What if they don't find her?

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you guys i think god will make sure she is found .. casey WILL pay for what she did and somehow caylee will be the one to tell us
I agree with you. :blowkiss: I also think God will help the searchers and He will make certain that this little girl is found.

There are too many people praying for Caylee's remains to be found and for closure for everyone. That's the only way this can turn out!
I'm sorry to say that I don't think she will be found either. Not to be negative, but I just don't think so. Too much time elapsed and little tiny baby bones - easy to miss. I hope I'm wrong.

Unfortunately that is my feeling as well. The only hope is that she was buried. We need a Laci Peterson miracle again.
I think that Caylee will be found, but not soon, not this weekend. She will be found the way a lot of missing people are, in a few years. In a field, a swamp, washed up on shore. I still think Casey will walk because without the body there simply isn't enough. I wish that I could think differently, but I ust don't believe that Casey will serve any real time until they find Caylee and I cnan't believe they will find Caylee in less than a year.
I pray that they find Caylee and Jennifer. Today I'm sick to my stomach with anticipation.
I don't want to even think about that. I truly believe they will find her. I am sick to my stomach as well Gram2.
I'm sorry to say that I don't think she will be found either. Not to be negative, but I just don't think so. Too much time elapsed and little tiny baby bones - easy to miss. I hope I'm wrong.

If you consider she probably put her in a duffel bag or soft-side suitcase, the remains would probably still be contained. Heart is thumping, BP is up, I'm praying they find her!!!!
I'm not very hopeful about this. And it's frustrating to watch because it seems there's so much down time with searching. Now many are breaking to eat pizza. That would frustrate the heck out of me if I was there. It frustrates me being here across the state.
Orlando is so rural/vast open spaces.
I'm not very hopeful about this. And it's frustrating to watch because it seems there's so much down time with searching. Now many are breaking to eat pizza. That would frustrate the heck out of me if I was there. It frustrates me being here across the state.
Orlando is so rural/vast open spaces.

Well, they need to eat. At least they are doing something. It is rural and vast, but there is hope and faith and a willingness to try. That means something in my book.
I know. I'm hopeful also. I guess I'm pre-disastering myself.
I have great faith in Tim Miller and TES & Staff, as well as all of the wonderful volunteers.

Having said that, I have thought all along that little Caylee may not even be buried in Orange County. I still believe that George helped Casey after the fact. Now, IF Caylee had ever been buried anywhere around the area where TES and the volunteers are going, I hope and pray that they find good, credible evidence. That may force the truth to come out. I want Caylee to be found and given a proper burial with a headstone.
They certainly do!! Since this PRELIMINARY report, they have tested, retested, cross-tested, and have done the most intense tests that science will allow to determine it was Caylee's body in the trunk before they charged Casey with First Degree Murder and Aggravated Manslaughter. The tests PROVE it and they will prove it in court.

The chances are excellent they will find Caylee's remains this weekend. Given Casey's locations during the time after she went missing and the various places they are searching, Caylee HAS to be in one of them since Casey never left Orlando. Logic will prevail in this case and TES along with OCSO have come to the logical conclusion of where she mostly likely buried or dumped Caylee.

I have complete faith they know what they are doing and with the searchers in the thousands this weekend...they stand a much better chance of bringing Caylee home. Godspeed.
From your mouth to G-d's ears.
I really hope she will be found too...I hate to mention this though...But I keep thinking of those alligators.....
They said they will keep coming back until they DO find her. Yesterday on the Today show, the TES spokeswoman said they searched 6 separate times for another person before they found her. She said they won't stop searching until they find Caylee.
And as Tim said, if there is a next time..."they'll know where not to search".
I have faith in TES and all those gracious volunteers, but I just keep wondering about the landfill. They're not searching there are they?

Some weeks ago, where LP was talking about the dumpster at the Amscot center, there was a report that LE did a thorough search of the landfill where that dumpster would have been taken. They said they even were able to determine where the dumpster would have been dumped. They didn't find anything.
Some weeks ago, where LP was talking about the dumpster at the Amscot center, there was a report that LE did a thorough search of the landfill where that dumpster would have been taken. They said they even were able to determine where the dumpster would have been dumped. They didn't find anything.

Thanks for that info Leila.
I'm hoping and praying they will find Caylee's remain. This case needs closure...............

I can't help but think of LP's statement about Casey's prolific phone calls on her cell phone. With those cellphone records, LE has been able to reconstruct Casey's whereabouts during those 31 days that she and Caylee were missing. They know where she was at almost any given time. Through the process of elimination they've been able to narrow down the time frame and general area of where Casey disposed of Caylee's remains.

I think Caylee will be found. I'm hopeful she will be found this weekend, but if not, when the next search takes place.
I know everyone is super optimistic that Caylee will be found this weekend. But What if?? What if they don't find her? What will happen then?

I think the trial will proceed and KC will be convicted, but most likely (depending on her defense) only for manslaughter or murder 2. They don't "need" the body of that baby to convict, but the forensic evidence it may yield could make the difference between life and 20 years.

This is JMO of course, but without her body and additional evidence the defense can make up any story they want that fits with the current evidence which I think will probably be a *advertiser censored* and bull story about an accidental death without premeditation.

They need her body to get a full measure of justice.
I think the trial will proceed and KC will be convicted, but most likely (depending on her defense) only for manslaughter or murder 2. They don't "need" the body of that baby to convict, but the forensic evidence it may yield could make the difference between life and 20 years.

This is JMO of course, but without her body and additional evidence the defense can make up any story they want that fits with the current evidence which I think will probably be a *advertiser censored* and bull story about an accidental death without premeditation.

They need her body to get a full measure of justice.

I'm hoping that the jury will impose their "measure of justice on her". It's been done lots of time. If the jury has disdain for someone (SP) or likes someone (OJ) they will simply find you guilty or not guilty regardless of evidence or forensics. Casey has painted herself in the corner to be very unlikeable and I think the jury will read right through her b.s.

I really believe that she burnt that little body up in the park (when her cell was dead for three hours) and then hid the bones/remains in a place where no one will ever find it (water or sewer drain). She is extremely confident that it will never be found and she will take it to her grave.
i pray they find her this

weekend they have to

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