What questions are still unanswered?

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I want to know how long Caylee was in the pool before ICA found her.
I want to know what she was going to say during that flurry of phone calls she made after finding the body in the pool.

I also want to know when she planned on murdering her parents.

I also want to know why LE didn't look at the car - is it normal to not get all the information relayed in a 911 call?

and lastly - why didn't the jurors understand the instructions??
Why was the notice from the tow yard on the front door and not in the mail??????

People normally check their mail.

The notice was not from the tow yard ... it was a notice from the Post Office that there was a registered letter for them to pick up/sign for at the Post Office.

IIRC the Anthonys mail was not delivered directly to their home. They had to go to a community mail box to pick up their mail.
I've got 2:

Cindy's own brother told Cindy he didn't believe there was a nanny (asked her - if she had ever seen her, etc) -- why did Cindy?

When Caylee wasn't with Cindy but instead with the "nanny" - where was she? Can Baez & Mason dream up some scenario for that?
Why did Casey leave Caylee's car seat, doll and backpack in the car? That does not even go along with the kidnapping story and no matter how Caylee died, why didn't she remove/destroy these items, to at least make it look like Caylee was with the nanny? And why wasn't that a bigger flag to Cindy, especially the doll?

If she did murder Caylee, and not panic after an accident, this was a very poorly planned murder, IMO.

Actually it fits better with a kidnapping, where Caylee was grabbed and the stuff left in the car than an accidental drowning.

If Caylee drowned in the pool WHY was her doll and backpack in the car? -- just like GA indicated ICA pretended to go to work and never returned.
AF just said on HLN that "we may never know what happened to Caylee....I don't think Casey even knows what happened to her"..WTF
the defence is saying this now & they went through the entire trial saying she drowned on the 16TH.........are we back to what happened to Caylee? Ann, are you saying the defence team has a problem with the truth, too?
Lee stated that he could not remain in the garage more than a minute or two because the stench was so unbearable. But apparently it was only in garage that he smelled it. Perhaps cops did not enter garage.


Page 86 - starts at line 12 - horrible smell, etc

Also in depo he tells how Casey told him she dropped Caylee off at the Sunset (or something like that) apartments then later changes it to say she had Caylee with her at the park and the nanny (whom we know to be nonexistent) kidnapped her. By her own statements, Casey was last person to be with Caylee.

The important thing to remember is this depo was given a year after the fact when the Anthony family was in full cover up mode.

He lies in the depo about the garage door. If you chart it out you find he walks through a closed door and opens an already opened door if I remember right.

The reason LE did not smell the car is because Cindy had done her cleanup job with a whole bottle of febreeze and dryer sheets and they had the car sealed up in the garage. Nobody could ever convince me they left that car in their garage with the windows down airing out a horrible smell.

The reason Lee told that story was to imply that is was a bad smell but it must have been just a garbage smell because LE walked through the garage too.

Nobody could ever convince me knowing what George and Cindy are like that they left that car in a closed garage connected to the house airing out the smell of a dead body.
I've got 2:

Cindy's own brother told Cindy he didn't believe there was a nanny (asked her - if she had ever seen her, etc) -- why did Cindy?

When Caylee wasn't with Cindy but instead with the "nanny" - where was she? Can Baez & Mason dream up some scenario for that?

Why did Cindy let her steal so much money. Come on!
My un-answered question is, if GA allegedly sexually molested ICA to the extreme as alluded to by JB ... why did ICA wait 3 years before asserting accident and molestation?

We are expected to believe in a cover-up driven by GA and that GA was willing to frame ICA and let her languish in jail and face the DP to protect himself.

However, ICA had the goods on GA ... she could assert molestation -- so she had the CONTROL -- and you'd think that GA would do anything to prevent the molestation charges and acts from becoming public or being criminally charged. WTH?
Why was the notice from the tow yard on the front door and not in the mail??????

People normally check their mail.
I was a City Letter Carrier for USPS so, let me see if I can clear this up for everyone! What their carrier did with the notice is proper protocol. A certified letter, registered, etc...anything needing a signature (no matter where your mailbox is located) the carrier has to go knock 3 times on the FRONT door, no matter which door is used as an entrance. After the third knock, a peach colored notice called a 3849 is then filled out & left on the front door or between the screen door/latch...usually where the homeowner can see it.

A house address is based on which street the front door is facing. The carrier is NOT allowed to make extra steps/take extra time to go to another door or go out of their way...they are given only 2 minutes to accomplish the 3-knock procedure & write out the notice. If anything else is done other than this procedure, you'll get written up for it & if you're late getting back off your route you could get written up for unauthorized overtime.
The important thing to remember is this depo was given a year after the fact when the Anthony family was in full cover up mode.

He lies in the depo about the garage door. If you chart it out you find he walks through a closed door and opens an already opened door if I remember right.

The reason LE did not smell the car is because Cindy had done her cleanup job with a whole bottle of febreeze and dryer sheets and they had the car sealed up in the garage. Nobody could ever convince me they left that car in their garage with the windows down airing out a horrible smell.

The reason Lee told that story was to imply that is was a bad smell but it must have been just a garbage smell because LE walked through the garage too.

Nobody could ever convince me knowing what George and Cindy are like that they left that car in a closed garage connected to the house airing out the smell of a dead body.

But, the LE didn't walk by the car until after CA's "cleaning job" that afternoon. Remember, she told GA to go to his new job so he did & instead of looking then for Casey, she went into cover up mode & febreezed the car and no telling what else she put in there.
I want to know if CA was so controlling why she would use the felons cell number to get a hold of her when missing. I know that if my daughter was not answering her cell I would have called Universal myself and found out her where abouts.
Another reason I think Lee lied in his depo about the smell in the garage is because he said Casey was sitting out in the garage at one point in the night and he went out and talked to her getting phone numbers from her and stuff.

Why would they sit in that stinking garage when nothing was stopping them from going outside?
But, the LE didn't walk by the car until after CA's "cleaning job" that afternoon. Remember, she told GA to go to his new job so he did & instead of looking then for Casey, she went into cover up mode & febreezed the car and no telling what else she put in there.
Right, Lee was lying about smelling that car because Cindy had already done the cleanup on it. Lee did not get to the house until after Cindy found Casey and was almost home.
I've got 2:

Cindy's own brother told Cindy he didn't believe there was a nanny (asked her - if she had ever seen her, etc) -- why did Cindy?

When Caylee wasn't with Cindy but instead with the "nanny" - where was she? Can Baez & Mason dream up some scenario for that?

Unfortunately they dont have to explain anything!
My biggest unanswered question I'm sure has already been mentioned. What happened to Caylee? And if you expect me to believe she drowned and you covered it up for reasons still unknown, I've got a bridge to sell you in the middle of Lake Erie!
My question is!!!!!

Anyone else but me think maybe Lee was the one that left Caylee in the woods?
What was the ID that the female officer removed from KC's wallet after she was arrested? (assuming it was an ID)
Another reason I think Lee lied in his depo about the smell in the garage is because he said Casey was sitting out in the garage at one point in the night and he went out and talked to her getting phone numbers from her and stuff.

Why would they sit in that stinking garage when nothing was stopping them from going outside?

:waitasec: But he testified both the garage and the trunk of the car stunk big time? That was why they didn't stay in the garage - it smelled so bad.
My question is!!!!!

Anyone else but me think maybe Lee was the one that left Caylee in the woods?

That's one thing I don't wonder about - I know who left Caylee in the woods and was too lazy so walked only to the edge of the woods and gave the bag a good toss so it rolled down the other side of that embankment. I know.
I think I just got one of my unanswered questions answered.

INSession are replaying testimony today. I just heard Simon Burch's testimony and George's from the day he went to pick the car up.

Simon said "When the door was opened, the smell hit me" So perhaps thats it, the car was closed up in the garage and not noticeable by passersby.

It still doesnt answer why the 911 operator didn't pass on Cindy's allegation the car smelled like a dead body to LE officers attending.

IIRC, there were a total of 3 phone calls to LE on 7/15.
1) Outside of closed police station.
2) To OCSO from home - calls 1 & 2 to report stolen vehicle & credit card fraud.
3) To OCSO again from home to report missing Caylee, smells like dead body in d@mn car.

Calls 1&2 were lower priority based on call logs. 1st responders came to A's house for stolen car & credit card usage. ICA put in cuffs in back of car.
Then CA informs them about missing Caylee. Yuri called in. ICA removed from cuffs. Confusion ensues. Caylee is KIDNAPPED. Search is on for MISSING Caylee. Car is non factor at this point. ICA lies to LE several times. Over the course of hours into 7/16, ICA is arrested and car is impounded.
Agree with previous poster...CA cleaned car. Odor not as obvious in closed door environment.
Priorities were continually adjusted by LE as more 'evidnce' became apparent.

Edit: I also have to add Simon Birch/tow guy's non-reporting of car odor has ticked me off from the get-go. WHY did he not report odor the day he smelled it/went to get VIN info?!
And, GA - when he picked up car?! ex-LE in denial & in fear of CA and ICA!
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