What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

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What's your #1 top indicator that Terri's responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

  • last known person to see Kyron before disappearance

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • the polygraphs

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • how she looked during during pressers

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • hitting the gym posted on FB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I felt she was guilty from the beginning

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not fighting for custody/visitation

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • not proclaiming her innocence

    Votes: 12 3.9%
  • LE seems to think it's her

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • the Grand Jury

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • LE no comment statement when asked if TH was seen leaving the school with Kyron

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • No current info convinces me she's involved

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • liklihood that one innocent person is associated with MFH AND dissapearance slim to none

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • LE finding MurderForHire credible enough to tell Kaine

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • Kaine and Desiree's statments that Terri is involved.

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Having 90 min unaccounted for

    Votes: 14 4.6%
  • Combination of things!

    Votes: 104 34.2%
  • TH's June 5 email about a MMC

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Her timeline disagrees with her cell phone pings

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • She still has not been cleared by LE

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Kaine (allegedly) making her teenage son move out.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Allegedly creating confusion about the Dr's Appt. Speaks to Premeditation

    Votes: 4 1.3%
  • Not cooperating when 7yo she raised missing 2+mo.

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • I'm not convinced she is guilty

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • combination of things

    Votes: 10 3.3%
  • Statistically, children are most often harmed by people known to them. Everyone else has an alibi.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • seeming lack of concern for Kyron since his disapearance

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
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Aug 17, 2008
Reaction score
What is your #1 top indicator that Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

I'm interested in what people have in mind as the #1 top indicator that Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance.

I've listed a few things people have talked about on the net, and I set up the poll so you can add your #1 indicator if it's not already on there. Just click the 'Add Write-In Vote' link.

You can also Change your Vote (note the option.)!

Vote and let's discuss!

Thanks :)

Great poll, great thread idea.

May I suggest that you add "the timeline of her errands/driving around"?

Will it dilute your poll to add "No conclusive proof right now" ?

This thread is gonna be interesting! Funny thing is that earlier this a.m. I was thinking that we needed a thread for the "prosecution"--AKA why I think TH is guilty--and one for the "defense"--AKA why I think a case against TH hasn't been proven.

Maybe you should tackle both, LOL! (wicked little chuckle)
BeanE--I think you need to add "The bio parents' statements" there where most of us have heard of her guilt.
I am the one who added (and voted for, of course LOL) the "no comment statement by le when asked if Terri had been seen leaving the school with Kyron.

This was in the presser... and from that answer solidified all of my other feelings that she was guilty. They would say she was the last to see him. They would say people saw her in the school that day... but when asked if anyone saw her leaving with Kyron... no comment.

thanks for the poll and I agree with Kat on a poll on what they "don't" have as well... you up for tackling that one Beans?
All of the above! Except the last one...because all of the current info leads me to believe that no one other than Terri is responsible.
Timeline, if "sources" are correct. And what appears to be Dede's involvement in or knowledge of *whatever*.
Great poll!

I added that the liklihood that the same innocent person being associated with a MFH plot of an adult AND a child's disappearance are slim to none.

She's either involved with both crimes OR someone is specifically setting her up.

Because of all the other excellent reasons in the poll, I feel more inclined to believe she's involved rather than being set up.
To me, it's the fact she has not fought the restraining order. I assume she would have to respond to the allegations in order to fight it.

To me, it means her silence is more important than her daughter.
I voted but for me, this is a circumstancial case at this point (no body) and that usually means more than one thing adding all up together to make a case. So I also would choose "All of the Above' and not one indicator!
It's not just one thing, it's several. The possible MFH plot. The sexting. Putting a child in danger several years ago (DUI). No visitation requests to see Baby K. Still sitting on the fence though.
I added LE finding Murder For Hire credible enough to tell Kaine.

IMO a lot of High Profile Cases might bring forward publicity seekers or people with grudges who make false accusation. I'm hoping LE is extremely careful in how they use these accusations.

Now I may well be naive, but I think this MFH plot has to seem very credible or they have essentially broken up an innocent woman's marriage and deprived her of her child...and deprived the child of her MOM. That is quite a huge step.

I have a hard time believing that sort of callous recklessness by LE.

Whatever they told Kaine, he acted on it legally ASAP. He did not seem to be questioning or in doubt. And Terri did not fight...not even when... not fighting... deprived her only child of her Mother.

This is huge to me.
"No current info convinces me she's involved" seems like should be on your other poll and instead had it read, No current info convinces me that she's NOT involved...then that would have been my vote.
I voted but for me, this is a circumstancial case at this point (no body) and that usually means more than one thing adding all up together to make a case. So I also would choose "All of the Above' and not one indicator!

It's not just one thing, it's several. The possible MFH plot. The sexting. Putting a child in danger several years ago (DUI). No visitation requests to see Baby K. Still sitting on the fence though.

I know that many people feel it's a combination of things, but the intent of this poll is to try to pin down the #1 thing people see as indicating Terri was involved. So if people can possibly narrow down to one, even if it's not 100% for you, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks! :)
I voted "not proclaiming her innocence" . 2 Months... not one word or statement from TH saying she is not responsible for Kyron missing. She has a high flyer attorney (that likely told her to keep her mouth shut); but if I was in her shoes (and innocent), I would be insisting my lawyer compose a statement from me of my innocence. There is just too much smoke around her and seems like something new every day or so ... that creates more smoke. TH's silence is solidifying my opinion that she is in fact not innocent.
for me, I wondered at some of her FB posts that I saw when her FB was open. I'm sorry that I can't discuss the one on there that bothered me the most and it's not the "hitting the gym". I hope I don't get TO for saying that, but it's what got me wondering at first.

Then all of her non-nonchalant FB's (to me) added more????

Then her seeming lack of devastation at the pressers. And the stuff just kept adding on and on ??????????

So either she is guilty or she is one of the most unlucky persons on earth.
I checked 'not proclaiming her innocence'. Seems to me that a few words about her love for Kyron, along with her desire to find the real perp, would be appropriate through the mouth of Houze. The fact that Terri hasn't done this makes me very uncomfortable. :hand: moo
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