What if they don't find her?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am getting nervous that they might not find her:confused:

Do tell about your theory...Please:crazy:
My theory is not felt by many people. I do belive ca first vistor (PB) is worth looking into. I also from the very beginning I felt that Duckett's case is very similar. So far i found two addresses for PB one is in Leesburg. His Dad has a fishing boat. This theory is be worth pursuing if Caylee and Trenton is a live. This is my Theory there more information that keep me reserching. Please remeber this is my theory that keep me up at night.
I am not saying you are wrong but I do not think Lee helped her. I know it is odd that he has refused lately to cooperate on DNA and Lie detector but it seems to be a big jump to him helping her. What makes you think this?
I am not sure. I need to re word . I think Lee knew what his sister knows. if he is out in the public he might slip. He is to quiet now. I did not like the high five that day. What was that all about??????
I am not sure. I need to re word . I think Lee knew what his sister knows. if he is out in the public he might slip. He is to quiet now. I did not like the high five that day. What was that all about??????

I reckon they were a touch giddy about sneaking through the media without being caught and questioned. Lee offered the high 5 as a form of solidarity with his little sister. She slapped his hand before they realized they were caught on camera. Only afterwards did they realize how monumentally stupid it was.
I'm sorry I'm not an alligator expert :) so do they rip open duffel bags and such to get to those decomposing remains? I honestly don't know!

You know what? I don't know! I live in Louisiana, and I know a bit about gators: I know they will kill their prey by dragging them into and underneath the water, beginning to roll over and over again, until the prey is drowned. I know that although they have eaten "fresh" meat, like when they rip someone's arm off, they mostly like to stash the dead prey under water by wedging it under a tree limb or something. Then when it is decomposing, they go back to eat.

PinkPanther mentioned a dog's body found in a bag that wasn't eaten, and I was able to find this:


Friday, December 07, 2007
Bags of body parts found in alligator infested water
From WKMG Local 6 Orlando
ORMOND BEACH - Several bags containing human body parts found along a river bank near Tomoka State Park in Ormond Beach were likely recently dropped in the area, known to be infested with alligators, according to police

which would indicate that the alligators left the body parts in the bags alone. Or maybe just that the bags had so recently been placed there that the alligators didn't have time to get to them.

I honestly thought the gators would have gone for these body parts, and it shocks me to think that putting a body into some sort of bag would protect it from alligators, but it just might be so.
If they don't find Caylee, I believe it will not hamper a conviction of casey. There is so much evidence against casey. We are deeply entrenched in this case, to the point that we do not see the forest for the trees at times. But I have much confidence that the jurors will be fresh and able to see that forest. I am very positive that casey will be convicted of murder one and spend her life in prison. I am not so confident that little Caylee will be found. If she was thrown in the trash (abandoned car near dumpsters, easy conclusion to make), it will be pretty much impossible to find a body at this point. Those garbage dumps are vast. Incomprehensibly so. Acres and acres and pounds and pounds of trash all compacted onto each other. Worse than finding a needle in a haystack. More like trying to find one, specific, tiny fish in an ocean. But we know our little Caylee rests in a lovely place now and I firmly believe casey will pay on earth, for what she has done.
I don't mean to be negative here but based on what we've seen over the past two days LE doesn't really have a clue where, within that "25 mile radius" Caylee might be. Our guess seems to be as good as theirs. TM and LP are doing their best - basically with support from LE but on their own. I understand now why LE has not been pushing for more extensive searches. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. Despite all ping information. I must admit, with the FBI involved, I assumed that more "profiling" information was there than there seems to be...

So, what if they don't find her? I think that they already have plenty of circumstantial evidence to convict...But it sure would be nice to see a little bit more!

I'm still hoping for additional forensic testing.

Generally, I do hope that LE has done MUCH more than what we've seen.

ETA - Waiting to hear about those maggots again. :D
KC still has manslaughter and theft charges to face.............I bet she does a plea deal........life.........parole after so many years............IMO, hope she is an 80 (old hag)when she gets out!
KC still has manslaughter and theft charges to face.............I bet she does a plea deal........life.........parole after so many years............IMO, hope she is an 80 (old hag)when she gets out!
passion - I really hope they do make a plea but if they haven't done so by now, I'm not very optimistic that they will. Either she is not relenting (most likely scenario) or her attorney is incompetent in explaining that her life is on the line (also possible) but no one seems to be budging.

The A family will have a party like OJ did...........IMO, they will say she is alive!
My theory is not felt by many people. I do belive ca first vistor (PB) is worth looking into. I also from the very beginning I felt that Duckett's case is very similar. So far i found two addresses for PB one is in Leesburg. His Dad has a fishing boat. This theory is be worth pursuing if Caylee and Trenton is a live. This is my Theory there more information that keep me reserching. Please remeber this is my theory that keep me up at night.

very good!
I don't remember the Hans Reiser trial so well but if I recall correctly he told LE where the body is after he was found guilty, for a lesser charge.(please correct me if I am wrong)

Could be one of the last hopes in finding Caylee?:mad:
I don't remember the Hans Reiser trial so well but if I recall correctly he told LE where the body is after he was found guilty, for a lesser charge.(please correct me if I am wrong)

Could be one of the last hopes of finding Caylee?:mad:
I don't remember the Hans Reiser trial so well but if I recall correctly he told LE where the body is after he was found guilty, for a lesser charge.(please correct me if I am wrong)

Could be one of the last hopes for finding Caylee?:mad:
We may never see Caylee again. Casey is not talking. The family is protecting her.
The gators may have got her.
I am not sure if this has been mentioned or if this is even the right place to put this, but I am currently relistening to the audio interviews and currently listening to AL and he was saying how KC kept saying that the baby was at all these different places, was it ever asked or mentioned when was the date that KC realized that "the babysitter kidnapped the baby" because otherwise isnt a big contradiction if she's constantly saying that no the baby is fine she's here and here, but then says that she's been looking for her on her own terms. I guess you can say that she lied and said she was those places since she didn't want anyone to know, I dunno, she's just a walking contradiction, also if she's been saying that there is a nanny for awhile, could there possibly be someone? Or was it just so that her mother didn't know that she wasn't working, she would go hangout and say the baby was with the nanny but in reality was with her....so confusing, I really hope all LE really read everything and see what is so obvious.

I am so afraid she's going to get away with it. Does anyone think that she will speak if she does get convicted? I can not stop thinking about this case, I feel so bad for that poor baby.
I am not sure if this has been mentioned or if this is even the right place to put this, but I am currently relistening to the audio interviews and currently listening to AL and he was saying how KC kept saying that the baby was at all these different places, was it ever asked or mentioned when was the date that KC realized that "the babysitter kidnapped the baby" because otherwise isnt a big contradiction if she's constantly saying that no the baby is fine she's here and here, but then says that she's been looking for her on her own terms. I guess you can say that she lied and said she was those places since she didn't want anyone to know, I dunno, she's just a walking contradiction, also if she's been saying that there is a nanny for awhile, could there possibly be someone? Or was it just so that her mother didn't know that she wasn't working, she would go hangout and say the baby was with the nanny but in reality was with her....so confusing, I really hope all LE really read everything and see what is so obvious.

I am so afraid she's going to get away with it. Does anyone think that she will speak if she does get convicted? I can not stop thinking about this case, I feel so bad for that poor baby.

moo...she will never talk about it ---
Oh, she'll talk about it! Once the trial is over, you won't be able to shut her up. None of it will be the truth, of course, but the story will remain and probably be further embelished as time goes by. She has a lot of time on her hands right now. Time to read and time to think. Time to dream up all kinds of fantasies. Just when you think "finally, it's all over now"-the new and improved KC story will emerge and Caylee's mother will continue to try to take any and all dignity away from any justice that may come for that baby.
I keep thinking of Chandra Levy in DC. They did massive searches for her in the park where she jogged and never found her. One year later a man walking his dog stumbled upon her remains, alerted by his dog. If Caylee is ever found, I think it will be by some jogger, or dog walker, just by accident.

they did do massive searches, but left out some areas of the park. a report on the investigation this year said that if they had just moved their search another few hundred yards into the park, they would have found her during one of their initial searches.

it is pretty incredible to me though when they do so many searches and then someone finds something accidentally years later. I am thinking of Molly Bish, who disappeared in 1999 from the pond she was lifeguarding at. they sent divers into the pond and had searches going of the surrounding area almost constantly. four years later, her bones show up, almost by accident. where? right near the pond, where everyone had been searching. it's just such a shame - you know there are searchers thinking to themselves, if I had only gone another 100 yards that way, I would have found her.

I'm concerned that if it's years before she's found, there will be no way to prove how she actually died, and that leaves the defense open to speculate that it was accidental. they never could prove how Chandra, Molly, or Laci Peterson actually died.

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