What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child?

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What Punishment Should a Pedophile Receive for Sexually Abusing a Child

  • Lethal injection

    Votes: 80 6.8%
  • Medical castration and life without parole

    Votes: 186 15.7%
  • Medical castration with intense therapy and a light prison term

    Votes: 25 2.1%
  • Life in prison without parole

    Votes: 194 16.4%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole but only with medical castration

    Votes: 95 8.0%
  • Life in prison with a chance of parole.

    Votes: 10 0.8%
  • Long prison term with intense counseling then review for possible parole

    Votes: 67 5.7%
  • Electric chair death

    Votes: 17 1.4%
  • Death, any method that works.

    Votes: 172 14.6%
  • Death - unless falsely accused

    Votes: 31 2.6%
  • Blind them so they can never see a child again

    Votes: 8 0.7%
  • The same punishment as the child did, then death

    Votes: 41 3.5%
  • Torture....LOTS of brutal torture....then death.

    Votes: 40 3.4%
  • all of the above

    Votes: 47 4.0%
  • LWOP in general population

    Votes: 60 5.1%
  • SURGICAL castration and LWOP!

    Votes: 59 5.0%
  • Permanent psych ward stay

    Votes: 13 1.1%
  • Verbatim Quote from BH 'Take him to a cabin in the woods, nail his balls to the floor and set the ca

    Votes: 12 1.0%
  • Surgical castration, light prison sentence with psychotherapy

    Votes: 15 1.3%
  • Surgical castration and a frontal lobotomy followed by LWOP

    Votes: 9 0.8%

  • Total voters
There is no potential for rehabilitation here. They are wired wrong. Lethal injection.

A child predator molests tons of children before they actually get caught. And even when they are court ordered to therapy, their eyes "light" up when thinking about their criminal behavior. They have no concept of remorse or guilt.
There is no potential for rehabilitation here. They are wired wrong. Lethal injection.

A child predator molests tons of children before they actually get caught. And even when they are court ordered to therapy, their eyes "light" up when thinking about their criminal behavior. They have no concept of remorse or guilt.
Do you mean wired wrong as in they were born that way, or something happened that changed their brain along the way?
Do you mean wired wrong as in they were born that way, or something happened that changed their brain along the way?

I don't know. But it can't be fixed. Even the ones who know it is wrong, and hate their desires, can't change, what they do learn, is how to process those desires, cognitively, and it is more successful for them to process the consequences, of the behavior.
I don't know. But it can't be fixed. Even the ones who know it is wrong, and hate their desires, can't change, what they do learn, is how to process those desires, cognitively, and it is more successful for them to process the consequences, of the behavior.

I just don't think, if that's the case and it's something that can't be helped, capital punishment should be the answer. Especially if it's something they are born with. I don't know which it is.I go back and forth on that, are they born or made? I agree with you it seems rehabilitation is highly unlikely.
Not enough info in the poll, if the victim hasn't reached puberty then the abuser is a pedophile and should get LWOP or at the minimum several decades in the slammer. If a consensual relationship but the "victim" has not reached the age of consent then what ever applies to statutory rape.
In Canada years back the age of consent was lowered to 14 so a person in their 60s could legally have sex with a 14 yr old as long as the older person was not in a position of trust. There were problems and the age was raised back to 16. I agree with those saying pedophiles can not be rehabilitated, are they born that way as many gays claim, who knows but the true pedophiles should be put where they aren't a threat to young children.
I read one case where the pope sentenced a priest who molested 20 boys on Guam to a life of prayer, that will be a huge deterrent.
I voted Surgical Castration and Life in Prison without parole. This would be in most cases. If homicide is involved I would like to see a good old fashioned public hanging, that being next to impossible then whatever method the State they are in has available I guess.

Depending on the crime and the level of convincing evidence or testimony I would like to see mandatory castration and then sentenced to hard labor in prison. Something similar to the old Arkansas "Tucker Prison Farm" the 1980 film "Brubaker" was about.
Death. This will affect the children they molest their entire lives. You cannot change a person's sexual feelings and they will not control themselves.
I think that a sexual abuser of a child deserves a long sentence, then intense counseling, then CONSIDER parole.
Castration and life without parole at hard labor (chain gang style). If homicide is involved, public hanging.
It depends on mental state. If a criminal has mental illnesses then who we to kill them.
Death or LWOP. Those sick people can not be cured and when a child is molested it completely ruins their life so I say kill the perpertrator or lock them up forever so they can never hurt another child.
I voted for life in prison with a chance of parole but only with medical castration because I am against the death penalty but these people should be given nothing less than a life sentence. Only with exceptionally good behaviour and proven rehabilitation they might be allowed to go free, but only if medically castrated so they will not pose a threat anymore.

I uphold the fundamental European principle of being against the death penalty and I support the absolute ban on the death penalty as enshrined in both the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EU) and the protocols of the European Convention on Human Rights of the Council of Europe.

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