register at all what they were saying. I would think it was a secretarial error until I spoke with the teacher. If I knew I dropped him off what the hell kind of sense does it make that he was marked absent. I would obviously think they had made a mistake.

Because of this mistake I would think he hadn't been accounted for on the bus because of the same error. Additionally due to his interest in the Science Fair I might assume he was wandering around the gym looking at the exhibits.

I'd be trying to figure out what happened in paperwork and where he was. It would never in a million years occur to me that he had been abducted.

I think you're both right. When the bus driver calls the school and tells you he was absent all day, you go to the school thinking please, please let this be a clerical error. But when you get to the school, the teacher is still there and can tell you herself that he really was not in her class all day. At that point, I don't think you have much choice but to realize he has been missing for many hours. All that to digest in a matter of minutes.
The statistics are something like 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused and 1 in 7 boys.

With 300 students, does that mean about 60 kids would be abused at that school?

I don't know how to figure it out.

At any rate, it is highly likely that some child is abused there, and maybe the mother/brother/boyfriend/uncle whatever could have been there that day and done it.

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