What questions are still unanswered?

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Why didn't the bag of garbage stink like death with the paper towels in it used to wipe up the mess?
When did the investigators learn that Cindy told 911 that the car smelled like a dead body had been in it?
With all due respect to WSers who sleuthed for three years because they care about little Caylee and justice, can someone help me see the point in this ongoing discussion of the evidence and what was allowed and what was not allowed, etc., given the perp has been found not guilty?

I mean, if Caylee's murder were an ongoing investigation I could understand, but the case has been solved and the killer is being set free so I just do not see the point in rehashing all this. I know some find it necessary for the healing process but I am not sure this is not more likely to prolong the pain of this sad, sad case.
Did the Anthony family over these 3 yrs get with DT and agree to lie on the stand, fake tears, anger etc. Why did ga sit so calm when accused of molesting ica? I got the feeling they enjoyed abusing ja and ldb. your thoughts please.
I would like a minute by minute play of what REALLY happened?

I honestly doubt we will ever get the truth.
BBM ... I've never heard about this before ... could someone please explain the one home with the last name of Gonzales on the one side and Zeineida on the other?

(Also, I know that you all use ICA in place of the name Casey, but what does the "I" stand for?)


First off I stands for inmate.

Second if you rember her saying she dropped Caylee off with Zeineida Gonzales between 9 and 1.

The two houses at the end of her street. One was owned by the last name of Gonzales and one was owned by the first name Zeieida or vise a versa.

One had the number 9 and one had the number 1.

Third if you will follow the fence between them, it ends out to where Caylee was found.

So many weird things like this is what kept me comming back to read more.
BBM ... I've never heard about this before ... could someone please explain the one home with the last name of Gonzales on the one side and Zeineida on the other?

(Also, I know that you all use ICA in place of the name Casey, but what does the "I" stand for?)

ICA= Inmate Casey Anthony
BBM ... I've never heard about this before ... could someone please explain the one home with the last name of Gonzales on the one side and Zeineida on the other?

(Also, I know that you all use ICA in place of the name Casey, but what does the "I" stand for?)


The home on the corner of Hopespring Dr and Suburban was owned, I believe, by a Hernandez Gonzales. The address is 4??1 Hopespring Drive and the backyard faces where Caylee's remains were found. In a home at 4??9 Hopespring Drive a woman lived (not owned) at one time whose first name was Zenaida. One of our posters looked up the names of people on the street and phone numbers to get this information. The statement KC made was she dropped Caylee off with ZFG between 9 and 1, notice the addresses on the properties. And where was Caylee found behind the homes where a Zenaida and a Hernandez Gonzales lived between 1 and 9 Hopespring, if you can see it that way. CA stated KC sometimes gives clues, you have to listen to her mistruths for the clues. Could the state have used this? Probably if it is true...but it would have just drug more innocent people into the mix to be degraded and accused of being a participant in this crime, IMO. FYI...Mr. Gonzales was not living in his home at the time because he had moved to PR. Can it get any crazier. jmo
As far as what happened to Caylee, there aren't any unanswered questions. I believe Caylee's mother (I find it very difficult to even type her name) flat out killed her.
I have unanswered questions about our legal system.
Why is the Defense allowed to do cartwheels in the courtroom and make up unverified outrageous stories --- while the prosecution has to sit on their hands with their mouths taped shut?
*sorry for the tape reference but this is what happened. The State was not allowed to enter in evidence a massive amount of evidence against her and HJBP went way way out of his way to make sure nothing would come back on appeal. I am convinced the DT did their pretrial media blitz specifically for this purpose. So they could repeatedly point out to the court how she was hated and had already been convicted in the court of public opinion because of all of the pretrial publicity. It worked.
The only question left unanswered for me is "When will KC be punished for what she did?"
There are all sorts of philosophical answers to that question, but I am looking for something a little more concrete. John Morgan, hopefully, will be just the beginning of the answer. Time will prove whether my fellow Americans make her life miserable enough (by shunning her entirely and chasing her out of every neighborhood she ever sets toe in) to be considered some kind of punishment.
With all due respect to WSers who sleuthed for three years because they care about little Caylee and justice, can someone help me see the point in this ongoing discussion of the evidence and what was allowed and what was not allowed, etc., given the perp has been found not guilty?

I mean, if Caylee's murder were an ongoing investigation I could understand, but the case has been solved and the killer is being set free so I just do not see the point in rehashing all this. I know some find it necessary for the healing process but I am not sure this is not more likely to prolong the pain of this sad, sad case.

I can only speak for myself, but "I" think there are still a ton of mysteries and unanswered questions in this case, so I'm going to keep right on discussing it as long as there are others willing to engage in discussion. This case is far from "solved" IMO.
What I want to know is, why, when she reached the end of the hallway (so to speak) with her mom, did she say Caylee had been missing for 31 days? If she had said missing since today, or even yesterday, it wouldn't have been so immediately suspect of her. Why did she give herself that month window to cast suspicion squarely on her story?

This is a VERY good question. The only thing I can think of is that ICA knew that the cops would go to Tony, Amy, Ricardo, etc and ask them all when the last time was they saw Caylee. If they all say that they haven't seen her in about a month and Tony can add to that that ICA has been sleeping over at his house EVERY night for about a month, then maybe ICA thought the cops would think she was lying (surprise surprise).

However, all the other things she said didn't add up either, were obvious lies (to everyone except the jury), and didn't make sense, so I guess she just picked one lie out of her bag of lies and stuck with it (until the trial, that is).
Remember, she thinks she's smarter than the cops and that surely they would believe her. Heck, the jury did!
Did she use pure acetone or did she use nail polish remover? If she bought pure acetone, maybe someone remembers this purchase from a hardware store. Do Home Depot stores have those self-checkout stations?

If you back & watch the trial where C lies about the chloroform search, C says she was looking up things in her home like alcohal, ACETONE.
I thought those nurses on the jury would catch on to that but nooooooooooo.
I still don't get how Yuri Melich and ALL the other LE officers didn't check out Caseys car or smell this odor everyone else claims was so obvious and foul on that night in July. Cindy's 911 call clearly said "I found my daughters car today and it smells like theres been a dead body in the damn car" Didn't 911 pass on that allegation? How come LE didn't smell it in passing through the garage and by smelling it, recognize it as decomposition? It wouldn't have changed a whole lot because little Caylee was dead but I am curious why they didn't. Yuri Melich stated on the stand, that at the time they were looking for a live Caylee because of Caseys allegations of her being kidnapped and that any funky smell was peripheral. If the smell was so clearly decomposition to the point experts jumped back 2 steps, why LE didn't at least check it out.

*respectfully snipped*
Yes, this has bothered me immensely since day 1. Cindy handed it up to them on a silver platter with her 911 call and not one of them did a dang thing about it. AND initially left the car at the Anthony's to boot!
Here are just a few of mine.

~ Where did Casey go when she said she was at work? If she was with friends, why didn't they ever question why she wasn't at work?

~ Didn't anyone question how she could afford a nanny? I know she kept telling everyone that she had a job but honestly, a nanny? Why didn't her parents ever question this, especially since she obviously appeared to have very little money and was also borrowing money (or stealing) from them?

~ How and where did ICA get the ingredients to make Chloroform?

~ Where was Caylee killed?

~ Did ICA take Caylee into the woods and dispose of her when it was light outside? If so, how did she manage to do that without anyone seeing her?

In some of the LE interviews, friends of Casey said that they did question why she wasn't work at times during the day. A few people said that Casey would come up with excuses. I think Lee also said that Casey would claim that she had to work nights sometimes at events at Universal. Casey used to fabricate emails to show George and Cindy about having to work fake events. Annie Downing said in her deposition that Casey was always claiming that she could work from home at any time, but in time Annie had a hard time believing that.

Some people believed the "work from home" excuse. Tony and his roommates believed it for the most part. Clint did say on the ************* message board that most of the time when he glanced at Casey's laptop that it was usually on Facebook. The person in Tony's group that never believed it was Maria Kissh. Maria said in her LE interview that she knew that the Universal job was a lie, because Casey was at the apartment way too much.

I will always wonder what Casey during the day when she said she had a job. I think maybe Casey and Caylee hung out at a park or somewhere. Casey had different kinds of friends. She had friends who were in college and they could have been home during the day between classes. Casey could have hung out with those friends and gave them some execuse to why she wasn't at work.

I also wonder how George and Cindy could believe Casey having a nanny when Casey was always stealing checks or using Cindy's credit cards and she was borrowing money from them too. Some of Casey's friends I think did wonder if she could afford a nanny. Troy Brown did wonder about it because he said that his sister was babysitting part time while going to grad school and he asked Casey once at party or somewhere about how much she paid the nanny and how much his sister should ask to get paid and Casey didn't give him a straight answer. She said Troy, "I pay her enough."
One of the questions that I have is if Casey never planned to kill Caylee and Caylee's death was an accident, was Casey expecting to keep up the charade of having a job and taking Caylee to a nanny. Caylee was getting to a point where she was talking more and more.
With all due respect to WSers who sleuthed for three years because they care about little Caylee and justice, can someone help me see the point in this ongoing discussion of the evidence and what was allowed and what was not allowed, etc., given the perp has been found not guilty?

I mean, if Caylee's murder were an ongoing investigation I could understand, but the case has been solved and the killer is being set free so I just do not see the point in rehashing all this. I know some find it necessary for the healing process but I am not sure this is not more likely to prolong the pain of this sad, sad case.

We’re still here because in our eyes, at least in mine, this case is far from being solved just because ICA received a not guilty verdict. Not guilty does not equal innocent. The fairy tale recited by JB is not the truth. The truth is that that whole family circled their wagons IMMEDIATELY because they were covering up a murder of a precious two year old by ICA. She had help and she didn’t need to come up with a believeable story… she only needed to come up with a story that no one could put their finger on, a story no one could figure out, a story which held no facts laced with a web of lies by the entire family, all in an effort to keep her from being convicted of murder. It's seems to have worked for the present, but maybe the day will come when what has been hidden will be revealed.....
First off I stands for inmate.

Second if you rember her saying she dropped Caylee off with Zeineida Gonzales between 9 and 1.

The two houses at the end of her street. One was owned by the last name of Gonzales and one was owned by the first name Zeieida or vise a versa.

One had the number 9 and one had the number 1.

Third if you will follow the fence between them, it ends out to where Caylee was found.

So many weird things like this is what kept me comming back to read more.

Thank you very much Chakti!
*respectfully snipped*
Yes, this has bothered me immensely since day 1. Cindy handed it up to them on a silver platter with her 911 call and not one of them did a dang thing about it. AND initially left the car at the Anthony's to boot!

LE went into this to find a missing child. There is no reason for them to immediately go from "missing kidnapped child" to "possible murder". LE investigated the missing child story and when it was obvious that there was no apartment that Zenaida lived in, no apartment that Zenaida's mother lived in and no job at universal, the investigation changed directions
The home on the corner of Hopespring Dr and Suburban was owned, I believe, by a Hernandez Gonzales. The address is 4??1 Hopespring Drive and the backyard faces where Caylee's remains were found. In a home at 4??9 Hopespring Drive a woman lived (not owned) at one time whose first name was Zenaida. One of our posters looked up the names of people on the street and phone numbers to get this information. The statement KC made was she dropped Caylee off with ZFG between 9 and 1, notice the addresses on the properties. And where was Caylee found behind the homes where a Zenaida and a Hernandez Gonzales lived between 1 and 9 Hopespring, if you can see it that way. CA stated KC sometimes gives clues, you have to listen to her mistruths for the clues. Could the state have used this? Probably if it is true...but it would have just drug more innocent people into the mix to be degraded and accused of being a participant in this crime, IMO. FYI...Mr. Gonzales was not living in his home at the time because he had moved to PR. Can it get any crazier. jmo

Thank you very much LambChop ... In all the discovery/etc. that I've ever read about this case, this is the first that I've heard of this. You're right ... can it get any crazier?
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