What if the body had been found on June 30th?

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My blood pressure would be better....and I might not have needed the thousands of TUMS I had.
Question. I am certainly not well versed in the study of entomology, but have we seen any results of the testing performed on the maggots found in the trunk? I know it was well over a month since the decomposing event took place, but I understand "autopsy" can be performed on a maggot to see what they ingested. Was the amount of time that lapsed make those results inconclusive?
This case would have been wrapped up in a plea bargain due to the greater amount of physical evidence that would have been found. Especially a COD. There certainly wouldn't have been the media frenzy that this has become.
I would be 25# lighter. Pretty sure parents would have covered for KC somehow. None of us would know about Caylee. JMHO
Dots Eyes! I wish to nominate your post for Post of the Year!! This was so well thought out and perfectly worded.

Thank you to HotDog too, for an incredibly thought provoking question!
If the body would have been found by June 30th I think we we would be at trial right now or she would have taken the plea. While they have a lot of evidence that all points to KC, it is still possible that she might walk away from this (but I highly doubt it).

I do think that if that body was found June 30th KC would have had to either come up with a different story or keep using the same story but it would have fallen apart a lot faster. I think her parents would probably not have as much faith in her had Caylee's body been discovered BEFORE Caylee was reported missing.

In the end Caylee wasn't found until December and I can handle that but what IS hard for me is not knowing WHY Caylee was killed or even HOW. I don't think we'll ever know the answers to those questions. Honestly, even if KC did decide to confess who could believe the details of her confessions since she lies soooooooooo much? I just justice for Caylee since no one in her family seems to want it.
A short timespan between when Caylee was last seen (Fathers Day) and then found dead could allow KC a bit more leeway for not reporting her officially missing. If she used a nanny excuse, she could say that it wasn't unusual for the nanny to have Caylee for a week or more. She could say that sometimes she couldn't find the nanny or reach her by phone, but eventually she would show up again and Caylee was always fine. Nanny would explain where they went and why, blah blah blah. It was never a big issue and KC was always trying to get the nanny to be more responsive.

But now my daughter is found dead only a few blocks away, and I can't find the nanny at all. I'm devastated that somebody killed my daughter, and now I even wonder if my nanny has been harmed or killed too.
If Caylee was found sooner I think that it wouldn't have been Breaking News all over the world. I probably would have never heard of KC and the A's. I also think that KC would've found a way to get out of Florida and the story would've become a national manhunt instead. After the child was identified, I think we would've seen more pictures of KC due to the manhunt and trying to track her down.
The close proximity and lack of serious concealment of the body really screws with my premeditation theory. She was inside a laundry bag that cannot even be closed because of the wire hoop opening. I think premed is supposed to include a sort of plan that you will kill someone, how you do it, and how you get away with it. What kind of plan to get away with it involves dumping the body just off a roadway near a school and homes? It's like the person doing the dumping either didn't care if the body was found, or they wanted it found. It's just so strange.
Could KC have wanted her to be found sooner? Then she could say that she left the house for awhile, Caylee was fine, so George and Cindy did it! They're old, they can't take a body too far into the woods, etc.

The close proximity and lack of serious concealment of the body really screws with my premeditation theory. She was inside a laundry bag that cannot even be closed because of the wire hoop opening. I think premed is supposed to include a sort of plan that you will kill someone, how you do it, and how you get away with it. What kind of plan to get away with it involves dumping the body just off a roadway near a school and homes? It's like the person doing the dumping either didn't care if the body was found, or they wanted it found. It's just so strange.

Premeditation doesn't mean you were smart about it, just mean you tried right? :)

I too struggle when I look at the evidence because there would have been no benefit for Caylee to be found. Part of me says it makes no sense but the other part of me says KC isn't THAT smart. She THOUGHT she was but once it got too hot she panicked and dumped the body in a familiar place. She had nowhere else to dump the body without someone finding it. This way she was close by and would know when Caylee was found.

But I have to say that all this talk of her boss and Juliette her co-worker makes me wonder if some of these people really did exist but not exactly in the way that KC mentions them. Its already proven she's not crazy so what else could it be?
The close proximity and lack of serious concealment of the body really screws with my premeditation theory. She was inside a laundry bag that cannot even be closed because of the wire hoop opening. I think premed is supposed to include a sort of plan that you will kill someone, how you do it, and how you get away with it. What kind of plan to get away with it involves dumping the body just off a roadway near a school and homes? It's like the person doing the dumping either didn't care if the body was found, or they wanted it found. It's just so strange.

The closeness to the home was always so bizarre. I honestly think it was both....she already was told so many times by Cindy that she was a bad mother...maybe it was the "proof" to her mom that what she said was true.
As time went on, IMO, it became more of a "game" to Casey....deny and scheme at all cost. When the searches were going on by TES around the airport pings...no real response from Casey. When the big media blitz around LP's Blanchard Park findings and reports of bones found....no response. When the report of bones found on Suburban....bring on the tranquilizers!!

As everyone else has said....finding the body on June 30, would have yielded far more evidence than we have now. It STILL, IMO, would be questionable as to why she didn't tell even one person about her suspicions and worries about not seeing her child for that period of time...nanny or not.
The dumping so close to the road or neighborhood wouldn't have raised many flags, IMO, because as alot of the things found around the site DID prove many people just dumped stuff there....just not double black bagged and laundry basketed beautiful children.

Your question brings about great food for thought, Hot Dogs.
The close proximity and lack of serious concealment of the body really screws with my premeditation theory. She was inside a laundry bag that cannot even be closed because of the wire hoop opening. I think premed is supposed to include a sort of plan that you will kill someone, how you do it, and how you get away with it. What kind of plan to get away with it involves dumping the body just off a roadway near a school and homes? It's like the person doing the dumping either didn't care if the body was found, or they wanted it found. It's just so strange.

Bolded by me....

On NG last eve, and other times in her lame azz "Bombshell" shows (sorry, I DO enjoy her sometimes)....premed is not always a "planned" event, per se, it can happen "in the twinkle of an eye" (her words, not mine...LOL)
Why would you want a body found that has duct tape with your own fingerprints/DNA/fibers on it? Jeez... at least pull the tape off before you walk out of the woods.
Bolded by me....

On NG last eve, and other times in her lame azz "Bombshell" shows (sorry, I DO enjoy her sometimes)....premed is not always a "planned" event, per se, it can happen "in the twinkle of an eye" (her words, not mine...LOL)

Duct-taping your daughter's mouth in the course of murdering her isn't exactly a "twinkling of the eye". There is the possibility of non-premed spontaneous action like hitting her to stop a tantrum and she dies instead. It's not exactly an accident and it's not exactly pre-med murder either. Never meant to kill her, but that's what ended up happening. No pre-set plan to dispose of the body, nor a pre-set "get away with it" plan... because it just suddenly happened.
Why would you want a body found that has duct tape with your own fingerprints/DNA/fibers on it? Jeez... at least pull the tape off before you walk out of the woods.

But aren't you assuming she's smart enough to think about this? She wasn't smart enough to think that they could check her cell records for calls from Zenida or either emails from her. I just don't think KC was thinking THAT far ahead. She was living in the moment.

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