What questions are still unanswered?

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Why not ask George while he was on the stand? Why wouldn't you ask him about the drowning?

Because the defense knows this drowning story is BS and for me, George is a believable guy and he gave enough damning testimony that is gonna lock up his daughter for life.
He had to tell the 'story' given to him by ICA..All the legal THs say he can not make up anything on his own..What I don't get about that is everyone's been blaming HIM for everything even some of the THs..So, which is it?

He really had NOTHING else to go with=no defense..It seems to me he either expected the A's to back it all up OR planned to put ICA on the stand..Both very RISKY propositions which did end up backfiring on him & ICA.

Thanks! I had no idea that he had to legally tell the story that ICA told him. You would think that lawyers would have a little wiggle room to be able to use some of their own common sense. And also, since this 'version' of what happened didn't come into play until so late, I don't understand why he didn't just go with the original story, because I don't for a second believe ICA just came up with all of this on her own on a whim. If I were a betting person, I would bet some serious money that a alot of this story was actually concocted by JB. It just seems so coincidental because so many people on WS have put forth this theory, and we all know ICA hasn't had access to WS for the past couple of years in jail. I think that JB got a bug up his bum after reading so many people discuss this, and thought "Hey, I think we can pull this story off because so many people already wonder if this is what happened."

I suppose we will never know the real truth of why the DT went with this story, or why they exaggerated it so much without anything to back it up. :banghead:
Why didn't we ever see the text messages between TL and KC on the night of the 15th/early morning of the 16th? Why didn't we ever see the text messages between KC and CA during the 31 days? What happened to the new computer evidence that LDB said she had that contradicted the drowning theory?
The only unanswered question that really matters is: who killed little Caylee?
I've asked myself that question a thousand times and I'm still scratching my head over that. If it was an accident why not just confess it was an accident?

Instead she put her life in the hands of a jury and faces a DP. That's not very smart.

Now the question is why did she decide to blame her dad and have him involved? Did he make her mad after she said he was a great father and grandfather. That is confusing. She is confusing.

I think she blamed GA simply because the evidence at the scene where Caylee was found clearly showed that the items found with Caylee came from the Anthony house. Who on earth would believe that they came from any other place? So they had to come up with someone who had access to the house. Cindy could prove she was at work, Lee probably had a good alibi for that time so that left GA who had the misfortune of not having an alibi for June 16th 2008 which is obviously when Caylee died so he became the scapegoat. The fact that it was damaging to GA probably didn't even enter her mind, that was just a side benefit. She was simply looking for someone else to blame so she could continue to say she didn't do anything wrong.
I have seen some posts recently that ICA was a lived on the edge, fly by the seat of her pants kind of person and therefore incapable of premeditation. Not saying that I believe, it was premeditated, but IMO she was capable of it. She contrived an email from her make believe employer about an event, etc. printed it an showed it to her mother. Come on! If that doesn't demonstrate her ability to preplan I don't know what does.

And many of her phone contacts had the wrong name attached to them, such as one, I think it was a bill collector that she labeled "Universal". She probably knew that CA would go through her phone. She was thinking ahead.
1. As a former homicide investigator,George acknowledged he knew the smell of human decomp. Why did he not call 911 after he opened the trunk?

2.Why was George so forthcoming with investigators during those initial interviews. Especially his statements that he knew the smell was that of human decomp. He implicates his daughter during the interviews, then turns around and participates in the "my daughter is innocent" campaign.

No, I don't buy the DT story. Yet, these questions about George have been lingering in my mind for quite some time.

3. What is the real reason Casey held on to the body for so long? It certainly was not because of a lack of places to dispose of the body in Orlando,FL. She was just lazy. Nope, I don't buy that.

Maybe because of her "magical" thinking she thought Caylee would come back to life. No, I am totally serious.
I have never seen it mentioned or addressed in any of the interviews, but I remember when Cindy brought KC back from Tony's and Lee was there he asked KC (laughing of course) if this was like the time before? That has always stuck in my mind and wondered if she had tried something similar before such as hide Caylee from them or pretended to run away with her. Had she been 'practicing'?
I am wondering about:

The flurry of phone calls on the 16th from Casey to CA and GA. All about the same time. What were these calls all about? Was it an accident with Caylee? Or was Casey just frantic to find a babysitter so she could be with TL?

Also a girlfriend of ICA commented in an interview, a depo, something, about how Caylee could "sleep through anything." She said one time she saw Caylee wake up and make semi-crying noises and look right at her (the girlfriend) and make kind of an unhappy face and then fell back to sleep. Can you smell chloroform on someone (either a baby or dogs) after they have been dosed?
I still want to know more about the unusual videos KC apparently took of Caylee, the breakfast one and the bathtime one.

I've tried to find a more complete version of that bathtime video. It used to exist, but I think it was edited. If memory serves me correctly, after Caylee points to the lens of the video camera, she seems to recoil and has a very disturbed look on her face, IMO.
That's why the OS is so crazy. It makes no sense why they (if you believe JB's OS) didn't just report it if it was indeed an accident. And JB claims that ICA lied b/c of the sexual abuse. "she was taught to lie from a young age"

And I think not following through with their OS they screwed up big time. I don't have a clue what JB is thinking....:waitasec:

LOL, I think you make as much sense of this convoluted situation as logic allows. :crazy:

So all JB had in his bag of tricks was the venerable "pass the buck" strategy. ICA can't be blamed for anything. She has the moral accountability of a trained pit bull, although, we are told, she is perfectly "competent" to stand trial. :waitasec::waitasec:

So, GA taught ICA to lie relentlessly, under even the most extreme conditions. GA put lying into ICA as a compelling, irresistible force---But in spite of this, ICA is now being completely truthful about GA making her always lie. :floorlaugh:

If I'm a juror, I say to ICA: Give me a better reason for your lying, quickly, or I'm all done with you. :cop::bicycle:

My theory on the car stink is this: the car didn't smell when it was closed. Like the smell wasn't wafting up from it, IMO. Perhaps, if you weren't too close, and the air was moving, you wouldn't smell it.

One guy who testified that he opened the car door, and the smell hit then. I don't know, does that make sense?

On number five on your list, why would we tie a syringe to Jesse? Is he know for using them?

Thank you, Tuffy.. that does make sense, about the smell. About Jesse: Oh no, he's not known for using them at all, as far as I know. I've just seen a couple other people wonder about that, and I was wondering myself, if ICA stole the syringe from Jesse's apt. and planted it at the crime scene. The #5 question kind of went along with my #4. :)
There is ICA's diary entry about being happy with the new conditions, etc, but with a questionable date. ICA claims this little essay on new found happiness was written before Caylee's death, IIRC.

This diary entry was supposed to be tested for date tampering, to see if the date was actually 2008, after Caylee's death.

Don't recall seeing a resolution to this question during the trial.

Every friend of Caseys who encountered both Casey and Caylee emphatically claimed Casey was a caring doting mom in their presence. One would think at least someone would have picked up on Casey finding Caylee an annoyance or a burden.
I think Casey is/was strarving for attention. She got it with Caylee around her friends. I also think she was a spoiled little brat that got away with things with her parents until Caylee came along. Then Caylee got the spoiling and Casey was now expected to suddenly grow up and take care of her little girl. Looks like from Caylee's room at the grandparents, she was a little girl whom was loved and given lots of attention.
Did Casey actually say 31 days? or did Cindy say she has been missing for 31 days? I can see Cindy a person who started counting from the last time she saw her granddaughter.
I still wonder what casey meant when she laughingly replied - don't worry - I havent told anyone yet (paraphrased) in the jailhouse tapes with CA and GA.
What I will always wonder about and I don't think will ever be answered is how KC got Zenaida Gonzales name from Sawgrass Apartments? Was it a coincidence? Wasn't it from April, 2008?
Why were the clothes Caylee was found with the ones from the day of the video and not the ones that George say he saw her wearing. She was found with what Cindy had purchased on Father's day.

I thought there was discussion about the shorts that Caylee was found in being old and supposedly outgrown?

So, Cindy bought new clothes for Caylee to wear to visit her great-grandparents?

My big question is ... what about the horrific fight CA and KC had, that would have been on Father's Day? Was George there? Did KC and Caylee spend Father's Day night at Cindy's house?

Was the fight ever mentioned in the trial?
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